HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-17, Page 8• 'AG;E; EIGHT ME THE TAICKNOW LUCKN..OW, ONTARIO 'WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1.7tb, • 19 sr# ... �#��orlr,e63��.i<,emr�l yOUR..... hristmas Broacloth, nylon, 1,plaid, nylon' & acetate. SPORT SHIRTS -- new ship- ment this' week,, checks, gab- ar, es and twQ-tones. uff,Links, Tie • Clips AR:VES• wool or silk, plain or -initialed. y roadcloth or YJ�l1–broadcloth flannelette. �ADIES 1: Gu HII REr PULLOVERS; & C, DIGAI�S —gall wool, matched sets in, beautiful shades, Makes this a sweater .. Ciu is�txnas , UNDIES—slips, ,pantees,' night- ies, nylon or silk, ; PYJAMAS'& Nighties ° in that "Oh •.So Soft" ;�i�uggle down. Just the gift for her. HOUSF:COA S nylon quilted ori, plain satin, wool, plain. or' plaid:. ' Lounging . Pyjamas • Station 'Wagon Chats Belts, Sox. 00 • Cardigans & Pullovers I Blouses, Angora Tams; Station' Wagon Coats I Gloves, Handbags CLARDIG•AN,S &° PULLOVERS.- = .new-' shipniexit this week • of , sit wool cardigans • and pullovers, patterned &;,plain in sites ' to. 6r'' and 8 to 14.. LINED JEANS with shirts to anateb for Sys • or • girls.. Grins and gun�'�sets':"'to. Set. thein .off, giIts, "•Braces,,''Shirts, `.Blouses wBabyalls ' Staitigr► Wagon Coats, Snow '.Suits• 1. PLAID SKIRTS in rich look- , ing veyella flannel. • DRF�SiSES ,� Q ALL AGES OBITUARY' EA1U WILSON DIES Earl Wildon, a lifelong resdQrt 1VIR$. NEIL CAMPBELL, of Huron 'Township and Ripley Mrs: Neil Campbell. died sud- daed unexpectedly in Kinc�ardin, denly in 1'oronLto on Saturday, Hospital last week in his 5811 Decer'ber 6th,, while visitinig'..at year, For many years he aperatec the 'honne ,of her 'daughter, Mrs. the RoYai: ,Hotel Surviving ars Cecil Roberts Death was due to tytro sons, .Harvey and Roy an( a •, coronary thrombosis. daughter Leone., . Campbell was 79 years of 3 of the W. A; ten h Watson d. awghtera of Pet Gr'l`he December meeting of tl � Watson: and � An a Mar,I'herson Hall?Andre ii Group was held De She was rn at ` PuslinVch near cember lOth in the church schoo Guelph oJuly 2nd, ' 1873, 'and: room: With 19 present, Mrs, Hal came„'to t1:1.cozntnunitys a child 'was 'in the: chair and the nzeetini with her ents: On January 10, opened with, a Christmas hymn 1900, she married Neil Campbell :Hazel Webster read the scr ptur, in 1942. and coi Ment on its The roll cal who predeceased her ,,, , sassed wa . �ansarered .b Y � a • Mrs. Campbell Was pos , . happy Christ of 'a happy,' smiling • dispositionmaa- remembran ee. ,, The treasur �' plate of warm .af fec- ex's report .w '•read and:arrange and won a 'P, .. a , . �: �ge tion in`the hearts of allwho knew merits Made for_: a pot lucksup tier: She'.'was a .devoted- member per,. Mrs Andrew ,e rease , ,,�, .� dthl of r .the : Lucknow presbyterial) leaders ar reeiation of the happ; church. Her pastor,, Revs - Chas: co-operatson existing through th, A. Winn conducted the funeralo year. Mrs. Roiberts took the' chat service on Tuesday of last week, pr g am. Christmas will:di ;was , held . at the McLen� : hymns and readings.. being gives nan,Ma enzie•.Memoriial Chapel '.by iVtrs• Andrei�r Mrs: Scott, Mrs and was largely attended by Drennan, and ¥rs.iunter. Mrs Gaunt contributed. asolo ..ani Mrs.' I Allan a ' piano. solo, �alsi 'a musical nuinber by four ,girl was given. The .mizpah benedic tion' • dosed the meeting'®`afte) wwhich delicious Christmas re freshments were, '`served and. i social. half• hour' enjoyed. 0480600-ste0a • -` i friends sand neighbors .-who over- 5.