HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-17, Page 1• a 1952 • $2,50 Yearly, In, dvance Extra To "U.S.A.; • has: Dairy 7enna.n oercial Flying' is in Ln -law. Strat- pract• it Bel., h: his )unclad'' .ds of Mont- They hand, ►i eture, 1Vloun�• Play - ;day 8s 'linton, i Clin, polled Lan the 's first • BROKE AIM �" N FALL .MAIN, ST. A , fall on Main St,' on Satur- day afternoonalong about Rae & Porteous Store resulted, . in. Mrs. Charles ' •Congram , stiffering a fracture of the right , arm, be- tween the e)bowland the should - she was, taken to Winghani Hospital after the ,injury was x- rayed at. Dr. ' Johnston's office.. Congratn'was: :able to leave the hospital the first' of the week ;and is with ,her daughter,. Mrs. Shielis. Mrs, P. W. 'Hoag :has' had her left forearm . in a. cast for about. the past month 'iis a result of. breaking n bone inthe wrist in a fall on the cellar stairway. Harold Cook has his head and shoulders enc lased in a cast hav- ing suffered a.neck fracture when, struck by a• falling limb. EXPECTS TO GO TO KOREA IN :SPRING Joe Whitby of the Canadian Navy, who has been taking ' a special course at Halifax; for some time, has been drafted aboard 'ship again,• and expects to go to Korea in .the spring. He is on the Huron. Joe won't get suffici- ent time off. at either Christmas: or New Year's. • to..get home for the holiday. '. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17th, 1952 EE BY THE, SEN•TI NEL;' NEW BANK 'MANAGER • }les of londay ' e :ey, and. ristnias t ` Mon - Reg.. • g .home at -her ; Berson; Dr her. on' De- cs' for= 1 each e other vs ' she' week's • alf for tie: pre- • s miss" e cattle t three _; tiled to In.' and ' ;t . until adver • id Bill out 11/2. • e lb. ie Ib.' ctive ad to ivoid Ment : en, ;ario •r-13 410 WIF1. SURVIVES HUSBAND LESS 'THAN A. MONTH 1.1106. E. 'McDonagh received a word . On Thursday Of the death of. his sister -in law, Mrs. Alex. McDonagh which occurred in Vancouver on D.eceir berg 8th.. She was 81 and succuriibed tip- a heart: . attack, having, survived her . hus-' •bandless; than a month. He pass- ed' away"'on Ndvem'ber 13th Mr.. and Mrs McDonagh were married 81 'years ago on 'June 24th They lived most. Of ,'their married life at Russell, Manitoba and had spent the Past,two 'years with,nembers. of' ,their iemily: in -:Vancouver,. Charli4., visited . -with -. them, at the coast a year ago, last Octorber. G. MURRAY : COUSE has this week assumed his ' new duties as manager of the local. branch: of the Bank of Montreal, succeeding ' C L. Smithwho. leaves Thursday. for Blenheim, If :,.bb -tVF`.:�,r� � Y�.V!7 .: Yk M, •'k�•r. Y ,: •. y. x.. „ E :; BID FA R WBLL ‘TO . M SMI.,,IT H FAMLY • •On Tuesday evening of 'last week: 'the • congregation •• of .'St Peter's Church, Lucknow, met at` the .,Recreation 'Centre ' :to • honor Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Smith and Charlene who•, will leave shortly for Blenheim: ?Mize winners in therprogressive"euchre were Mrs. Temple Clark atid . Lorne Reid, with "the consolation, .,Mrs..Mil- ler. Afterthe pleasant.; evening. Of cards, Fred. McQuiyllin read the presentation .. address; • and the Wardens, Mr. T. Smith and Mr. T. Salkeld; presented two 'lovely. blankets, to. Mr. and' Mrs.: Smith and Charlene. Mr. Smith replied' suitably :in a • short . address of thanks, The ladies of the .parish served a•delightful lunch.' Lucknow, Ontario,• • Dec. 9th, 1952. Mr. and Mrs: Charles Smith and 'Charlene, It is with regret' that we hear. that you are leaving our . com- ••munity. We shall miss'. you ..at. your aecustdmed . place in the church service, we : shall miss Mr.. Smith's • excellent help in the business of ' the church, we shall miss Mrs. Smith's help in the • Ladies°Guild; in fact ' we. shall kniss you ' very much.. We wish to thank you for all that you have done to • further. the church work- of St. • Peter's, Lucknow. You have made many friends iboth in: the church • and in ' the community and we are Sure that the: same will be :true in your new 'place . of • appointment. We Wish you much health and hap- piness ,inthe years ahead and' much success in your work. At this , time of year we wish that you `will enjoy the blessings of Christmas and may. . have a Happy and Prosperous New Year. We are gathered here tonight to 'show our appreciation of your presence with us and we, ask you "° to accept these gifts as visible tokens of the same, Signed On behalf of the Con- STORES OPEN'TODAY Lucknow' business places will - remain open Thursday afternoon, and on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of, next week. •: , FORMER'LANGSIDE LADY BAD ' LEG AMPUTATED The; many friends of Miss Grace Richardson. of Teeswater learned with ' regret* of the very serious operation she underwent in Vic- toria Hospital,.. London, on :Tues day of : last week, for the removal. of her right leg ; at the hip, • Grace is a• daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson, formerly of ,the. Langside`distriet. She, suf- fered a • fall about a year ago that caused the ''limb to trouble her and • when . treatment failed' to. bring. relief it was discovered that a condition had developed :which made .the major amputation im- perative, HELD FAREWELL .PARTY FOR: 'CHARLENE SMITH About twenty-five .girls . of Lucknow High School met at • the home ' of Carolyn .Gibson, last Wednesday ev'enirig for a 'fare- well :party for Charlene Smith, who' leaves the end • of the month with her .parents for .Blenheim. Audrey Ross assisted Carolyn in arranging the. ,party, at which Charlene was' presented with a • lovely compact: RECEIVES COLORFUL N' BOOKLET AUSTR.A►LL"i. .Rev. H. L. Jennings has r e- ceiived a ' colorful publication, '`Bushland•.. 'Bouquet";, front; his mother in Australia. It is a unique collection of some of . the ., Most popular and richly colorful of •Australia's wild flowers, print- ed .from direct natural ' color photographs. The spring wild flower- beauty •starts early in August and when spring has exhausted its beauty, early summer gives the .blazing. orange Christmas; bushy greg'ation of St Peter's, Luck -,./\"Yo int re§tete in scanning 210w,, Tr,. "T •Tennin s minister; '"111, '1' rd 'r`.. "" ..+'-+ •'d son - T 1 ' " 'yel . wfiidns. THAT Miss Susan..MacNaugliton has. gone to Toronto, where she is employed at the' home:. of Mr. and Mrs, Frank King (nee Rachel. MacDonald), who re- cently returned from a trip to Mexico. —o— THAT the Lucknow District High School band will present. ' 'a Sunday afternoon. band concerf in. the Town Hall, ' at which. iMr.:. W., C. Attridge,'. will be guest' soloist. THAT .proceeds .,'of the benefit ,'.dance held recently at Dungan- non'for George Turton will be used to assist inbiyiig' a wheel 'chair. George suffered' a broken back last• June,and it is quest tionable . if he will walk again., The Young man is a 'past pres- ident ideent 'of The Colwanash' Junior Fanners, who ' sponsored. the ,.event THAT receptions Were held Fri= day evening in . Lucknow in honor of Mr and Mrs. BiltBolt and• at Holyrood in honor of • Mr. and Mrs. •Jack -Gilchrist. :THAT 'Mrs. Dave Alton's :,an- nual Christmas •annualChristmas gift to her four •boys•'away'frOin e i els,: Jack and Ewart . Webster, .• .s'a / subscription to the old.. Borne . paper.. Mrs. Alton,who is crip • pled with rheumatism, is 'in her, 83rd • year.. She '` is presently making her home •With `' her :daughter, : Mrs. W. G. Reed and Mr: Reed.' -o-- THAT . P. Mi• Johnston is.. assist- ing the Post Office staff during - the. Christi'nas 'rush. • THAT Miss. Patricia .Gagen,: who. is taking; .Ma nursing' course at the University of Western On-. • ,tario, was the winner of a $75 bursary 'awarded by t h e hO.D,E. She was pictured in the' Free Press last week with ;other award 'winners:' Her . mother was .formerly ' Almeda ' 'Durno :.of • Lucknow: THAT 'Kattleen, Lane. and :Joyce. Baulch, Stratford Normal stu- dents, were practise toaching lastweek in Kinloss. , • o-= THAT there were nine tables.at the Auxiliary .Shoot party on' Friday night, the winners be- ing . Mrs. 