HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-12, Page 411, • } 0 tr • PAGE PQ R, L"Up NQW SENTII cb cxNg �; .,., LU ONTARIO; N , cOM1NG EVENTS" RECEPTION AT BI,,UEVALE • There will be a reception in Bluevale on Friday, November 14 inhonor . of Mr, and Mrs.., John Thompson. (nee' Margaret . Mc= Nall). Songsters orchestra of Gorrie. "•Everyone 'welcome. • • ,BAZAAR, BAKING SALE, TEA A bazaar and baking sale will. be held in, the Legion Rooms, Lucknow, on' ,Saturday, •Novem- her 15th at 2.30 sponsored by Hackett's W. A. Tea 'table prize, draw. The', quilt . on display' iza. Johnstone's window will also be` sold. . . AGENTS FOR Sun -Ray. feeda & —semi-solid-buttermilk.,.__Lucknow; District . Co-op; Phone 71.. FOR SALE -50 barred rock pul- lets," ready to bay. James Aitchi- son, phone 2244 Lucknow., WANTED TO BUY two saw- dust burners. ' Apply ,to Box,• M, Loch ow Sentinel. . '° FOR• SALE --(Durham grade bull, 2 years old,. Gordon Wall, R. 83: Holyrood4 .phone'. 208-r:31 .Luck- ' ,how FOR SALE -60 pullets, Hamp 8t Rock .hybrids, laying.. Mark Arm-= strong,..,,R. R. 2, Lucknow, phone Wingham 711-J4. FOR SALE--Congoleum rug 9 x 12,, as good as, new; also. wicker •' fernery. Mrs. Jewitt; phone 140 Lucknow. FOR. SALE --cement. septic tanks, approved' by the Health Unita We• deliver them. Forster's Welding .Shop,. phone: 2064=11., Lucknow,. LIVE POULTRY WANTEDFor..best. results at ' your • door call. BROWN_'BROS., 315' or 181-w Kincardine, Ont. APPLES o. r :good Spies at a sprayed' orchard Beall at Andrew's Implement Shop, Lucknow also' a few of 'other varieties. Apples. • priced : according to •' grade. WANTED CASH PAID for crippled and',dis abled. animals, also highestprices <paid. for boars and horsesfor slaughter. Phone Atwood 37-r-12 -12 collect.. FOR. SALE — tw,o-:saxaphoxies,_aito., and tenor; 3 used pianes,. Doherty, lieintzman- , and . Nordheimer, it first: "class: condition. • Priced tosell• and save you money. Also a good stock- of new pianos. Garnet Far- rier, Whitechurch, phone 711-J-1.: Wingham. PERSONAL "SKINNY.' cimrL.S! GET LOVE- ' LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs:;. new, ,pep .Try famous health and- weight - builder. •.Ostrex . tonic Tablets. Introductory, ."get ac-, • quainted size only .60c. All drug- gists. DEAD &.. LIVE ANIMALS :r Prompt pick: up of . cattle, horses, pigs &, sheep. Live horses. fit for .animal. food picked up at your: ''farm averaging $35.00: ' C.•' Brubacher, ,Wingham, phone 608- w-1. . WANTED—Flocks _ to' supply us , with hatching eggs for the 1953 hatching .season.' All .. bird culled' 'sand bloodtested free ' of .charge, Guaranteed pr mium . plus hatch- ability' pr ium .paid. Can easily make, 20e ..dozen oyer the riciar ket pric ' ' ith :good. hatching eggs.,App1 eddle Chick Hat- cheries ' at-cheries'' Limited, , Fergus, r,Ont. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS • ' •In The Matter of the Estate of Alexantle�r MCDonal`d--late—of the Village of Lucknow, •in' the County ' of Bruce, • Gentleman, Deceased. Notice is. hereby given that all persons baying any. claims or de- mands againsttheEstate of Alex- ander McDonald aforesaid, who died' on or about the 5th day of June Ali. 1952, are 'required to, file proof of their claims 'duly verified with 'tile, undersigned ad- ministrator on or before the .15th day of December, A.D. • 1952. And ,Notice , Is' 'Further Given that after the said date the 'un-' dersigned administrator will pro - : teed to . distribute the • assets of the said estate among 'those' en= titled thereto and will not be liable for the said assets' or any part thereof to any one of whose • claims he shall not then shave received notice. `Dated' at fipley, Ontario, this 12th "day of NNovember, A.D. 19'52. Murdock McDonald, : R.. R. 1, Ripley, •Oritario; Administrator. • 4.111, HAMMERMILLS IN STOCK _New Fairbanks -Morse Ham- merrnills, either stationery or power:take-off drive, are in stock. for your inspection, . • GEORGE . WRAITH Phone ;1285 or 931-r-3, Goderich., IN • REMEMBRANCE The lads 'who fell, they .are • no doubt content • • In Paradise, freed of .their wounds and pain, All the ,life -loving lads -who, went to,, war, Went With a ,smile, and came not, aback again. ; And '. yet I feel:. there's one who: . dream's. 