The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-03, Page 7WEDNESDAY,,• DEC. .3rd, 1952 LyceumTheatre WINGHAM Two: shows Each Night FIRST SHOW.. AT 745 ONsor Wednesday, 'MUM; Dec, 3, 4 JENNIFE JONES, LAWRENCE OL1Th •.. din— • CARRIE .Adult Entertainment Friday, Saturday, Dec. 5,.6 CORNEL WI14DE, TERESA • WRIGHT in Californias *Conquest MATINEE SATURDAY: Monday,. ; Tuesday, Dec: • 8, , .9 DAN DAILEY, JOANNE .DRU • -' iris' -•- tiLou�s P ide of $ The r Wedne/�sdday, ABBOTT urs., Dec. 10;-11 RBUDABBOTT : ' LOU C.OSTELLO.' tri -- Jack & the. Beanstalk Stork Writes Luey's Script ::Lucille Ball, vivacious 'star of the ,"I Love Lucy" CBS -TV': show, describes seine :•unusual problems in costuming.' .and. script -writing. caused by her becoming an ex= p'ectant mother. Look .for: "L ucy's. • Having, a Baby", by Lucille in, this' Sunday's (December issue of Color. Gravure American Weekly, exclusively with :.The Detroit Sunday .Times. i lerrik fn�w?:.(} RIMA!�'!ha�LF��?!GnI�•lYT!i.�•^.'�R. A�..�•FI}R:17♦117Kiel�/...4n •'.��.. r.-,�-.'T."r .-...., .���,•�.��%In:I..�°, } A. THE LUCKNOW ,SENTIML,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO MERCURY DIPPED TO to ABOVE MONDAY MORNING DUNGA.. .. The Z,INN--SMYTH past week, brought the first touch of winter, and early Monday morning, .December 1st, the mercury dipped .to ten above zero for the coldest 'day . of the season. November was unusually pleas- ant, as Novembers ,go, with above. normal temperatures. The high for the month was 58 degrees, and the' low 18. •R.ainfall totalled 3.21 inches and there was a scant. 214 inches of snow. This is the more extraordinary when• com- pared with November '1951, which. brought 'a rear record snowfall: of 46y2 inches. GIRL GUIDENEWS At the regular' meeting of the 1st I.ucknow Girl /Guide . Com- pany, Novemberth, the follow ing Guides were/enrolled, Jean Mullin, Nancy .ebster, . Joanne Hunter, Jean Ri6hards and• Betty .Habkirk. Jean -Richards won.the compass 'for 'having .finished her test first and Joanne Hunter won a one year's subscription to the "Canadian Guide" magazine as. runner-up. Four Guiders were. enrolled; .' Mgrs.. Chas.. Smith. and Mrs. Rob-•' ert Findlay, Girl Guide leaders;,, Mrs. Harold Thompson and Mrs.. Keri Mowbray, Ranger •'Leaders. Irene.. Roulsto#i, 'a Lone Guide from the 8th :Ontario Lone Guide 'Company.. was present. and took her .promise and received her Lone: Guide; badge. • A highlight of theevening. was the . presentation :of the ' shield which. was donated to the . Girl Guide Company by Mr. .Wrn. ,Schmid. It was won by the. Robin 'Patrol,. Marjorie. Armstrong,, pat- ,rol. leader.: • This'. patrol , had' the highest . number of points • during the year, attendance, uniform and tests. passed being: the. basis of awarding. , • Several' mothers were •present, and were served refreshments <af terwards in the Guide . room by Mrs Bob MacKenzie, Mrs. W. B. ;Anderson and Mrs., A.' C. Agnew,: 'The'Guides enjoyed square dant-' ing, .cocoa and' sandwiches.'. 'GET READY; FOR WINTER .. Vita : . OD GHEE. ting Equipment Forced Air Heating Oil Burners Floor Furnaces ' •Cook Stoves Space Heaters: AUTOMATIC HOT WATER .TANKS • Complete .Line. Of Repairs For DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL .PUMPS For Heating and : Plumbing' Sales and. Service, See Iiure. R� R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. , --' ' Phone 61-r-13 Dungannon CO ALLIS-(HALMERS MA(HINERY NEW TRACTORS :IN ALL SIZES FLEURY -BISSELL PACKERS and DISCS SECOND HAND TRACTOR' . .. ., • g timid Tractor, W-4,, McCormick -Deering Second � ' S. . in good shape. ' FOR YOUR SOWS: and SMALL,PIGS • Use Sow and Pig`:Cho:w`.Compiete or your own rain and Sow and Pig Concentrate. • Set.' Us. About A . ••IIOGi. FINANCE 