HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-10, Page 1•
$2.50 yearly In_ 4dvance--$1.00 Extra To "(ISA,
LUCKNQW, ONTA ,IQ, WEDNESDAY, DEC. ' . 10th, 195...2`
Gordon. McNay, 8 -year-old son
of Mr, and `Mrs. Alex McNay,
suffered a fracture of the right
leg between the, ankle and; the
knee. The mishap .occurred about
two weeks Ago when Gordon fell`
while playing •, on some lumber
in: the saweni .l yard. •'
He has the lidin a east 'apd
.is convalescing'' at his Koine;
Gordon is, having . more than
his , share.. cif Abad. Back. A year
or more ago;; 'he suffered a frac*.'
Lured . skull when he fell, from a
moving car..
The final Achievement. Night
for all 4-H Clubs of Huron Coun-
ty was held. in the Exeter District
High School auditorium with a
crowd of about 800 people in.
All Members of the Lucknow
Club attended .with most of their,.
parents.: ' They travelled as . a
group in:Al'lan Reeds school bus;
•The local Club had a fine re-
• cord' in the inter -club Competi-
• At Seaforth Fair and Achieve-
• ment ' Day• •'for 'futon . County,
had the chain,
pion `steer •,and Murray•Qaunt the
reserve champion with Lucknow
.having, the first' prize • group.of
three .calves. Murray'. Gaunt Was,
champion showman winning the
,.-Senator Goulding trophy.
'} .At: Teeswater Fair •.Achieve
in Day for:Bruce ;.:o
ment . County,
Crawford McNeil'had the•reserve.
'• champion steer and the Club took
third prize fora group of fedi
.;:calves. •.'Miiit'aiPtlittleirratillii was
champion showman. •
At . Walkerton Christmas Fair
Ann Todd had the reserve.
Champion Angus steer ;and Luck;
• now . placed second in the •group.
ofthree steers, owned .by Anne,
' Tadd, Bill Kennedy and , Joyce
Murray Gaunt's, Steer - went to.
Toronto to ,Compete ; in the
Queen's Guineasclass and rplac-.
•ed high up in : a ,strong , class • of
Shortho.�7}rn steers "and sold for 38e
a pound. e'
Eleven members started in the
Club and all finished their ` pro-
ject to complete a very 'success-
ful year. The final standing „of:
' 'both the Lucknow and : Dungan-
non Clubs •follows: '•
The Lucknow Ministerial As;,
sociation met. at. St. Peter's, Rec-
tory on Wednesday,' December
3rd. Plans, were. ; made for ,the
Week . of Prayer to be held Jan-
uary 5th to the 9th of ` the New
Year: ' It is hoped : that; all Organ-
izations will keep this t national.
week in mind :when. laying plans
for future meetings;.
On Friday,: Movezjn`ber '28th, a
number of friends and neighbors
gathered atthe home of Mr. and
'Mrs. Wilfred Farrish on the 10th
of Ashfield to honor thein on
their thirty-fifth Wedding anni-
versary.. . '• •
The evening was spent in play-'
ing progressive euchre ". after
which''an impromptu programme
.was. : thoroughly enjoyed.
A dainty lunch was served 'by
some of the• neighbor ladies. Mr.
and Mrs. Fairish.• mingled among
their , guests while • serving their
wedding cake..•
Mr. and Mrs.. Parrish were then
presented with . a beautiful tea
service and electric.floor polisher.
The following address was, read
by My. Wm. Wareing' and ,;pres
ented 'by.. Miss • Anna •,Robb.
Mr. Farrish.inade a very fitting
reply p y after ` 'which •all 'joined in
singing -For They Are Jolly ''Good
Dear Pete and Grace, • `
•'Once again this community and.
a few others with • us •have found
an occasion for a celebration:.
This' occasion is, of course, your
When you were married, • thirty-
five years 'would . seem . 'a•' very
ao •timeaway,,but ' the e e -s
`•do pass in "a hurry:
In this time,' you will • 'have
liad• your ups and downs, but we
,are glad with you,that the ups
are in' the lead.
• We would bike you to accept
theme • gifts and hope •we may
again join with ;you in celebrat-
ing later. ; wedding anniversaries.
