HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-10, Page 3it. 1'• WEDNESDAY! »E;C. 10th, 1952 itiL211.traMil,• ..w ,• THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL L; UCKNOW, ONTARIO United Church. W.M.S. The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. met at the 'hoarse of, Mrs. y�. S., Anderson on December 3rd with 36.' ladies. present Mrs; N. J. MacKer ie occupied the chair and opened the meeting with the call to w.PI'ship. Mrs. MeilileJohn offered prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs. Harold Treleaven and •business discussed, Reports from each department weregiven. on the year's..work by. the secret- aries, Mrs, W. •B. • Anderson pre- sented the slate of .:officers . for 1953: Pres., Mrs: Russell Robert - seri; 1st vice, Mrs.. N. .J.. Mac- Kenzie; Znd vice, Mrs. P; W. Q•r Hoag; crespondingsec., -Mrs. George Andrew;. recording sec.,. Mrs. 'Root. Rae; treas., Mrs: ' W. B,. Anderson; Christian steward .. ship ` sec., Mrs. ..Ewart.• Taylor; temperance sec., ' Mrs, • `Limbach; literature sec., Mrs.. Steve '•Stoth- ' . ers;' associate Helpers sec., Mrs. W. ' L. MacKenzie; Missionary Monthly.sec., Miss. Hazel Webster; press sec., Mrs..john Kilpatrick; Community .Friendship sec., Mrs• • James Webster; Mrs. George •An} drew; pianists, . Mrs. G. Meikle - john, Mrs. John Hall; superinten- dents. of Mission Band, Mrs: Geo. Joynt, 'Mrs. T. B Cleland;, super-•. intendents Baby Band,. Mrs: Floyd Wilson, .Mrs. Stuart ,Collyer.. The devotional exercise, -"Christmas the season . of Birth and• Re -birth" was taken' by Mrs. Eldon Hender- son, Mrs. Robt. • Tho'mpson; Mrs., Jas.• Webster, Mrs: •McDiarniid and Mrs. John Hall,' Mrs: A, Breckles:. favored' ' with a solo.: The study; • Agriculture and .Missions;. was ••ably'.given'by Mrs. Ewart Taylor, showing •how . the. impoverished.: •people of Africa were •helped physically and spiritually. Instru- rnental•.,was rendered Eby Donna'. Jol nsten and a' trio by Nancy Webster, Patricia Thompson',and Joan Crawford were .enjoyable numbers. A hymn and prayer • closed .;the meeting and. a social half. hour. 'was enjoyed. Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, .DECEMBER' 14th 11 a.m.: Morning' Worship: 12.15 p.m.: Sunday: School. 3 p.m.' Erskine Church, Dun- gannon. • • • 7 p.m. Evening Worship. Every Wednesday f8:00 p.m.: Prayer Meeting & Bible . Study LUCKNOW ' 1 UNITED CHURCH. ' Minister: '• Rev., G. A.'Meiklejohn, , B.A.,B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14th 11 a m.:''Messengers. of. Peace'. 1 12.15 p.m.: Sunday ; School. .! 7 p.m:: "Signs of • Hope". Sunday School -Concert, Thurstlays December 18th ••Church. Of ,England • IN CANADA: Rev, H. L. Jennings, B.A. L.Th+ Rector. , SUJND'AY,•DECEMBER 14th • Advent 3 St. Peter's, .Lucknow: 10.30 a.mw: Church School...' 11.00 a.m.: Morning Prayer. • St. Paul's, . Dungannon, 2, pan. 'Christ Church, Port' Albert, 3.30 p.m. St. Paul's; Ripley, 7:30 p.lfl.•. 11 Anglican c All and their parents are invited for a Christmas Theatre Party at. The Playhouse Theatre - on Friday, December 19th at 4.00 p.m • . Local & General, PIANOS -5 new, 12 used; at the Mildmay Furniture Stores. Used chesterfield suites, new refriger- ators, washers. tk Mrs, George Tiffin underwent • an operation in Wingham Hospi- tal <on Monday morning.. Miss Gertrude Treleaven of London spent; a couple of days here ,last. week.. • 'Roy Cole was a caller in town - on Monday, enroute froth West- ern Canada for a holiday in Florida.