HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-10, Page 51
152. wEp i p ?AY , DEC. 10th, 1952
.The Y,P.S. met to the .church
on Monday evening. The presi-
dent, ;(sari}e Tiffin, presided.
The mjrkutes.acre Fead by the
Ronald. ••MacGillivra
secretaay;'' '° y.
Lloyd.Euffman read the scripture
and Jung"tout !g °led in prayer,. The
topic waft given by the president.
After ,the close of elhe meeting,,
Chistmas. carols i Were Y's. ung, The
next •aneetingf vi11 ibe (held in
the church, on. Monday" evening;
becember 15th, ,at ,t8.30 p.m.
The-W.M.S, Auxiliary' will Meet
• in :the on Monday, De-
cember, '15tIr=gat 2:30 p.rn4 (Note
change of .place, and ,day),
The Ladies' Aidwill hold their
Mrs W Gordon ;isunder
the doctor's care atthe home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller. 'Her
many- friends hope for a speedy
Mrs. Tom Todd was hostess for
the December meeting of the
Women's. Institute.. Mrs. Elwood
Barbour was: in the chair and the
roll call was swell responded to
by a Christmas verse. Cash dona-
tions were voted to the Christ-
•mas seal fund and to the ;Child-
Chr istinas meeting at the home
• of Mrs. Win 'Evans on Tuesday
evening, •'pecemiber, , 16th : at 8,30
*r ,'fir .•g y,
Ten's War Memorial Hospital.. t
was dec'ided.: i9 .iold: an ,At 14pzne
during; 'the . chriSt.mas holiday,
Mrs. Andrew : Gaunt -gave an in-
teresting topic, onChristmas and
Mrs,, E.,, W. Rice, favored with a
solo. After the exchange, of
Christmas gifts, a pleasant social'
hour was, enjoyed, when after-
noon tea ,was, served.
The Christmas meeting of 't+he
W.M.S. and the -W44 will he held
apt trie. home. of. "Mrs. •T.; 4.!$ Todd
on Friday afternoon kat 2.3O. All
the ladies • are .invited. •
Mr. ° and•' Mrs. Dan McKay of
Ripley and Mr. anki• Mrs. Fred
McGregor. of Kintaii were recent
visitors With Mr. 'and . Mrs: Geo.
Blake. Church W.M.S.
The meeting of 'the' Blake's
W.M.S. was held •.at the hone. of
Mrs. W. Irvin on'T
rhursday, De,
cembe•. 4th with' attendance
of ' 15 adults- .and.4' children. Mrs.
Cooke, the president, was in the
chair. The. scripture ,reading was.
given in four parts by Mrs Geo.
Twarnl.ey,, Mrs, H..;Curran, Mrs.
I,.' Cranston . and. Mrs.. v...,Irvin,
. were •given Eby Mrs. R
Johnston and, Mrs.; J., Irwin. It'
was decided to have the: sectional
meeting of . ;the ; W.M.S. in Oct-
ober; also to' send a delegate to
the convention in May .at $t
T.hoxanas. Rev. J. R,'Dicl inson:'pre-
sided for the electibn:.of. ' officers
as follows; pres., , Mrs. ooke;
Mrs. G. Twamley; sec.-treas.,, Mrs.
H., Curran; , .pianists,, , Mrs . G.
Twanley. Mrs,Henry sec.
Flaw.er Fund, Mrs. C. Kilpatrick,
Mrs. 1. Kilpatrick; sec., Mission-
ary Monthly, Mrs. L. ' Menary;
Strangers sec., =Mrs. R. Kilpat
rick;, Heralds:- China, Mrs. W. Ire '
vin; Home Missions;" Mrs. George '.
Saunders; Japan, Mrs. ,R.. Irwin;
Temperance, Mrs. R. Johnston;.
India; Mrs. 1, Cranston; Christian`
Stewardship, Mrs. T: Henry. W. A.
officers are pres:, Mrs. - Saun
deers; ist vice, Mrs: 1 I..Cranston
sec.-treas., Mrs. Zs.. Menary; Help-
ers,/ Mrs: -G. '11WamleY, Mr's. J
1111421; Mrs: R. Kilpatrick, 1Virs.
J:- Henry. Lunch was sexived by
Mrs.'1. Cranston and Mrs. L. Men-
-1St vice Mrs. J. Irwin; 2nd vice, .ary.• 4
I ..
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