HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-24, Page 9. k Ono* .* • • • ;Jr • 1 • d wEDNEfitimOir,c, 2444, 052 Aoyagatzweeawks Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM. two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15. ThOradaY? Friday,, Saturday DElEmstit,25, 26„ 27 DORIS pAYt__ • GlartoON MacRAE in STAIILIFT MATINEE SATURDAY • Janda*, Tueidsiy, Wednesday DECEMBER'29,' 30,31 MITZI dAyNoR,. - . DAVID WAYNE, — in— Down Among The • Sheltering Palms •ThutsdaS Friday, Saturday JANUARY 1; 2,3 SPENCER TRACY,. KATHRYN HEPBURN in PAT and Min • ., , . • • • • • • A Merry. mas To All metwervectower toottismaigooturitottavaatto To All Our :Customers & Friends Best Wishes For • • • • • A MERRY CHRISTMAS and •• , • A HAPPY NEW YEAR: • . . (aradoc urseries soiti,roy. , • Per W. J: OAKES • )000.110,10usgsogiotiosivitegliow • Think how much worry could b* be done away with if wives krew 'what stenogs really theiight of their husbands. 4, • jicictiffew. Art o LII.C4C,NOW SENTINEL, L,VPIC-144: A EANT PRESIiTED AT, SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The United CIiurch -Sunday i SchOol concert 1 t Thursday night took the fo . of a 'pee- eant, "The Garden Of Christmas Happiness" Which was enacted With an impressive reverence. El- mer Umbach presided at the or- gan and the pageant was present - j. under the direction of Willard Thompson, with Stuart Collyer acting in a leading Orchestra music preceded the pageant, held in the auclitoiiUm of the church, with Sunday School• pupils and teachers Marching upstairs in a body: A young. People's choir, locatedin the 'gallery, sang, several carols. A. chorus and recitations by Mrs. JOnes' ClaSs were folloWed by the chairman's greetings by Rev. G A. Meiklejohn. The pageant open: ed with the choir singing "Come with Songs of Adoration". Mar- ilyn Kilpatrick gave the prplogue* 'Other..members of the cast in- cluded- Elizabeth Webster; Dick • Murdie, 'Robert Treleaven,. Joyce McNay, Reta,Collins; Teddy Coll- .yer, Elaine *Nay, Ann •Craw- ford, . Nancy ' Johnston, ',Donna johnstori,. E. Percy, Jim Wilson, Bob Irwin,Bev. McNay, EldOn Wraith, Bill Robinson, • ' Choruses were, sung byMrs. Hamilton's, class,..Mrs. •Drennan'S class,' .Mrs.: Hunter's class, Mrs. MCDiarmid'S Class, •Willard Thompson's class. Bessie Reavie sang the solo, "Sleep 0 Blessed Bake" and Gladys :Kilpatrick and Marlene IVfacLennati sang "The .Happiest Kind ,of Christrnas". . Word that 'Santa Claus Was downstairs, took the :children •trooping down to :meet him. He Was in a gay and jolly,. mood and as lively as W. L. MacKenzie. The crowd joined - in singing "Rudolph the Red Nose Rein-. deer" with Mary Allin presiding at the piano, before Santa un - Packed hisbaand had his help- ers dist- ributa treat to the, chil& ren. . . Lucknoir W. L . • •' . • ' •,The Christmag meeting was held in the Council Chambers with a' good attendance. The pres- ident was in the chair. The Christmas cheer box committee, was appointed and the roll call. Was respondedL,.1_43 Iby donations for the ChristinaS Cheer boxes, Mrs. R. C. Robertson gave avery touching Christmas: story. Mrs. Steer gave ,a paper 'on Keeping thespirit of Christmas all thru the year, which was very .inter- eSting. She also .sang a solo' o - Mg Something for Others". Mrs. JeSsie Allin. favored With an ih-. etrUmental. Mrs, J. C. Arrristrong sang the Christnias carol, "Silent Night'% A