HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-03, Page 8I; I ., rt, . . 7 • $ • r •• ' PACO EMT THg . FNTINi : ar t1W, onm40 '�C►W S •. G 'f?N •� �3`a DF,.4'.'. ` 1$2 re (In ma "tegoor,0000.4.4. HUGHES' .TORE, TEE4WATER0 fi 40irEst WINTER COATS, DRESSES, iV1tEN'S SUIITS',, ' TOP ,,OATS,, OVERCOATS,; STATION 'WAGON COTS, $ RAt.";COATS, WINDBREAKERS, • ETC. , As Loy, As $5,00 ',id $''k!),,:Off: 'the same ''time; for every, , . r At $10OQ Cash Purchase, You'. ;get a: free chaliceon, three prizes:-' .• FIRST $05.40; SECOND $15,00;. • THIRD $10.90. , IN MERCHANDISES • • draw to be made at 9 pin:, 24th of December. Winners .: ••• will be notified by telephone or the next issue of .The Teeswater News., /• Here is your~ cli ce. to win , an unexpected Christmas 'Box.. Let us help you with your Christmas Shopping. 'We lave practical gifts for every one in the family. SAVES MONEY AND SHOP AT. THE FAMILY'S READY -TO -WEARS STORE 'EESWATE1t;: ONTARIO ;ednesday Afternoons. Phone . 70• for evening .apporntme nts..� ISN VE. cou i Daily fn m TORONTO. Viu. MINAKI -WINNIPEG SASKA:TOON -EDMONTON Standard and 'tourist.' sleeping cars; bed- raoims,compartments, buffet lounge; dining' car, modem' conches., United Church Young ":Peoples .; The regular, 'meeting of the United ''Chu'rch Y.P.U. was held onTuesdays November 25th with 21: . present. The.'meeting. , opened with;, a sing song .led . by Shirley Burden.. After. a prayerthe meet-. ing' was turned over 'to the Mis< sions and .World Outreach cony verier, Shirley Burden.w r.. ship period began, with the read- ing of a story on missions. in Newfoundland by Donna. John.- Ston which was. followed by. the reading of a story on .Labrador's Fortune' Bay Mission by Bessie Reavie.' WO • then enjoyed afilm entitled "My ':Narne is Ilan", which was, shown; by Mr. 'Collyer. A 'cornet . solo was played by George' Anderson ' A. discussion followed Of the :Drama Festival Which is open to all Young: Peo-, RT r TINDER -EkS Beavers, Tigers, Wolverines and Gophers' came thrq-,ugh with big counts. last week :but , the' best Match Was played on' alleysr 5 and O. *here :the . Cubs edged the I'ole Cats . 3169 pins to '2969: for five points. 'The Cub team total. al- most . bet ere4- their fori er ord. set c October Strong games ;were rolled by the league -leading Beavers. ,and .Wolverines.. Lions' .and Gophers were evenly thatched 'but the for-. ;'mer found themselves a few pins shy. in all three garnes •, ' . Cub , •F �anik Eedy set ;two Vow records. His 'triple' %flat.• of .773 betters last yearns, record' as well as. one or the current season. His single of 319 is also tops! Wolver- ine Charlie Smith was a valuable. team .Player. A flat of 065 plus 102 handicap - gave ` him a 'neat 667.. Other valuable- players :were' Wolverine Mary Fisher and. Cub Gwen Caesar who ran up. totals •of 634 and 626.: Leading teams» will battle for the top rung 'tonight. ' While the Tigers' attempt to oust the Bea- vers ::the Pole' Cats will be out to, .slow down'the Gophers. Zebras. are again . due•. for another ram- page? �.. ,,Y - Team , Standing • , Beavers 39, Tigers 34, Gophers 3`3,;' 'Cubs 30, :Lions•;;29, Wolverines 27, Pole:' Cats -.26, Chipmunks • 23,E Coons ,21.. Zebras 18. •. '., *'*;* Johnsoni Wilt Be Back ° .At the annum dinner and Pres= entation of the.° fas'tbaU - trophy at Meaford recently,' Russ 'Johnson of. Hamilton,. their . ace hurler,' gave Melfor-fans: the assurance that he would be back again next season. Takes Over 'Port' Franehise ' '' Daye . Jeffrey, •• Port . Elgin'at No 1. f armer-sportsman, had • taken: e o over all the shares in -the =Lake- sidd` town's faslball ,club.' He has been .co-owner for the ',past two years ii ..association ... with Andy j,+Currie and Reg •Padd'on.