'CONTRACT Al NO COST TO YOU AS RACKETY &SONS The Dungannon United church 'parsonage on Saturday, Novem- ber 29th at one o'clocly was the scene of a quiet but pretty wed- ding of Donna Elaine, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Gor- don Smyth and Irvin Clarke, sec-' and son of Mr... and* Mrs."' E. G. Zinn of the Crewe district.. Rev. George Watt performed the 'cere- mony, The bride wore a becom- ing floor length gown` .of light, blue .taffeta, net ,yoke. and short. sleeves, • a, shoulder • length net veil'. to ' match with . headdress fashioned with •tiny .pink roses. She carried a, shower bouquet of 'red roses and . stephanotis. Her sister, : Marie,;' .was bridesmaid, wearing to ., mauve ` net -over 'taf- feta dress with matching veil and flower headdress and carried. a 'bouquet of chrysanthemums : of various shades.. Mr. Warren: Zinn, brotherof the groom, was best man. ' After .the :.ceremony . and photography . at , .Goderich, • the. bridal party • returned,. tothe bride's home • where. , nlmnediate. ,guests were ' entertained. The bride's mother received .wearing, royal blue -crepe, assisted by the $groom's mother wearing a dress of 'grey crepe. For a wedding trip the bride 'wore black and red , taf- feta, navy goat and reelaccesser- ies. After returning from Toronto, Niagara Falls and the States they, will.'. reside on ;the groom's farm. on .the 4th Con. .of.Ashfield. Prior. to their: ' marriage, the, bride' was given a'miscellaneoustn gshower of .'gifts by friends and neighbors. . OKE• CIISHOLM •A quiet :but • pretty . ' wedding was. solemnized at. St. Augustine Roniap- Catholic'. Church at 11 a.m. Saturday November ' 29th; when Rev.,. Father. Toth united in marriage 'Marie Marguerite, only' daughter of Mr. ' • and . Mrs. Jack' Chisholm, 'Dungannon ;'arid Mur; ray C. Oke. of . Toronto; -eldest son - of Mr. and, 'Mrs.' Irvine. Oke .,.of Goderich Township. The ' church was decorated beautifully with chrysanthemums -Of r a r i o us. shades. The bride, given in mar- riage by her .father, •looked love- ly wearing a' charmaine blue suit with feather hat of :gold and rust anti -,list; accessories. She carried an ivory prayer book topped with an orchid with satin ' streamers. and pink •rosebuds: To the strains: of the wedding' march :played: by her cousin, Agnes 'Chisholm, God- erich, she oderich,.she entered the church with her. father. Miss Marybelle Chis- holm, her cousin,. was bridesmaid wearing a suit of twoo-tone grey, dusty rose 'blouse, hat and acces- sories. . cces-sories..: Her flowers; were mums of different 'shades,.. rose's -and fern, Mx. Donald: Oke of . Zurich' attended his brother as (best man. Mr..' Leonard .";Chisholm, brother of the bride, ushered 'the .guests.: Miss.' :Agnes , Chisholm, . ; organist, for the occasion accompanied', her • singing' ' "Ave Maria" and "On This • Day". For the . dinner! reception .at the. Park ' House, Goderich, the .bride's mother re- ceived . the . ,guests wearing :,navy crepe with rhinestone trim :and natty accessories.. • The 'groom's Mother wore a navy .dress and each wore :similar; `.corsages •. of White tinted piiik gardenias with stephanotis:. After dinner!. • • the guests repaired to the home. , of the groom :where another recep- tion took place with- additional friends, who • gathered in''readi- ness for .