Signedon behalf of your 'fam-
ily, friends. ` and neighbors.
:KOREAN cAswArit
grandson of Mrs. David Hackett
of Lucknow, who was killed in
Korea. the . latter part •of' October.
No. further " information Of '119w
,J. C. met his death have, been
received: .
S ,
R. G • "Dick" Martin of R:R. 6,
Lucknow.,was elected reeve of
Huron. Township on Monday in'
a sweeping victory: , He polled to
total of 557 'votes. . in . defeating
Reeve. Herb Farrell whose'. total'
was 157
Dick, has served for seven
years as councillor and :Monday's'
election again proved his I -
larity: Four yearsago' h® was
the only member • •of', the Board
to be re-elected at that time.
The Huron ooi incillors, ;elected
were: Chester . pminerton 507
Elwood. ,Solomon of Hanna,
Alberta; spent the week -end with
his parents, ' Mr.:; and Mrs Austin
Solomon.:, He was, down: to. Wind-
sor : to take delivery of a new
Plymouth: Elwood .is.. a C.N.R.
-fireman, and has now qualified
for his engineer's papers. •
Statement of Awards
Club Leaders Thomas Todd, R. 2; Fred McQuillin, ' R. ' 1
• a
d 8
-et iso Sa 0
383 82 78 .85 83 '99 100 910 '$5.30 .
375: 78 80 82 83 • 97.. ' 100 • 895 5.00
381 x16 70 . 79 '82 97 •90 875 • 4.50
372' 78 80 65 82 97 100 8.74 4.50
376 74:, 77 •76, 83 97 80 .863. ' 4.50
385' 71 . 57 '73 80 05 100:• 861 t 4.50.
377 74 56 71 80 97 .100 855 4.25
374' 72 55 69 80 97 100 847 ' 4.25
'373 68 •46 •67 •.81 96<.:100 831 4:00
'„374 71 40 63. 82 97 100 827 .4;00 •
379 66 50. 61' 75 95 :100 826 4.00 ,
Sponsoring' Organizaation - Lucknow Agricultural Society
Statement of Awards
Murray Gaunt
Helen Little
Anne Todd,
Ivan McQuillan .....v...
Joyce: Little
Crawford McNeil :
Bill ..Kennedy -
Alphonse Murray
John Murray
Barry McQuillin
Robert Harris
Club Leaders -Chester Finnigan, Dungannon;;
Lorne Hackett. 379'
Frank Alton t .... 385
Perk • Logtenberg • 281
Kenneth Alton 376
Gerda Logtenberg .....:+,:383
Wayne Snyder 385
Evelyn Smyth ..:,� 377•
Reina Logtenberg ...r,..:.::377
Iiarilyii•• McTavish :.:r.:.rr374
Ross Durnin .r,rrN r. r, rirrir: r, 315
Murrayt Wilson 373
James Reed 371
George Snytlt ..ri:r.:r: 372
Sponsoring Organization .-
, Rr 5, Goderich.
John Clark
79 85 85.81 99•; 100 908 $8.00
17 78 .82 82 98 100 902. 7.75
75, 78 79 80. 94_.. 100 887,*7:23
13 •• 82' 76 80 98 . 100 .885 • 7,25
74 67 65 80 94 100 863 6.•75
69 58 •• 73 79. 95 100 859 ' 6.75'
89 •73 71 16'• 95' .. 99 851... 05.
68 68. 62 80. 94 100 • 849 6.75-
" 50 69 > 81 100' 100. 840 '6:75 68 8 100 828
43 71, 76 95.. .6.50
70 45 ' 63 .18 93 60' 81.2 •6:00
57 70 61 81 89 80 809 6.00
6$• ' 37 ' 67; 76 95 90 800 6.00
Colwanasb junior Farmers ,lt.ss'n
John McMurchy., 494; Russell 'Col-
lins, 430; Claude_. Dore, 403. Un -
Successful was `Tom Farrell, 345,
-a memberoft, last year's Board
Messrs. Collins and ' McMurchy
are newcomers to the Council.
.,.. -''• '-- gin...