contest was conducted by Mrs. A. J. Wilson: The Queen .crosed the meeting • after which daintY, refreshments :were serv- ed by the conunittee in eharge. ,01444,possotos-autxmaiwooexio-aniezmoopoweintivicoli,avitocest.:,. . , . KE E TO HEREFCI.RC EN "1believe the time has 'come when We should start to do a little more culling", said ,George Kenneclry, Lucknow, president of • the Ontario Hereford Association, sPeaking in Clinton. last WedneS-' day at the .annual meeting of the Huron Hereford Association. • At several -auction sales this year, said Mr. Kennedy, Purebred beef bulls sold for less- money than they would have brought as baby beef. , • "There were a few too many bulls offered this year", said. Mr: Kennedy. "I think we Hereford elves . a breeders would dO 'ours -good turn. if we turned more Wits s used into steers , and perhap 'those steers to get more boys .aid if club girls started in beef ca • were'. As evidence that. there has not 1 been enough culling of purebred ,Stock, Mr: .Kennedy..cited , the prevalence Of line-backed_cattle at auction sales: "There halve been more line -backs in the' past six or seven years than ire 50 years before that", he said, -no; times have been; alrnott too pros- perous. We could sell almost any- thing in the line of purebreds, and these off-color cattle have gone to the new breeders. There have been some new breeder's' who .have come 'into purebreds, and have ,-boUght a .little too Cheap". While travelling the 'pro virice this year as 'president of the Ontario Hereford. Association; said Mr. Kennedy, he met . one new breeder who had eight fe- • males, seven of ,them line -backs; and another new breeder who had. a line -back bulriand, females among , which about half • were line -backs. (Hereford 'breeders describe an animal that has a white line along its backbone as :a line -back;' the white along the back is regarded as an, Off7type..marking„) „ Ontario , Herefordssocia, tiOn has gained' 194 new 171pm- 1.1ft , a., • • a a. PAGE NT= 6106.610"6"1".11"WY/WW0Viti Thurs., 4cember 25, 20;27. A real Chriatmas freat for all--,Tsomething to Mahe •tb.e • day complete, -and this PICture, will do, that, • • SPENCER, TRACY in • 1. Fathr a SATURDAY MA ti Mon., Xuasi,4' Wed., Dec. 29; 30, 31 It, maY • be ,the end of the' yeai NO' Wig' BING CROSBY it's always --- • *TOO Of The Morning" with Barry Fitzgerald and 4111I Blyth.' • S Little iv' en EE At 245 •p.M.-',Doors• open at.2 . , 1 •14• It is a genuine pleasure at the Holiday Seasoh depart: from the uSual routine of business and wish you yours• ' • , ka • - . A Merry Christmas. '• •• 0,. , 0000401101,040.k0ligaiiitier,00.11,VitisatiriwiNgaiMitnerPgageeta Granton; Alan Petrie, Dungan- story ik picture was shown. .by non; Ralph Foster, R. 3, Goder- Rey. G . § Bauleh. Christmas ieh. ' , . . ' readings were given by Mary. MacIntyre, Harold Campbell. Mrs. A. MacIntyre . and Mrs. G.. S. Baulch. ' • •. . , • The scriPtUre was read by Mrs.. T. MacKenzie• and prayers: Offer- ed. ed by .• Margai*t Baulch, Betty Hamilton and Margaret Mac•DOU-. ' Mr. V. D•ue .faVored the group with .a solo after which the aniz- ipah 'benediction, :WaS • repeated. 