HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-03, Page 4• , PAGE FOU,R waoraw thorium, upprow, ONTARIO • • AR FOR E — 1936 Chev. •e°ach• APPlY to Bill Pappas. FOR. SALE—About 75 Rock pul- • lets, ready. to lay. E.. G. Zinn. & Son, phone 14-r-15 Dungannon WORK WANTED 17-;year••ol4 girl ;wishes eniployment a any kind. Apply • at 'Sentinel Office. SKATES FOR SALE -1 pair lad- ies', white, size 7;1 pair boy's., • sizes .21/2 and 6. Phone 146. . . . FOR SALE—frame building 18 x 26, °double boarded pine lumber. •J.•D. Anderson, R. '1, Imcknow. FOR SALE—full set of Wearevet- aluinitumn. Appy to Mrs. Brooks, Lucknow. WANTED --- girl's white skates, size•4 far 5;,have pair size 2 itor sale or .exchange. Harold Halden- , by, Kinlough, phone ,Ripley 18-16. . . . POTATOES FOR SALE— Finest, quality. Apply' to. Lloyd Ackert, .Holyrood; phone 10.14-4 Luck - cattle beast about .80.0 pounds, from farm east 'of Holy - .rood. Rie.harcl Elliott, phone 24- 19, ;Ripley• . • , •• , .PTTGILS—a few setts of sloop • sleighs with runner, 21/4 and 21/2 'inehes and 6 foot bunks for sale at Andrew's Implement S&iop • T—on. Havelock St., a black are enamel compact in small eve g 'bag: 'Finder please leave 'at Se•tinel Office. with 3' .noW, pho lectric 'hart-Tier/1i 11 .P.. tused: very' _ew• ,G04).tAt. 1, Luck- e • STRA' YED to the premises of ,, Ste:Wart' MacGilliVrayPrectlieifer Owner may have same by. identifying and paying expenses. • • „ • FOR SALE—cement septic tanks, ' approved by the 1-lealth Unit. We deliver them. Forster's Welding Shop, phone 206-r-11, Lucknow. • 1 • tN4 • 6 4.4 5 COMBINATION 60 cycle radio -,:phonograplis, a few slightly Used at , greatly reduced prices, • at Schuett M ld nra y Furniure • LIVE POULTRY WANTED For best re.sUlta at yont door FOR SALE—two matching Ax- minster rugs, 9x6lk ft and 27x40 inches, whie with beige ,all-over pattern. Bargain. Apply at Sen- tinel. Office. airri SOLUTION—a subscription to The' Sentinel makes a Most acceptable gift. No .ftiss, no both- er. Just .6rder it and we 'will send a gift card. The year ,round gif the entire family will appreciate • . SAVE $38.09 on 'good new ches- terfield • suites. .Over 20 from which to choose at the Mildmay Furniture • .Stores. Also daven-, ports, studios. Trade-ins accept- ed. CTodfrey Schuett,,Mildmay & Mount Forest, SKIS, FOR SAL.E •—• laminated, steel-edged, 7 -foot, cable harn- •ess,. 'practically new; • aluminum ski poles; ski boots; will sell to- gether or separately. Lloyd Ack- ert, Holyrood, phone 101-r-4, Lucknow. • •4 . MEAT FOR SALE Geed beef fer Sale by the guar - ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health. Hind .quarters, 40c, a .pound. Rayruird Ackert, HolyrOod. Phone '24-30 Ripley. • ,WANTED CASH PAID or crippled and dis- .ableclanimals, also highest prices paid for boars and hoses for slaughter.Phone- Atwood 37-r-12 collect. • . DEAD & LIVE ANIMALS Prom* • pick - up. Of . Cattle, horses, pigs &. sheep. -Live horses fit for animal food picked up at. yourfarm averaging .$35Ao.- C. Brribaeher, Wingham; phone 608- CARDIOTI-IANICS . • . Alvin Hodgins Wishes to 'thank the Boy Scouts for their lovely' asket. It•was Much appreciated, Mr, atid.Mrs...john Dalpner are deeply •grteful to friends for their kindness and sympathy at the tithe of •the death of their infant' daughter, Kathy.-: , Many thanta .to those ,who re- membered ink_while I was in the hospital • and convalescing at, home.. ' Your inquiries, .cards, flowers and giftsmere very much call BROWN RROS., 315 or 181-w appreciated. • 1•1: K.incardine, Orit, • Mrs. Frances Cowan. 14 y." 7. e* • • ,/ • . , , • • • " • • WHATECHURCH Ailr. and -Mrs. 