'at . times . Of • Severn vale, and fields of" daffodils, ' • And listens, as he used to - hear ehurCh�bells Echo again, across the CotsWold hills. :Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Bu ckingham.` NOTICE CLERK'S NOTICE :OF FIRST , POSTING VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1952, Municipality of the Village of Lucknow the County 'bf .Bruce., Notice is hereby . given that 'I have: corn -Plied with Section.. of tliae Voters' Lists .Act and, I have posted up at my -Office•. at Luck- now_ uck now . on the l'Oth day. of Novemm ber, A.D. 1952,the list of all 'per- sons to vote in : the said 'Muni- cipality for members „ of 'Parl- iament' and at the Municipal El ections and• that. such;list remains there for inspection ' And' I hereby call *upon. all .Voters to take ..immediate • pro-. ceedin =to-;.have:_any erroor.' car_ omissions corrected according; to law, the, last., day for 'appeal :be-' ing the :.24th day of =November, A.D. 1952: ' • .Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, • this 10th . day of November, . A.D.. 1952 ' ,E. H. `AGNEW; Clerk:: • CARD, :OF THANKS 1 wish to sincerely thank friendsandneighbors for, the fav-• ors and all acus' of kindness: to .me. during Art's illness. ` Rose Hodgins. Mr. and •Mrs'. Wm. J. Humphrey wish ' to heartily thank ' their• friends' :in the 'St.` Helens 'com- munity, :and all others .. who sg kindly .; remembered them ; with lovely 'gifts : and ' expressions of good wishes on the . occasion of their diamond wedding. The •faniily., .. of the •late Mrs. Daniel McFarlan wish ''to express their sincere thanks to' neighbors andfriends for kindness' and-syin- pathy shown` M. their recentbe-• reavement,'' also 'those who.' sent floral tributes and cards of sym- pathy.'. • would. like ' to take this. op= „portunity to 'thank my friends and nei' h'bors who kindly . ire- memd me with .flowers, cards ilda11: other : tre'ats - during' -my' recent illness.pecial thanks to the Men who 'assisted with man; tire, plowing and all ' other fall work. These acts of kindness will not soon be, forgotten:. 1 . thank you one and a11. r• , Art 'Hodgins. • • FARM MACHINERY Used. Equipment—Massey-Har- ris tractor, 102 Jr .in excellent shape; Model R. Universal M. & M. less: than year old. New .man-: ure; loaders $195. See or call; ' GEORGE . WRAITH . . M. & M. and ,Ferguson Farm Machinery and Purina, Feeds Phone Goderich 1285 or 931-r-3 Swap it! 'Sell it! .Rent it! Bt .y it! '•Use Sentinel. Want Ads, Professors "Statistics shove that moie than a million people Vii• this country ° are overweight". Student: "Those; of course, iire round figures?" d. • 'THE NEW .DUNISTER" • "This is the title ` of a :play • be= ing° staged ' in ,the United Church baseinient . on, Friday night;. Nov ember 14th. (A terrific bungle of Plans and; misunderstandings). You . will be sorry if • you miss it. Admission. • 40C, children. 15c.. Goodlunch and fine program ar- ranged. Everybody welcome. PLAY AT WHITECHURCH. The 'humorous 3 -act comedy, "Zeke 'arid, Daisy"',•will ;be pre- sented in Whitechurch Commun- itlr Memorial 'Hall on Tuesday; November 18th at 8.30.' pan., by Reid's Corners talent. . Auspices Whitechurch United Church Wei. Admission 50c. and 25c. Everyone 'welcome; G. ALAN, !NILLIAMS Optoige - Office• on , Patrick' St,, Jgst off; the • Main St. in • WINWIAM: Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services Evenings by appeinti ent.. • Phone: Office 770; , Res. 5. PURPLE' GROVE. Miss Margaret ' Robertson • vis- ited With : Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robertson' of Zion for' a few days. • The ° Institute. ' meeting was. held.last.Wednesday at'Mrs.:Hel en Swan's witha' good attend= anter Mr. and Mrs, : Ross; Shields arid' 'Mary Ellen 'of ,•Arn erley,. Mrs. A:. W. •Garrison, Mrs, Gee of Wood- • stock wtfere visitors atthe home of . Mr. and • Mr§. :Geo. S. :Emerson nn • Sunday: ' and .Mrs: Donald ' McCosh Mary •& 'Dickie:, spent Sunday at the home of 'Mr. Robert••MeCosh of Ripley who..'observed' his : 81st birthday. , ' Mrs. Gertie Walsh. spent . the week -end at her home at in- lougB.