'Rev.' BaUlch moved the' vote of thanks and a sOeiai hour was -en- - 41.11.01r • FIFTY ATTEND' SOUTH •' KINLOSS F.' 8‘' F.. NLEETING • e • • • Oti Sunday. evening, December 21st, fifty people Met at the'home of' Mr; and •Mrs. F. MacKenzie for the:Christmas. meeting, Of the Faith and 'Fellowship group of. South . • This being the Christmas meet ing, a number ,of Christ/Inas Carols were .surig and Christmas read- ings were given. The Christinas' , 1 joy ecl ' a bers in 1952, arid now has 1,191 members in the province, mr. KennedY reported: "It's not too many years ago that we didn't have 600 breeders' in the province •of Ontario". , • Offer Cheques For Trophy. An offer to the Huron Here- ford Association of $100; to buy 'a trophy for annual award was made . Wednesday by Mr. Ken- • nedy, :on behalf of, himself and Heber .J. L. ' Eedy,, Dungannon. M. Kennedy and Mr.' Eedy were sale managers for the association forthis year, • .and were allowed $50 each toward"their expenses in. organizingliereford auction sales. S Mr. Kennedy, said 'he and Mr. til_ Ee,dy were ready to . turn back 1.1.' the two, $50 cheques to buy a trophy . for the boy or girl' mak- ing the highest score with, a S• Hereford calf . in .4-H beef club work in Huron, •or Robin Thompson, R. R. 1, Be1.7. Bel - grave, suggested that there was no. good•"reason to .expect Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Eedy to stage auction sales for the assOciation. at their own expense. He pro - r, posed that the purchase a a tre- ll ' phy should -be by the 'association. ti The matter was referred, to the 1953 board of directors. If ,g -•The, beef ' cattle industry in AV, South America was reviewed .bY t • Dr', Jame S Henderson, Guelph, ki . head of the department of inech- •i* 'Line at. the •Ontario --Veterinary College, Dr, Henderson recently 11 -spent some time in Argentina, ty, Brazil, Chile 'and. Uruguay on ••-speCialized !Veterinary work* As An Expression of Sincere t ' Thanks and Good Will • we extend at this time , , . • THE SEASON'S GREETINGS , for • A JOYOUS CHRISTMAS TIME , THOMAS HACKETT & SONS, •LTICKNOW, ONTARIO '''4tadr,-)giegtor00004tiltsriatitoriste00,004$1,01,,golloszt,,gogf;Wilizoirmo, S. B* Stothers,secretary of the Canadian Aberdeen -Angus As; sociation, brought , greetings to the Hereford men. , Frank 'Thompson, of Wingfiain,' was elected president for 1953, succeeding Heber J. I; Eedy • Dungannon, Mr. Thompson pre. sided 'at the meeting in the abt,, • sence because df illness of Mr. Eedy. ' • . • •.0ther •officers, elected for 1953, •are: hon, presidents, George Ken- 'nedy, Heber J. L. Eedy and and John McGregor, flensall; 1st vice pres.. • Maurice Hirtzel; Crediton; 2nd vide pres., Stanley JacksonKip- pea; Sec., John. Butler, Clinton directors, James Neilans, 1..;:mdes- boro; ROSS 'Eedy, Dungannon; Bert Mason, Ripley; Robt. Hem, r 4 ; 4 4. 6 de • hfisitnas • -I, as your repreientative. of Bruce in Parliament. wish to take this„ oppoitunity. .of wishing you all A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS :and A. HAPPY NEW :YEAR. Sincerely yours, D., BLUE, IYI.P. f‘..• , ;,,•••` : .r4; -Jr 44r TN• .k••• •"a ' • ' .01440114NIA044044iwn011141440w!i-oitaniwootw,qmaoleaiericoolo*... a B, .a. -A--3L-ei fro ni 6 To wish you Christmas Happiness • And all The Season's Cheer z With everything that's best in life Throughout The Coining Year. • t 6 1 J. S. KILPATRICK&SON 'PHONE 74, JATCKNOW RESIDENCE 219 Co • ast To Coast Massey -Harris Offers Moat "40010:6400000400.1.4Thing:040489140,20/210.4mgeisraiNiti~ • . . . , . . . .4 ...., 4 04iiriiint A . I. vitgoilotin416112111iimilitrW'"""'''' Ar.1"1211."70 WIC TP1111:14107- • •