'Dawson Craig & family visited •on Sunday with her sister; Mr.. Wm Peacock and Mr. Peacock of Bluevale. We are lorry to report. Mrs, Earl Caslick is sick with tonsil - itis and under the. doctor's'. Care. ;Viral,. Ezra Welwood, Mrf, Gor- don WelWood and Mr. Mac Me - Gregor went to Westrninster:hos- pital to visit -Mr, Ezra Welwood,. WhO not as Well as his many friends wish -Thssion-Aand,--6f-the-Pres- byteriaii church was held on Sat- urday afternoon in the church with. a pod. attendance and with, Miss Jean. Gaunt, . president :for ,the paSt , year, in. the chair., The new.officers were elected for th1s- coming year; honorary president, Mrs. Frank Coulter; pres.., Billie Ne-kman; • vice pres., James ,Gaunt'; sec.; Kithaieen •Fisher; trea.s., Marilyn Morison; pianist, Mary` Margaret Fisher: A ,Pro- gram and" gains were held after which hunch was served. Quite a number from here at- tended the funeral of the late Mr. Edward McBurney who, Was kill- ed instantly by a tractor last SatUrday. We extend our gym- -pathy to his wife and, family and other, relatives., • • We are sorryreport. Mrs.. David Kennedy- was' seriously -last ,weeicand under the doctors • , are. Her daughter, 'Mrs. Harry ,TiChborne of Goderich spent part of laSt week with her. She is some better this Week. Her Old-, 4. est son, Mr. Alex R. Kennedy of Winnipeg, Mari., spent, the week- end here with,. his mother and relatives. Mr: Peter Kennedy went to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday of this week where he is having an operation for cataracts on.his eye on Wed- nesday of this week. Miss Olive Terriff, R.N. of Lis- towel . hospital • staff, spent the week -end here with her mother, Mrs. Mac Ross. • 'Miss Annie Kennedy of Wing - ham hospital staff is spending a ,feW . days this, week ...i.vither Mother, Mrs. David. Kennedy, who is ill. • •• • Mrs. Aldin Pardon is a patient in Wingham•Bospital, • , Lucknow Women's Institute A demonstration on • beauty cultUre was the highlight of the Xovernher Meeting of • the Wor men's Institute held in the Coun- e Chamber The president l •• Mrs. J. R. jiihnatone; was In the chair and there was an attendance' of 30, members. The meeting opened• with the Ode fdllowed by the Lord's prayer. Mrs, Havens gave a very favorable report of the Ashfield Federation. banquet. Miss Mary McLeod 'gave a paper on Home and Country which proved very interesting. Mrs. Ken Mowbray gave a talk on Ibeauty care andgave two facials • cOMiNG EVENTS 1 BINg0. Reserve the date for the Clans - Men's next bingo' for chickens, torkeYs and otherprizes in the Recreational Centre,WednesdaY, December 10th at .9.0 1.3AzikAit & BAKING St, Peter's. Guild will hold their Christmas bazaar and baking sale in the Atpaliary Rooms on Sat- urday, December 6th' at 2.30 p.m, Afternoon' tea will be served. 'CHRISTMAS BAZAAR & TEA The ladies of Whitechwch irri7 ited•ChurCh are hold* their an- nual Christmasteaand sale of !baking, Pte., 4411 SalturdaY, 'De-. •cember 1,3th at 2.39 p.m., in the Legion noonis, 7.4icknOw. FORDYCE CONCERT. A .Ciuistmas concert will be presented at SS. NO: 12, Ford- yce, Ttiesday, December 9th at :8.30. Dance .after. AdMission 50e. Ladies ',please bring lunch, Door prize, . .• • CHRISTMAS CONCERT. • At SS. No. 9, Ashfield,. Wed- nesday? Decernber '10th. at '6.30.. Variety program of choruses, .riSimds; recitations, square dance, plays and, dialogues. Admission 35c and 150. Ray.$tariley, teacher. SCOUT ANNIJAL • The Scout Association :annual meeting•will be ';held, Friday even-, ingDeceinber 5th at 8.00 p.M. in the Recreational Centre, Dick - now. Parent's especially requested to attend.: , • . . • CHRISTMAS' CONCERT You are cordially invited to at- tend the annual.'Christmas eon: - cert .of • the Presbyterian Sunday Sehool, 'to be held at 7.30 p.m. On Wednesday, Dem-Tiberthe Sunday School rooin: Silver 17th, in collection, • , • , • . '' CHRISTMAS CONCERT .• The.',United Church Sunday. School Will preSent the Christmas -Pageant, "The •'.Garden of -Christ- mas Ilappinesil'Air the Church auditorium on 'Thursday night, December 18th commencing at .7.30 p.rn. All cordially welcome:. Silver collection at the . • . ' FOLKLORE AND MYSTERY' IN BRUCE' PENINsuLA A fascinating new book about the Bruce peninsula, "The Bruce Beckons", by Dr. Sherwood •Fox, has recently been published 'by the •University of Toronto Press. This new book is a saga of the intriguing Bruce 'peninsula .and its people. '.Levers of : folklore, stery and adventure will find .ample • material here, to whet their imagination. • Dr. Fox takes the.'reader on .a tour of the Bruce, . explaining. • how the glaciers formed this northern garden and •how men first 'discovered this unknown land. He 'includes . thrilling stor- ies of Lake Huron shipwrecks and mysterious tales of. the Fishing Islands. 