The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-17, Page 3Mir • 1954. ON and and milt'. hist, )ings Tor- tend Mrs, Ball re Hos: ; DYed- wit1 th of_" ;has- iday. Iter • 'On • ning ' lean, Ken. Kin - the nder The 1 the iful" read. was rhich Mrs, grew oyed 'sec- ' for. d. A Ray iuild ii. •to'. • ;hut - it will Ston. rally t =few chip.. stiff.• into Pour eeze. .OLD ;mall salt; ' cold . Put land.• using with' Light.., five add: rllved. 2T1iX�� ring colds, rush- : Un Tress- : • white astry .tsp.' tbsp, light, add lents. oiler, er is cure. ter.' is r 12" !ri 40 loved. soft cake with cake n re- • ream. .often ; and. tbsp. erry'. ugar, rated cold solve cran,. Ars" in uloW ding • / WEDNESDAYi, DEC`, 17th, 14)52; WOLFCUBS Last 'Tuesday was gamea,night at Cubs,; with the assistant lead- ers putting - the 22 Cubs present through•a period of rugged games to. test their agility, strength and concentration Sixer Fraser Ash - .ton led: in the opening ceremon- ies. The Greys, led by Sixer John Andrew, were again winners .of the Inter -Six, competition, this time for November. Other mem- -bets of the Six are °Second Don- ald Kirkland and Cubs Gar y Mc- Donald, Bobby Hunter, Ken Mac- Donald, Rae' Thomson sand Jack • Button. Presentation of .awards was made by Baloo. ., Dosigns for the. Saugeen Crest were turned• in by ,the following Cubs: Donald Kirkland, Bob Hun- ter, •Kenneth . Jones, Bob ' Hall, kirk,Gary, MacDonald and .Mur- • .ray Hunter; with the latter's de-. sign judged the best Iby . the local Scout Committee.. Each Cub •.will receive a small cash award for. their efforts, ASHFIELD We 'would. like to extend con- gratulations to Mr. and M, r& Ross MacKenzie whose marriage ;was Solemnized in • . South . • Kinloss church on ,Saturday. Kenneth William, infant son df •Mr. and MTis; Stewart' MacLen- nan, was balitized at the Sunday service in , the Presbyterian church. , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vandeley 3a family spent a' week -end :recently visiting relatives in. Grand. Rap- ids, Michigan. Lucknow.' Presbyterian Church . Rev C. A.' Winn, B.A , Minister. SUNDAY, ' DECEMBER 21st 11 'a.m.:. Morning 'Worship. 1215 p.m.: • Spnday School. 3 p m.: Erskine. Church; Dun- gannon. • :7 p.m.: Evening. Worship., Every 'Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.: grayer, Meeting & Bible Study LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH I Minister: Rev. • G. A. Meiklejohn B.A., B.D. • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21st. i' ' •CHRISTMAS SUNDAY ! 11 a.m.:, Christmas : Cantata, ;1 "Ta Bethlehem", by The i Choir. ". i Subject: "Songs Of .'A Sac red . Hope". , ' 12.15 pm.. Sunday' •School. 1' •. 7 �p m. "Signs of >H'ulfillment". Church 01. England IN CANADA Rev; H. L. Jennings, B.A.,L.Th Rector: . 'SUNDAY, DECEMBER •21st Advent 4 ' X0.30 a.m.: Holy Commanion, St. Paul's, Ripley 2 p.m.: Holy Conununio>i, St. Paul's, ( Dungannon • 3.30 p.m.: Holy Colnmunlon, Christ Church,, Port' Albert St. Peter's, Euchnow:' 7.P.m.: Sunday 'School. 7.30 pan.: Carol .5ervice. 