HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-17, Page 7h. .1952 rs MON' mg ration 10.". V) 1 i or,40/4. 1— • r:',•• Hod. gins in wayers is. Jirn cs was / which word Y". As ing all• • Mrs. • [•paper open- anda by the mill be , y ,15th. ,edhain [r. and le and od .0n, side in ending. t Week White- ns, iunday s. Wrir, reckles from .cently ! James 5T - church at the hg and Ars. F. es and .etiring ro. Pre - ✓ 1953 1,aslick; r; sec., ,, Mrs, Served.. of the D tt ifl- nne in of the teld 'in .iesday. ' pening le. and_ eading :hell, a h gave Christ- • judged rs. s. Ern. tige Of !mberS, red bY r had". lo solo v Mrs./ MWS0)1 said a were t play - Then 6 were 4rs. G; • to her spend.' ughter, wblgr,SDAY, TAP17th, 1902, WEDDINGS SMALL—BOAK Ashbury United Cluirchrnath- burst St., Toron.to, decorated with • bronze, yellow. and mauve mums was the setting for a candlelight • eareroonY Ofl 1Satlird0Y, Noveln, ber 22nd at six o'clock, when, Margaret Rae, 'daughter of• IVir. and Mrs. James Doak of Bruno, SaskaWhewari,...and Flying Officer Iver A.. Small of Trenton; •Ont, son of lVf an4Ms., Geo. Small of Totonto, formerly of Arthur, Ont, were united hi Marriage. Rev. Wilfred D. Stenlake per- formed the double ,ring ceremony. organ music was played through- out the service .by, Jack E. Hand- . ford. who played "Becauie" dur- ing the 'signing .of the register,' -4, • :Giiren in marriage by her father, the bride "was lovely in a floor length gown of chain.- p*yrie chantillY,.flOwer • lace .over satin. The full skirt -fell in folds. The tight • bodice haffi.a.boler.a jacket with lily point sleeves and. sweetheart neakline. Her finger- tip veiLof illusion net Was held in cap effect of ,satin trimmed ',with .seed pearls and she carried. a 'cascade bouquet of Talisman, roses and baby rnuMs. Miss JessiCa Boak of Stratford • was her sister's bridesmaid wear.- ing a floor length 'clress.Of bronze nylOn .net over taffeta Made with full skirt.. The strapless .waist had a. jacket of chantilly' lace With puff , sleeves "and- round neckline. Her 'he:address was oap effect •Of net and taffetaiwith lace trim' And she. wore matching 'mittens and carried a cascade .bOuquet of bronze and yellow mums. Mr. Mac Small. of -.Toronto, bro- . ther of the groom, wba grooms- man. -The 'ushers were Ray ',Hoak of Toronto, brother of the bride and Alex Small of Toronto, bro- ther of the •groom. • . A reception for . sixty guests was later held at. the 'church hall; Sunbeam and ThorbOrne Sts.. The bride's. mother - received, guests. • wearing a two-piece .dress Of royal blue crinkled.nylon with black accessories and a cOrsa,ge of red She was assisted by. Af4irtriarwa,,, - .wrpirks, THE. waiNow :sTIN,, ulczNo* ONTARIO L.,D,H.S. NEWS The Friday assembly, under the direction of the Grade. Ten rep- resentatives, opened , with the hymn; "It' came upon the mid- night clear",, and the •seriptigp, psalm 46, read by Ernie Gibson. • The Lord's prayer was repeated and. the hymn, "Silent Nigfht, Holy Night" was sung. Don and Ken 1VIacNay favored with a horn, and piano duet; .Anne Todd sang' a kilo, D.reaming of a white Christmas; Raeleen Hamilton and Llya Stanley sang a duet, °Win- ter Wonderland". • " . • • . The .14,D.H.S. band, . Under .the direction of Mr, P. W.,,Hoag, will. •Present a sacredband, concert on. Sunday afternoon,' December 21. The band is one of the oldest and• liveliest societies •in the . school and has an tinequalled reputation in this district. Sometimes when we have something worthwhile, we:d� not appreciate' it until, it is gone 'with tiine. We