HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-19, Page 7)52. ion es -32 Vlof- nine.' Pet Was ray,- , Wall; Hina )flat. 3 t �fec- d as Vlof- 'her- laid; Mrs: Mrs. fare, - and Ison; • Cott, 'cess [eine . • Mis- Tif- Lnist, yVEPBESDA.t, NO' l9tha 1,942 wHITEcHUR4H .'0000 00.00 Mrs. Welwood, tvasite�d .with. Mr; Welxood last Thursday at West- rnirnster Hospital, London. Mrs. Buckton has' been under the doctor's . care for the past week. z• Mrs. Mac Ross visited last week with her sister, Mrs. Jack Henderson near Paramount. •Mr. . J•_."B. Morrison, a. #orrcner resident of the village, is 'visiting, with his sons • Tom -hand Jack• and Other relatives, The W.NI.S. of the Presbyter, ian church are holding their an-• nual meeting this, Thursday af- ternoon in the church This is ..the election' 'of Officers, ' •• The. chicken pox has ,been go-. ing through our school and some have been real sick. We are sorry to; report Mrs. Nilson, Sr,,, td he in the hospital. Mrs. Joe 'Tiffin, Sr., hasmov- ed in �with Mr. and Mrs. Caslick for thewinter months. , Mr Chapman is'. moving the stock in ;his store across from the chopping mill .to the Store on the °corner 'kknown as the Henderson Store. We wish him well in. his new undertaking but the other store 'will be missed as it has LUC LANGSIDE Mr . and Mrs. Bert Moffat, spent Thursday in London. Miss Emrna Richaardson and Mr. Graham Moffat went to. Toronto on Friday for a visit. Miss `Doleana Orr of Unntdon Spent the week -end at her home. Mr: and Mrs. Parish Moffat. &. Gordon spent •r Sunday evening with Mr.. .and . Mrs. Jack Pollock, Lucknow.. • ' Untended .for Last . Week) Mr. Wayne Johnston and the !pupils i•entertai ed the mothers. and pre-school 'Ohildren at, a Hal- lowe'en party. ' The Mission Band ,,held their closing meeting. at .the home `Qf Mrs. Bert . Moffat. Mrs. Moffat & •Mrs.. Charlie .Tiffin:'•were in 'charge .of the program:.'.I alio we'e'p games and contests were :held. At the .close of -the service on Sunday, Mr. Gordon' Wall, supt. of the Sunday' School, gave out seals, diplomas and prizes ' to the Children, ibeeri there for'many years. Mrs..Ezra Scholtz spent a few days at Auburn at 'the home', of Mr:. and Mrs. Reg Scholtz: #/e0t/I4PAt irch; )f a Oct- )ick- ; of- :ere - Ruth Mrs:; ham and. Col- tail- 7dine ac- eof was Rean orst I so-. and i by med- •Am- their' the oWn- rthe Iris- MothY, were • ztter- en- )eats as John s 'r Get 'steady egg •productionright through the ' year! ,Feed your'birds a `.'fresh;-nl x" laying mash made' with' NATIONAL GBILDER CONCLNTRATE� • rich in essential animal proteins, vita • - mitis and minerals. It's so tasty your .birds: will always eat it -rand • keeP...._xoling—out.:.._eggs---week -after week,br°inging you ' bigeregg money righx.through the year. Qury nux. concEnrngrEs 6 , • See: your' NATIONAL Dealer today Look for the bright Prange' and Black Sign. F-42 WI«IAM STONE. SONS, : LIMITED INGERSOLL ONTARIO Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL well -cured, properly blended FERTILIZER' t w. �hdne 91 • • • WrInarfikeilliar=11111W11211driri $ENTINE[+ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PURPLE GROVE .Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Gawley and family visirted, at the home of Mr. arid Mrs.' Helwick of Pais- ley least Tuesday evening. Mr. • ,and Mrs Will Bushell of Lucknonr and Mrs. John Colwell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. %and Mrs, Donald MCCosh. The Sewing Class which met at •the: home of Mrs. -Peter Leeson, have completed their course for the year..' .. Los Angeles, Cal fa, Is visiting with her niece, Mrs Victor Gawley. Mrs. .George S. Emerson spent .a • fewdays last Week With her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. John' Bell. of Woodstock.: '• Mrs. Gertie. Walsh spent, the week -. ,end., nwith. her • son, Frank.:Ojrrie. w Mr. and. Mrs. n Gillies, Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Gillies and Val- erie., Mr. and' Mrs; Glen Emer son, • Glenda,. Sharon and Maria lyn, Mr. and, Mrs. Sam 'Emerson and Hilda, Mr. Goldwin Emerson & . Miss Jacqualeen Hedley were visitors„at:_the •home of .Mr.