HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-03, Page 5WEDICESTAY, . bECA..3rd, 1952; at by ROSEMARY THYME THE LUCI NOW SENTINEL, I UcKNQW, I E:. Mrs, Henry MacKenzie • Will ,be hostess for the December meet- frig of the Women's' Institute. Af- ternoon tea will be served at this. meeting. , Friends here were sorry to (Intended for last. month)., Novemiber 8,' I find that a, year ago I began the colurym, "Nov, 4. The first snowfall. And What a snowfall!. Eighteen i,n Ch es "! • ,Which • :was an exaggeration, of course. But do you: remember that 'Snowfall? And .where could 'you find a .nicer, sunnier, autumn- al day than today? • . • • learn •of the death tri Kincardine on Wednesday of,`last week of Mr. Robt. ' Hibbon. Mr. Hibbo.n. had been a resdient of this.com munity for several years. Some of these days We'll find that Old 'Man ' Winter has crept , up on us. Then:: when you come in fromschool or chores,, etc.,. hasn't the brisk fresh air made you hungry, and isn't:. the smell. of good, hot food appealing? . Fresh bread. Satisfying soup. You can .do such a6 variety of things with,wgetable' soups; Var- iations on the potato .,or bean themes. Have you tried .experi-. tenting' with lima . beans? ' Soak. • thein overnight, and . • they : 'swell and.swell.' They: make, a, fine soup with lots of chol ped . onion, ' chop-.• ped celery, green leaves and all, chopped .finely,, bits of cooked bacon, and topped with crusty. bread croutons; put as much' rnilk as you:.,like' to make "it• the con= sistency to suit .your Om. tastes, and of ' course, a ' generous dab: of butter. -.They make a good' salad' too, with onion and celery: and lettuce, and are . grand 'in •meat stews. help to•,stretch them too: CHEESE . BREAD:.. 1 cup hot'. water, t/a '`cup ;:gran.. sugar, .11/ tsp. salt, 1' cake compressed' yeast, 2 tbsp. lukewarm •water,, .1 tsp, gran. sugar.,. 1 .-,egg, Well beaten; 2 cups (i lb'.) :,processed Anier can cheese, 3. to 4 cups Sifted all- purpose •:flour.', Combine the 'hot water with 1 scupsugar and the salt., Cool until lukewarm: Mean wtiile often :..yeast cake in •. the • lukewarm,. water, add. the 1 .tbsp., sugar, ' and;. add, to the first ture. 'Net, add 'the.: beaten egg, grated cheese, and as. much of • the; flour as can be stirred into' the 'dough without ,kneading.. Then knead on a floured, _board until easily handled, .2: to '3 min. Shape into 1 loaf. and place' in a greased. loaf pan, 10 by.5 by 31/ inches..Cover with tower and a'1= low` to rise in 'a warm place (80 to ' 85 . degrees) until ..nearly double in ,bulk. Bake in moder- ately hot oven.' about 45 .min., . or until done. Remove fro n? :pan and brush with melted butter. • �4. good 'cookie is : a Pineapple Drop Cookie: Sift . together 31/2 a :ups. flour, 1 tsp. baking soda and 1 tsp. ,salt. Cream 1 cup shorten- • ing.. Add 11/2 cups sugar gradu- • ally' -and• cream until mixture is light and fluffy; Add 2 well beat-. ' en eggs and 1 tap. lemon. 'juice. Measure 1 cup . canned, crushed pm' , pre with ' the • syrup (that is, do ' drain the juice: Off). Add sifted d :• ingredients alternately, tothe cearned mixture with the pineappel and syrup. Mix well , after each addition:: Drop. Bake in moderate oven. ' Now, you will,have, some crush• ed pineapple left; of :course: The very nicest 'jellied salad you can. - make- is with crushed pineapple. andgrated raw carrot. rt. is aperfect blending of flavors, • Make a lemon jelly powder, and when well chilled and beginning ;to set, fold in one cup ' each of pine. :apple and carrot, You drain the pineapple for this; and use the ;trice as part of the •liquid in making, .the jelly powder, • You are sure, to have ,requests for re- peats•on that, So nice and. easy,' `t00,, 1 love the smelly of gingerbread. • baking on. achilly day, it has stick 'a good warm > fragrance. Ever Made gingerbread' .pancakes made from a gingerbread mix; *Made into a thinner mix °.than for cakes, just a bit: thinner. Put a bit of chopped preserved 'ginger in the batter, and serve "with Whipped cream: You'll be stir - prised, You; can add variety here . too, Make' ,upside-do'wn cake.; with applesauce, mincemeat, pine- spple, And here's, a reeipe for. a Gingerbread 1161k.Tp: Beat well eggs, Beat in 1, eup sugar. •Add KINLOUGH We Were sorry to report that Mr: Fred Guest met with a. 