HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-12, Page 3Ln. ras ori lg, ;he is-• ng lie en ct- ce, ne he Re - Ty. • int; . for .:• ir- lo, all isy ' his int an AP> all; • pile ug . ip- Ike' ler ley cw Ley on;, his 4i1 • - ert' ted,, (as nd. a' ing !en ice • , he, . .at 7th the of wn' in' WEpNFSPAY'' , NOV.. I2411,:.1�9. 2. ThE , LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LIMICSOW, ONTARLO. PAGE Ne Baseinent Needed—Yet FloorsAre Warm! eman urnu.c:..D e` -Burns -Cheap Oil. o No Fire -Tending --No. Ashes e Sits, . In The Flaor Wastes No Space You'll have a better. Heated home -a cleaner home -and less work, with the "take -it -easy" Colernan: Exclusive fea- .. tures bring "warm -floor" comfort, more heat for • your money. ' Listed by ' jJiiderwriters' ".Labors- tories. Let us demonstrate it—nowt It's A Real AUTOMATIt», Fu'rnace-=Set In The Floor:! Come In and See It!' Learn About Our Low PricesConvenientTerms. 1 L�caI.1t4eneraJ:..... AGENTS" FOR :'Sun -Ray' feeds: semi-solid buttermilk.. Lucknow 'District Co-op, Phone 71; Mr. and Mrs.. Stanley Todd and ,Andrew .of' Southampton visited with» Mrs David Todd : on 'Sun- day. . 1VIx and Mrs. John.. Nicholson moved recently from Mrs; . Dave Alton's, home to the • Farrish res 'dense on Havelock St, Lucknow Presbyterian' Church Rev. • U. A. Winn, B.A., Minister.. Wednesday, Nov. 12th,. 8 p.m. Prayer meeting •& ;Bible' study' SUNDAY, 'NOVEMER 16th' 11 a.m.: 9th in a Series . on Presbyterianism ' 1215 p.m.:. Sunday School, 3 p.m.: 'Erskine Church, . Dun- . gannon . 7 p.m.: The 8th . •Command-. ment.• • `11�11�11�/Irt1�11�/r9�1/� Al LUCK N W • UN:ITED CHURCH I I Minister:. Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, ' B.A.; BD: " SUNDAY, NOVEMBER loth I • - 11 , "Thee Direction •of ILove". 1 Yi 12.1'5 p.m.: Sunday School. 7 p ni•.: "The ;Pioneering Mis- !. Sion". Church OFA.• England IN. CANADA Revs. hi; L. Yenning* B.A., L Th. Rector. • ' SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16th Trinity 23--, . 1. Si.. Peter's, Lueknow . 10.30: Sunday School. 11 aria: Morning Prayer. St. Paul's, Dungannon, 2- p.ni. Christ Church, Port Albert, •33a VOL • St. Paul's, Ripley', 7.30 'Pd. .1 Mr. , M. L. 'Clark .. of' •Toronto • spent the week -end with 'Misses Bell and Ethel ;Robertson: Gilmore ; .h as returned to his home in Ashfield after be- ing .quite 'ill at, ,St. Joseph's :Hos- .vital, . 'London, ' ' where he' was a patient• for .five weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball and family and ,Miss ' Ane to Sinclair,_ eg.N., of 'Clinton, v ere Sunday' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones: . 1Vir. and Mrs. Roy . Alton and Mr -and Mrs: Adam • Johnston of Goderich spent Sunday „at Alvin- stem with Rev. and Mrs.» Gilbert. Howse. The Paramount Women's 'Insti- tute Will hold the November• 18th rneeting.at`Mrs. A. Irwin's; at 2.00 .p.m. Roll call,. "Christmas gift suggestion"; topic, -"kelt Work", °Mrs. R: Reid; current events,,Mrs.. J.:Elphick; program, Mrs. Robt.. Campbell, Mrs.. Fred •,Martirr. The regular meeting.. of ' the, Wonien's . Institute will . be held in ,the Town Hall on, Friday, No- 'vefnber • 114th. Hostesses, •: • 'Mrs. Barkwvell, •Mrs.. Roach, Miss Mac.- Gregor:, ac=Gregor ; Prograrri; Mrs.. W. J: Douglas. Theme; "Sutnrnary''of home 'and country". Beauty coun- sellor »•demonstration,, allladies are welcome. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and'Mrs.'E..J:'Hedley, Kin- loss, announce th:e engagement of their 'elder daughter, Jacqualeen Ann, to James Goldwin, youngest sbn of Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel Em- erson of Bervie. The marriage: will take place the latter part ' of December; KAiISI1EA COTTON CLASS ' »The ..second, meeting 'of -`The Daughters of the; Kairshea". was held on Wednesday; November 5 at the home of. Betty and ,Joan. Hamilton. Betty :presided and. the' Meetirig, opened with the thence song: We're 'the Daughters :of the l .airshea And We are here to•sew, . a, So sew•we will,'if sew we must• And, sew, sew, sew; sew, sew. The roll. call "one point to con- side':. when b'uy'ing 'material'* was :answeredt•:by the members. Notes were written on colors, weal es, prices and suitability of caccasion. Mrs. Donald Mcl(innon demon- strated the laying of 'a, pattern oti our' inate'iel.• in one cases Shrinking was necessary. 'There :was a visitor present as well as .A11 the members. A dainty lunch WAS 'served'» by the hostesses. ,HELD, MEMORIAL 5.ERVICE TUESDAY A fitting, service of; ;remefn- brance "to renew and'keep fresh" the memory` of those who paid the supreme sacrifice",was held .here on 'Tuesday .mornjr g in common with Retnenlbrance Day servlices ,across the nation, • The United hhursh. was -well.„ . filled for a community service at. ten.O'clock followed by the Ceno- taph ceremonies'that never cease to be impressive, 'after thirty ' four years .of commemorating the' termination of World, War I • ..:In honoring those who laid down 'their lives in two World w,ars,the ''gathering"was , not un- 'mind'ful of : those ,who still 'bear the sears' of'war :and of those, Iwho are' today; fighting and dy• ing » in.' Korea . The High School . Bund headed the parade 'of ,Legionnaires, Aux iliary • members; Scouts, Guides, Brownies, and Cubs from the Re- creational Centre to the, church, where Revs. Gra .t Meiklejohn, C. A.. Winn ;and FI. L. Jennings. conducted • the service, with Rev, Meiklej ohn sgiving as timely. ad., dress. At'. the Cenotaph the: two-min- ute' wo .min-ute' silence was observed and the ,Last Post'sounded by -Morley Chin a n d , George... Anderson.: Wreaths 'were placed as follows: Legion by , President Clarence Greer; . Auxiliar..y, by President Eva ' Black; Province ..of Ontario by : Scoutmaster. Stuart .'Collyer; Women's. Institute by President :: Nirs., J. • R, \ Johnstone; Business ;Men's Association , by Gordon Mon-tgomery; Boy Scouts by 'Rod- dy `'Wraith and Village of .Luck - now Luck'-nowby Reeve` S: E. 'Robertson. CHURCH .CHANNELS; At this tine of Remembrance We remember those who Paid ''the - supreme sacrifice .in the service of their country: We pause for a minute of ,silence in grateful trib- ute to those:who. fought :and . di ed: ' As''we wear the . poppy » we are. also , reminded that there .are • many: who still live »to• suffer. be- •cause of the wars. The • , More spectacular ' sacrifice is, .rememr bered: There were many wile ser ved ' less' .gloriously but yet were essential 'to :the success of..eur. armies. They Were the men. and ',werrieri» behind the men behind- the guns. We. utast never forget their' loyal services • So often when we think» of. sacrifice ..it is connected with war. Many people have valiantly given their :lives- to the service of the King of Kings. fihe:Christ- ian' church offers a ,challenge tq' the youth 'to enlist in the cru= sade against ; evil, Many ' faithful Christian men and women • are' quietly and ,determinedly hold ing the thin ,red line against the forces of evil. Ministers,. » Sunday Seidel teacher, leaders of • y. outh groups and_ offers ere 'Christi** soldiers in the service ,_of the `King. We also pause.., in "grateful remembrance to those who, have served.: their Master even unto death and we are 'thankful »for those. , who are dedicating'' their time and talents to, the service 'of•. the Master. • CKNX Church of the Air ' Nov. 13th, Rev. E. Keble,. Ay- 'ton; Nov,, 17th, Rev. D. Archibald, 'Paisley. Nov. 18th,' 'Rev, C. Washington, Auburn; Nov.. 19th, Rev. W. E. ' Bramwell, Blyth United Church W,M S. " The Afternoon Auxiliary met at the home. df Mrs. ' Grant 'Meik- 1eiohn on Wednesday,. November 5th with 38 ladies : present._ The president occupied the chair. Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie offered prayer. The minutes were reach by the secretary, Mrs. Harold Treleaven 'and business .discussed, Mrs. W. B. Anderson and Mrs. ' Russell, '.Robertson were appointed the nominating committee to bring hi: a .Sla:te •of officers' for 1953. A: 9 )IES'' AND MEN'S WEAR; — TELEPHONE . 85 ' NOVEMBER SPECIAL 'OFFERINGS • Use Our . ' LAY AWAY PLAN, for : CHRISTMAS GIFTS SHIRTS -plaids, plains and stripes by Arrow, Tooke, Van Hueson, Forsyth and Balfou. For Dress and Work $250 to $7,95 `. Nylons, Broadcloths, Doeskins, Wools, Etc.. Full size range 14 to 18 for nen and boys. UNBELIEVABLE 'VALUES IN:: Jewellery ;ifts for.a11 ` New' .Costume Jewellery Vests and'Snuggies Wool and Lisle Hose Golf , and Half Hose Nylon Hosiery' Gloves wool, cotton, etc. 'Lingerie—new stock. Flannelette Gowns and Pyjamas • Foundation .Gar'me"ntss Brasiers and Belts Kroy Knitting Wool Playtex Girdles • . . Baby Gifts •Skirts, Blouses '& Sweaters Goats ,and Dresses • Underwear -all sizes Sox and Ties. ' Handerehiefs, 'cotton and.. Linen Pyjamas---flette &-broad-' cloth Sweaters cardigans and pullovers ' Caps. and :Hats Leather .Gloves & Mitts Work Clothes ---for all Trousers --all prices • Suits -on' hand or to meas- ure. • ' Zip -In Coats • Jackets and Station Wagons Housecoats' Woollen Gloves & Scarves It Will °Be A , * BRAW,. $BITCH•' MOONLICHT. NICHT, THE NICHT ID Ir • NOVEMBER 2i -- When The Kairshea Institute Sponsor Their Annual ndre'W.'sIIaii" IN ` THE TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW: SCOTCH ' DANCING ,''& . PIPING' : SCOTCH REELS GRAND MARCH Dancing 9..00 to. 149 • - =C- arr-uther's =Orchestra Admission 715e Lunch Counter — Homemade Pie. DRAW, .FOR' INSTITUTE QUIET; • reading' was given by » Mrs Rus-. sell ';Robertson, • "The ' 1uxiliary meets Today".Thee.:.Biible study was taken by Mrs. George Elliott. •Prayerswere: offered by Mrs. Ewart ,Taylor, 'Mrs. John ''Kilpat- rick, Mrs. W. L:MacKenzie. Mrs. Hoag gave a splendid report'» of the sectional meeting of ' the W. 1VI; S. held :recently in 'Ripley. Mrs. Meiklejohn favored ' with ' a Piano solo. The study, "African. Village Life"', was-. vividly :Pre- sented 'by..Mrs..J., W.» Joynt. Haldenby of ' Kinlough sang a. ',pleasing solo and the . meeting Robertson, and a social, .half' hour., closed with :prayer by Mrs. R. followed. YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE -EMON-LIME.' •es i USE ;BEAUTIFUL.,) EASY: -..T6 -.CLEAN • IRBOR/Tf For walls, counter ' tops and spldshbacks FOR MORE INFORMATION, sett HENDERSON R LIMhtiTED� ' . 1UCi(NOW 'l• • r' s,