Dr: and . Mrs. William Victor
Johnston.: announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Mary
Lorraine to William Francis. Mac-
ac-Kinnon,. son of. Mr. Dan -T. Mac-
Kinnon and •the. late Mrs. Mac-'
• Kinnon. The marriage will take
place on Saturday, December 27
in London, Ontario.
Mr. and Mrs: Ira Campbell
of Lucknowobserved • their
:55th wedding' anniversary .on
Monday,, Decembef 1st. The
'Occasion . was acelebrated at a
dinner at • the home of their
son, Floyd Campbell and Mrs.
Campbell of • the . Belgrave.
. • district. Other guests'` were,:
Mr:' and Mrs. Glen •Campbell •
of Belfast; and Mr. • and :Mrs.
Clare VanCamp .and family..•
Speaking at the meeting of the
executive of the Lucknow Branch
of the Red Cross , Society last--
astweek, Mr: Jr R. MeNab express-
ed. regret' at the loss the Branch
would sustain when Mr: and
Mrs: Cr L Smith leave the.._vill-
age soon. '
Since' coming to Lucknow Mr:
Smith has acted as treasurer and
shown an interest in all branches.
of the Work
,Mrs, Smith has ' helped,: in the
Work Room anti it has , been
largely due to her leadership the
past year, that so. .much work
has . been finished and shipped to.
Toronto to be sent where need-
eed-•ed. She has been awarded the
Badge of Merit by the Provin-,
cial annual meeting... A • vote of
thanks was extended to Mr. and
Mrs,' Smith and 'the best wishes
of the Branch .go :with • them' to
:their new .home.
Mr. Smith replied that he had,
enjoyed his association with the,
men bers'•'anidw'as glad to' be ,of
any assistance to •such a worthy
, A. miscellaneous shower ar
'ranged. by Mrs. Sign Ple .. s
and. Mrs. W. 13'.. Anderson was`
held, on Saturday even] :t'at the.
home of . Mrs. P1ewea in honer
of Miss Mary Johnston, a bride-,
elect of late December.
A treasure hunt was held by
which Mary received • numetens.
lovely gifts. She was assisted, in
opening them' by. a friend, Mass
Marion McNeil of Dutton.':
A : `Social time, was .spent and
refreshments served conclude
a pleasant evening:
A cracked, water : main last
Week : provided municipal work
men and officials With more than
'one • problem:before the•. damage
*was repaired. The\ break occurred
in a six-inch main, some five feet
underground, in front .of Rae &
Porteous hardware.
Water, 'bubbling to the surface,
drew attention to the break last
Wednesday morning and it was
late Friday night before the
cracked main was repaired. •
The ,bituminous strip between
the: cement' pavement-and,.side
walk had to • be broken up at.
more than• one 'point in an effort
to ; locate . the point :. of damage
and workmen water. . and al-
most a .;quicksand' formation to.
contend. with. ,in trying to get
down to the main, •
Water' service was shut.. off on
Thursday'' and Friday.and :for: a-
while on. Saturday morning. , The'.
section affected was • from .San
erson s :Store to George Bower's
There is a valve •on the main
here �goes
= the, r v
•uler`eTBrid et. This
is a section of the , original 'fire.
protection: system• over" sixty
years old, and the valve' is not.
charted on the map of the " new
section or the system's .inauis. In
' an effort to' eniminize the area,
tobe shut :off, this valve was.
experimented with, , but served no
purpose. ..
Later, '`.:afterthe' damaged.
main had been repaired, the
pressure .on• the;, system was be-
low. normal in some sections ; The
rivet main valve was inspected
close'1y and: it was discovered that
it was a drain -valve for draining
the system, • it ever the ' need
arose: After opening the 63. -year-
old valve,' it had not' been poss-
ible to close it properly, • and this
"leak':' was cutting the, pressure:
"'A temporary plug ;sealed off
this drain hole, and more per-
manent repairs will have to . be.
;`made at a ' later date, when con-:
ditions permit. " "•
Water from. the broken " main
'Seeped into store basements near
the break, and did, some • slight;
damage to stock' in Sanderson's'
and Hall's. stores.
