HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-24, Page 2• • ' 0. • 1, 4;`, 1" * , • • • • 'i,"t • • • 5 f 41, .5°34 v V V r 4 • t A. f, v • • . 4 • ' • •4 ' f • ,tt• ; °• • ' • • ' , if • "'" • .• • ' • 1" **." • / " i• frAQB • . 'THE' LTJCIC4.NQW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1,1 4 A CORISTMAS"VVISII 12(flike havefor Christina I eati tell Yot;in. a Minute: 'e family ail around me and the hoine with laughter in it. ,. Never minckthe usual trinkets, wrapped m tissuektied with ribbon. *I want chuckles from the oldest to the baby with_ 'her bib on. Let me settle in my corner when the Christmas tree is lighted; .1111 enjoy !their shouts of wonderas the youngsters grew exfited. Let me see their bright eyes shining .and their cheeks with health . • ' the pink of. . •• • / As my gift for Christmas morning that's *the finest I can think of '51That, I really want for.Cluistimas'IS a gift that's precious very. jt's.the family ali around me and 'a Chvistmas Day that's merry• But .the richest man now living hasn't gold enough to "buy it. Only God,above can grant it and His blessings must stipply it. ar A. Guest . , • • ) 7. B hm. others, should have seen the tall timid fair girl withlier tiny babe, 'who appeared at our deer the week :before Christmas. She •was ;POWsunderweight, ,large hurt' 'blue eyes in a pale face. but with a• perfect, healthy ,chertib of a. baby Her Her relief money had. all; gime for Mary Jo. for :her' Orange juice, cod liver/oil, etc.: Once she 'found she had, reached' the „ sanctuary • Of •' a home and found not questions, just an ac- ceptanee Of her and her bay,• •she.gave tip and was quite ill for several days. This Was the tine the whole fainily rallied. There was 4, quite • a "riValry as who should ',take Alice's tray.; who should feed Mary Jo;' even as to who. should wash the diapers.... • Christmas '2 was imminent 'arid noexplanation was Madeto anY- one. Alice was a friend here, for the Christmas seagen. • 4.• 'But, iuddenly strange things, happened. The Red-Crois Sudden- ly had an extra; layette :complete With Several` -extras. CoUldn't put this tinder the tree for IVIary JO? . A friend suddenly decided She looked too 'bulgy in a lovely green' suit Size hadt:owned per- haps a year. I tai,v children in an, anxious huddle in consultation with their Dad and More parcels Were under the tree. . Mother 'friend. found, quite unez4eCtedly, a nuniber, of special. bibs .she makes for so inany babies in our town.' The' grandmother !• Of the house,, M first , stiflY • censoriqu.s,, tied an • envelope'with, "a' little' money" on the tree. NO Woman; she told. me Severely, shotikl be without some money in hen Purse: i,• being the frivolous one •of the faMily sent her doWn .for a shampoo, cut and finger wave •ir&A !Hater.. . • ChriStnias •Morningrwas bright and sunshiny and every 'eye Was. on Alice and Mary Jo as the ,gifts were, distributed. Anizious.. eyes,. because.• the .youirger :element as well' at the 'Older, wanted Alice and, Mary, JO to be happy And, they Were. There 'bad been many unobtrusive' little gifts dropped under • our tree. .Mary. Jo effierg= ed from the Christmas festivities a well and attractively clothed young mozith=older, With rattles;-, baby food ,azid everything any little lady that age, could need. Her mother miraculously seemed to,fare well. 'Santa Claus Must hae been in Lucknow that day 'with a keen eye. • In month we lost Alice and' Mary Jo -and' what a loss.. But 'we were the richer for their pres- ence because 1 ain sure,' if. He whose birthday we were Cele- brating looked doWn,. He Would have sznileda blessing it our little Mary J • O. . M this season, most of us are touched with a magic warmth of sympathy and; Understanding that • perhaps, isubconscious the rest • of the year. The radio bursts with Christmas 'music, Santa Claus comes to town, the children have ' that very lovely eager look of Wonder • and.. anticipation. We shop frantically for our friends in shops which are full • of en- . chanting articles. But sometimes we forget to stop that one mom- ent, and remember whose birth- • _ day we are celebrating. Luke • tells us best about it.' • A few years,ago I had a sharp • lesson. , ;daughter, 'a young- nUrsei was assigned her first territory -Jarvis St. -the toughest section in the city of •!Toronto. Strange as it seems a nurse, in her severe blue ....uniform and little black satohell —walks any_street_withAmmunity. Her letters 'home at first were st. little uncertain in tone She was feeling hei\ wax. But, gradually' • to theark. There was, a certain old !nazi in 'a top atilt -town, an Eng-. • . **an bybirth and one of •ed - *cation. He looked forward to* • her dailY, visit ..when • he:received hypo. There Was a medicine •• lie:Wasto take every three hours. • The- :nurse ' loOked around blit saw no clock ot wateh. Whenask- • ed , he said simply he sat by •' the •wincle•vv-he had. nothing to occupy his tithe -Land' from his chair 'he 'could see the city hall booming thime on tlie • hour and every quarter.hour was company to a. lonely old man. ,Another- room housed an old • couple -the woman' beclfaot. The *roe vias. ,the bright spot of' the :day tia. she arrived. to bath and• , care for the • v4roinan: Always . a euP of coffee was ready for her, proudly . prepared by the hus- band. • ' • • • • gradually there was a recur- rent' strain' in her letters. 'There • „ was a young unmarried .1 -nether.. With a, tiny baby, living in a 'cold third.floor rem: The mother had • stiffly and proudly' refused fers of adoptiim and,,angrily re- , , 'fused any overtures froni the father, Who had 'been tOci fright- ened and terrified -"to help her when.• hr need ,wat, greatest. • Every few • days We 'had news then of Alice: Alice was very thin: Mary Jowas not. gaining. • The room was cold., ',Gradually Our obtuseness Vanished and we realized what our little nurse wanted A home for Alice and her baby for the Christmas ieas- on. . • • After mit& inahoeuvring with the 'Welfare boardO, she was, al - loured. to °eine tc• •us, for a Month, These who. feel they can judge Born THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL - . 4 • ' , . • . • • ; .• • IdUcknOW,' Ontario • • . • 'Atithiorized as Second Class Mail; Post Office Department, Ottawa Established 1873 ,==. Published EaCh Wednesday Afternoon , Subseriition ,Rafe ON) A Year in. Advance -'--To U.S.A.. $3.50 , • L. C.0•11'hoznitson, Publisher and Prepriefer, r , WEDNESDAY, DEC.' 24th, 11952 V • ' ' NOMINATION ExT MQNDAY 'Llicknow's nomination meeting • will 'be held next Monday even- ing, Decernber. 29th, at 1,30; p.m, for One: hour. This date :was set 4 WED_NE.SP,AZ DEC, 2401R,4952 • COO KJ.. .„ . WA RDS THgOtIGH: THE SENTINEL . FILES Sixty Years:Ago PO, rroser: Petersen ' " . • • 4 • , . • so as to avoid Christmas week, bd. ant, twin; sons of Mr. and, and with . the hope that by so MrsJohn Murchison died four doing a greater number of rate- days apart At the age of two payers. would be in attendatlee- weeks, _2. Candidates noniinated are re- - . Isaac Cranston, age 66, -of Con. qUired to be present at the meet- 8, Ashfield, was killed in a fall ingtor their nominators prepar- from a tree while picking apples. ed. to give assurance that the , nominee is aware that his name ' The local ,Mechanies Institute is being proposed. - • and reading room Was pronoun - 'In the event :of Ok. election it ced second to none. in. the',Prov-' • be. held. on. Monday, Jan.• ince outside : the , cities •and re- wouldnal* 5th. " • - • • . ceived . a govern/tient -grant of Least.One Vacancy $340, within $10.00 of the , limit At, Councillor Ernie Crawford ha 's. ,aliewecl'anY Institute * Murdoch Morrison died at his intimated that he plans to retire at the end of the tern, making at heine, Con. 6, Kinloss, in his 88th. . year A native of the Isleof SILTe, least one vacancy on the Board be took office 'the first ot, August. came to this community from •. Reeve Stuart E, Robertson who Prince Edward IslandHis father folio -Wing the untimely death of died in', Ashfield about 23 years earlier at the age of 105 Reeve J. C:1VIcIslah, will no doubt . ' again be a .,eandidate for the Mrs,John McLeod,. Mother of reeveship. :Other 'members of the. ' Allan McLeod, died suddenly at 'Beard are • Russ Button,, Times the age .0f '77. She .had' attended •MacSween and Virden Mowbray. South Kinloss Church and