HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-17, Page 2PAGE, TWO.
Paramount 1W,, :I.
The Permunount Women's. `Insti
' tote held 'the December meeting
at the home of Mrs. Ellpl ick, It
was" in the form of a 25c 'supper
'With, 21, .ladies • and 'J ' children
jtilresent. .'Items were received for
five" shut-in boxes. The program;
teonsisted •of carol sing!ig. Mrs.:
g sang
SilenNight in• the De Jong.and 'Mrs. riri
" DutQh
tongue. Mrs. Wylds gave : a read-
Ing of'the Christmas story. Mrs.
Richards conductea: a , Christmas..
`contest: The • 'meeting closed .by
Singing 'The Queen.
mine Christmas Dinners
Homemakers, whichwould
your family ,like best for Christ-
mas dinner -turkey, roast beef
e pork? .Take 'your choice ' of
three holiday feasts to delight
any appetite. You will find corn- -
Tim Luc iq o*' ;SENTINEL,, ►1
Thursday, Decemlber. 24th,
is the date of, C, E. .
Donagh's 80th .13 i r t l' d a
44fharlie", who is the last
• member of the family, resides
• on the farm where he was:
born in the Zion district on
Con, 12, Ashfield.
A veteran municipal offic=
a1', he retired from office a
couple of years •ago after ser-
ving for 31 years as.. Tdwn
ship clerk, and nine years. as
tax (collector„ •
piece menus and rrecipes in this
Sunday's (December 21) . issue of
Color Gravure ,American Week-
fy, .exclusively; with The Detroit
Sunday Times.
I Hereby Proclaim ;
rida...._: - December 20th
Civic Holiday for the, Village of Lucicnow
anal .call on : all citizens to observe it as such:
Stuart E Robertson, Reeve,
As your husband's chief
beneficiary,: would you
103.001.9.w to handle ,the,
administration• of his estate
Inexperience in• cutch; Matters can be expen-
sive and came untold; worry. sympathetic
• and experienced Estate • Officer of The;
Sterling ` drat will be happy
to... discus ',matter8 .with you and . your
husband. Such, an interview could be the
answer: to your future peace of mind.
0.. R p O R A T
Kincardine, Ont.
Phone 3504
` 1 SA.NCC
Si., Basch
Professor N. R, Richards, :head
of the Soils Department, Ontario
Agricultural College, addressed
the Huron County Soil and Crop
b'nprovercnent Association ' at its
first annual banquet . at •Clinton,
'Mr. Richards it. a son of Mr. and
and Mrs. Dick Richards of Para-
mount. ' . •
Professor ;> 'chards told the: 150
members 'present that should the
St.' LawrenceSeaway , become '.a
reality,, and • it seemed more of
a reality' every day, it may quite
possibly change the position of
agriculture in:'South-Western , On
tarso.. '
"In . all? likelihood both .urban
and ' rural .Population Will in-
crease, , which will mean that
:competition for land will increase
and the farm unit may notcon-
tinue to become larger and larger
which appears to be theestab-
lished trend at the present ,time,
"I have heard it- said, and ' I
agree with :: the statement,. that
the . centre of agriculture produc-
tion of the 'World will be, .con-
tained in an; , area within a radius
of 500 miles of' the ,city. of Chi-
cago. It ' iswithin this area that
the most versatile land in the
world., is to be' found. Land cap-;
able . of : growing,- a* wide ' range of
'crops. if properly managed is
capable of producing high yields:
Today we hear much 'talk' of in-'
duttrial basins.. The agricultural.
-basin, of, Canada can ..be South-
western Ontario `-- the .area :'in
which Huron 'County is.'located'
Professor Richards added.
"Here you are situated ,climat-
ically bound on the:. west side by.
a large fresh water lake. If mois-
ture is a limiting factor, what a
source of Water for irrigation
purposes is to be found in Lake
Huron. True this 'may 'be in the
distant future' and may be closer
than .we expect. The `future .de-
velopment of : 'agriculture in the
area is indeed bright and ' it. could
Only be, a pessimist who ' could
thick ' otherwise", he continued:
• He predicted that' thecrop:pat.
tern would change in the future
to :a greater extent than that. we
have witnessed ; in the past
The speaker was introduced by
G. W. Montgomery and thanked
by. Harry Sturdy, second vice-
president of ` the association
MacDON - n —in ingham Hos-
pital on Monday, December 15th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Jack •MacDonald,
a ' son,: Donald Campbell, a ,bro-
ther for Beverly.
