HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-24, Page 10.*PAGE, TEN • 0 • WM Luck** 8PITINE4 LUCKNO QMARI° • r • 1. , WEDNIi:SDAY, I.MC. 24th, 1954 memepiorwoodeNtei.0a0000/0000008‘0080-00..01 I ,HerebY Proclaim BOXING DAY el Friday, December 2E•th• A Civic. Holiday for th p Village of Ludcnow and call on an, citizens to observeit ass,uc.4. •. Stua,rt E. Robertson, Reeve. , fotismouriatitivafflaval.famaitavonroeiavaiairforecoatiormot , • '11 UR FAVOURIli, BEVERAGE KIST ° LEMON -LIME "WEDDINGS EMERSON.--HEDLEIt . • A wedding of intereat to Many friends took Place at the . home of the. 'brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon John Hedley, Kinloss ,Township, whentheir elder dau- ghter; Jacqualeen Ann, arid Gold-, win -.lathes Emerson, youngest' son of IVIr. and Mrs..Samuel Em-. ergo; Bervie district, exchanged •' vows in -a double ring cerernonY. Rev F. G.. Purchase officiated before , an altar arrangement of banked evergreens, wffite and red chrysanthemums and tall white tapers. • • " GiVenin marriage by her *, father, the bride .was winsome in her street length, iridescent; fig- ured silverhlue taffeta with vel- vet girdle and rhinestone buttons to hemline.. Her corsage was in, pink and white carnations , I I • • The matron or kronor Mrs Glen (Margaret) Eniersoni 'Wore,street length, charcoal gieY" taffeta with diagonal black . and white plaid frontgore and corsage in pink and ,white carnations.. Glen Em- erson,- brother of the groom,was groomsman. Miss Norma Sherwood of Dun- ginricin sang "The Lord's Pray- er" iby., Malothe and '0 'Perfect LoVe". Mrs. F. G. Purchase was •in 'charge Pf .the Wedding music. Thebride's mother was. gown•-• royg blue erepe with lace • bodice' and corsage of American •Beauty rosesand the groom's other chose. chiffon velvet royal' blue with draped rieekline and wore,'Ophelia. rpses 'in, .cor- sage. ••• • . 7"A delicious wedding repast was served to 25 guests, immediate relatives, by., girl friends of the bride, • June Hedley, Kathleen' Lane and Thelma .Bushell. of -town, guests were: Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Emerson of Toronto and balby David: Forgoing. away :the .bride.. don- ned a red, velvet dressmaker suit and gray. cloth coat with touches of red.: Her hat . and purse were also of red velvet • Following a' inOtor, trip to Toronto ,and other points they will .reside at Kin - lough where the groom is school prifiCipal. The; bride also teaches school.. • At 1.‘ • •4. 'Ft „ • 3 0 • 0 '0 .1 • .*`, „ , • •.; r ff • • • ‘r"' 0 • 'te; • ' ; r",.„0 ;x4r • . • • al • ." • r I. , . „ • • • t, t00* 4 4 . . „ The Holidays mean extra concipany ., . . extra ,. . entertaining. , .. Let Coca-Cola help . i , • make holiday hospitality. . easy. Have erpligh. .° on hand.... and '.',0'kg' . . 6 BOtticcarton • . . I • • „ • , lissiedirig'fiderivl Sofas end Exds• Tax ' ' !tok40,!fs a roglitoiod frodr'mar i Plms depoil, 4i Pir hags' • • , ' • ........ • ' Authorized kiltkir 01000 -Cob under contrild with Caca-Cois UAL • GODERICH .BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont. ,'Phone: 489., ."Coke” is at,registered trade -mark t7- . 0 • L.D.11.S. NEWS We ali are subject to "day • drearns" and at this festive,seasen esPeeially conjure tip. som,e of the most wondertni,, dens- .•. .f •• It was the social highlight of the school year, theanual •,Christmas dance. gain it lived' up to the tradition established in previous years and surpassed our anticipation for its success. The long awaited event took place on • December 19th ad was attended by many guests. • • In our "dream" we float6d into the hall, a- Spectacle of, beautY. The red, green and White inter- twining streamers and *gaily lit ChriStmas trees which graced the wings of the platforni gave seasonal touch to the ,atmosphere of the -"ballroom". The windows Werel effectively dressed with wreaths of evergreen bOughs.and gay red bells. • (The decorating , coriunittee deserve our sincerest thanks for a job well done.).• .,41 • • The intisit for dancing Was pro.. vlided by Carruther's orchestra ,and Mr. Cameron IVfacDonald. acted as .Master of ceremonies: This year, while the ',refresh, merits" 'were being served, a mus- ical.program was ;arranged to en- tertgrk the guest: "Bob McInnes, soloed .on the violin, accOmpan, ied, by. Janet Catriphell; - piano duets Were played by Caryl Gardner and Laurine MacNain and' bk.