'Marshall .•and 'Frank Hamilton. The parties :Will 'be resumed • the second • Friday' in January. THAT overnight parking on vill- age, streets is again . prohibited'.' during the . winter as this pre- ' vents the proper snowplowing • of the streets, Such vehicles are • . subject to removal at the own- er's risk and expense. • -•--•o— • THAT Reeve Gordon Stanley of Ripley is.;. a candidate for the 1953 Bruce County wardership.. Others in the field are Thomas Stevenson of Chesley and Wil- liam Winters', of ' Walkerton. Duncan Munn. visas Ripley's' last warden. THAT there will 'be no milk de- livery locally on either Christ- . inaS hrist•'inas 'or. New Year's Day. THAT a water heater' advertised last week in the "Want Advt." column, attracted more th -„ ons arose• ''-• wit'! EIGHT PAGES JAMES DRENNAN PASSES.. I , � Fl ND OLE IN FOG Mr. James: Drennan, father of TO LAND PLANE Wilfred Drennan of .town, passed A former • Lucknawite, Mel • Stewart, and his passehget, Milt Zimmerman of Preston; had an exciting few Minutes .on. Tuesday of last week, when they had to make . a forced `landing of : their Chipmunk smgle=engine aircraft. A : heavy blanket ' of • fog and failure • of the', aircraft's instru ncients combined to .force tahem to make : an '•.emergency ; landing , on: a . farm in the 'Milton district, Previous'. efforts to land at 'Gait and Toronto had been unstccess ful., .. ; The, gas supply ;was • rdnning` low when the two,,,airmen found a ' hole in ' the fog blanket; and Mel` set the 'Chipmunk dawn for a prfect' three-point landing :on' a comparatively level farm :field, and no damage was ' done. The owner of the farm said °the , plane circled his house --four times '.• before landing, and was' flying so avi . he could see • the exprression on. the faces of the fellows:. inside. Mel, who . is .1na"t tiger of the • The deadline for. news :copy Waterloo -Wellington' , airport at away' in Goderich Hospital. ori Tuesday .,morning from. a heart attack; which the suffered on Sun day at:' his home in ,Goderich. He was in his 88th year. CHRISTMAS GREETING, • ISSUE NEXT WEEK The Sentinel will be .pub lished a day "earlier 'next week. It will be offthe press ' Tuesday' for distribution in Wednesday's mail,' and will • carry the Christmas Greet- ingso f . ny -local `business establis encs. i ' • • Getngadvertisements not e : already arranged for ..must` be in our hands by Friday at six o'clock. ' T h e Sentinel preceding New ' Years will also • be a . day earlier and; will be pub=. lished on. Ttiesday, December 30th, carrying ' New• Year's • .greetings from : from local mer- chants. ' ' for 'bot'h these issues is Mon- day ;at 'six o'clock, but copy that. can• be in earlier, must, be. Breslau, 'gad another thrill ; a couple of weeks earlier, when his Tiger Moth was overturned .on. a, runway . at Milton airport.; ,Alk Q U'E E N. TO SPEAK : S.S. CONCERT, COLLECTION C's 1INAID.OFCOUNTYC.A.S.. H R I STMAS DAY ' Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth Reeve Stuart E. . Robertson was ' will deliver her Christmas Da mWalkerton last Wednesday' night :attending, a meeting of the message at 10 a.m. on December Bruce County' •MChildren's ' Shelter 25th. Her message will .be heard; ,Committee. A report: was given on the Dominion network, :except at. that ,mieeting ,. of '; the. 