-• flowed . the Chapel. •Mrs. cam - Lace Tablecloths, Runners ki eron MacDonald and Miss Bell: Rabertson sang the' duet Saved .Towel Sets, Towels,. Pillow Cases 43 by Gr'ace' with aecornpanunent, . .Flannelette Blankets by Mrs, Jessie Allan.'. Throws, Wool Rugs Greenhill Interment: was do MEN S, ..LADIES hid c ILDREN S WEAR ::" Bedspreads hm rayon' and frml.eterZthNevidOlr41,11! awnHM., s arid Woollens chenille. Is 'a iMil er, )lace 0004 . .a c 004-4111, Melvin Greer Stuart 'Robin n and W. `W ;,gill acting as Pal - isiis +f tdi#�li+i+t ditch near the Grey' Ox, doing. bearers. The; flower bearers were Considerable damage to the car. ,Grant Rutherford Ronald. Mac• BIN HOOD . FLOUR CONTEST Neither he nor '1`iis companion, Crostie, Lloyd Humphrey, Lloyd Carl Stanley, • were inLjured.. Hunter, Gordon.' Struthers,, Gar ., don Lyons Eldon Miller and Ross ..THAT ',pallbearers' ' last Wednes- 'Gammie , doll: ,for Donald John Sinclair, Mits. 'Caanplieli is survived by. well ,.and Alex 'McAuley: Flower were borne by Wilbert Hodgins Jack'- Fair,. Irvine Brown;- Waite Blackwell,: Clarence : Blackwell EarlBlackwell; Sam Nesbit, Chas Nmm io,. • Herb She, ane; ' Russel Hewitt, Ralph :Hill and Norinai Clinton The,,, large number in at "tendiance testified to his pope one son Peter,on the homestead ' and ; of the former Lala' , laxity2,4,1,kilial,wroitn.ezahisirntan; •Armstrong . • , f Lucknaw ' were in • West Wawanosh . and iby ; two ' Ame ' daughters , Mrs. ^Cecil R,obe7res attending t , e `last rites 'were 'Mi W. B; -Ander n, George Ander- a. k son, Thomas urns, J. M. Greer,. (Annie) of Toronto 'and Mrs, and 1 s Donald MacKenzie,iiii . Jack;' Treleaven and Fred Jack Robert Snell "(Jessie/ of. Mitchell. and ,Mrs. 'Ales: MacKenzie, ;Mrs You Have A , Chance On : Every ,Purchase . <. .� •, , . w stersaals�'surl,ve r ,.. in and � Mr.. Wm son. ' Two sa s: Hilbert McQiiill ,Of Robin ' Hood Flour. John Pritchar ( iga of; West MacKenzie, Hamilton:' .arid Mrs G : - L. sivac a `ie`.o1-R .. :. TAT ... . , w w' :,� yrrioutli • .. F. • :-. •-.:.:. � � e star .-(Jessie) of Gli�ntont 1VIrs:. ek ago Su aday,�R. ' 011'1' Z4 Lbs 1: Chance C McGowan suffered, a liieart ebrigan. attack` while' aetendi morn Campbell had spent the fall. with , , , ; . .. , , •. Mr .. Webster'. rior to goingto 1, E. AUGUSTINE . i lb. bag: .., $+chances . w, oi�li in Blyth United e -,d .Ing ip !, _. • . , , , , . ;� • , • • ' � r ' � ' ionto ea�tli occurred recently u church He w+as :taken � to Clin To . 4 r. , . ` ton •Ho "` tal. Mr. McGowan •�i of the Watson family, a sister, Clinton ;General Hospital of Orin • s Isobella,: and three brothers, ton .Elir' Augustine. Mr.'August '. 90 years old' •: •• --o- Hugh, John: and Peter, :predeceas- anewas, born 86 years ago; th THAT . the Huron -Perth Short -ed Mrs: Campbell. ' , .c.,, oldest of the family of Benjamiv horn Club. held • its annual and Sarah :Ann Morningstar: Aa meeting and:. banquet. at Clingy WII BERT SHEANE gustine He carne with his . par A well known resident •of Kin ents •:to the . f on the 5th con . ton, last wireek:.Andrw Gaunt, ,_ first. vice 'president,egaive a sardine townshi Thomas Wil- cession of Ashfield, .now occupies 'statement : of the . fallsale held' beet Skeane, diedd unexpectedly in `by Cecil C libert , Kincardine General H ital Be. l= and hisfather and lounge . r Which he, was �P .. ": , � .. ,.