on,the 'The latter, isa newcomer, having Way home called at the home of received' an, acclamation. last the • minister, Rev. F. A:, Mac, suzmner to fill the vacancy caus- Lerinan, where she was stricken 'ed when- Mr, Robertson 'stepped with a heart attack. and died up to the reeveship. • • • • ;• stgicienly. • . • , • " Three Trustees . ' • i' Three public school trustees re- . Thirty-FveYears .Ago tire but are, eligible ' for .re-elec= • • tied, but are Gerald Rathwell, A.sunstroke which he suffered in the hay field lite in July K. C-Murdie and Dr. James • Lit- caused the death of George His - tie' • ing 27' of Holyrood • '4 The, District High, School Board ' ' Steel Hunter resigned as town members are now apPointed. by • the various municipalities ,c,orn- • genctigngineetor!".,c'waihtheituniCt.itisintentionsuccessor of prising, the district 'However a1 was John NiVeris of Brussels.' ' progressrrepOrt on 'the' new high __school is likely to be heard, and 'a financial statement of the high sschobl operation' and of the new school construction program will be included. 'in the financial re- • by • • 11,0SEMARIC THYME For most of you who live in the. Lucknow coverage of The Sentinel, your copy will come whenever you get your -mail on idnesday, Perhaps you will be stuffing "the -ttukey, or making mince piesand planning some last Minute candy you hope to make. • A Couple' of Turkey Tips - cover your bird while baking • with g piece of cheesecloth Or thin cotton dipped in melted fat. Or did you ever wrap it in al- timintin foil? That does, a pe.rfect job.. You can wash it and use it again and again; of course. It has been suggested when, carving, the turkey you don't. try to hold the bird speaied with a fork -instead supply the the carver with, a folded. linen napkin, or "a little pile of paper ones he'll• get a better , . grip ,on the bird by holding it by a leg while he SlieeO the breast meat off. • You can inake a fancy top for your mince pies by cutting a large triangle- out of the- centre. Fashion and mark it to look like a tree *and' place on the centre ofthe pie: -Or you might cut stars with a cookie cutter to cover a pie. . . , •abled *line from overseas. He 'was one of three znen 'buried by •a shell blast pt Vimy Ridge and; the only one to, survive .when a. s9Iricae9c4nspSt:::;farelieiriparsofyslfuri:t:DurnaIleMdnfieuidlgiAl',IlthEleex4717eN.htt:i.ye:hitGi)srviotsutuoednrs:, Winnifred Woods, Anna Nichol - Ethel Howe, Margaret MCDiar- Mid, Steel McKenzie, Bain Stew- • , art, Valetta Tiffin, Clara WOods, Pr- Dan Geddes tuiderwent Very critical anc1;.unUslial,•oPera, tion t the Mayo Clinic in Rich - ester. : •• • 'Twenty Years Ago • . Robert Rae and Dave Carruth- ers were attending, County Cpun.4 cilGeoinrWgealltHoercigtoin.n.ta barn .0. 6on‘ 10; , Huron Township, was" • Dougde- str°3redfikee. was president of the Continuation SChOol Literary 8°,11r.etyan. crs.... Thomas White of Holyrood observed, their 50th anniversarY. •" • • St. Andrew's' Ball was intro- • duced by the Kairshea Club and, featured piping, 'Scotch dancing and ,the' traditional march of the Haggis. Piper McCallum led the March and John :Scott Carriedihe haggis with Mrs. Carruthers read:• * Mg the "Toast to the Haggis". .The ".`ferward pass" in hockey was 'adopted by amateur leagues, range on a buttered shallow pan. Add salt :to sugar, and heat in heavy pan tuitil melted and car-' amelized, stirring constantly add butter: .spoon over: pea- nts, spreading to . distribute evenly. Let stand until cold:. Break up.'• Pecan.-Pralines1 cup granu- lated sugar, 2 cups. light brown sugar, 1/4 cup light cam syrup, Tone-eighthtsp. salt, 1 cup milk, • 1 top. vanilla, 1% cups unbroken Pecan halves. Combine sugars, corn syrup, salt and milk in saucepan.Bring, to .boil and cook without stirring until when drop- ped from a spoon into cold water it will •form a soft ball (236 de- grees on, candy therometer)., Re= move from heat and let stand un- til- warno...A.dd vanilla and. beat. Add:pecans 'and beat until it 'is of 'a consistency', to drop from spoon onto waxed paper. Spread to form patties about 4" in,diam. Let .stand •fill firm. Wrap in cel- lophane. • • Apples On A Stick 1 ctip*mild. Molasses, 1 cup sugar,. 