••• Miss 'Eleanor , Kidd, sewing in- structor of ' Toronto, is spending this week at ,the .home of 'Mrs.. Peter'TAson..The 'project is' mak- 'Mg' clothes for children with ` a class '. of 15. Mr. and Mrs. Victor. : Gawley` & family spent Saturday, . with .,their aunt in ' RiPley.. • Mr. and Mrs. 'Donald .McCosh were at. London on Thursday. Miss.. Edith•. and Lawrence Ston - ley of Lyndon spent the ' week 'end at the home 9f their father, Mr. Milton Stanley, Mr. Stewart Dore *is having the interior of. his home decorated. Messrs. RussellCollins; Gordon Hodgkinson and :Norval, Stanley,; spent Sunday ` evening''• at the home~ of Mr. Calvin Robertson. CO-OP - AUTO INSURANCE:'' • Can Now Accept TOWN "I SIDENTS: & COMMERCIAL TRUCKS as well as the' farm. business. Far information consult . T. , A. CAMERON. ' LUCKNOW,. Phone 'Dungannon • 70-r-10 JOTIN McMURCHIE, -RIPLEY, 'Phone . 20-r-23 JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone 76 • Day or Night •' Ambulance Service USE 4F FU NERAL - At No Extra' Cost Moderate Prices `M acLENNAN_and MacKENZIE' FUNERAL SERVICE,. Services .conducted, accord- ing to your wishes, at your Home, ' Your • Church, or 'at, our 'Memorial .Chapel at: no additional:: charge. ,AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Phone : 181, LUickno*, ','Day. or:..Night gnews'llgency oward' Agnew -•- Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents' . Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established' Over 30 Years Ago -'Telephones: • Business 39 • :' Residence, 138 INSURANCE ., Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and ' Reliable.;. See A. CAMERON "LUCKNOW hone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenneth J.MacKeniie LO. • Optometrist • LISTOWEL, Will •be at Wrona's' Jewellery- Store, ewellerystore, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 .p.m , WEDNESDAY, NOV., 12th and every Second' Wednesday. Eyes e,xanained Glasses fitted For 'appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, ;96-r-24. Ripley. ENJOY FREE SURVEYS .AND ESTIMATES.' OIL BURNERS OIL FURNACES • OL BOILERS • ATER HE �. „ I�W,HEATERS, , HISELER and SON, Phone "426, Wingham • wEIPIIE$PAY4, NOV. lRT. BCLEL. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage -:L.UCKNOW Telephone 175 , BUSINESS' and TAX. SERVICE - ,MONTHLY AUDITS 'For• Tlie ' • • Small. 'Merchant, Professional .nf an,. and the Farmer., Y S J, PYM P.O. Boca 74 - Lucknow, Office' in• T ilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w . F. T. ARMSTRONG • • OPTOMETRIST. GQDERICH' Yom: FOR ATPPOINTMENT -'phone 1100 :' For Appointment or Information See Wm. 'A. 'Schmid, • 'Phone 167-w • Lucknow • :1 NSURANC'E FmE, CASUALTY,. AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE TO Protect Your Jack, Insure With jack Today. J. A. McDONAOH R. R. 3, Lucknow Ont.: 'Phone. 614, 'Dungannon `(ANDREW Barrister and 'Solicitors • LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO Office • in .the Joynt Block. Telephone: Office 135 ' Residence 31-J P Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and, Solicitor, . .WALKERTON,: ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each. Wednesday ' 'OFFICE IN' HENDERSON BLOCK R.S. Hetherington,'' KC. Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow----- M • IN. LUCKNOW ;Each Monday. and Wednesday Located on 'the groi,uid' floor in the front of John.. Iilpatr'ick's :Building 'Phone' Wingham Office 48 • Residence•97 Insure With The Culross .Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. fo'r Reasonable rates,. Sound pro- tection °& "prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims '•'FARISH. MOFFAT Vour Local Agent R. 3, Toeswater. 'Phone Teeswater 574•41