`congratulations.. For travelling the bride wore a boucle knitted wool: suit of egg- shell ' shade... After their . return from a *tr.'p to iChicago . they.' will reside i Toronto where the groom is. mployed with, the .Bell Telephone Company. Prior tO her. Marriage the bride was feted with gifts 'from •Goderich friends. and ' employees •of. the Goderich telephone' office where 'she work- ed and also was given a miscel, laneous ' shower by Dungannon friends.: Guests 'for the,wediidrig Were " from London, nM eaford, Zur ich, Toronto and Windsor. Y.P.U. Meeting' ' `n. The 'Dungannon Young Peo- ple's Union of the United church held a 'service' on Sunday even- ing with Miss Lillian •Popp, Mar- garet Joy Durnin as leaders, as- listing the pastor,' Rev. George' vigifitirowappopow 3 S JP PAGE SEVEN Y USE. •• Preseints:, Thursday, Friday,Saturday,' December 4, 5, The. eonfliet between 'two U'S. Marine offjcers, over the: • handling of • their airplane' squadrons. . • •'`Flying Leathernecks"y g, with JOHN WAYNE, ROB T. RYAN 8i JANIS .CARTER. CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS -SHOW • 4.0 Monday,' , Wech es • day,:DecsmbGr 8 10 � g,. An all star picture with: a bevy of, Guest Stara--. Tuesday, laterMusic!' • Bringing Bing Ci'gsbY• in the most ' entertaininpicture of the year with. such stars as . Charles Coburn, Nancy. Olsen and Marge and. Gower Champion. • . lOYNO 3 Al 1ig3 ll int lorl l i Alia * Watt Responsive reading was led It id: at :the piano; trumpet set-, by Margaret Joy, who also of- ections by Jimmy Reed and J. C. •fered. prayer, A Young .Peoples Durnin,{.solos ,by Mrs. Carman , choir :led the .singing and sang Anderson , ;and' Mrs. Marianne nier- T accoYnpa i d by 'No resnovt�ch, accompanied by Mrs~; an anthem: ma Sherwood at the ,organ, Who L. Stingel, violin selections bar also,' accompanied at the piano._ Jack : Errington . accompanied by for a, trio, of Wilmer Errington, Mrs.. Hera Stothers, readings ' by Lois ',Webster and Shirley ,Finrii- Miss Beth ' McConnell, song by. gan. Rev. • Watt gave an, encour Donna McNee and Pauline An- • aging message with strong . appeal derson, dialogue by Crewe school, fot the young people to use•their `'Miss 'Ada Webster teacher, 'acro talents togoo} advantage. batics byFustina Banks, dmuble ,. trios by Dungannon senior•room pantomime .• by ..Diggins. school„ teacher .Miss, Ruth :Pentland, ars Indian drill by Dunganon,• school. pupils,. teachers. Mk.. Eric ; Moore '`and..Mrs. M. Durnin,..Dungannon School chorus Mrs.•. Dustew ac - companying at the. piano,' Piano spplo by Barbara Witten. • The chairman' entertained' with a flint strip •on. Pert of New~York. -86i 5QE- was.. the door. receipts, : which. wast above„the figures realized at last year's•; concert; Library ;Board Concert • ” • The .Dungannon Public Library Board sponsored:•the annual con cert Friday night at '. the Parish hall; With, a fine crowd, hearing a splendid program frons neigh- boring school pupils with the, aid of 'their teachers and music sup ervisor,.Mrs. Gerald 'Dustow: Rev. Watt,. president of the, Library _Board actited-''as-•chairman Ol Can. ada 'was sun g with Miss Barbara Wilson 'at the . piano, A :drill by Cedar Valley school, . Miss Payxie teacher, was preceded by .Scottish songs . by Mx.: Ed. Baker, Ludt-. Advertising ' doesn't cost — it now:accompanied,. by •MrsAllan pays! . -ii!/%i/%//,�/%/%/-/•i%i/%/-/-//%/%/-/%/%/i/-ii-/%/•ilii actorS atl sizes Three Used Tractors, all. reconditioned.: HA1ViMERMILLS, FORAGE. HARVESTERS, WAGONS, ETC. • VIKING' CREAM SEPARATORS Electric or Hand Operated.:. ALSO'. FULL LINE OF REPAIRS ;---. LucKNow •MOTOR ' SERVICE • (One Block North of Fruit Market)` Agent For. J. I, CASE MACHINERY . VIKING CREAM SEPARATORS. CITIES: SERVICE PRODUCTS iiiii/ilii/•iiiiii/ilii/iiiii/iiiii/iii viii • Ssey-Harris Implements Coast To Coast Massey -Harris Offers Most. ENQ:[JIRE' ABOUT OUR 'PRE -PAYMENT 'PLAN On The Purchase Of COMBINES, SWATHERS, BALERS & TRACTORS All Sizes 'Of ' F MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS Tenure spreaders-7—Plows Riibbey,tired wagons . BEATTY BARN SUPPLIES GOOD SUPPLY Of HOG Si. CATTLE WATER ,BOWLS :FJLPATRicK,soN 'PHONE 74, LUCKNOW RESIDENCE In