•'and Mrs. John Emerson. I'• Mr. and, Mrs.. Chris' Shelton of Lucknow . spent Saturday evening at, the home of. the ' former's' .mother, Mrs. ,Elsie' Scott.. • The Explorers' Group met at the home of Mrs. Edbert Bushell on Saturday With: a good :attend- ance: ST. HELENS Plans are .being .completed .for the 'annual bazaar and tea to . be:. held in the Auxiliary Rooms, Lucknow, next• Saturday after, noon under •; the .auspices of ` the Women's Association of the Un- ited Church. :Mrs: .Elwood, .`Barbour opened her home . for.',. the November Meeting of the W.M.S.- and, the W.A.' on ' Wednesday afternoon with 15 ladies present.. Mrs. W. •• I. Miller was M the chair for th4:, W M S ;Mrs". ••G MacPherson read, the scripture lesson Mrs. L. Woods led .in .prayer & 'Mrs. Cam- eron ►meron had. charge of the • chapter from the study ':book. ,Mrs. ~ E. W. Rice gave the report . ;of the' Sec tional meeting held. at Belgrave: Mrs. , MacPherson,. Mrs. L. Woods and Mrs:. Chas: McDonald, were; appointed as' nominating corn= rnittee.: Mrs.. Jas. Curran presid- ed for the W.A. Mrs. T. J. 'Todd read the - : scripture 'lesson. . and Mrs. L. Woods. "the ' lesson: thoughts. Planswere completed for the' bazaar. A no `ninating comrnittee composed of Mrs., W I. Miller, . Mrs. J. Cameron and Miss W. D. Rutherford was ap- pointed. At' the conclusion lunch was served with Mrs. C. ;Taylor and• Mrs...t. W. ,Rine as hostesses. Miss W. D. Rutherford and .Miss Anne Todd; were week -end Alisitars'•in Toronto. Dr:, W. C. 'McGregor of Chi- cago spent last Week as guest .of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart. • Mr. and ; Mrs. Irving Hunter, Mr and; Mrs: George Salkeld and Joseph of Goderich `'were recent •visitorsat the home of Mr and Mrs. • Frank McQuillin • and with Mrs. Gordon.: Mr. arid Mrs. John Cunning- ham, Mr. and Mrs. . Tom':Dickison and family of Walkerton visited witli-IVC.f. OrrE. 3, 1Thom and with 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc(uill n. •. • • . . Mr.acid Mrs: C -art Johrhston and children of $7ueval e e visited with Mr, •Jahn ' McQuillin and' other relatives recently. • The fifth 'meeting of , 'the : St. Helens Happy rHandycrafters was held, on Saturday' afternoon, No-' Vem�ber 15th at the leaders home. • The roll .call; "A finishing •L aril• using• for my dress" was ans'wer- ed by nine. members. Miss Jean Steckle, Horne •Economoist for Huron County attended the meet- ing and explained to the girls .about Achieverfient' Day, demon-. stra,tions and record books. A vote of thanks was given Miss. Steckle and the meeting closed. wit God save the Queen. Lurich was served by the hostess, Isa- belle MacPherson and ,Trina• For- ster. The next meeting will •be'�at Joyce McDonald's on • 'Monday evening; November 24th.• Flora . McQuillin and Donna Woods will be hostesses', The ;St. Helens school concert will be, held on . Friday. Noyes►- ber 28th.; Watch for next week's,' announcennent. ASHFIELD' Mr. and Mrs. R. Bissett left on. Friday of last week to ivisit friends.�_j in British Columrbia„ -Mrs. � art! a. Martin and Mr: & Mrs, Paul Knapp of Detroitspent the week -end with friends There. The Kintail W.T. chartered a • cOt DR/NX SEIOPED bus, '.on Friday ;of last week for. Toxonto.. where: they... visited, The Royal and were pleased to see their quilt was one of three ex Whited in the Women's Institute booth. ' : . --1,Z O • N o D.= 70rnN. rn., ,'Dn-r 70 °.O m rn w—m; rn '4 • •.m. Alt i (O x.. Oy od t" t w • c' 0 0..