HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-10, Page 10PAGE. TAT T L„VGKNQW :S1,NF4 L'tUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNE$i3AY, PF`iC: 19th,, 19.5 t ,d0403ai 1901: /0004Chi 009/ 100 09!d 1! +1 !0'd L ,M0~-000110 Ci►40Edi! 000011 Ml 10q! , ..' • . . r.e to Never• Shipments in this, week ek � white : shunts, �. at �.. , .r, $3 95, 954 Sz $5.95 Stripes anti• Plai�nsat .....,. .... ,9s dt 5425 SPORT SHIRTS . . in nylon, and 'acetate corder, wool"p1aid `' •�. ...,. ritpes;, and, "plain, a in new, . pat tc ns ..1•.• . ti h• Clasps,' es, Cuff Links, Tie Cla'Hefts w, �ovaes.. 1 ec wTar ; from , $1,00 to'$2 5( 'our Men's l ullovers and Cardigans -,- AA new proc ` r: In 011e dyeing gives them a moth -proof gua ntee. epttardio dt ;,;5i,95 $95 th ;Monogram, . f rIS T OUR CHILDREN'S- • in the Basement. CHRISTMAS DRAW :,Blanket,full bed size' and Two Teddy Be • May Wo ,Suggest; Angora. Berets and Gloves ‘. Al shades, of white,. pink, blue, red. B'arot~ Made to. order in any shade desired. �*Wigs' h��e a �selection to offer in nylon, wool, plaid, satin: and chenille.. a .good buy at ,; $6.95 Oversize housecoats in chenille, . • Lathes Lounging; Pryae ►as ..' • In quilted satin. and silk, prices, ranging f47901: , r.t.,, t $7.95 to, $13.95 . ' s overs ` .: •• �g� and, In .,af1, shades, plain or fancy knit, wool 'or nylon. Sizes 12.20, aaT46. Accessories ., • Silk and, Wool. headsquares,. Scarves, _Gloves by Kay•. ser, Handkerchiefs, boxed and separate, Handbags. , t Lace Tablecloths, Nylon. Runners, Vanity Sets,. Towel Sets, . ,.Bedspreads,' `Bath Mat Sets.: , Nylons.'.. We can offer. you Kayser,..Weldrest, Phantom, Corti - ,cilli —7 orti:cilli'.- Boxed 'in Christmas gift boxes aslong' as boxes last • • YOUTHS! la TEEN;461ERS HOZTSECOATSt -for :boys,ages, s to 14.! IES* and :CHI:LDREN'S WEAR;:. Gyms QIENTTTX: `in, 3 to 6, at $2.98';. Piece. Goods; and ,Woollens, sato 14at 4 5r . gro:Viftii aE,iA'af°"'ftl'A'+f+iMFm + + iplisr 4'fp+ 606.Qa'effti #ANG `ii'e. THAT Mr. and. . Mrs. Erie Co* THAT after church. on Sunday '. '14and' son Jimmy of the Teviot- evening about 25 members of dale ; district, and fermerly'' of the United, Church Y:1' S were Lucknow, have annoed' that entertained at The Parsonage twin: girls, .Jane, and.. Judy, have, • by Rev. and Mrs,' Gr int Meikle- r:.when a;. 'sing, song . wascoQne i to be members.' of, their john, fancily, /. enjoyed and lunch .served, On _o-- Monday : evening members of. THAT in renewing his , Sentinel the' Society held a turkey sup - ,subscription, • S. R. Miller of • per in the Sunday Schgol room, •Mayi vont, Sask., says, "We all' ' - —0 -- diad a real good crop this year". `iiHAT", Tom Toad: of St, Helens, Sa; . says' they are fine` and look is wend Xiee firesident -of, the ferward4,weelply to the news of Gi`ey..Bruce Huron . -Aberdeen*. the old- home .. town and''coun- ' s :' Association;, which met trY: recently m Walkerton to. elect the' 1653 officials, ' =AT Gordon MacLeod of Rich- ard,*: Sask., son. of. Mrs: John MacLeod " of town, a is: seriously 111 -in the *est. Gordon, visited, with relatives here about.. ..,,,year ago. THAT • Tom' Henry has :been ap- pointed assistant manager cif the 'Peterborough office of the Bank of ' Montreal. • I-awn'g disposed:' of• the., restaurant' and pool room to, Mr• Janes. Duneat I. wish to express:.sincere.' thanks: for :yourPatronage- 'pleasant business relations, -and to �b — speek,:.tor. my successor acontinuance of. your Piktroitiate-'and .it 'wishes to all for Me, ..... ew Year. • • �4 releav BOUGUT GOLLAN FARM Reg Levis has bought the ,Go1- lan farm on, the Second- Congest cion of, Kinloss; Reg gets immed- iate possession bide Will • not oc- cuipJ the farm. until next summer after the close of .school 'when 'the family will move • to Kinloss. Reg is in the garage • business near Crumlin: •4 Swap it!` . Sell it! Rent it! Buy it! Use Sentinel, Want Ms. • 'MAT 'Bab McNain of:Amberley smaslie d 'their car badly on Friday' night When. the .vehicle leveedonthe slipPery highway L and , crashed into . a . cultkrt a Couple of miles went of Luck- now. : THAT • 'flowers in the: United Church . on . Sunday ' were hi memory. of. Mr. Con Decker and placed there by Syd and; fan- I T hydro service was disrupt- ed over a.: wide area on Satur- . day .. evening for well`' over: , an hour.:'Carse of the break was not: known. ideally ' and is re=. ported.' to have resulted in a i ,bIackout; as far north as ONven. F Sou#d. This;„ following on the heels .a a water cut-off; along., mai*. street . last, week, drives :home how dependent we' are. on these public' utility, services.