• ' BE READY FOR CHRISTMAS Order your 'Beauty • Counselor gifts of cosmetics, cologne, soap, etc., • •from "Mrs. • Ken Mowbray naw' Priced from $1.00 .up., Mr. and Mrs. M. C, McDonald and Mary Elizabeth of, Chatham spent .the•week-end 'with•her par- ents, Mr.. ' and Mrs. Charles Ste- ward. Mr.'•:and Mrs. Innes MacSween: and .Mr. T. 'J. Salkeld and Miss: Helen Salkeld were in Toronto last week' . attending •, the Bee- keepers Association convention. The • regular . meeting of the Lucknow Women's Intstitute will be held in the Town. Hall' at 2.30 on Friday, December 12th: Hos- tesses, ;Mrs. Sam Reid, Mrs. Cam., eron and' Mrs. " Elliott. ':Guest speaker,' Mrs:, Steer,.. • Mr and Mrs. R. J Button moved' last week from the ::apart- ment over the butcher shop to the residence of . the` late, Mrs. D.M. Thom:pson m' psn which• • they bought some time : agoand have since done ' extensive renovating and :decorating. • , • • Mrs:.A. Hawkwoad • and.• Mrs Canstantine left on Tuesday. on their return to Calgary after visiting for three weeks with the f brmer•'s daughter, Mrs. George Alton ;and MT Iton. The; ladr s. visited here on.•.their; 'way .home from a six weeks' trip to Eng- land. ; GIFT SOLEJTION=a suubscription to- The ,Sentinel makes a most acceptable gift: No fuss, no both- er. Just order :it and: we ;will send a gift card The year round gift the entire family ` will •appreciate. KINCARDINE . 'OPERATOR. GETS ARCTIC MESSAGES 'Reuben Lautenslauger, Kincar- dine town clerk, and a "ham" radio 'operator in his spare time,. has been in ' contact , with Bob Thompson, stationed ' .at a; wea- ther observation post.' •'at, :Arctic •Bay onthe northern rim, of Baf= •fi,n. Land. , "The latest • message received from Bob, via :•JE3•A1TR, Kincar- dine, ,was incardine,.•.was to • the effect that he was . getting along, fine and • was expecting, an air ::drop • on 'De- cember 3rd. _By that drop 'they would get ''a' pile • of mail that has been accumulating at Ottawa awaiting the.. flight, . as well as some Christmas parcels. , Mr. Lautenslauger'has :inform- ed 'Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs.: R. H, Thompson, that he is happy to do his best to pick up and transmit -messages . at any time. We generally get fairly good ser- vice, he said, but at times :atmos- pheric conditions are very diffi- cult. • HUSBAND OF FORMER LUCKNOWITE BURIED HERE The •.funeral, of Donald Joh'i Sinclair, an Ottawa lawyer, was held to Greenhill on Wednesday, followingthe arrival of the after- noon train Mrs.' Sinclair • was formerly Lala. Arriistrong • of Lucknow. . Mr. °Sinclair, age 54, died in hospital a.L Ottawa , on. Sunday, from a heart condition. He was a member of 'the Toronto. Argo footlSall tcarii that won the Grey' Cup in 1021 He was a' solicitor with the Custody of !hien .Prop- Prop- erty Branch in t e' Secretary of States Depar�tme(t. pesides his widow; he is sur- vived by one son, John Peter Sinclair who is attending St. An- drew's, College at Aurora. LEGACY TO : AID CHINESE BOY •T The annual meeting of the Luck Presbyterian. • W.M.S. washeld in the scheel rbom of the church. After opening exer- cises by the president, ;the'Christ- mas service of worship , from. the Glad Tidings •was;• followed throughout. • The secretary; Mrs.. Porteous, read . the minutes and it 'was vot- ed On that $400 of the Spindler legacy 'be sent toward the educa- tion of the Chinese boy, :Stephen Canada who has recently come -to