HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-12, Page 7• 952; Ili ;ion leS: 1 J2. ab-uf 3itors Mrs. ;.' M.: stern .:few .d.:H. Kit - a14 Via” )they, )n of Mi. list. isited' Jas. Tie' of with `obert an . of with West ;e, siting' ` Dan- is and anday ' : Gra- WEDNESDAY, NOV, 12th, 1952 WOLF CUBS Due to other activities in the Recreational Centre,. on our reg- ular meeting nightCubs was held MI Monday night with a turnout of .19. Sixer ,Alan in led in the opening Cerernoni The presentation of awards to the; winning Six in October 'Inter -Six competition Was. made by Bag- heera to :members of the Grey Six... hkei .,then he1r1. Tenslerpad tests, and Baloo conducted a per- iod of games, • By: virtue 'of their win, the, -Greys receive the Honor Award pennant, and . John ,Andrew be- coma- Senior Sixer :f r' Novem- ber. °'Fangs" ' were the .subject of special inspection and a very poor showing was made by all Sixes,', , In' . failing to be.- neatly groomed and .cleanly,, you Cubs ere..losing points for your Six. All Pack members have now passed their. Ten, de pad; tests and. .the last, group of eight boys:, to join the Pack .are now ready to; be 'invested. Parentsof these boys are reminded that they musthave their uniform to qualify for in- vestiture,; This • is planned for No-. vember. 25th, so kindly see 'that your lad is ready. • __Siwap_tl'iSelLitE_Re><it it,. -Buy it! Use Sentinel Want Ads. Sp THE' LUCKNQW sINEL, IVCKNOW, ONTARIO Letters To The: Editor Dear Mr. Editor: I submit this letter as al tri- bute, to the memoryof the' late Frances E. McLean, the adcount, of whose passing appeared in the estrecent issue of The, Sentinel. .,Practically all of myhigh school education was, obtained under the tutorship of Miss Mc- Lean. She•mwas;_a teacher -Of wide- learning," and would maintain:. dis- cipline and cgmmand attention with .a minimum of effort. 'The success,. from year to year of Lucknow students in the. depart- mental examinations Was in:'1arg6 measure due to .the clear and'. concise • 'manner in which she presented academic work. She,will be .^rernembered: to a'. Marked degree, by hundreds„ former . pupils;' In, .'.Lucknow;s century of. history, few of , its citizens .could be seleected who rendered, :corirparable'ibenefaction to their community.. John ,S. `Newton, Port Credit, Ontario. • Larry: "Do you k w, oney; if I'`had to do it: all over a ain, who'' I'd marry?" • Wifey; "No Who?" • •Larry: «You" Wifey: •"Oh, no.you "wouldn't" ennell. ' Brad= with. el, • • !s: R. h : NIr. . Zion,. r1a Ir= escetit c, ==t,(, 6 rnfort, .. r•s' for i Mrs. ke. • 3aska .: [uaint- ;hf ield Blyth:;. moth-. eft=.an at I)e- •clerieh ' Sitter, Week. in this ' 'beeps • ,-tarts, is:lit• ;;)nage. s, Bar - to bed idition. a'card pool on played ladies' derson. Rivett: Chas, ed,, W6 that . it late, e spent 's Earl Cmadi•ans eat 90,000 bogs 'eehd- - and; want . therm lean and tender "NA'1'IONAL" is . packed with. ` animal, ralnd growth, loaded with: vitamins'. for Ik Uaneed with essential minerals. It gives you 'a fast, pork -producing grower tryith less, grain :.. a grower • that produces �° �zuality _ bactnhogs, .which means me r a profit for you: See Your NATIONAL 'Dealer to -day protein for health and garsonAL Look for the'bright Orange and _Black Sign I WILIJAM 'STONE: 'SONS LIMITED INGERSOLL' :ONTARIO F -as • ertilize your Crop with NATIONAL. well cured, properly -blended FERTILIZER 'Phone 91-w INLAYSO • Lucknow LUCKNOW'S iDONATIONS DUNGANNON FALL FAIR :. nS. M. 'Mullin $1.00; Gordon: Fisher 2.00; L. C. Thompson 2.00;. Clifford ,Congrarn. 2.00; Elmer. Urrmbach 2.00; 'Treleaven's Rest- aurant 2.00;• Chin's; Restaurant 2.00;i. Johnston's Restaurant, 2,00; Johnstone's Furniture 2.00; Roy Finlayson '2.00; Glenn's Grocery• 2.00; Hall's Grocer•Z.00; William Buckingham 2.60; Sepoy, Store 2.00; Rae & 'Porteous 3.00; Wm. Murdie 3.00; Lucknow Co-op 5.00; "Ivan. Louzon 5.00; J. S..Kilpat- rick ‘& Son 5,00; Armstrong Mot- ors 5.00'; M.: L.' 