-Don and Ken MacNay: Norma Sherwood 'sang a -lovely° solo. • •• • • •• The • •variety dances •caused •much at/nisei/tent Prizes were awarded* to the Winners, Alvin Baker and. Lois Johnston; Alan MacIntyre, and Joan Campbell. • Withthe:Strains:of that. "heav- enly" music • and gay, laughter fading into thedistance, we end 0 our reminiscences to say, it eer- tainly was a merriorablei way to' close' .school term., . • On. .Friday, the assembly :1;vas opend with the. hymn . "Noel'k. The:':Chairrnati • was Doriagh Of Grade IX "A". The :Lord's. Prayer was repeated and 'Jimmy Reed read the scripture Passage.' Charlene • Smith and. Audrey Ross played a piano duet, • "The Dance of the Rosebuds", after 'which Ann 'crawfOrd gave, • a• reading . on Christmas.. The .schOol then enjoyed .a sing song. of carols led by Caryl :Gardner at the, piano. • •• • •• During the announcements the .teachers wiShed the Students' hol- • iday greetings. Mr. Hoag. express- ed .the sentiment of the entire school in the regret that one of our most spirited students; Char- lene Smith is moVing to Bien-. heirn --o—, Several of the students Showed original initiative .in the design- ing of the posters advertising the L.D.H.S. ;band concert. They were • a big help and much appreciated by , the band. • ' At this time .we. .would like to ' wish': our friends the.,joy • of that first Christmas arid the peaCe of that first Noel. . • OBITUARit :- JOHN VINCENT.' GARVEY John Vincent—Garvey,58,o1 Ashfield township, died Tuesday morning, Dec, 16th in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, where he had been. a patient for the past three weeks. A ;son of the, late Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Garvey, he was born and lived, all his life in Ashfeld township: •He was un- married. Siirvivihg are five bro.,• •stliers, :Rev. Edwin C. Garvey, JOS- eph, both of Toronto; 'lames and Thomas of Ashfield,. and Gerald of ,EdinOntori; A1ta. one., Sister, • Marie Therese of East WindsOr. A Roman Catholic in religion, Mr. Garvey was a-tneinber of St. Jos- eph's Church, Kingsbridge.. The body rested at the • family resi- dence, Biliewater Highway, Ash- field. The funeral took place Fri- • day vorning, with a Solemn high mass of requiem, was sung at ip o'elock St. Joseph's Church 'by his brother,; Father Garvey of TorOnte-Burial look place in the cemetery in Kingsbridge. • • onwippormomptimigorofiggifFIW.IRRaff.91FRIA4("0040404 SEASON'S GREETINGS Wishing You Every , HAPPINESS AT CHRISTMAS 00 1 1 In 'the • spirit of friendliness 'and good cheer, v• we thank you for your many favors and sincerely wish ypii an` old fashioned Ytiletide, and a $e14?' Year' • abiiunding with succesa, gOod luck and happiness. •, • 113TT I • , • PURDIONIP: aper'i Gift Shp • megagemik6ormoorimistaimaawamenimmogruta&000,...,„J • , I rIalliAMOCalcaratiitiMW441V,010704300.40,44/1144PROWelle$1/01 a • 11118101as: ' , , i reetnigi Fisher's Barber I ' ' .. . - E ....Shop Our Very Best Wishes For Christmas ' I And The New Year. S ' And . an add,c1 word of .appreciation of 3 .your patronage during the year. • - GORDON FISHER HUH CUM INC ftoligagtoomougligreomoommenor.sigoomortaiiiinottivitivoisnateq ; - vainiiiquilift•NAWROWCaniatilAiVa,00 'ciiii,vitaIl*/010.0.4.a/44/40112 a S• ' • • • : • We Welcome the opportunty the Holiday' Season offers . • •• ... to express our appreciation" of the •patronage and good will of our friends. • . • • • A Merty Christmas to you and yours and every wish for' • A. Happy and Prosperous New year. '• • WM. A4UR DIE AND SON,•I• Just Completed 41 Years In Business In Lucknow, . j7.1:ew9zsiterl:cipayen..7tia:lw.e00421000tietnaluil • , bach at the organ, • Were under thegietdhrlivriecceisElo inreiofeolf.,,thil)11181 • :00 00 • • CANTATA FEATURES CHRISTMAS. SERVICE, The Cantata, "To Bethlehem", was a feature of the Christmas service in the -United Church on 'Sunday morning, during' which the rpastbr„ Rev. G, A: Meikle - john,, spoke briefly on the subject "Songs of a Sacred Hope". Mr. W. C. Attridge, baritone soloist, sang "The•Holy CitY". Those aking special solo, .due4 or trio Parts, in the cantata inclitd, • ed • Raynard Ackert, Mrs," Orville Jones, Mrs. Harvey Webster, Mrs, • J„, C. Armstrong, Mrs. J. H. Hall, Eldon Henderson, Mrs, Raynard Ackert, MissMargaret 'Rae, AleX McNay, Mac. Keith' and Mrs. Ern- est Ackert. At ',the*: evenfng Service MisS Margaret Rae and 'Donald McNay sang solos • anal the * sextette cit Gladys Chin, Marlene ;MacLen- nan, Carolyn Gibson, Betty 'John- ston, Ruth Johnston and. Gladys .Kilpatrick sang ''See Dear Jesus", • . . Naine Plates On Mall I3oxe5 The' Junior Farmerspf Usborp Township ha t*re: painted and plat ed nafne plates". visible. at nigh on every mail box in the Tor ship. The .job took 24 quarts. b paint and the 450 name plate cost. 77 cents each.' The Townshi ,, Council and Federation *of Agri Culture contributed. $150 each .t defray the cost and' the Junio raised the rest. Many a woman has beaten man ;to the ,draw—with a joir hank ac unt MIKE •WEISS' of Teeswoter. teaching at a viaryss, sehmil Formosa. It is the first time 73 years—since 187.9 ---that th school has had a male teacher; •'? •