- • The !greatest of ' faults ris to be'
2.2 i conscious of none. -Carlyle.
I se swpP. ' it, is too late to tell
o ..
you anything about candles and:
wreaths and decorations, is it?, It
certainly . looks. like'- Christmas
outside today, great feathery
flakes . of snow falling, the roof
and hedges. huddled under its,
blanket. .
There's. the cunningest little fat
colliepup playing with the child-
ren. in the yard.. I'm sure ,it is the
first time he -has been out in the
snow. He sits down With his ears
cocked enquiringly. 'Then he' runs
wildly 'about, tumbling.head •.over
heels in .a snowy bank, gets ,up
and shakes himself, visibly wond-
ering,: "What ' is this stuff any-
Just In. case yqu 'could use .any
last :Minute- ideas,. I have one for
wreaths and one for candles: As
,a foundation for . wreaths use
those . 'cheap wire hangers that
come back" from the . cleaner's,
ey are : flexible and can easily
be • bent in . a : circle. and you have
;the hook for hanging the finished
wreath. • .
`Big square, candles can be made
with paraffin wax: Use four ' slabs.
for each' candle; sealing them to-
gether. by placing a hot iron on
one,cake for a second: Before you
put the two pairs together; insert
the candlewick lay the -.edge of
the ' iron right .down' the . centre
making a narrow cavity in which
you can place•the candlewick. We
find candlewick (better than. cord
which sometimes smokes unpleas-
Now I :have.. a few special re-
cipes: for desserts and one. par-
ticularly handsome holiday 'salad:,
env. gelatin ,in i/4 cup cold •water.
_dissolve in '1: cup"hot water with
2 tbap sugar. ;Cool,.. When it starts:
to thicken . add • 1 `cup ground raw
cranberries and 1 tsp. grated'
orange rind:. Chill in large rink'
mold: Dissolve 1 pkg.: Bine .gela-
gela-' tin in .1 ,cupboiling water. ; Add
1 .cup cold' water. Cool.' When it.'
starts, to .thicken :add s/a cup each
diced celery and white grapes cut,
m halves. Pour or}• 'tap • of . firm•
cranberry layer. Chill. 'Uninold
on' lettuce.
.For pre - Christmas parties
dainty fruit desserts are popular.
STRA.wmaiiR'Y rim* 20',
mnarshrnallows, about 6 oz ; 1 cup,
hot 'milk, 3/4' cup . 'crushed'. frozen
strawberries, few grains, 1: cup
whipping cream: Add the marsh-
mallows to the hot milk. Stir un-:
til ifissolved.. Cool..Add the crush-
. ed frozen strawberries.Chill this
is Luckhow families...
He is John Davies, your Pru-
dential• man in-Lucknow: and. his
business is :providing. future hap-
pines&--your's .and Your. family's.
Talk to him. • He can help you
make, certain your children will
alw ys have their Most priceless
inheritance—their mother's full-
.time care. And he can show you
, how to .provide the money your
family you are taken
how Will
be sure youir family
will always have their home .1.
. MA, ,w,
A • 1 I
r, / ,1/
see Your
and how you'll be able to enjoy
independence whenn:yoo are -read
to retire. '
Even more, John can show You
how to protect . yourself against .
the crippling expense of sickness
and. accident, with Prudential's :
r .
great new Sickness and Accident.
You'll find: John Davies is a
constant, friendellor.
and coons
Make a •date with him...—today. .
For complete family seOuriIy
including `Prudential's great -neve Sic'kness
and ;dccfd•enl Insurance' plans
2nd Floor. Knetchel
Durham St. .
Phone 169. .
DEC. 17th, 195.
Week -end. guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred., Gilchrist and family
were Mr. and Mrs; Jaek Gilchrist; '
Mrs. Long, Miss Gloria Gibbing&
and. Mr. Don. •Brown,, all of Tor-
onto, who motored up to attend
the reception , for Mr. and Mrs,
Jack' Gilchrist in ` Holyrood Hall
ion F,rid�night.