to study ° in McMaster University. His life story ,is one of suffering and privation at the hands of ' 'bandits. " : Award Life Memberships . ' Two life rnemlierships Were, presented'' by 'the ,Society, one to 'Mrs.. Yoven and the other to Miss Jane Bowman, The various secretaries gave their reports ,and' -'showed a suc- cessful year in ' all departments.. In all, $400 was contributed to- wards the • general fund. The •, nominating ; committee, Mrs. Ci H. MacyDonald and Miss. Carrick, brought in 'the follow- ing slate: of officers for 1953: hon. presidents, Mrs. E, A. Mac Kenzie, Mrs. H. Mullin, Mrs. W. A. Russell; press, .Miss Mary Mc- Leod; vice presidents, Mrs.. Bob Reid, Mrs: , C..H..1VMcDorr:aid, Mrs. A. C. Agnew; recording sec., Mrs• •W. A. Porteous;' financial sec, and treas., Mrs , B. : �Yoven; cor. sec. and press reporter,,. Mrs. Elmer Johnston; pianist, Mrs C. A. Winn;, literature. sec., Mrs.: A. ;C. Agnew; stude ' sec., Mrs. , Jas.' Little; welcome and welfare ,see., Mrs. d. Cook; Mrss.'Tena Carrick; expense & life. membership .sec., Mrs. W. J. Douglas; supply;, Mrs. J. ,Agnew, Mrs. Purdon;..Home Helpers see., Mrs. R. V:.MacKen- zie, Mrs. M. MacFarlane; :social committee, Mrs. ''A. C. Agnew; Mrs: James Little, Mrs. Jewitt, Mrs,- Jr -R -Johnstone, program coma, Mrs: C•• Mason, Mrs P Mc.= Call mem:bership com., .Miss Mc- Donald, Mrs. .H. Nixon; Mission Band leaders, 1VI> s Ro'b MacKen- zie,,;Mrs. V. MoWbray; ..1VIrs. C; A: Winn. The newly elected .officers were installed by Rev. C. Winn. • .It was ' decided to hold • thefirst four meetings of, the year in the 'homes. . Mrs. , Winn 'summarize/ the. news 4 from the .Glad : Tidings meter' which sides were • .chosen for a contest on the Glad. Tidings issues for the, year „with Mrs. • W: J. •Douglas and Mrs.' Be!b Reid as captains. The result was.' a tie. The meeting closed 'With prayer and praise. South 'Kinloss W.M.S. The December meeting was held at the Manse With 23 mem- bers and '.5 visitors and several children present. Mrs. • P. • Steer 'gave :.a very ,inspiring Christmas message. based on the 2nd chap- ter of Luke. Mrs. W. F. MaeDon- ald' led in prayer. Scripture cal /endars were ordered by several members. the last chapter' of t'he study book was well reviewed by Mrs. A. Hughes. Mrs. Chadwick favored with a lovely solo:- As this was the annual' meeting re-. ports Were given by all the. ere- Cutive, then Mrs° Mae,Don aid took the chair for:.the election of officers, theresults being • as follows: • pies., Mrs 'Baulch; • 1st. vice, Mrs. F. MacKinnon; 2nd vice,. . Mrs. L. MacDougall; 3rd vice;. Mrs. Wm. , MacTntyre; sec.;' Mrs: L Dickie; treas., Mrs. H,, Bueltton; • life membership, • Mrs. 'Hamilton; supply sec., Mrs. A Su.therlarid; Home Helpers, Mrs. A. Hughes; Glad Tidings, • Mrs.. •E. Keith; Every Day, Mrs. •Dan Mac- Kinnon. Welcome and Welfare, Miss A. MacKay; Mission. Band leaders, Mrs. Ted Collyer,.. Mrs.. L. MacDougall;' assistants, Mrs. P. Steer, Mrs. E. Keith, Mrs. H. Lav is; foW er committee Mrs. W F. MacDonald, Mrs. Ross MacMillan,. Mrs.. -Leonard . McInnes; ' liter- ature, Mrs. D. , Graham; Pianist, Mrs. T"' MacKenzie; Ladies' Aid,_ Mrs. ' Harold. •Carrpbell. Mrs. A. Sutherland moved a vote of, thanks. Mass Dean MacLeod clos' e.d the meeting with ,prayer after' which a tasty lunch was, served by the hostess and directors. • PAGE THREE` .T, ari+ wesi#, tarlw , imiana?anav f '+ ` ++iZnooko ai, a 1,41 WallPaPei° Gift Shop Draw To Be Made Christmas: Eve. with. every' 'dollar purchased you • get a ticket on the Talking Doll ... Come in and hear her talk. We have a nice assortment of GIFTS, CHRISTMAS', CARDS: & TOYS. FOR CHRISTMAS;' Shop' early: •add get 'your pick. .