HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-26, Page 4.r • • Y., R„ �w. x.� Iii 41 • ..* Y.fl• �.m. Ir {. 0 e•; y • .;p .•5 AGiE rOTTA• I,fl'CQW SENTINEL, hXTGKNOW, ONTARIO COMING EVENTS 1 FOWL BINGO Reserve the date fo., the Clans- men's next bingo fo chickens, turkeys and other prizesin the Recreational , Centre, Tuesday, Decerriber 9th at 8.00 p.m. ' . BAZAAR & BAKING SALE, Blakes W. A. 'will hold a• bazaar and baking sale, in the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, •Saturday, No- wernber 29th at 2.00 .p.m. After noon tea. will, be served. 1vIUSIC LESSONS fbr piano. .Mrs.. C. S.haddiok, . Luckikow. . • FOR SALE'—Nine :pigs ready to wean. Jas. Forster, R 1, Luck- • now., FOR .SALE:-.-41good calyes, and: a bucket gravel or coal loader. Jim.' Culbert,. Lucknow. FOR 'SALE .200 ga ion ;oil •tanks • sold . and installed.. ,Greer Radio &:'Electric. ' FOR. SALE quantity. of 'good cedar. Leonard Griffin, R. R. 3, , Holyrood FOR SALE -full set of Weearever. a1L minuet. Apply .• .to Mrs.' Ruth Brooks, Lucknow., WANTED—an elderly lady tor. the Vtifriter as Companion for Mrs. George Essery, R. 3, Lucknow. FOR SALE -used 'Thor' electric washing machine. Priced reason- able. Apply to Ted Collyer, phone • 46-r-25. FOR SALE—talking budgie . bird' with cage , .and stand. Apply ; at . residence- . of; Hector : Purdon, • Lucknow, phone 68-R:; W WANTEp girl's • white • skates, 'size 4 .or 5; have ;pair size:2 tor sale, or: exchange: Harold ! Ialden- ,by, Kiinlough, phone Ripley 18=16. WILL THE PARTY who. got their wrong top coat' •at ' the 'Kairshea dance please' leave same: at Sen- tinel Office, for exchange.' SKATES FOR SALE s girl. 'hite skates, :size 2 also'a black pair, .size 2.; . Apply to , :Vernon Hunter: CAR. FOR SALE 1937 Dodge', coach Cheap' for . quick sale. Al- vin B . Harmilton,': R. 6, Lucknow, phone... Ripley WE .ARE'. -AGENT FOR ;Viking cream :separators, . electric or. hand operated. ,Lucknow Motor ` : Ser- vice, one block north of .Fruit Market. APPLES ---for good' Spies off . a. 'Sprayed orchard call at Andrew's Implement Shop, Lucknow; .also. • a few of other varieties. ` Apples priced according to ; grade. NOTICE TO CREDITORS• In The Matter . of. the Estate of ' Alexander McDonald, late of , the :Village of Li<ieknow; in the County. 'of • Bruce; 'Gentleman, ' Deceased: Notice is hereby given: that ..all perpons .having any claims. or de-: mands against the Estate of Alex- . . ander McDonald' 'aforesaid, who died On or about the. 5th day of June A.D. 1952:. are required to file, proof ' bf their claims duly verified with . the undersigned ad-' 'ministrator oil or before the .15th ' day of December, AD. 1952. •' And Notice Is Further Given • that, after the said' date the , un-. dersigned administrator, will'pro- ceed to. 'distribute. the assets of the said estate among those en- titled thereto '• and wine not be: liable for the said assets.' or any' part thereof to any one of whose ... claims he shall notiL then • have received notice; Dated at Ripley, Ontario, this -12th day, of November, A.D. 1952, MurdockMcDonald, R. R. 1 Ripley,. Ontario, . Administrator: FOR SALE—cement septic tanks, approved'' by' the Health Unit. We deliver them., Forster's. Welding Shop,., phone, 206-r-11, Lucknow. LIVE POULTRY *WANTED For bet ; results at your door call BROWN BR.OS., 315 or 181-w Kincardine, Ont. ' ' ' . `. AUCTION SALE • of fain, stock and implements; at the farm •of Win.• Stauffer, South Durham road' (mile'Boit* of Blackharse and a 00 mile • wv'est .; on Friday, No- " 1 vember. 28�th':at 1 pin. See Ibi1 s Donald B. Blue, Auc.; Win. Stauf- fer, Prop. WANTED CASH PAID for crippled and dis- abled animals, also highest prices paid for boars and horses :for slaughter. Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect • "' HAMMERMILLS IN 'STOCK New : Fairbanks -Morse Ham- • •nermills, either '-stationery or power take -off .drive,, arein stook for, . your inspection. GEORGE WRAITH Phone 1285 or 931-r-3, Gode rich. DEAD. & LIVE ANIMALS Prompt • pick up' -of 'cattle, horses, 'pi"gs &-'sheep. Live horses fit , for animal ' food picked up at your farm'. averaging $35.00: • C. Brubacher, Wing:am,phone-60d- w-1.. CASE;: MACHINERY, new. and used tractors, hammermills,.: for:- age`�harvesters, wagons, etc., and a.. full ,line •, of repairs., Luoknow Motor Service, one block north of Fruit Market. . F 1N_.ME1_V_LOwIAI►�I_ .:_ LEE—In loving •memory of a dear daughter and sister, ' Margaret (Peggy) See, who passed away two .years :ago, November '26th, 1950. ..: . . She has not gone from those she loved, Nor has she wandered far, Just ,entered God's most: lovely.' ,room • And left.: the door ajar. =Sadly missed by her . Mother, Sisters and Brothers: CARD OF THANKS Mrs: Frank. Ritchie wishes to: sincerely ;thank ,all , the' -friends who .So • kindly remembered her while in the hospital. ' Mrs. Burt Roach. wishes to ex press' sincere thanks for the let ters nd, cards received while in hospital and for the many s of kindness by her "neighbors' since: returrhng home. • . • • On behalf . of 'the Dungaiiridn Agricultural :Society. :I wish to ex- tend our .appreciation: and hearty thanks to all those who l4ontrib- treed to the .:Fair.'' . • . . Marvin ' Durnin, 'Se6. , Miss • Madelyne ',M•oMorran 'of Kingsville and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McKendrick' of Windsor wish to thank their many friends and ne1I1 ors in Luceknovw for their _kindness extended them .at the. time of the 'death of a • loving mother. They would like to thank' Rev. C. A. Winn. and . Rev. Root. Macconneli'for• their consoling words : and also ,:those who 'sent flowers and other expressions of sympathy.. '. e BOUNDARY. WEST . . Those attending the Royal Win- ter Fair included Mr. and Mrs. • Kelso McNay, Mr. and Mrs. Root.' Hamilton, Mr. lack Mcnitosh . c- •companied • by Mrs, 'Frank Ha ilton and George Saunders. • Mrs. Jack Henderson • is con- valescing at her home after spending a few days in Wingham I Hospital. . . Mr. `sand • Mrs. Herb Ensign visited with Mrs: Charlie Smith !!cello is ill in Wingham Hospital, • Mrs. Smith,' who is a sister of Herb's, was formerly, '1VCabelle :Ensign, Mrs: Daisy McCharles and Mr Oliver Barkwell attended a fowl dinner at their : nieces, •Mrs. J. MacDonald. Presbyterian The' Call to Worship. was read y the president, Ray Stanley. ymn 481 , was . sung and • the; Lord's prayer repeated. The scrip ture 'passage. was taken from 1st' Corinthia.ns.' Mrs, 'Virden 'Mow- bray prepared the topic, rChris tian Youth ' in Formosa". There were 19 present.• Mrs Winn led in the sing song at the piano. Mr.. Winn closed with the benediction after hymn, 671 Was sung:: BAZAAR & BAKING SAYE . St. Peter's Guild will hold their Christmas bazaar and baking sale in the -Auxiliary Roorns .on.•.Sat ixrday, f,?ecember 6th at 2:30 p.m. Afternoon tea.:will be served, RECEPTION -MONDAY A reception in honour of Mr. and Mrs. William A. Johnston 'will be held in the Recreational Centre;. Lucknow, on Monday, ?3ecei`r ber lst. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Presented by SS. No., 8, Kin: loss' in Langside Hall on Thurs- day, December. 11th at 8.30 sharp. Dance after, Tiffin's ' orchestra. Adults 50c, children 25c. CONCER'._ ._ _' By St. Helen's School .followed by a Social Evening in the Com runty Hall, ;St. Helens, Friday, Novtember 28th at 8.15. Admis- •sion, 35e and 15c. Ladies please bring lunch. EUCHRE & DANCE Paramount Women's Institute' will .`sponsor a euchre and .dance. in Zion Orange Hall, .Friday, • De-. cenlber 5th. Cards 8.30 to 10..00. p.m. • Dancing to inusic by Me- Charles ' and ,:Henderson.. Lunch served: Admission, ,adults 50c, LIJC-TEE-WIN .BANQUET. - e in reservation • ' The Luc Te • W Conservation . ,. club turkey. banquet will be held in the (ueen's.. Hotel, Wingham, on , Friday, December 5th. at. 6.30 p.m., Banquet followed,, by: annual,. :Meeting in' Winghain• Town' Hall; at 8.30..Admission $1.50 per plate.. Get tickets from clubbmembers At r G. ALAN WILLIAMS • Optometrist' ' - Office O. Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGH4B1 Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment.. Phone: Office 770; Res.. L. Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary The November meeting of the Presbyterian 'Evening Auxiliary was held at. the home of, ,Miss Gladys MacDonald. Prayer by -the president in charge, Mrs. Virden Mowbray; was followed by the scripture reading by Mrs., Noble Johnston and the 'current events by Mrs: Mason. Mrs: Mason, Mrs. .A. Smith . and :.Mrs., Robt. Mac- Kenzie were 'appointed to., be. on the ' nominating•committee. The Bible study was taken by, Mrs. Pedersen and Mrs. A. Smith -gave /a reading. Mrs. Winn- had charge 'of the topic and gave an inter- esting talk, on one of the religious cults, ."Christian Science". Hymn 431 was sung and . the closing .prayer by Mrs. ;G:' Fisher brought 'the :meeting to a, close. Mrs. Mow- bray' conducted a Bible '.quiz. CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE' Can .Now •Accept TOWN, RESIDENTS &' COMMERCIAL as well as the; 'farm, business: For information ,consult T. A: CAMERON,' LUCKNOW, ' Phone. Dungannon, 7.0-r-10 JOHN, MCMURCHIE,' RIPLEY, .'Phone 20-r-23 'JO.HNSTONE'S 'ERAL • HOME 'Phone '76. Day or Night • • Ambulance .Service USE ;-,.OF FUNERAL HOME'' At No Extra Cost • Moderate Prices Mac.LENMAN and ; MacKEN'ZIE • • FUNERAL SERVICE :Service's conducted accord- ing 'to your wishes. 'at your "Home, Your Church, or at • ouremorial Chapel at no addittiional charge. • AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Phone 181, Lucknow, Day • • or :Night, ..... Agnews' .Agency Howard Agnew -- Jos. Agnew MEMBER' .OF • OntarioInsurance • Agents Association. GENERAL INSURANCE. Established Over 30 Years Ago ;Telephones: Business 39 : Residence 131 INSURANCE Co -Operative Life, Insurance Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire ' Insurance Economical and Reliable. See ' • •: A.. CAMERON LUCKNOW. , hone-, 70-r-10 • Dti igannon' Kenneth J. MacKenzie '• Optometrist ' • , LISTOWEL, ONT. Wilt be . at Wroha's Jewelle ry store, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10th and every Se,.ond Wednesday. Eyes examined Glasses fitted For, appointment" 'phone ."Roy MacKenzie, ,96-r-24 Ripley. ENJOY T` I M E rJ St.'‘),-tidectomatk OIL HEAT COMFORT .'FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES 011. BURNERS • 014 FURNACES • OIL BOILERS' • WATER HEATERS • H SELER acid SO.N ,Po>iie, 426, Wingham ,WEDNESDAY* NQ'V . 26th,, ion & 1 :CL.ELAND VETERLNEf,RIAN Havelock St., .south. of • Supertest Garage LVCHAIO'W • Telephone 178 BUSINESS and TAX sE1vcE •'MONTHLY AUDITS • , •For The Small Merchant, Professional • man and the Farmer. . p5 J �PYM�M P.O. Boz 74 L>acknow, Ont,; Office' in Kilpatrick '• Block 'Phone 23-w • ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST:' GODERICH FOR, APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 For . y. Appointment'. or Information See Wm. A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w"Lucknow INSURANCE, FIRE, 'CASUALTY, ..ALJT01110BILE AND LIFE . To Protect Your Jack, • Insure With Jack Today,;' J. A. McDONAGII R. R. 3, : Lucknow, Ont.''.,:. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon. R.. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. Office ,in the..Joynt Block • e= Telephone: ' Office 135 Residence 31-J' '.' Stuart MacKenzie: Barrister and Solicitor, WALKERTON, ONTARIO :IN LUCKNOW. • • • Each,- Wednesday OFFICE 'IN • HENDERSON BLOCK'. R. $.11etherin -ton K.C. Barrister, Etc. ' Wingliam and Lucknow' • • IN..LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located on 'the ground floor', • in the front of, John I ilpatrick's Building,' 'Phone Winghani Office 48 Residence 97 Insure With The Culross Mutual. F'IRE''iNSURANCE COQ. Reasonable rates,. sound "Pro- tection Sr prompt, satisfactory settlement of', claims 'MOFFAT ,FAKIR' ' Tour. Local Agent R. 3, Toeswater. Phone Teeswater 574 41 '.