4- • • "The Bruce Beckons" . tells of the woodsmen and, their early sawmills; of some of the\ great sky pilots ,of the new frontier; and of the settler and his strug- 'Zile 'with -forest, rocks -and soil., The • author ,knows 'the Bruce 'Peninsula intimately. He ,has spent thirty years touring ,this region, on fishingrips, on bot- anioal field trips, and on visits Withhis many Bruce friends; • Swap .it! Sell'. it! Rent it! 'Buy it! Use:. Sentinel Want Ads. / ENJOY G. ALAN WILLIAMS optomeffist office on Jratrick Stip iwit off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye ExaMination Optical Services Evenings by touriOiren,t,,:b • ,eholie: ',Office int Ite5- •.JOHNSTONE'S. . . FUNERAL HOME • . Day • •411#)41•Oce. -getvige psz.. OF FVNERAL ROME • 'At'.$91.Eiptia Cust• • Moderate Prices • a, MacLENtiAti and ..tAacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted • accord-• ' ing to your wishes at your Hoine Your church, or ,,-at tour ,Mernorial Chapel at no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE "Phone • 181, -Lucknove,. Day ' • • or Night *EDNEspAy, DEC. 3rd, 1952 "L.& CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., smith of Supertest Garage LUCKNOW • Tele$01040 1.75. • :BUSINESS and , TAX SERVICE •141614T1W*Atons • • For The , •. Small Merchant, Professional - Man. and,the 'Farmer. . • . J. PYAAM. ,ttru. #4;3! 747 LgeKnow; Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block Phone 23-* • If F. T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST 40DgRICH • FOR 4ptoiNTRENi. 'Phone 1190 For • A•p,pointment Or Information. See Wm. A: Sehmicl,; 'phone 167-w -11.ineknow • gnews gency I. Howard, Agnew. -7., Jos. Agnew I .' MEIVIBER OF . •Ontario Insurance • Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE • Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: • Businest • 39.Residence 138 • INSURANCE Co -Operative Life.Insurince • 'Co -Operative Automobile •Insurance • Mercantile & Farin Fire • •• Insurance Edonomical and Reliable. • See . . • • .A. CAMERON:: • LUCKNOW . Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon .,•*" Kenneth Jr MacKenzie R.O. • olitiontrist • usTovitpr4,- omr: , Will be at Wiona's Jewellery store,: Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 'p.m., WEDNESDAY,. DEC. 10th arid every. Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For, appointment ,'phone Roy' MacKenzie,96-r-24 Ripley. . , -0:OrCOMFORT .411 4.114% -467, PTIMUNEN SeentAkmaik OIL HEAT ' ° • 4, T.„„,,,„,,d_ . , using .the Beauty Counselor PM., • ' FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES' ducts. The meeting closed with OIL BURNERS • 'oh. itiiINAcEs 6 '611. BOARS • WATER HEATERS Mrs. Barkwell hostesses, enjoyed with Miss MeGrepr and HISELER and SON„PhOne: 426, 'W,ingharn . • VI • INSURANCE-. • FIRE; CASUALTY, , AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your. Jack, Insure With Jack Today. ' • A. KeDONAGH R. R. 3, LOA -mow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon , . R.W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in' the Joytit- Block Telephone: , • Ofike Residence 314 Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW • Each Wednesday • OFFICE IN • HENDERSON BLOCK LS, 'Hetherington, K. Eur Lackno.. w IN LUCKNOW Each. Monday . . / and Wednesday • LoCated onithe ground, fla,or, in • the front of ,• John. Kilpatrick's Buildin• g 'Phone WIngliain 'Office 48 , ' *.. Residence 97 • Insure With The Culross Mutual FIRE INSIMANO, CO: for • Reasonable rates, .swInd Pro' tection,& prompt, §atisfactort . settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Votir IJOcal 'Agett R. Te 37swer5 ee:tsvate7r: Phone r-41 u b. 1 -11 1 pi • e 114 is si to pi af in ec ' 'ar a :ap pi 411, ar ba st • ea) • bii In . teN *it Gi