HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-24, Page 5"""9 rri44414.41 W." p. TIM 1952 WEDNIDSDAY,, Sth, 1952. THE TaUCKIloW 4.g.MINKL, LUCKNQW, ' • ' • .• • • ND INSTALLED. OLD 4111W1/1611161"".116,04706WIR, LIGHT OFFICERS.. aerial ont. Rock )NG SINCERE BEST, WISHES' • For A shiyoUs Yuletide and may its 'Peace and happiness , ,Continue \Throughout The New Year, .1 , cLennan & MacKelilie LeiMard 71V1acporiald will be Worshipful Master. of Old Light Lodge for 1953, succeeding Fred Newman who has held.the gavel during the past year. .• The installation' and investiture ceremony was conducted on Tues- day night Of last week by Wor. Bro., George Stuart of St, Helens.. The 1953 •slate is as, follows: Fred Newman, LRM.; Leonard MacDonald, W.M.; Wm. Evans, S.W.; Harvey Webster, J.W.; Red vers Johnston, chap.; W. B. And- ersen, treas.; T. J. Salkeld, sec.; FloYd. Wilson, S.D.; Edgar Wat- son, J.D.; Wallace Conn, S.S.; Kenneth. Cameron, JS.; Ronald Forster, I.G.; Ted ollyer, 0.G.; W. A.• Porteous, D., of •C.; Sam Alton; James Little, W. A,- Port- eous, trustees. .. Mr. W. W. Hill retires as treas- urer of Old Light after thirty- five years of faithful service to the Lodge? that capacity. • 00cIfffilWO. „ . . . . ...........z. ..14.,. • ,•.,.. 181-IING- YOU RRY ' CHFus=rmA4s AND'ANEW YEAR• BRAGHT, WITH, M ANY Gpoo. THINps..• ration E. LEMON -LIME,, CHURCH NEWS Olivet W. M. S. 'Olivet * meeting was held ,at the home of Mrs'. "Elmer .0siborne a gQ0(1.4ttenciaric'e SHOOT CLi1B.1lEL,I) CHRISTMAS PARTY. ' * ••••• There Were' twenty tables of card :players at the Monday Njght Shoot, .Club's Christmas party last week. Prize Winners. .were Mrs.' A. J. Wilson. and ,Albert Gaminie. Lunch was topped 'off by: Christmas cake donated by Mrs.: Sproul and Mi.'s., flarkAvell. A dance, followed to, music by Doriald MaCharles.. and Eldon HendersOn. • 1. .vosseepstungaitatioisoisami4nismimiligmoitifientantwoinomer Attarwrocitiogamsfumwasfartgowaretourftwi S • 'Phone 110 Lucknow; Ont • Mrs. . MoCharlei acted as' presi- • itor 110 dent. A • committee was appointed .A .Dublin 'doctor :sent:in, ll • a-bi. to a lady as follows: "To curing .Your. husband till he died". to Call, 'on the shut-ins and de- liver .boxeS: Mrs. John Colling's group. took Over for .a Christmas program. Mrs.. Melvin Colling •read .the .scripture. :Mrs. 'D. Bry- den 'sang a solo with Mrs. Ross Black as pianist. The Meeting closed with the mizpah benedic- tion and *Mrs. Alex 1VIacTavish, ,gave the-, closing-rernarkS- .after which 'a 'dainty 'lunch Was served by the group fin charge. Langside Presbyterian W.M.S. The' .Langside. metin. the church. The, president open-. ed the 'Meeting with the Call to IN 'Worship. The scripture was read by. 1VIrs.,Lloya .Moffat.;, the medi- C. tation giveti.by Miss Emma `Rich-..; 'ardSon (and prayer. by Mrs. Neil MacDonald. The -seeretarieg had IN 'Splendid •rePorts' of their :work and a successful year was ancoir- •agiiig. The offering was received and prayer offered...by Mrs. Fai- .Moqat., Mr's. Wb 'Orr 'and Mrs. Bert Moffat gave readings on ‚"Christmas. "Christmas among Chinese ‘' Christians" and "The Star". The Meeting closed*with prayer, :.The ,January meeting 'will 'be held ,on the 'r,egular date at :the lionie of Mr: and Mrs. Neil:MacDonald. Ashfield Presbyterian' W.M.S. The annual mbeting Of Ash- field. Presbyterian, W.M.S. Was held at the • home of Miss Sadie •Johnston with Mrs. 'R. Wilson presiding. As •it' was also the Chriatmas meeting readings and meditations on the Nativity were given .by ; Mrs. 'Wm. Johnston, Mrs. R. Wilson, Mrs., Dave Mc- MurChy, Mrs. Stuart MacLennan and Mrs., Wm. Ross: Christmas Carols.' were sung and -,:the -roil answered by a favorite hymn. Mrs. Duncan Simpson lavored With a piano '.sol u tomposed carols with variations which Was much enjoyed. Reports froni the yarietis departments of the Aux: • iliary were heard, all telling. of • a inost: . successful year: . We are Proud 'that one of Our members, Mrs. .A A. L Simpson, was pre- sented during the past year with an honorary life membership. from Maitland :Presbyterial , and. also a bar for her membership pin from the dkecutilve' of. our Society, an honor which she ,so richly deserves. Mrs, McAuley of Ripley, Presbythrial. president,, installed the following officers for '1951'; horit,preS.., Mrs, Duncan MacKenzie; Pres., Mrs: Reuben WilSon; ist vice, Mrs; Hugh Mac- Kenzie; :iid vice, Mrs. Earl HOWSC; 3rd vice, Mrs, A A. Simpson; sec., Mrs. D.. A, Mac]. Lean; troas.r Mrs, IC.0, MacXen- zie; Clad Tidings sec., Mr ,Colin. ..MaeGregor; supply sec., Miss Anna .Mae MacDotiald;. 'Home Helpers, sec., Mrs. Neil G. Mac- Kenzie; • Welcerne and ', Welfare sec.,`,- Mrs. Lizzie.Rose; ,press sec., Mrs. Hector MacLean; Mission 'Band _leader; .Mrs. Win -Ross; Lit erature sec.,:Mrs. Colin MacGre- .gor; pianist, Mrs.. Duncan ?Shrip- • son. ..1: .•PHONE' 1, LUCKNOW N401101101100,0_10glfailigniifriiisAtogii&turWfaivitiolieztliggeOluffiwifiwin • 3lock ee 314 enzie :itor &gib' iCK GREETINGSofthe SEA pN • BEST WISHES ; for the '• •fr NEW YEAR 4OHNSTONS• Retaurant py merry, filer, ;now d floor f. iilding ri len ee 97, e tua oo, The Old Fashioned Greeting in The Old Fashioned Way fora'. k • VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS • and ,a HAPPY NEW YEAR. JOHN "n. H*NDE114700N LUMBER LIMITED. Lucknout Phone' 150 Ontario ,••".• 7•••• • ,•••••• •p••-• ;•-4- • e- ip,4*. • fe- • ;•••- •••-' ;••,-- • r',1 p ,. ••••••• • '••••,,- •-•••- •••••,. • „ • - • . . . . ., : ..• : • . , ,. . , , . , . .... ... . . j \ , . , , . • ' . .112111Z7in), tiLite,MT.7-41P",