11:30 p.m.. Christmas Eve,, Holy . Communion „ 0.30 a.m :4 Christmas Day, Holy Communion. I. Everyone cordaaly invited; All Anglican children and their parents are invited to a Free Theatre Party at the Playhouse Theatre, Friday, December' loth, at 4.00 l .M. ' THE LUCKIJOW SENTINEL,, " cal General BE READY l'OR. CHRISTMAS Order your Beauty Counselor gifts of .cosmetics, cologne, soap, etc.,, • from Mrs. Ken Mowbray now. Priced from $1,00': up. Russ, Middleton, has gone to. Toronto to spend, the winter with Mr, and Mrs: George -Middleton. Lorne Johnston returned home on Saturdayy after being hospital- ized for the past month at West- minster Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Mason and. Mr. and` Mrs. Chas. Cook visited in Detroit for a. few days mast week. •Mr; and Mrs. 'Gordon'Steward and son Bruce .a London spent last Sunday witlk his parents, Mr. and Mrs. • Charles Steward. Mr. and Mrs:. Fred Steward of Ailsa 'Craig ,spent last . Sunday, with • his parents, Mr, ' and Mrs. Charles Steward. Mr. and '.Mrs. Allan 'Treleaven and young' son. of Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. ' and Mrs. Harvey Treleaven. " Mr. and Mrs. W. G. . Andrew, Miss Flora Andrew and Alex An- drew attended : the wedding in Bethany Church, Elora, on Sat ` urday, of Mildred Gammie and Morris , • The 'bride is a daughter of Mrs., Bruce Gammie who Is a niece .of Mr. Andre*. • •, Mr. James Snowden . and Mr, and,. Mrs.' Ernest : Snowden,'. Billie. and. Linda spent Sunday with .Mr. and Mit,: • Wel) ington Nixon at Lucknow. Mrs. James Snowden, who • has ,been visiting:.a' week with her sister; ,Mrs. Nikon and Mr. Nixon, returned home with thein on Sunday evening.. • Kairshea Meeting Thursday The..December meeting of the Kairshea Institute will be held in the Ladies'. Auxiliary • Legion•. Rooms, Thursday, December, 18th at 2.30. Hostesses, Mrs. Donald McKinnon' and Mrs. T. A. Mac- Donald. Christmas gift exdhange.. Directors, :Mrs. Ted Collyer, Miss Dean MacLeod, Mrs., ,Tyndall' Robinson and, Mrs.'. Alex McLeod. CHRISTMAS' MUSIC AT 'LUCKNOW UNITED .CHURCH. Sunday, December • 21st: . Morning Service —.11. a.m. Organ Prelude . Christmas; Favi- tasia, Dunstan. . • Baritone, :solo—"The Holy City'.' Adams; soloist, .Mr. Attridge: Cantata—"To ,Bethlthem", E. i -K. Heyser. Overture—Organ. • ; "Break •Forth Inerto. Joy"—Chor- us.:' And. Thou Bethlehem Bass. IN recitative. Bethlehern' of Noblest Cities - bass solo, soprano .and alto; duet, soprano .solo, full chorus. Calm: was the Hallowed Night soprano and alto duet. • Let, Us Hasten. To Bethlehem --tensor recitative and male char - And, They Came --alto recitat- ive, soprano' solo .and chorus. The Morn is Breaking , — full chorus. . • Behold There Came Wise Men soprano solo. _ •_ .. , . • Three Kings Of Orient ,rale trio . Fairest, Lord Jesus —. baritone Solo. • : 'ORt Eg TREASUII¢>i'ii DI.ES', V*, GotaVall 0.114700., • d. PAGE 'THREE Allan Nelson, treasurer of Bruce County ,for 23 years, died: at his home in Walkerton last Thursday. He' was 85. Ile Suc- ceeded Norman Robertson as; county treasurer in. 1924, and held. the ,post until relinquishing it in • 1947 on reaching his 80th birth-, day, when 'he was succeeded ,by the present treasurer, Phomas H,. Alston • , 'a fo • rmer Luckra0� vjte. a , CHURCH CHANNELS There are strong 'interests who are trying to destroy the tradii, .tional Sabbath. 