HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-26, Page 8•
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WEDNESDAY;, 'NOV. 26th,, 1952'
• r
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by . ,�
• Latest styles and the newest of;fabrics ...•Drop in and look
them over Ordering now will bring you a
new suit before Christmas.
MAT'S IJ -A-new- shi-jmeflt of Stanfield's ;drawers .
and shirts and combinations.In stock 'also, Penman's • 71
and 95 and. Reece-iinad for men and, boys'.
JEANS- +just received boys' and girls' lined plaid jeans,
sold,. withor without shirts to _match, sizes 2 to 6x and
7, to 14.; An ideal Christmas gift.
Do Your Christmas Shopping: ,Early ,While The Selection' Is
Good. We'll Be' Pleased. To •Have'. You Use Our
Christmas Lay -Away Plan.
• STATION WAGON ./COATS in sizes 2 to: 6x and 8; to 18 years
in a 'nylon and gabardine mixture, in stock . now:
', . Piece Goods. and Woollens..
�:--_ _. �. .te•
MUT :Mrs. "Cecil Forster``was -re-
cently . installed ' as `. Worthy'
••Matron od the Palmerston
Order: Of, •.the Eastern Star.
THAT at a . bingo in Blyth last'
" Carman Nixon :$10 . and; Austin
- -
Solomon the 'share -the -wealth
[Prize. . _
THAT' E. McDonagh was ab-
sent :from Friday's nomination
.meeting in Ashfield, which was
the first ' time • in 42 years that
he had. missed` a nomination
• ' meeting:
THAT. last: week's heavy 24-hour
rain- in the middle of the 'week
undermined an -inside wall Yat,
the new 'school and caused it to
settle ' and 'require repairs. , A
trench •hiad, been dug alongside
the • footing. for installing' the
heating system, , and the con-
' tinuous and' heavy rainresult-
ed in the # undermnining of the
week isaae Nixon won .$75.00, . , watl+ •
iefln'S Grocery.
Phone 82, Lueknow = We:Deliver ,
Bulman's Choice . Quality
CUT GREEN BEANS 2 for • 45c
GUARDIAN' SARDINES _____ :_ ___ 3 for 25c
We will be discontinuing our coupons at the end of this
month:—Dishes—will—still—be—available--to-redeem -all- . ---
.'Outstandlilg • coupons held ,by our customers.,
Min -corrimence, soon at:our store.
We Will .Be' Pleased To Serve ' You!
THAT., Mr.. S J • 'Pymmn.
who has We 'Are Pleased ,To Announce That'
been at New York the past fev3
'months' returned here . the •end
of the week., • r a1
THAT the' 'Dungannon Agricul-
tural .Society has set Wednes
day, September. 16th . 'as . the
date "'for the • 1953 : show. This''
is the day , before . the Blyth
show. The early date setting
has .been , arranged because of
the fact that, 'these two fairs
were on, the same day this year.,
THAT.; a social, evening and get-
- acquainted ,party was staged in
the Legion' Rooms on Monday.
night by the " staff of Silver...
woods Creamery: in honor of'.
. , the : .new manager, Wilmer
Howey and Mrs. 'Howey.; Court
whist was played • with Mrs.
Donald MaKinnori and Jack,.
Fisher as :. the'<- winners. - Mr:;
Howey spoke briefly before the
gathering broke tip, expressing
their pleasure .and ;,appreciation;
THAT The Clansmen fielda-very"
successful bingo on Tuesday
night for chicken; 'turkeys and
chinaware prizes. Another such
event is planned for Tuesday,
December 9th. '
TI AT Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas An-
derson, • lifelong ' residents of
Ashfield: and f ucknow,: cele
orated -their, golden.. wedding
anniversary - on Tuesday. We
•'regret that an account of this.
noteworthy event must be held
'over until ' nect Week..
THAT Mrs.. Burt. Roach' •spent.
days m the hospital re-
cently-, where she •underwent
operations on her hands to cor-
reet'- a rheumatic tightening Of,
the cords in her fingers.. •
nom , at the installation of the
officers, ' of .the •Eastern . Star,
Lodge at Wingham, Mrs. J: W.
Joynit :and Mars. Ross Hamilton.
were soloists . and Mrs. H. R.
Allin: was. organist..
—o--+ ,
THAT Beau Geste, ridden by R.
L. Treleaven, Jr.. of Woodstock,
placed third • in the: $1.500 Bur-
ton - Canadian. bred Hunter
stake at the Royal Winter Pail'.