- Mr. Jef- frey has stated that he will en- deavour n,- - deavou r ;:to give . Port Elgin the best • possible , softball' team he can field. . ple's groups in Bruce 'Presbytery. • A quiz On birds and some g'anies were conducted rby • Car-olyn'Gib- son. • ' r• HURON COUNTY . COUNCIL. has adopted a motion petitioning the Dominion. Government- to . pro- claim Renner nbratrice Day as a statutory holiday. - Some .folks= are like .buttons-; always popping off at the wrong time. • SUPPER AND PROONAM AT HACKETT OUVRCiS', Hackett congrregation held their annual supper and ,program on Monday evening of last week, Af- ter the, ladies had }served .a de- l cious ;supper',. Rev. J, 'R; Dick -j. in5Qf presided for the following I program, whichcomnlennced• with' the chairman's address; piano solo, Jim ' Hackett; reading; Mrs.. George Alton;. violin numbers by Or, Janes I.,ittle with. Elmira Al, ton at .the piano; guitar • and. mouth organ selections bar Alex Hackett anal .Wm, Junter; Scotch nurnbetas by Wm,. •Buckingham' with accompaniment . by '-'Mrs, Blake 'Alton; 'accordian .; xtun1bers, George - Henry; piano nurbers.by Afro, Blake Altpn .r The r,hurch was recently newly stall decoerated'd. and a 'new f_rnace an ' . ; 'ION Mr; and Mrs. Win Ritchie, Mr, and Mrs Harvey: Ritchie, & Don- na, Mr., and Mrs: Eldon. Ritchie and Mr, and ,Mrs. Nelson Ray- nard; Bruce, Douglas. and- ; Chris spent Wednesday ' evening in. Goderich with, Mr. and Mrs., , Ivan Papernick, ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Blackstone and Donald..and Miss .Dorothy Raynard spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Nelson , 7Raynard. '; , •We are glad to hear: Mr, Gor- don. Kirkland': is improving` but he : is still in hospital • .Mrs. • Mary McAuley visited on .Sunday .with ; Mr. :and_. Mrs, Isaac Cranston, The Sunday School concert will be, on Tuesday; December 9th 'in . the church...: Church will be. at 145 fore the month of Deeember. - • ' FOURTH CONCESSION Mr . and' Mrs. Fred ...Gilchrist,‘ Bob 'rand Shirley ,attended Jack` Gilchrist's Wedding; in ,Toronto 'on Saturday. . 1±'riernds and neg hbors' of- :Me ,. Rod MacDougall 'were .very sorry to hear of his accident. A -large number 'attended the South Kinloss ; 'Junior, Y.P.S. at.. the home :of 'Mr, • and Mrs: Ira Dickie 1± 'rday *evening. Mr. -and Mrs.,. Lloyd .vIacDoug. all.and,::family ..were present at the 35th. wedding' anniversary of Mr;' and Mrs. Wilfred Farrish''on- Friday evening. . • We are glad. little ' David John MacKinnon - was .::able • to. come - home from'' London hospital •.'' on Friday.: Commencing 'November Jot, .1952 to. December 24 h, 1952 ' ER PUI2CHASED,FRQM BRUSSELS MOTORS AT A VALUEOVF12 $300 a#itle �1.he -Draw--- To Take Place Ong The Eve Of .D‘cember 24th, :1952 14ERE ARE ,SOME BIG VALUE CARS .TO CHOOSE FROM 1949 .PLYIVIO1ITII . SPECIAL, DELUXE SEDAN 1952 CHE'V• DEt.V tE STYLINE COACIN ,1952 OBEY. STYLELINE SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINR SEDAN ; 1'W0.1951 CBEV STYLELJNE SEDANS at :........:..:a. $1859. 1951 CHEF. DELVXE ' FLEETLINE 'SEDAN - • 1951 CHV ' ST' iLELINE COACH$1859 • Tjl'i'O .4951 CIUEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDANS • i 1950 mitt. DELUXE FLEETIIINE • SEDAN, fully ' equipped r ' 1949 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER �C'O1TF'E full"":' equipped; 140a , y.$ .. 