HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-12, Page 52 • , •••••."0, arurt • r••••• • 91 .irirrir • ••••••f• ry '000. • wzM1ESDAY, NOV. 12th, 1952 4.101111.111111.111111 Lyceum Theatre ' WINGHAM Two Shows Each. Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 .„ Wednesday, Thnrs., Nov. 12, 13 •JAME, WItTMORS,. „ ETHEL BARRYMORE, , 8. .,§AKA.LT., IT S A BIG COUNTRY Friday, Saturday, Nov. 14,, 15 GEORGE ,MURPHY, NANCY.' DAVIS Talk About a Stranger MATINEE SATURDAY Mon., .1ruea,, :Wed., Thursday 4 DAYS—Nov. 170 J9, 19, 20 SUSAN HAYWARD, RORY CALHOVN • . 4--• WITH -A- SONG - -IN MY HEART 1....mommisomor • ". V... • • ' • • South Kinloss W.M.S. • . Mrs.Tom Ma4Cenile was hos- .McQuillin. • basl'etball games between the • off, fr 0010044:11031.i.WW.M111•41 1' "Or " " gfig62 rif0! 1-'• • ••• TIM* '•aUCICNONlir SENTINEL, ONTARIO PAGE 011M Sr.HEIrENS H S NEWS • . . Mr; ad Mrs Callum Catmerou he Friday assembly was' in oarrt:.9.asrOaltuOrfdapyelvtriotiht .gr.were8i'Vaur isit charge of thp Grade"13 reps,' Rus- fsierlsit'Barr • hymn, "O wastheGochdaiOriliaur nil.e711; John._Cameronand Don.' was sung and the scriPture pass- age John 15 (7-14) was read by Norma Sherwood.. The Lord's prayer was repeated; the hymn, l3urden favored .with .a piano sole and Danny' Rose gave a humorous reading, "The Cow". After the. announce- ments' were made' the Meeting was closed with' the national en - Mrs, ElwoOd• Barbour was 'hos- tess for the November meeting of the Women's Institute held on Wednesday with , a .good attend- ance, This Nvas Grandmother's. day. Mrs. Barbour presided and "Frcin Ocean unICL-Q-cean-Lwas. the roll was well responded to iby the showing of "a. portrait of my grandmother". 'r,his proved, quite interesting. Mrs. .Andrew Gaunt read two poems 'written :Ed' gar Guest, "Duplicate" and "The Foolish • Grandpa". Mrs. E. • W. Rice favored with a solo and Miss Mary Murray read "Grandmain- '. Mrs. Chester Taylor 'Con- tributed piano Soto. The topic was .taken: by Mrs. Gorden Mac.' Pherson who read of Lace 'will go .011--winmng through!. Lace Making": Mrs. .Chester Tay- lor maY be that we are small' received the prize as the old- est grandmother present and Mrs. Barbour as the yoimgest. A pleas- ant social hour was enjoyed' over the' tea cups with Mrs.. George 3 • Our School Song .• • . _ • Give three cheers. for Lucknow Let our flag .wave in ,the skY! With its coloreWhite• and blue, Numbersdo not count for all, Honors : great and, spirits strong, Help us sing our song. All together shout "the word, Let our. great watchword be..., - d Stuart and Mrs. John Cameron ' a§ liotesses, Int . ribe a pow'r for aye, Since Lucknow Highjs here to Congratulations and best wish -'stay! es for many, more happy years , to Mr. and M.S. -Humphrey Items hi Passinr who on ,Sunday celebrated their , who 'were the two new addi- diamond wedding anniversary.'- tions to Grade 13 last week—that Mr •' and . Mrs. Sebbeii' 'of oceuirded a very "prominent" Pos- • ition Stratford were recent visitors at ,• . has, the home of Mr: and Mrs. Frank vvw) - -been winning the '• tes.s. for, the November 'meeting of South Xmloss w4vr!s. when 19 nierribera„ were present. Miss Dean McLeod gave a splendid scripture and meditation on the life of Ruth. The , roll call was answered by a Bible siverse con- tainiiig the word "Blessing" fol- lowed by praYer -by 'Mrs. Baulch. An interesting chapter ,fro,m the study !book was • given by. Mrs. Ross MacMillan and Mi. Doug- - , las Graham, gave a .reading. , The 'treasurer re p or d that . the —77'I'haxikoffering was $53.50 and -the . OctOber offering $20: Mrs. ,Steer sang a lovely :Solo arid. Mit. Ted Collyer thanked the hostess 'arid those taking part in the program. The meeting closed With the miz- C011Yer.. . .. • • Helen's Happy n icra ers met at Mrs.G.'MacF'hersores' .on Monday evening. 