THAT - Gladys Milne wa's .one of
• a group. of Western - University
co-eds pictured - in' .-'the Free
Press in a classroom conversa
tion with. French - air .cadets
from Crumlin R.C.A,F. station
.and who are learning English..
• ' The -'-co-eds in - turn- were --pick=-
ing . up some-converastional
• French.. Gladys - is majoring -in
• languages., .
_0— •
THAT. an executive meeting 'of
the Luc -Tee -Win Conservation
Club Was held . recently in
Luicknow, when plans were' laid
'has been appointed `
for the ` famous
From past association with Mr. Hartford we can •highly
recommend his knowledge and experience
in the heating' field.
for.. the annual - meeting And
turkey banquet in Wingham on
December 5th.
THAT - there were 13 . stables at
the Monday night shoot party:.
Jim . Mothers wonthe lady 's,
prize and -Bili Gollan washigh
Kinloss United 'Church W.M.S.
The . November 'meeting of the
Kinloss W.M.S. was held lit. Mrs.
Harold- Bannernian's. Mrs. Dean:
'Hewitt, lst' vice president, took
charge of the meeting. The theme
for ,Novernber was "The Book of
Life, The Bible as a"•, means of
'Grace". Prayer was offered by
Mrs:' Purchase and ' the scripture
lessors was read by. Mrs. ,Lynn
Geddes. and Mrs. Lorne -Hodgins.
Readings ' were' given by Mrs.
Walter Kaake, Mrs. Frank' 'Col-
well, Mrs. Leeson -arid Mrs. Ged-
des. .Mrs.. Wm'. Campbell 'gave a
very interesting talk• on chapter
5, 'of • the study book, "Along Af-
rican .Trails". Mrs. Mabel Camp-
bell gave the report of the sec
tional meeting held at Ripley.
Reports were also given; on the
bale, ,bazaar and. ,turkey supper
held recently. Rev. Purchase clos-
ed the meeting with 'prayer..A,
delicious' lunch was served and
a social hour was - spent. The'De-
cember, meeting will be held at,
the_ home of Mrs. Walter and Mr%
R J Kaake with . Mrs. Mabel.
Campbell ,the convener.
Ashfield .Presbyterian W.M.S.
The November meeting of. Ashy'
field' Presb terian W.M.S. was UNDER THE NEW equalized ass -
held in the home of Mrs; D. R. essment Mildmay's total assess=
MacKenzie with 29 present Mrs. merit • has been• 'increased` from
Hugh MacKenzie
presided. ; Miss, $299,00 to ..$709,000. '•
Sadie Johnston read the scripture,
Mrs:•A. A. J. Simpson gave - the
meditation. Mrs. Hugh Mae'Keniie
introduced the .;new study book, .
after: which Mrs. Howseread. the •
first chapter. Mrs. Jack Collinson•
readered : 'a . pleasing solo, "God,.
will :take- care of ,you". Mrs. 'Dun-
can'''Sirripson'•..was pianist. Mrs,. .
Reuben -Wilson "read. a .poem Af ''
ter ;a hyniii ''Mrs. N. G.: MacKen
zie led in prayer. Plans 'were
discussed; "'for ' next year. The.
meeting ;'was, closed . by singing
the national anthem. A nice lunch
was served -.and .a social time en
South Kinloss. F.' & F.- Group
Firty-one met at the home of .
Mr.: and' Mrs: Ira. Dickie en Sun-
day evening, November 23rd; for
the Faith and Fellowship .Group
meeting of South Kinloss. The
meeting was opened , by singing
hymn 376, prayer by Mrs. Harry
Lavis and the ,scripture read by.
Evan Kleith. At the next meeting
there will be a vegetable shower •
for newcomers into •our:' church
group.. There were two .very :ill-
ustrative 'films; "My Name Is,'
Han'' and "For Good or For
•Evil' , shown' by Ted 'Collyer, be;'
tween. which the group . w,as fav-
ored with two duets by Mr. and
Mrs. V. Dugt. They sang in their
native Dutch • tongue. •Hymn 388.
was sung followed .by the mizpab
benediction._.1VIr`Frarik MacKen- -
zie, moved the vote of -thanks and •
a social time brought the .meet-
ing .to widow.
Don't delay buying that.
See our: new shipment of:
Lace dining cloths, 70"x90'' $6.95
Esmond Sunnyspt t Blankets
66" x• 80'' $5.98
• SHOP EARLY use :our convenient . : . .
, ilii!/iii �iiiii�i� iiiiii/ii, =ilii i ii iiii�•iiiiii�i/•ii