Mrs., Georgeay Lockhart has re.
turned, home from Hamilton Hos..
• '
Mrs, George.'.Gilchrist enjoyed•
,a long distance conversation with,
her brother, Mr.. Robert Smyth of
Calgary on, Bunchy evening. .
Mr. Lloyd MacDougall purchas-
ed a 1953 Dodge sedan on Friday,'
Mrs. D. L. • MacKinnon enter-
taine& at a 'trousseau tea "on '
Thursday afternoon and • evening
in 'honor of her :daughter, ',lean,.
whose marriage. to Ross MacKen
zie was solemnized in South'. Kin- • '.
loss church, Saturday. '
Presbyterian Guild
The regular meeting of. the
Presbyterian. ' Guild 'was under ...
the direction 0. Rev: Winn.' The
call to ,worship Was read 'and the
'hymn "0. Come All 'Ye' Faithful"
was sung.. The scripture :was read `
by Gladys • Chin. A - prayer was
offered by 'Rev.' Winn after which
la meditation was' :given by 'Mrs.
Winn,:" "The Christmas. Baby grew
'up''. .Coral . singing was enjoyed.
by all. During the' business sec-
tion a report 0 the'finance for.
1952 was read andapproved: A
'c rnatitteeg of Mrs Winn, Ray
Stanley and' Gladys Chin was ap-
pointed to . ;.nominate 'the Guild
officers for 1953. The :P.Y.P s,:,
`.has invited the United'Y. P. ,to.•
join in carol singing to the' shut..
ins on Monday, December' 22nd at
7.30. The evening's program 'Will
be in charge of Ruth Johnston. `
mixture and . 'allow . to partially.
set, While it is setting, add a few
grains of salt to -one cup of whip-
ping cream and whip` until stiff.
Fold the '. wliipped`�cream .into -
chilled' strawberry mixture.. Pour
into refrigerator tray and freeze.
Serves six. - • - • •
2 cups raw cranberries, -1 "small
orange,: 1 cup. sugar, dash; salt,
1W tib&p:,� ,'• gelatine, W. cup cold
water, :1 yz, ;cups apple juice. Put
cranberries • -and- orange (rind and.
all) through food chopper, using
medium • blade Mix :well with
sugar .,and let... stand overnight,.
Soak gelatine •in water. for. five
Minutes. 'Heat 'apple juice,• add
gelatine and stir. until. dissoljved.
Stir. in the cranlberry-orange mix
hire.' 'Pour .. into one large', ring
Mold . or 6 or 8 individual molds,
rinsed' with .cold `water` or 'brush-
ed with ..oil. Chill until firm.., Un -
mold and. serve' with salad dress •
Cake:` 2' eggs, 3/4.: cup . white
sugar,, 1 tsp. •vanilla; 1 cup pastry
flour, 1'/i tsp. ''oak. pdr., i/4 : tsp.'
salt, 1'cup scalded Milk, 1,. tbsp,
butter. Beat eggs until:: very light,
adding sugar gradually, 'then add
vanilla. Sift in dry ' ingredients •
`Scald the milk in 'double boiler,
add butter. Stir until butter is
melted and add to first mixture. ,
Beat with Dover beater -batter. is
very thin. Pour • into • 9"' by 12"
pan and bake. in ' slow oven 40
As soon at cake • is •. rernoved
from Owen . turn out onto a soft
clean towel and roll. When cake
is cool:, unroll-and7-spread with
•cheese filling; Reroll and top 'cake
With. cranberry glaze. Place in re- •
frigerator to chill.
Filling:_ Two 4 oz. pkig. bream.
cheese, 1 tbsp. milk: Soften
cheese at room temperature and,
beat in milk.. '
Maze; ilk tsp. gelatine, 2 tbsp.
cold 'water, 1 -cup cranberry
sauce, 2 t'bsp. - powdered sugar,
1 cup . finely, chapped or grated
apple. • Soak gelatine in cold: •
water, let . stand 2 min. Dissolve -
over hot water. Combine cran-
berry sauce . and gelatin:. Stir in
Lugar and chopped apple. A11oW
to partially set before spreading.