'Sanderson 5.00; Gordon Montgomery. 6.00; ' Joe Walney 5.00; ' R. T. Kilpatrick 5 00; Ernie Crawford, meehandise dise, 5.25; Joe .McMillan 6.00; Me- Lennan. & 112acKenzie10 00a: Thos., Hackett & Son ,10.25;: J W. Hen.- dei son Lumber Ltd., advertising and donations, " 25.00; Bank of Montreal 5.00; F. '.G. Todd 5.00;. Total '$134.50. • IN STRANGE ACCIDENT Dave Anderson had his panel truck damaged in a. strange acci- dent last week in the .Stratford district. A motorist •who had' over- taken and was passing D ve_ap.- parently had his .car" go .out • of control., As he hit ' the shoulde Of the -road, he pulled 3'the car sharply and into, . the path . of Dave's truck: In the' collision that followed •, Dave's vehicle went tin,' to' the ditch, '}gut remained • up right.' The czar was spun around on . the highway. Dave was not "hurt; and fortunately.had lefthis. wife and young daughter at Mrs. Anderson'shh'on a to short • tinne be - ,fore .`.or they would also have been in. the. truck The vehicle suffered damage to the body but carne home or} its • ownpower • Blake Church W.M.S.. The Slakes' meeting of the., W 1VI S wasin the hall --on: Th irs= day, November 6th with 17 adults and 2 children present. The meet- ing : opened ' by singing hymn • 727 and . Mrs. C., Cook, 'the president, presiding, followed byprayer. The . scripture reading was given by Mrs. L: Cranston ::and hymn; 376 ` was•;then .sting The prograim was taken from the: 2nd chapter of the study book,. "The Villages of Angola".. ,The first part was given by.. • Mrs. •Georgge• Twamley and the 2nd by Mrs.. L-' Me -nary and the . 3rd by' • Mrs:.D. ; McIver.. The offering was 'taken' and the Min- utes read by the sec.-treas., 'Mrs. Curran: The talent money was counted and'' Mrs. J. Cranstdn's side .'.won ..over - Mrs. I. Henry's side. The loser's., are, to. get the, programa for .• the supper on Fri - clay, 'November 14th ; in' the hall. The •"annual: meeting of. the Ash- field W.M.S. is, to .be 'held in Blake's church • on Thursday, No- veinber' 20th: Lunch was served by.' Mrs. T. Blake ,and Mrs. W. Buckingham. : • ' Marilyn ;Monroe Tells The Truth About Me '. Marilyn 'Monroe, 'starting iri this Sunday's (Naveinher. 16) is_ sue of The 'American Weekly with The Detroit Sunday • Times;. explains popular misconceptions. about her.. She discusses" her rise. to stardom, men in ,her life, why she posed for' the famous calen- dat nude and why she her self an "orphan'- though her mother was :alive. South. Kinloss F. & F. Group' On Sunday evening',• Nofiber' 9th, 36 . attended '. the Faith: and Fellowship Group meetin of South Kinloss Presby Brian church held at ; the . home of Mr. and Mrs W. F. MacDonald, Ii,ev, G, S. Baulch gave a' very ,educational 'address with the theme' being "The Blind Man's Creed". Hymn 541 was. sung .fol"- lowed by a, poeMFlandets'Fields by Mrs.. Lloyd MacDougall. Mrs. Ted Collyyer led in prayer. The group -vas then- favored with a trio by ' YMessrs, Ted Collyer, Philip Steer and. Lloyd ,MacDOug- all, Mrs. Philip Steer gave an in- teresting ` pater " on the reaction of England when war began' and ended in 'their 'country, after Which •Mac MacDonald favored;. the Group with an alto solo. A very, interesting paver ' "Peace Education and ,International Re- lation hips", was given by Miss Dean MacLeod. Mrs, Wm. Mac Intyre conducted 'a, Bible ; quiz., Mr. Philip Steer ' led the group. in prayer after which Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall conducted a Bible contest, The meeting was closed with the mizipgh .benediction..and- Mrs. iia Dickie moved' the vote. Of thanks.' PAGE SEVEN YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST LEMON -LIME. C" '= •Dap 2 ' T;.m 3 70 v 70 PC a ca'c 0 '0 m •-1 4/4=o3mt:. oo el, X yam .#', ✓•• 41 • ., . cu • • 3_o .4r +1