'Eleven mem- bers were present. The .president .opened the meeting. The roll call .waS anSwered • bya line in clothes' that suits: me". Norma Murray ':invited the girls to her home • for, the ' next meeting. The leaders 'showed how to place the pattern on our material. A dainty lunch wasserved by the hostess, Joyce McDonald and Phyllis Bar . laour. pah benediction. Lunch Was ser- ved by the :hostess' and dire.ctors, Mrs:•Wm. Maclntyre and Mrs. T. 411=144411.0411.111.411M41.111114*.liilkilalD410.11111144)1111444.4041.1.1).41.1.47D.14.47417144:11=44170041.444.5. GET READY FOR WINTER . . . with . ••._ girlsand boys this'. past' week? Where. Was one male member of Grade 13,1ast athrusdaw? Charlene Smith: "My pats got a wooden leg". , . . 'Carolyn Gibson: "Huh, dat ain't nothing, my sister's got cedar chest". • • ' - • TQ • • • A Presiding Officer (in meinory ofa final exam) O Friend! I know not`which way I must turn . . For inspiration„ being -as •-I- opprest •.; By weighty trials .6f lofty' .final That I deserve to -Write is but too. • true: • My mark** are- lowL but if you only knew. . HoW hard it is to study, how easy to have missed. The term ekains in subjects yciu detest. • 9' Alas,, if in Septeniber we could but discern • What will Occur in June! }low high Would be our marks! Heating, quipmetitchiJune I H" ril ' . , • gre . , uwe d ' • - , , But now 'ts learn!with. vain re, 1 Forced Air Heating Oil Burners I rue the wasted hours—my pen 'Floor Furnaces •• Cook Stoves • Space Heaters , with haste I ply, . 1 .. • • • . ' . For there you sit and here,, alas, AUTOMATIC HOT WATER TANKS - sit I. • • Complete Line Of 'Repairs. For ' ' DEEP AND SHALLOW WELL PUMP5,S • , • . . Por Heating and PluMbing • Sales and Service; See - R.*. 3,Lucknow, Ont • — . Phone 61-r-13 Dungannon . • • Art .Gilmore. 0411•14/4111.1114111M.04111116.1141014)400414!1441111441.=04140643.41104' 14111.54143411=141411=4/41=4040111114 40 • LLIS-th I ERS MACHINERY NEW.TRACTORS INALLSIZES.. FLEURY -BISSELL PACKERS.'nd DISCS SECOND HAND TRACTOR MeCormick-Deering • Second Hand Tractor, W-4, in good shape. FOR•YOUR SOWS.and SMALL PIGS, ,Use • Sow and Pig Chow Complete or your own grain, and So* -and Pig :Concentrate. . , • . • • ' • . See Us About .A 1100 FINANCE CONTRACT AT NO. On TO YOU '• • :THOMAS ...'HACKETT 4 SONS .,• Kinloss Native Dies 'In Regina • The death of Dr; Walter H. Ross occurred recently at Regina where the 70-year-otd man has -practised dentistry since .1911. Hel , was born near Whitechurch and ' was a son of Duncan and Mar:. garet (Hall) Ross, who 'later Mov- ed to Teeswater. Before studying •dentistry, M. Ross taught school in .Carrick and Greenock. • . LANGSIDE ..„ • • P8en Thursday,,F;iday,Sreatiiir(161e ay, •Noventhet 13, 14, 15 A r,#4 of laughter), with the tW,o funniest -guys -in -the business -- DEAN MARTIN 1.4 JERRY LE'WIS: War.With. The Ann?' SATURDAY MATINS*. AT 2,15 p,m..4eorS open. at '2 pa* . • • ,Monclay, Tuesday, Wednesday, Nov. .17,.18,:19 He. wont On. his•AtoneymoOnand so . did tfixe. lidsand • ' there's Where th�. fun hoginfr7 eek -End with Father,10 with VAN HEFLIN & PATRICIA NEAL Wm. Scott attended the sewing course in Whitechurch: On Hallowe'en night. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tiffin entertained _ at_ a partY-Whent everyone had a real 06d time. Prizes' went to Mrs. Wm. Scott,' Mrs. Wes Young; 'Mrs. Gordon Wall, "Betty Conley and Joe --Ann Conley. A, demonstration also took place -Games and . con- tests were enloyed. A bountiful lunch and candy was served, KINLOUGH‘ The H.W.I. met on "thiirklaY at the home of Mrs. Toni Hodgins with Mrs. „R. Ackert in charge: After the usual opening and busi- ness; Mrs. P. A. -Murray, Conven, er, took over for • theo following pi-ogre/1i.: Mrs.: McKellar, diStriet president, gave a ,fitting address on ' Canadian citizenship; Mrs. Triiik—'11hOrripion. gavie the topic and the motto was given by; 1VIrs. Wni.'Eadie. , The • report of the .Kitchener. convention wasgiven by • the delegate, Mrs. • Frank 1Vfaulden9.. The roll, call, 'What I wantfor ehristrna:s. The Meeting closed Wiht"God- savethe Queen" • and.'a 'dainty lunch as served, Mrs. Raynard •Ackert will be the _net_ hostess _with- an -exchange or • Christmas gifts valued at 35 cents. Mr. and Mrs. Dtmican MacKenz.' • • zie. and son Gerald. of McioSejaw,.:-: Sask., visitedduring the week with her aunt,' Mrs. John Cox & other •relatives here. Mrs. Mae- • was the Boyle i°17iler. '4"e" • • • „Mr; and Mrs. M. Oshorte and Florence were here attending the, `fiineral of the late•IVIrs. Dan 1.1C. • ; • Far an. . Mr and Mrs: George CuYler and family of lVlillarton Visited Saturday .evening with r 1and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and fy. , Mr. J B IlOcligkinion and Mrs. . • Wilbert Hodgkinson of Winghany ' Called on friends here on Wed- nesday. 'Mr: and Mrs. Edgar Harrison of Winghain„viOted Sunday with • Mr. and Mfrs: James Hodgins. • Congratulations to Mrs. Archie McFarlan .held the ineky. : ticket on :a cushion .made by the teacher. and Puipils of SS: No. 2. .. .• 9 •• •••••;': • • WE ARE NOW ePn, 11 T OUR ew idocatiost ON DAMN STREET Lucknow 'District Co operative Phone 71 Lucknow, Ont. l • erooOresiipoomosierimr•troisrirri•roi=,9100.0rotraiiireaimaimorpoiimpoommosiori.imoormoiseiiiiimr. A Hallowe'en party Was held at No. .9, Kinloss, when the tea- cher; Miss Marion Triebner and pupils entertained mothers and. pre-school children. A program Was Presented' and contest for all: Costumes were judged .by Mrs, Joshua DawSon and Mrs'. Frank, 'Miller* with prizes going to Don-.• elda Cochrane and •Doris Wore 'for. the most original costume, !Janet Gaunt and Marion Scott for fancy dress, Grant Mc - Curtis Dawson, Ronald Conley for best character cos- tumes. A delicious' lunch. .and candy was served by pupilS. • .BORN ---4o Mr, ,and Mrs. Eric Evans ,• (nee Winnifred. Donald: - sin)). in Bethesda .Hospital, Lon- don; October 31st, 1952, a son, a - brother forDianne. and .Allan: Mr. and, Mrs, Wallace Cenn. Mr. and .Mrs. Wth. Evans and Mr, 8i Mit: • Ted Collyer attended the MaSonic, banquet. in Lueknow.'on Friday night: *•,. .• , Parish lqoffat..and • Mrs. 10. Massey Harris Implements • Coast To Coast Massey -Harris Offers 'Most. ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR PRE -PAYMENT PLAN . . On The Purchase Of' , COMBINES, SWATHERS, 'BALERS & TRACTORS ' .• • • All.Sizes Of MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS . Manure -spreaders—Plows—Rubber- tired. wagdns. BEATTY BARN SUPPLIES 4 GOOD SUPPLY df llG & CATTLE WATER BOWS .41 41)116NE Z4, LIT " 4 I CK &SON RESJDENCE 219 ' 9. • • • , a • . . .,. • • • * .•• '''•- ' • '..". • • 4. •