'current`. " •CJBC,, • and ' will; be repeated at . _ .. __ _ ,, campaign _•rn �aad _ _ of _the_ C.A.S. , _ 9.45 p.m. CJBC,: will carry the: work, when it was revealed .that broadcast at 3 30'.: p m. the re ' ` •nese fr .the Lucknow. ' This'; will' be er •Maaesty's. first o : w• , �Distrriet .w4��; ; Christmas m a +e *om .'B I . Reeve . Rorbetson wishes to • .the`C- m home to the peoples. of $ thank :all' organizations • and in- ., monwealth and her first tiff cial droduals''who have contributed to broadcast as Queen. Already an; .allies cause.. Those who. might yet eisperienced broadcaster, Her g wish to do -so may forward their: Majesty ' began at . the age of 14 donation: direct . to ' Mr. Donald during the wear ...when;. she spoke . Cameron at Walkerton , or leave ' to the; children of• the 'Common ° ' wealth.. Four. years later she was heard launching as new battle- ship, • and in 1947 ; she made her. coming -of -age broadcast ' from, Capetown. Several ot herspeeches have 'been broadcast each. • year• since tithen. ,'In• -'Canada last year she' broadcast from Ottawa and• a number' of other cities;she ;also . . ;NEW MANAGER :addressed' an international micro- A hone .in the garden.of thASSUMES • DUTI ES P,e White House. Her farewell speech from • St, • John's was a particularly Newly appointed manager of memorable one. • "the Bank of Montreal's Lucknow This traditional Christmas'Day broadcast dates back . to '1932, when -the- Queen's grandfather; it ' at: The„Municipal Municipral Office or. The Sentinel Office. . The collection ';at`the .Presbyter.- ed ian foChu;rthirc::,hurulpIdoas: Srhoolcon- cert Wednesy nigt is eStmark- s: branch is G. Murray-. Couse. He succeeds Charles .L; Smith, who ; . has 'been named manager • of the King George V,' gave the , first bank's 'Blenheim office..: message. Born • and educated at • St. • .The lbroadcast will climax the ,Thomas, Mr. Louse •begah bis program career there in 1924.. During. the•sitteeedtng x years, he '4' gained valuable' experience At .•Various. B of M . branches in On- tario, • including' those at Sarnia, • London and. Windsor. • Mr. Couse received his first ap-. pointrnent in 1940, as 'accountant:' at . Leamington. Four . years later, he was transferred, in a similar capacity, to' :Suncoe, ,where he was promoted to assistant man- ager in .1946, • Prior to his present MGBC's round -the -world which commences at 9 '.a.m, arid. is ' entitled, ' "The Queen's Inher- itance". It will be followed •by a program of carols by the Peace Tower carilloneur, .Robert Don - ell.' GOT A GIFT PROBLEM?, SEND THE SENTINEL!. A gift 'that is appreciated the Year round is a .new or renewal .. . appointment; subscription to Thebother!' Lucknow , Mr. Louse • served Sentinel.. No fuss, no Mbother Jst' for three years with the assistant'. order it. and :we'll' send an at- • general manager's department iri Toronto: � . tractive,oard announcing the gift. 'Keenly , interested in the civic ;and community events Of the di:5- GEORGE WEBSTER HAD tricts in which he has been sta-. BEST SCOUT DESIGN ' tiohed, Mr. Couse, while 'in Sire= coe, • was a member to the . Lions 'Local ' Boy Scouts have sub- Club; the Recreationcouncil' and mitted a number. of designs for a the Little Theatre;, distinctive' Saugeen District Scout Mr. Couse has • arrived here, to, arm. badge. George Webster's'de•-take over his new duties, sue sign was judged the best and he seeding. C. L. Smith who 'leaves wins $2,00. Next ;in line was Thursday to assume' • his new $ .00, followed by managerial post at Blenheim.. • Teddy; Collyer.,: 1� � ., , ,�_ . ...��_. �� �... Bill Robinson and George. flab Mr and'` Mrs. Cduse halve two 'kirk who each won 50c. • ; public school age Children, Paul, ' The best of these designs will . age 13, and r•Lyn, age 9. The be entered in, the Saugeen .Dis'•= family will not move here until cont 5t. •the latter part of the month and Mrr r r +; r• ^,�....«w . < x ',r+. �vC : -: u M••q. Smith h and Charlene plan, to in here until than, •