'The church and organized ;labor were successful in-. getting legal • protection of the day in . the' Lord's Day Act. The church: desires it from a religous and humanitarian point. of . view. ganized labor desires it because the week=end holiday .is desirable for the whole family to 'get . to- gether: Just as with so many other. .:Matters, of life people. '•go to extremes. At one time sports were,. really amateur 'and more people `participated. Now profes- sional sports have produced , the paying spectator... Those who, take pant in such sports arehired by. their managers and. could be classed with the. 'labor grgp To produce spectator. sports Were is labor entailed. Organized religion is ,not• against a reasonable amount of healthy relaxing sport on the day of rest. Where money: is needed for. the sport or ' pleas-: ure •work is also entailed. Five, major' towns and cities in tario voted decisively against. co ercialized ' - iSiinday , sport. Toron: • . and ' Windsor : are .the only place • Ontario ,wi day . sport.. W'i .: ay • and Monday in some cases ; becoming days off; there is. no, exciise for commercialized sport. The ' argu- ments against it far, outweigh the. arguments for it.. The church ' is against it; public sentiment is swinging against it sand scion the present Provincial legislation will become, another impractical dis- used statute which tried vainly to set aside . Federal law :.and• public'.welfare.. • CKNX•• Church of ',the' Air 10.30 a.m.: Dee..18th, Rev. • D. Proctor, . Teeswater; ,Dec 22nd, Rev. C. D..:Cose, Belgrave; Dec.: 23rd, • Rev: M. Baillie, Bluevalp; Dec 24th, Rev.; J.. Martin, `Bel more. w Shipment .of NO ELTY ACTION`. PS Refrigerators Ranges ' • Washers Inners' . Toasters Coffee Makers . M xmasters , Heating Pads. . • •R Hockey Sticks': . Skates Skis Toboggans Sleighs- , ,} Bicycles Tricycles Gunn • Clocks. ,. � Ureer:;:Ka.WO � 'Phone .110 tiectric Luc ww, Oft. •ttur3 +'l l onitooto# i tenio it # tatie1 anoto#Lr> ign •:"V"' V;Mr'� � JUST. ARRIVED One Carload Of �lu'n Suitable For: WATER TROUGHS, ;FEEDING• TROUGHS, SLEIGH TOPS, . . OUTSIDE STEPS and PLATFORMS Lucknow W. HENDERSON LIMITED TED .. • Phone '.150 " 0 Come Let US Worship --full. Chorus. • Offertory; --The•. Herald Angels' Stult's. Organ Postlude — Nazareth Gounod. • Evening Service • '7.00 p:in. • Organ Prelude-- Christmas relude—Christmas 'Fantasia_ Stults. Pastoral Symphony Handel. • Old French Carol: , Harken, All! What ,Holy Singing. Girls Sextette: See Dear Jesus. Soprano. Solo—Gest' Bambino Anthem Birthday of a King— Neidlinger ' .. Offertory -- Star of Wonder), Star of Light—.Lorenz. ' ; "Posti'ude .-._•.• Adeste ridelea — Dunstan Diredtor of 1'icarse--=Mrs Wes- ley Joynt. n ' Organist -L. Eh' er Umbach. 6 14. - : r -4 r .r i .N , PN r ax r .P r ,47.Y f .,r r . r s 1'.X i T' �y g rf ✓ The Store With The: Stock Watches, Clocks, • Ronson Lighters, Billfolds, - Diamonds, Signet Rings., • • .COMPLETE LINE OF:: Sunbeam Mixmasters,; ' Automatic Toasters, , Automatic. Coffee Makers, Electric Razors., GIVE 'Gifts ,For Ali Occ'sions Still I.n Stock:' The New Connmimit`- y `I attern "W.HITE ORCHID". • D►11t Big. Stock ..of `Dinnerware otitomin CHRISTMAS; SPECIAL in lovely, wide selection of 'OD.D;. CUPS and'. ;SAUCERS S •vrrp .�y .. .. Jev'uiIe n FROM •.r • it b• • 1'