'pain- ful accident on : Wednesday when. he" had .his hand injured while .assisting with cutting wood with' `a power' chain: saw, • • Mrs; Arthur Graham spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassidy near Mild - May. The play, "Zeke and Daisy", which was •presented, by.Reid's Corners dramatic society in the Hoiyrood hall was enjoyed by all present. This• play'was sponsored Ib,y the W. A Mrs. J. W. Colwell spent .a few • one-third •:cup` molasses,, 1 cup hot water. Stir in 2 ' cups : ginger- bread mix. Pour batter into wax-. ed paper -lined jelly roll ' pan (15r'. by 101 in.). Bake in rnod- erate oven about 15 ;min. Loosen sides and turn. out • onto towel sprinkled.wi t h confectiioner's sugar.:Remove waxed pape•r • and, trim off crusty edges.. oll. quick- ly with a fresh' sheet. of waxed paper insidew. -rotl !Cool; unroll; remove ''waxed paper. `Spread with: vanilla or butterscotch pud- dling,. Re-roll:.and sprinkle with confectioner's sugar:' days with her daughter, Mrs. Don McCosh,, who is convalescing at her home after a recent opera; tion,, • - Mr. George ' Haldenby spent the. week -end at .his home here. • Friends of Mrs. Wm. Haldenby are pleased that she is . slightly improved in health. The '1 .P.A, will meet on Sun day evening next at the home of Jack and Florence MacDonald; Con.. 8. -` The Presbyterian and, Anglican Sunday Schools are planning social evenings, for Dec. 9th and Dec.. 15th. ., Mrs,: Raynard Ackert is hostess on'Thursday for the H.W.I.. Several new telephones have been installed in this .district• on, line 111. ' The Presbyterian W.S..held' their November meeting at the home of Mrs. Archie 'McFarlane and 'was dpened .with a hymn.: Mrs. Harold Percy read the, scrip- •ture and Mrs. Alex Percy led in prayer: The minutes were read and rollcall , answered by a Bible. command. .• Margaret ' .•Robertson'. took charge of the meeting and the study:book was read by Mrs.. Baulch: and Margaret. Robertson. Miss Nellie Malcolm ,read' a let- ter by. a Norwegian' missionary Mrs. Art Graham :read ' the life. history, of the ;hynni writer, Fan- ny Crosby. Mrs. 'Wm. Wall read' a . poem, "My Mother's . Bible", Emerson favored 'with . a; solo; Mrs: . Wes Guest read, about the new version .of. the. Bible. and Mrs. Barr, ' a ' poem • "Revised Bible".. As this: was the annual meeting Miss Nellie Malcolm con ducted 'the election -of officers: pres., Mrs. Perry 'Hodgins; 1st vice, Mrs:: Cliff Johnston; •. 2>id vice, Mrs. Alex Percy; sec., Mrs, • • • Arno PAGE FIVE' Guaranteed Trust Certificates A profitable investment for your' regular .savings, Guaranteed Trust Certificates --- are unconditionally guaranteed as ° to principal and interest Pay 3Y70• interest, payable half -yearly are guars term -5 years -- are authonm :investment . for trust funds • -- have no fluctuation. in principal In 5 years $415.24 accumult $500..00. - Invest wisely and well C O..'1 HEAD OFFICE , ' 372 Boy S*,,. Toronto`. THE G TRUSTS A.T I 0 N, iskik acm OFfKI 1.3' Dnilp • St., darn* 1O.2 •. Harold ''Percy treas., . Mrs.., C. • garet Malcolm. Mrs. Wes Guest Needham, Welcome & Welfare, moved a vote of thanks and the' . Mrs. ' ' " - t' ` with •Moulden; 'Glad �d meeting. •was closed , the ings;. Mrs. E.. Bushell; supply sec., ,hymn. '"All The • Way" . and Lord's. Mrs. Wes Guest; press reporter, prayer in unison.; Lunch was then Mrs. J.. Barr; organist, Miss Mar- served.. ' •• UTST,ANDIN` s•0 11d'I T:EiE- :SE11VE. Skilled; .tough and' of .their'reputation, Canadian Infantrymen are the finest fighting soldiers in the world.• • They are the top men in the.: Canadian. Army. Modern, ' developments halve Only made the job of 'Infantry more . complex, demanding careful .training in ,many fields. Wherever they have served,. Canadian Infantrymen. have. distinguished theniselt•es. Td'day,, in Korea ..and Gerinan}, Canada's Infantry soldiers are once again demonstrating their .superiority.. Report right away to: • ' No. 13 Personnel Depot, �Nall.s Nouse, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bogot Street; Kingston, Ont. Canadian Arrny Recruiting Station, s • 90 Richmond St W,„ Toronto, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot, • Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & .Elizabeth Sts., London, 0rt1 Array Recruiting Centre, 250 Main St. W., North Bay, Orrt. Army Recruiting Centre, Jdmes St. Armoury, 200 laches St. N., Hamilton, Ont. A299W•O • The Canadian. Army needs more .of these. men. Canada needs more of. these Infantry Soldiers to help maintain 'our security; to help; assure our future. For young .men `. with the spirit of adventure, there is challenge and 'satis- faction in serving witfita Gala's world-famous' infantry. You are eligible if '1;ou are 17 to 40 years Of acre, , physwall) fit and can meet Army test reguirem etas, • Applicant should bring .birth certificate or other proof of age when repo,rtinfbr iitterviewv. ° •, ii iDiAN ARMY" IVEfORCE Now 1 •