1 tsp. vine- gar, one-third tsp. salt, %'cup water, 2 •th,sti. butter, 6 or 7 ap- ples'Combine rnolasieO, sugar; vinegar; salt I and. . water. Cook slowly, stirring. constantly ' to 270 degrees F. Or when a small quan= titiy. dropped into cold • Water .forms a hardbut not brittle thread. Remove from heat alid, place over hot 'water; Add. butter. Insert wooden, skewers in stem ends of apples and dip into syrup, eicrovovethnerings4r.-autepinn;tgii.rwe.:icrsorpitigetotehigREaeosvaende as was a ,inusida). duet on the baking ibeet: • , , Mrs. Cliff Chadboaurne and ,MrsY J. Bushell. .1slow 'we have a tel.N. .idea, BetAftyterSttahni!epyroeasonind:eptreodgraarrici,oann, .• how to use ' up. the last of the- address •to "Jackie" was read by Miss Thelma Bushell. Miss Maty Stanley, Mrs.. Ron Stanley and • Miss Thelma Bushell helped the, bride -elect to open her gifts and: :display them. . She received a great many and useful . gifts. Jacqualeen.,.thankedsthe ladies ittvly.lArasPorungand sShe's itionh llcygoodw feiltAs srrts!d the hostess and as5iSf a Previoi.i to this occasion and at 'the conclusion of her Christ ]e 'as, salt and pepper, Par- niaywnser7hriceoipf rStw'Shtelle*creot):1:71c1:1(t:iarlilledePeririd*aitis- aley: Mix brOth' and ttirkey' 'in 'leather, called hr to the -plat-- Saucepan. Simmer Until brOth, is form and presented her , with with .mayonnaise. TURKEY SALAD -'tw� cupa diced cooked turkey, 1 cup sliced" 'celery,: % Cup French dressing, 2 cups halved seeded roalaga grapes; salt and, pepper, salad greens,, % ctip•boiled salad dress- ing, one-third sour creani; .1/2 cup toasted slivered almonds.. Marin- • ate turkey 'and celery in. French, dressing for one hour. Add grapes and season to taste with salt and , pepper. Arrange on salad greens, Combine boiled dressing With sou'r, cream. Top. salad, With this mixture and garnish with sliver- ed ahnonds..,: ' • . • . , PAY HONOR TO'. SATURDAY BRIDE Oh ..Thursday evening,. Decem„, I her lith, some' :70 ladies of .the. communities of Kinloso,•Kinlough and Kingarf gathered at the home I of Mrs. Wm.. Steriley,, Kinloss, to honor Miss • Jacqualeen Bedley,' Upon her approaching' marriage. Jacqualeen was: escorted to a • place of honor to the strains of the Wedding march ..played -by Mrs: F. G. Purchase, and Mrs, Stanley acted as chairlady- for• the following program which Opened by 'a sing song led by Mrs. Purchase. • Seism by Mrs. Jack. Hewitt and • Mrs.. Harold Haldenby, were en- joyed.- • Mrs: Clarence • Moulton 'gave a hinnorms reading, also Lyle Stanley. A piano solo '1.3.3, Mrs. Purchase was much.enjoyed, Here is, a Christnias confection turkey: that my mother always made and . to warm left -over turkey and we just never had enough adressingarrange turkey .alic'es in candied 'orange or grapefruit peel centre of baking dish. Surround . Of 1 large 'grapefruit or with stuffing and cover with 3 • obldra*IlgaeteStr.120VellerPSpesuelgawrith1/2'.ce21. ergraatveY•O water: Bring to boil and cook ly; • about' 25 min. Or, Place vCe(wn ieLtialnhdeaptieda6ethionromug°hd-- until tender, pouring off the tablespeon of stuffing in eentr ,water and adding fresh cold of each turkey slice. Roll up an water several times. 'Drain. With secure with toothpick or string1 scissors cid peeii in thin Strips. Arrange.. in casserole,, top with Boil?: cup. sugar and water until leftover gravy. and heat, coveted. spits a hair. Add peel and cook PRESSED' TURKEY 1 cup over low heat until syrup has turkey :broth 3 ;cute minced eook. been absorbed. Roll each strip in ,remaining *-- sugar ,, ,until :coated; Cool, You haVe no idea how de licious this is until you have tried it , • 'Peanut Brittle -1% clips shell- roasted'peanuts, ,,one-eighth Up. salt, 2 cups sugar, 1 tsp. but -4 :ter. Rub. Mills from the .nuts, ar= • • nearlyl e+vaii;iirated,, Season • to taste with salt and pepper,' Let stand Until cold,- Pour into bowl, weigh down with plate. Chill overnight. Unmold. Cut in Slices. Garnish with parsley and , serve • • ...441. ,44 heautiful trilight. lamp and a • wail plaque to honor her on,hcr Chal)Prtirit;tellirriglas giftm,arAlriathgeottaghhd taken 4 bythg ernsUrprracio ise,tisiJa;, . qualeen • thanke(!.