take it for granted. The L.D.H.S. band is an. ekample, of this. It is valuable 'in many' ways. The •student musician • • •the grooneg mother who wore a Wine silk crepe' dress 'with grey •accesorsies and a corsage of yel- low 'roses. • • For a wedding trip the.bride wore a 'turquoise wool dress with -brown top coat and rust access- ories and. a' corsage of Talisman roses.' On their return' Flying, Of- ficer and Mrs. Small will reside at Carrying Place, Ontario: • Out-of-town guests .were Mr. .Mrs...Tames,Boak, Jr., 9f Dungan - 1 non; Mr. W. A. Boak, Ottawa; M. and Mrs.. Robert Boak, Luck - now; Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boak, TorontO; Mr.. Raymond 'Hoak,' of Toronto; Mr: and :Mrs. Everett Whitehead, .Teeswater; Mr. Geo. Boak (cousin' of the bride) of Bruno, Sask '• 'Miss Audrey John- ston,- Ottawa; Mr. . and Mrs.M. McFarlain, Mitchell; •Mr. & Mrs. •,S. L. Small, Arthur; Misses ,Jes- sie and Elsie Graham,' Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerr, 'Mr. and Mrs: J. Waterman of 'Toronto. ' • MOE .EVE', very hgur of every day the telephone in your home stands ready to serve you for a, fraction of a cent an hour. What else in your daily living means so much yet costs so little? . • %. THIS BELL TIELErliONE CO benefits from the. leadership and- fellowshiP. The thrill of 'good fun and ,achieVement''cannot- be ex- pressed but its'. good 'influence ,will never pass, away. And yet • We feel that the greatest support is not given .to this worthwhile character -building organization. EverYbody, cannot being to a band but everybody can's143Port it In spirit, and otherwise. So we ,present a challenge' to' the stu- dents and to the public., Are You a staunch supporter ,of your school ,and its organizations? Soon ,the holiday season will be here and withit the. annual Christmas. dance. Great prepara- tions are being- made by the the 146- ous 'committees nominated by the Literary Society:. • : An. Appropriate • "1:"ARLIZ-VOUS. •giENCH?'": . . I struggle with MY rench, ,`Quelle vie! and .C'est la guerre'! I. enter -in the "salle de classe"- - And yet I get nowhere. . • . , . • . Je don't know how to roll My R'S, Je can't pronounce."bojonr"! mindBut I won't the grade'.r get, Becausel"ve learned7-Tamour'. L'anunir sits just across the aisle . • L'arnOur eat six-foot-twor.- And how-my-heart..starts thinnp- • ing when He Winks "les. Of bleti". • I" gueii • But still I've learned of .France You se---'-ramour justasked me out For Friday evening's dance! Lucknow Fire Department: "No liria"drni; threaniffitials not on fire! It always looks like that". .41 • .r • he Chairman, Commissioners and- all of Hydro's thousands of employees throughout the Province join /with the Municipal Systems in wishing you the compli- . • ments of the SeaSon. • The Commission also take this opportunity to extend,, their best wishes and thanks to ,the Engineers, suppliers. technicians and men and women of lallour whose .co- operation has contributed in great measure , to the Speedy development of new power sources. . • May this Christmas Season be bright and merry and may the NewYear bring good health, happiness and grosperity. GENERAL MGR. & CHIEF ENGANEU 177,4-1414A4' ASST. GENERAL MGL.-ENGINEERINO , . ASST. GENERAL 'MGR- —ADMINISTRATION • PRESIDENT &MAU. , .• ° CHAIRMAN , 1St VICE.CHAIRMAN 0741:7eirS44C;01:41.4* . aND. vict:camitn*H • PRESIDENT 0.104 • • • • op • y ti• 110.11 A 11 PAM 014 ot. 4 wit ,4**4 0.• ::: Miiiiiit•i;i*::.::•:ni, • . 0.-rewirawfasik.voipiiiimairAidEfiltSttwit14101,t.Ifeznietwium.zi.w..0