At ameeting of
• ' _ __. .
the Arena
Committee last •Thursday, Harvey
Treleaven was appointed chair-
man : of• the Board. He succeeds
W. B. Anderson:
' The need of a permanent sur-
face 'floor in the arena' has been
proviouslyvoiced and ' the' mat-
ter was ,"discussed informally at
last week's meetinig.
A floor of the Same type mix
as used by the • County .on Vill-
age roads this year, was suggest:,
ed and if such a ' floor is pract-
ical it is felt by some that the
cost would not be prohibitive.
The matter is to be looked into'
further and if the scheme is feas-
ible, there is the likelihood that
a campaign will be undertaken
to finance 'the ;project and have
a hard top floor applied next
year when County equipment re-
turns to the Village to connalete
s^role work unfinished this Fall,'
With favorable weather con-
tinuing, good ,progress continues.
to 'be made, in, the construction of
the- new school, which earlier
Was plagued, by. shortages of ma-
terials. and skilled tradesmen
On Friday. the last of the
big British Columbia fir timbers'
were hoisted, into placeover • the'
.entrance and work is being
speeded in closing in thisremain
it g iportiOni.of the roof. ,.Skylight
glass over the main corridor waa, •
nearing ;completion the. first . of
theweek and. window's are being:
aluminu>xn framed.All outside
cement, 'b1Qc k work is completed.
and the structure will shortly..' be
copletely closed in so that in- •
side werk . may .. be continued
throughout the.. winter.
The 'buildineacombines a heat_
-ing .and air ‘ML iclitioning-systm
that guarantees a maximum tem-
perature variation of . but one
degrees plus or minus.
I. 'WISH...
I had :t the talent to write "'a'
review worthy ' of nmy next pic
ture ;
'.r- D CLIMB THE .
I' , `' h: that mny words would'
cause every person from, eight to
eighty in Lucknow and ::vicinity
to see • this:honestly
picture. I •
believe that would Make ev'ery-
one feel better --:happier, ' more
contented, all good. inside...
The usual adjectives do not fit
this picture. They cannot explain
the rugged, yet tender mood of
"I'd , Climb' The Highest Moun-
tain -7,
oun-tai -7 or des. ride adequately ..the
e h
magnificent' performance o f.
Susan Hayward and William
u ligagreat
,. ,
The : `reant for , tradition ro man
tic, adventure . on the screen has
seldom, : if ever, hit such a peak
excellence ' as• 'Td Climb The
Highest, Mountain".
TO: witness this ° picture is • to
enrich your. life with a memory
that will remain a thrill as lone
as you' live.
I loved the '. picture, and I ; am
proud to ream -emend it to you.
Yours truly,'
• A, lifelong resident of ' Kinloss
Township, William Congram pass-
ed away at his home, Lot 1, Con.
7,' Kinloss Township on Wednes-
day, 'evening, December' ';3rd. He
was in his 95th year.
The late Mr. Congram wasthe••
son of the late Richard and Ann
(Philips) .,Congram, pioneers of
Kinloss Township.. He was born
in Weston, •Ontario, Sept.' 20th,
'1858, •moving to Con. 8, Kinloss'
while still an infantwith his par-
"to; the homestead across the
road _front his: -present •home
He wed Mary Ann Scott, who
predeceased- him: April 9th, 1925,
,on June 1l;th, 1890.
• Surviving are two daughters,
(Myrtle) ' Mrs. Malcolm Lane,
Kinlough ' and (Phoebe). Mrs
Harry Canpbell; Kincardine.
Twp. enc two sons, 'Lesieand.
Cecil at "home 'eleven ' grand-
children; 2• • great grandchildren;
two; brothers, Charles of Luck
now and Samuel, Con..2,, Huron.
The funeral ,service was held
from his late residence on. Satur-
day, conducted by. the Rev. G.
S. Baulch, Lucknow. •
• The' remains were borne by six
nephews, W. A. Culbert and Gor-
don Congram of .Ashfield
Charles and Wilfred Congram of
W inigham, Elliott Congram , of,
Huron Twp. and _Roy. Risebrough:
of. Toronto. , Floral tributes were
borne by • ,his' eight grandsons,
Everett, Hugh, John, and Stewart
Lane 'and Ronald, Jack, Jiro and
Mac Campbell: Interment was in
Greenhill. Cemetery, .Lucknow.
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