• One Dollar holds any article tileChristmas. Eve. LUCKNO'V. SANTA CLAUS • ON FOOT . ON • HIS 'VISIT HERE _Santa; Claus reached Lucknow early Saturday afternoon, and- due to a lack of snow,.' abandon- ed his reindeers and: sled, : and :paraded through Main `St. ion foot alppng With the High School Band.: Swarins of Children, • . anxious to get into the free ;show, were con- tent to mass at The Playhouse: and watch, Santa go. past: More than. 700'• bags of nuts and candy . were drstributecl' ''to :the children who packed the theatre morning; and afternoon: HS.. NEWS; 'Life. . is slowly. ' regaining • its nsrmalacy at .deal old L.D.H°S.' It�-happens* several mines a year, 'like a recurring' :.'epideinic ' • of • poison ivy. (In case you're 'won- derirlg what 'this is • all about, an innocent 12 -letter. word. that keeps us in nightmares— "exam-inations.") At the height .of the disease • the'. victim: is • feverish; trembling,'glassy-eyed,• weak. in the. knees, .and a 'littlegreen around the gills: It usually lasts. for a `week` or at ,the most, ten days. Then the saddest andmost. grievous part. At -this. point ; our: parents are • considering •shock treatments to • .electrify 'us ; from our.. state of sudden "over; -intelli- gence", this :mumbling of French verbs through our' . oatmeal •and the :grinding . of the geometry 'theorems with our "2y ,potatoes". Oh, it's ghastly! But tine marches On:. and the disease is cured (by time only!). It is • needless ;to say our parentsdo not have to worry .;about those shock treat- ments. We've had : them!. 1 YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAG: CREAMSODA • With the '° holiday . season just , ahead, itis only appropriate that. the students should talk of com- • • ing celebrations. It is rumored that the girls are planning at least a -couple of •social functions: Now we wonder just what? I'm sure the boys would' like to know. A Challenge',.: For a while it looked as though we : might . have . a high. school. • hockey 'tearn..Fellows! What hap - veiled? Where's 'that : ' fighting., school .spirit we talked; so much of? Surely, you, aren't going to let the : girls beat you again. We. have some°•-ppotential female hoe-. key • stars !just rarin' to : go! The annual Christmas dance' • will be held on Friday, December. 19th.: Invitationss are . being sent • to ex -students. : • MISSSHERIDAN,, commenting on little 'Billy Baulch's 'poem: "Since your poem' is about 'flow-•. ers, .• Billy; I 'think , the word '• "smell':" would be more appropri- ate. You can stillhave it rhyme • by substituting "bluebell" for "mountain. pink". MR. MacDONALD: "You may not be the noisiest' class in the: school,but so far. I .haven't come across a noisier one". `Mouin-I. 1.113013 3 0 II' auogdi O!pEH aaaa9 •' stlareZ , spud gal roll -- 0111031Nalaaj { smanm;s saatei ry .. s' .,.;.alsuo,L uatAt+Pu�S 40, it4. s1asaoy }. Kforanranwhavot suoal. ,elri 4 * * WE sun° • sur22ogm, sg2ials smr s, MODS BaxooH salems salal6pI iopsolit sautga ' .$ureas saa;uaH lip saaus�IOJ 's°°L1 saaunala uxnnalA:. soiprJ saausn sa2utI s iolna�►.gt�3a� • :2tgMono 3 icy .Woai j 49'I JnoA 330'I'a1D :t04S svullsgq0 no : snoIV :i;2San g LtHoa ;.•4 • 44 •Y41 , r...E• ;r• ✓,j 'tat, ;tit ✓.,i ; - . 1 A 4�. ti •