•. THAT MrGeorge Shiells of the Amberley-Pine River district observed. his 91st birthday on November 25th, and ,:received• many expressions of congratu- lations and best wishes. He makes his home with his son,. Stewart Shiells . .:. ' '! ' 1D s l asalian, , '3# # soonce roarma '1, irorsi mesessio'3,W'3amo SHOP AND SAVE AT C Nowt -NEW -NEW CASH AND CARRY STORE r _o= THAT Mrs. M. C. McDonald of.. Chatham:.' (formerly Verna :Ste- ward) . who 'has been doing, oil paintings' for some time, ;has several pieces of her work on display and for sale at•Schmid's Jewellery Store. Her daughter, Mary Elizabeth, is also study ing:, painting. - T14AT Mr. and Mrs. ' J. G. Mc : Intosh (formerly. Olive. Alton) • have : built a new home at 261 Johnston Ave:, ..'Oshawa, and' have. just .mored into it. THAT Elwood I Win was reliev- ` •ii g at Ripley C.L.R. depot• while HenryCarter• was on holidays, and is doing similar D. F. ANDERSON Everyday LOW PRICES Everyday S duty /here at present 'While' R,R. 3, Lucknow, Oarlo` Garet Henderson is ' holiday -Phone Dungannon 68-r-13 rismoia alis'osasosicesi citiii # vosO ,?s iaA'aritiseri16 oitiormN esavostd fliams t #a -- - 1 i.b' .'.it #' 1 g0084U!A`#VA0000 l,' Mi0I OIONME 1 6 '1 Asir ` hila! i' gMENI' ION1' 'l Afi'.ibll'1 3 '!!,IE!> W l Dig• -M .SEE: BY THE.. SETINEL VATS, • 1larvey Treleaven , has:.. ta1en•.4!ver the Fairview. Dairy omni, route as.. J.' C. Drennan is, going, to take u commercial flying at the Kitchener Flying' Cliibi. air field;. 'which' is in . charge of ' his brother-in-law, 1101, Ste' artt —0-- 'THAT George Harris, a Strat- ford Nernial student, is` pract- ice teaching this week at Bel- 'fast an+d ' Stay' ' ' � �' Wath : 'his grandmother, M,r s. Duncan' MacDonald. THAT the, :.new..1953'. Fords of. fically.' .go' ow display at Mont- gomery, Motets on Friday. They have a pair of them : on hand. ?MAT an . outstanding Picture, ' rd aho the Highest Moue. thin"; it coming to The Play- hequse next Moak*, .Tuesday 8c Wednesday. —o— =AT, ` Burton Stanley of'Clinton, wag reeentlyr• elected to Clip, ton Town Cotipcil..' .Ile polled • 728 votes, only :26less than the .top than. It' was Burton's 'first. bid .for municipal office. :THAT there *ere *ere 16 tables of card 'playe� at the Monday Night Shoo party: Prize win.- 'vers were rs. Bill•.Statiley, and Earl Harris; The Christmas party Will be held. next Mon- day,' THA_Elizabeth::Anderson,:. Reg,: N,'wh eoperates knursing home m Mbntreal, writes that . her' mother, ';141st' Archie Anderson, iso remarkably well for her. ye$trs. She will • be 85 on' De- tember 27th. " She. ' looks' for, • ward,,, to: The . Sentinel each. } week and entertains the other p itients with. thea, news she a`. readsin the paper o ?HAT an advt. in last week's Sentinel;c'recovered, a calf for Bull; Maeintyre, which he pre- sumed : was ; dead. Irt was miss ring when he •.brought .the cattle, in ;off the pasture . about three weeks ago. Inquiries failed to obtain. any ' : information and ' Bill gaveit up • for :lost, until Stewart MacGiVivray adver- tised it last week, and Bill found: his stray - only about 11/ miles from•.,home. CHRISTMAS EYS 1 Light '3: to 19 lbs., 60c lb. Heavy: 22 to 26 lbs., 55c Ib. • Regular and ' prospective customers are requested to, place orders 'soon to avoid, 'possible disappointment later:y `, , , •1 SPECIAL! MEN'S 'SHIRTS -=-Plain and striped, sizes ranging from 141/2 to 17 Priced at $2.95. Coaster Sets and Muddlers�in . • plastic case .,_ 9u the ideal gift h w TIES! TIES! fort 'e; woman' who'entertains. Good. selection' of patterns reasonably' priced. Not forgeting chit g 1.00 to 1.50 ,: ' • � � � �+ Woollen �Blankets, Pillow ea. d ' .grsiD selection o s e Sheets.andF' low Cas .. +a++10c1#err[NOVOraPaWO+cP+aster+a+aVal+WORAVIV*44/+$060cP+akr,�a�+�r+t+araxa��r�r+�a�+++�+i"� ., 1 • GIFT ITEMS Beautiful Towels, each ' •� , , 59c to $1.69