1349 METEOR SEDAN, completely reconditioned "2--1948 !HEV`, SEDANS. 134a PLArMOV'TH COACH ; TRUCKS ' 1953 -DODGE.:. -TON PICK -171., .Selling at Below X1948 1NTERNATIONAt :1 -TON PIP 1948 CHE'V.. %/•-TON PtiiittP ' C• S• 1946 'MERCURY '/l=TON `PANEL .. +..o.: .pro-.. MANY OLDER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. ' •..i„ list..1 1 1 .�r $395.00 •1 "1 Huron Countys 1 oreimost C'sed Car • D'ealers / - � Cities. Service Dealer 1 $1395 , $1295 Cash "trade, Terms .w.,. ;- pen Evenings Until^ 10 Phone 75X Brussels ' 1 1 PHONE STONE'S FOR PROMPT REMOVAL OF DEAD OR DISABLED • COWS -- HORSES WM. STONE SONS LTD. PHONE COLLECT INGERSOLL 21 WINGGAM 561J . PaIfltIgis sparing . • Si twerthy Wall Papers,' Interior' . and Exterior' Spray ' or, . Brush STEEL ROOF' PAINTINQ o ' 'Sanding & Finishing ng. • Estimate! - -Without Obligation. Emberlin & M acinnes Lucknew 194-m • • . ..Winghaln. 654.32 KIST 5,,Rr GINGER ALE WANT PORK FLOOR PRICE, CONTINUED '' Meeting in, Clinton last weed, hog producers from"seven coup .ties 'ado ed . motions •for a - p't . +�• • p . proaching the Dominion Govern- ment requesting .contitivation • of ' the pr'esen't floor • price on '-pork. Over 101 men from 'Huron; "13:r.uce, Perth,- Middlesex, Oicford, *at- erloo and Wellington were pies, • The .first resolution. adopted.. stated that:;.:'‘Whereas the, .prob- iem' of production and marketing of '.hogs is of national. importance, ani -whereas -•wide `fliaetUatio.ns Of price. the `Dozniniori Government:''. should . be endorsed .by'.:'eastern r and western farmers before a, meeting. with., the` Dominion Gov: ernment, • we request' a . meeting with these before making an of- 'ficialreq'ue'st.: Whereas.. producers of hogs are' 'concerned •• about' prices consumers pay and Where- as wide fluctuations Of, pricp have ' resulted , in .shorts • arid surpluses, and whereas . if producer's are, forced' to accept 23 'cent,• repeti- 'tion sof the past will occur, theret fore we 'petition that .the support price (be eonti'n,ued until -April 11 , '1953": :' . ' •The Government, which" estab- lished the .26 -cent pork floor, priee • last winter, said recently it would reduce the minimum. to 23` cents at . the', first Of the year - Producers, argued .that hog -raising could' not'. . be .made to pay even at- the 26 - cent level and that this cut would ' constitute a - serious ,blow to the industry. Another resolution called for the conducting. of , an • accurate, semi-annual survey by 'each county to encourage more regu- lated production. 'Formers pro. clueing . With insufficient, know' ledge oaf -overall production figs ures and market trends .might de, feat.' their own purposes, it was shoWtt r ' Linked with :this' ..inc tion 'Were clauses showing that the new price floor had hot 'been glued sufficient time to prove its :Worth and that it would' be an incentive to inerease production. ` SurveYS .; taken r !by"seven .counties. indica,' . ed a .30 percent breerling ,decline, 'and as effects of high prices 'of . 1951 contributed. to `the huge Sur- plus. in 1952, aria With loss of 'markets through foot-and-mouth disease end •Britain's r cnrtotnic plight 'lea'ding to limitations on . the meat market, the counties as, serbled strongly urged cfntintt • atien Of the price lural, a ti ti c e S ,fi a ••11 ai '•la F �rE gl 'it to tr !;h} es ..in th h th in :th sa 't ..�,f re st fir in m '•ci to 'he le it w lY di fia 'Ft be th to tar 110 Ilk r.5ti riti we ed. th be th bo liri er sto at eer go th pr rola tar<a the du( ma m Ina m po eri a' 1 ea 2;0 we fir the att evi ens Stt Str4 °v e to