-�.;::.: m Lucknoa! ofbrother were s lei al years clear ' 'sale. manager. The sale totalled: ember 2nd: He ,had .been • �a pat t brother ::8,665•. or. an average; per head lent there for three weeks, victim Ing the bush farm•, and bringifi of $321 of an aggravated heart ‘condition,. it under •; cultivationg Later he be —o ... d for' •thee e. ' :. xpert; 'carpenter • ani •.. ... axn ,an .e • . Past four e from �uvhich • he suffere THAT Mr. J: � R. McNay received ,�rn ' in Kinloss:� town ��y� i� the •fin "��teriors of ; th ship- July.farmhouses of hfie1d, Wawa road. One , ip' mishap . occur- the udd death of hi Ing , 5th, . ;1904 ` he was a son of -the nosh '.and Colborne Aare evideno red to; 'Philo Steer whose car ' Miss, Agnes 'Wilson: Of Feigns. lateCharles• and Emma (McLe1 : of his' fine craftsmanship. turned over near South Kinloss _ . land)Skeane. On Nolvember 9th" . He married Mary :'Davidson a 1929, he wired Mary .Donelda Mae-- Dungannon; and `settled on a fair. Kenzie •at • Luckaow: They resid-on 'tie 4th 'of Ashfield; wher ed in Kincardine , township. his Sa • " and daughter were bort Retiring from farming, he was When Mrs. Augustine became a e m p lo y.'e d ' with Kincardine invalid they moved to Dungan Creamery and lately' with Golden. `non,'where' he had a grist 'mil Glow Company, 'Ripley, Mrs. Augustine died many year • Surviving` are . his Widow, two -ago. The daughter (Hazel) Mr Sens; Carle .'of Sliaunavon, Sask.,. `William Maize of .St. '.amber and Weir, . Sydney, Nova' Scotia; Quebec, : also predeceased hin a daughter, . Betty Jean, at home For the last few years he live ed Hodgins,' with his ,son .R.edvers of Blytl lg Be sister, Mrs: Fr, He ,suffered a heart attack a fe' He was • a • ago and since. then ha Member of Bervie •years United Church, whose pastor, the been in failing health: • Rear. F. G. Purchase, conducted Besides, Ids Son,' he leaves on at the L ter,, (Ada). Mrs.' A.: B. Pentlan ,. , Oranges home tDecexnber Li/Water nt rr>aent :sof � DtitigariYion and Tox•onto , si , . , dchildren and �2 great' gran Outstanding Values On Holiday Candy, Nuts, Sunkist Oranges was • // LOW • RI. ceriidet- g� fieri •The funeral was. hal Everyday P .CES' -- Eve er3,, m e in xinoandi c + 'ne Everyday � . The pallbearers were. Ben Rut- frcnn Triru�ty � Anglican •churc) Y tie, Elton McLelland, Bert Mc- Blyth, with • interment in bur ir+t rat up a at�ttimpo:/ rr it ie if r , ffis`+f short i #-0Lean, Walter Collins, Fred,Black giannon• cemetery: # igegaliaiACltlMiC# OAI! 41.2 i g06C 0' 013034 itthrl if 1, midi .. .. • �A-.it" Aft � l,91C#A� �`!lf�t��liJ �:'!,!0'��I+l,Op'!�l,� ,toClt� % 1 sx! .... ,IICIk�!l1f��! ►test ednesdi y, December 24th PHONE 91, LUCKNOW antro io , , s11CtMIC#,1 111dNA: ... , TlTAT' tf a °week*eiids bio' ght'the first snow of any consequence which .:>blainnceted the" `'district and made roads. quite• slippery and 'with 'little .'.traction there than one cart' slipped . off the Church. There was on one hurt, however, and after` the car was righted. it : went ,on its . way. A ,week earlier, slippery reads caused Rabh Haines to hit the THAT Elliott Webster s• friends here ' were ; sorry to hear that. he was 'unsu;acessful in his bid. for °:re-election to Kincardine Council ressasinermoopmainarmeneiemodemattatagemilerimormatfonsetisegoogianamogaiset SHOP'. AND SAYE AT Shop Where Your' Dollar . Goes: The Farthest : CHECK OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU .BUY DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW 4 t They .. IVlarlcet- Store WHILE SELECTIONS ARE -GC O and :avoid last, minute:' rush and . aatmointment... ii', ' #,11!ata0+ciaupu sotoici ,, to tit;lrlrsis OtivesuFav m,f r ri ' ... _.:. .r , .. .. , . � .. ,�t,"i"+ fi�#!i���J „r�;'�ri�'�':ati�'" � ; �,.. , . •,�`'�it+i+Git��`��`I6t�in` �' yl