HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-12, Page 2PAGE TWO WIIIMMINIIRritwomirutaimormi THE CarlOW' �..uc�No� SENTINEL, ��?... >NsITAR1QQ • • 'IE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. Lucknow, Ontario Authorizedtas .Second; Class : Mail, Post Office ,Department, Ottawa Established 1873 • ch Wednesday Afternoon • Subscri ago... Rate 2 50. A 'Year in Advance --To U:S.A. $3.50 L. C. Thompson, Publisher: and, Proprietor, WIDDN SPAY,TNOV 12th, 1952 ^; JURORS DOUBLED Y. ADDING LADIES A change in'the Ontario lVtunL. cipal Act ° which makes 'ladies off. ` qualifying age and occupation. eligible :for . jury duty, almost : do. ublea the number of "jurymen' •.•neighborin>g municipalities Y r lecte for ' jury • :• • who:, may ., be se d J .., duty: • Locally eligible. lady jurors were . added_ to the list a. year ago, and: With: the printing of the 1952 lists in Ashfield, Kin • loss and West Wawanosh the dis- tinguishing "J" has been added' beore• the Ames' of the ladies, in these: m, i�cipalities who are 'eligible to e, selected: . In Kinlos ; this increases the number of 'urors from 326.to 570,. In West' Wawanosh the. num- ber jumps -from- 283- -to- 560 and in . Ashf field ront 540 to , 883. In Lucknow, la 'es included, there 'are 234 eligi le jurors;• " The selec on jurors ;in. a . rnunicipality ' is 'usually done.by the reeve, c1 rk and assessor. The .age rage for, jury service. 'is from 21. t 70,, with, a number' of • professio and occupations • that' . earn a eniption: 'from jury service: These 'include an officer 'of the law; a judge, 'a ;magistrate,. a .lawyer a nurse, .a 'minister, ,a, politician, a mayor, a, 'service- man, pilot:'or `seaman, a news- . .paper ' man, a telephone 'or tele • graph operator, .: a fireman or a railway 'worker.. Any woman. ' not' wishing to serve as. a; juror can ,claim exem tion 'from such 'duty for a ':period! of One year by;: applying td 'the sheriff not More 'than three days after receiving a summons:to •serve. QBITUARY MRS. DANIEL :M0FARLAN The death of,, Mrs.. Daniel' Me- Farlan .occurred on. ' Mondays of last week at the.home of her •son,.; Torn: McFar1an. She was form- erly. Rebecca Janer Bushell and was 'practically a . Lifelong resi- dent of Kinloss Township ,where. 'she was :born on 'July ' 17th, :1876. Fifty years ago in October. she married .Daniel McFarlan , who. predeceased' her • in .August -of. 1935.. They resided :on the farm west. of Kinlough,, now owned by their son Donald, until 1927 when theY moved to the farm where She passed •away.. Mrs, MacFarlan was a very fine lady and.: was held in high esteem as a' good friend and neighbor:.. She Was a' member of the Pr•Ls- byterian. church and active in the W.M$. the funeral service . on. Wed- nesday at .her late residence; was conducted by Rev. G. ' S:: Baulch.. Interment. was in Ripley Cem- etery; : t;h- e pallbearers. being• Messrs. J. R. Lane; John `Bushell,, :John E ersen Harelcd ..Percy, Perry Hodgins, and Jim Hodgins. Flower,bearers.�were Jim. Bush- ell, john '"Bushell,,'Spence Mlc,Far lean, ' .John: Hodgins,;Geo. Moore, Ivan M 'arlan, .Jim.,11 eFarla�ri. Mrs 111cFarlan is �'surviged by three ..Sorts, Donald, Toni and. John of ° Kiniough, one daughter,. Mrs; Melville Osborne of. Dom* vi11e, and •nine .grandchi dren. A _LARGE GRIEY_ WOLF is `re- ported: to have, been seen' on con. 14, -Cul ss, by Thomas Stewart Adv ising .:„doesn't cost`''' IndhdIn ' federal Taires ' • AtitharihE.d '.-,+s4 - as Ltd: . f f"nce�('nle under Cbf�tracr with G`oca-Col GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont. 'P'hone: 489 "Coke" is a registered trade -..nark r • ' LOOKING BACKWARDS T}IROUGH 'THE.. SENTINEL FILES: Sixty Years Ago: Two sons, ofMr: and/Mrs. Rob- ert Young of Greenock near Blackhorse, perished when flames -deatroyed the home The- 'boys - were 14 :and' 16 6 and were trapped jn the •upstairs. - A presentation was made by the Lu eknow ' Presbyterian Sab- bath School to M'r: and Mrs. F. C.. Pecover . who 'were meving: to Simcoe.. Thee. address was read by the superintendent, Mr. George Matheson.. 'Cliff .and, For'ster of the Luck now furniture factory installed a .new' 65 H.P. boiler. ', . To .bury one's self • up ° to the neck in the ground •and" in .the nude for. three hours, was claim- ed ed to be a sure cure for poison ivy.'• The •residence of T. W; Hildred near the . Presbyterian church, .Was.. damagedby fire. Firemen who came in for •special ' mention because of their' efforts included Robert Moors Malcolm Camip,. ,bell, Kenny McLeod, 'Frank . Gor- odon,_Rolbert.:M:ullin, Daye Lough- eed, Wm. Srhall,' Dave Lawrence, Toni.,McLean. • ' A team of horses, owned bv, ..George Lawrence. ran. , away at the gateway • of Murdoch J...IVIC Kay's . farm in Ashfield. One of the animals' dropped dead on. the road when the neckyoke pene- trated its body, Rain .marred' the' outdoor events at the 1892 :Caledonian Games held in inid September: The Lucknow' Caledonian Society was, organized in 1873 and from an' unpretentious beginning : i t s games ,went' forward . from :One success' to another . until • they were acknowledged • to .be with chit peer on the North American continent, under the Chieftain- ship' .o f Dr:' D. A McCrinimon. Largest'.:gathering u+p ' to,, that time was. 10;000 ;persons in 1886. •a 1 0 u an Th y off 0 ac M r a h a e 1 returned h� u D a Mrs, ff M a a a a Mary Harold Jean Thirty -Five .Year..s:` Ago ,The, death occurred'. in ' the spring of ;917' of Steele : C. ;Mur- doch,' a noted ' stone. mason and brick layerand pioneer settler. The m nicipalities : concerned decided . to ' abandon' 'the . Lake Shore Railway ;enterprise . and. sell any aterial that could be. salvaged.. The project...started in 1908 to_ link Goderich and'.Kin- cardine by rail turned ottt to: be. one of the, greatest swindles ever pulled o . iii' Western 'Ontario. The: Prompter, the Company and the contr, 'tor, it . seems,: turned - out to be one and the same • per- son 'in the '$400,000 scheme. George ckay. of Ashfield died, in ` his; 23' d year from .quinsey. William J. Taylor passed away while 'at work in- his"• grocery store. Local tr ffic regulations stated that ne horse'or other `vehicles could standat the curb'`on.' Main. Street.: for longer than .301 min- mutes, and that no one might •drive a .motor car or any, other vehicle' at a greater r ; Speed ..than •.12..miles an hour. ' ,• • Due to ill health `Gorden 'Smelt- zer from ,overseas. ,and received d's har`ge. Twe ty. Years Ago .:1. 1 George rennan's barn. on •Con: 0, Ashfield, was' destroyed •by ` fire. ' .. Miss Margaret • McKenzie, sis- ter of. Mr . Kenneth McLeod of town, suffered a fractured. hip iri; a 'fall' at her home, just 'north. of• the Village. • • • « . Jack Sh ells, 3 -year-old son of Mr. and rs. Charles! ;Shiells of Fast Waw nosh and a grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Congram, was' near death when' discovered caught in nest in .the henhouse. The deaths ' occurred hi the Village of Donald Morrison,, age '83;' Thomas MacDonald, 76:; and Mrs. 'A. Johnston, 71. Field dayChampions • were: se'n- ior' boy,Stewart Cameron; run- ner -Up, ,H .old Greer. Junior boy, girl, • Jean Graham; runner-up George :f�o , t. Senior girl,. Jessie''. McRae runner-up, Margaret Rit- chie and Anna Grahani; Junior. girl, Jean Graham;r.unner.uv, Audrey Horne. • Mrs. Chas. Cook was Rebekah Noble Grand with Fred Nixon, hO.O,F, Noble. Grand. Mrs: -David; Brough•, %rmerly Frances. McIver, died unexpected- ly at Wiarton in her 26th 'year. Ten. Years Ago Victor IFanerson had 3 horses :killed by 'lightning and • Alex Cameron lost, two. cows; the sine' way. 'Pat Hogan was. , fatally injured i accident' late `in July: m sl haying ac . , Y 'He suffered internal injuries when struck �by'"tbe.doubletree on the 'hay fork rope. ;, The ' 1942 tax rate.,in the Vill- age was 41.7 mills. • • DAVE 'KENNEDY. COULDN T RETIRE 'From' a` Victoria, BSC., publica- tion ' we ; . reprint . the following story about. Dave Kennedy, who was ''born • a few miles east of •Lucknow. Dave was back ,this,. past sumMer to' visit with : his aged mother, Mrs. David Ken-• nedy of Whitechurch, and 'other members of ,his family., Here's the story.. •Davi�d•Kennedy .is.a:fellow who. couldn't ' retire, He tried ' once' a few' years :`back, but life Was too dull. Right;now' he's keeping busy as president of. Pacific Pile Driv= ing Co. Ltd.—a firm he 'helped to, •establish iri1945' with partners Tom Blackwood and 'George and Herbert:'�Brown. . Born, in Huron' County in;.On- tario, 63 .years ago, Dave . attend- ed . schools . in'. that area.: He left home when: he was about; 20' and wen. t..to the. Prairies to follow in his father's, footsteps' in farming: That : work ..took—him to-anum-- ber of places 'throughout Mani= tofu . Saskkatahewan and` Alberta.` In 1912 Dave commenced what ;was to be a l'engt'hy - period in the : building game, starting' with numerous 'houses' ,in the Winni- peg area.Later he,`"drifted our to B.C. to :continue'•with• his build-' ing . work in Revels ke, . keeping , W PNESDAY, NOV,. 12th, 1952 with houses and general coli- struction. ' By the time he reached Van - cower ` around 1919, Dave was wrapped up in the heavy .con,, struction phase of the business. his projects including work. on - pulp ' mills ;and bridge .building, It was:in 1923' that, he entered the pile ,driving field ,; being associa- ted with several firms handling such 'work. 'They included tte Fraser-RiVer-Pile Drr.ving'"J5 aria later the Northern Construction Co His work took him -to pract, ically all corners .of the province, ..In the spring of 1926 he came. to Victoria, wtorking with the Victoria .Pile., Driving Co. He.• worked on' such, local, projects as the building, of. the C.N.R.ferryslips~ at Ogden Point and Point Ellice. He had ,been a foreman of the .eni.pany for. some years, and served. as Superintendent for about 'eight . years. before "retir- ing" in 1944. . Dave, couldn't ."Spend tirn9.do, ing nothing" se he bought •'nal" :farrn in Saanich, It kept him busy enough. Soon after he and. his partners .formed. their present company. They started with:. an Pia pile drivkig scow, 'built.,it up, • and .had to rely on outside help.. :to haveit towed from `job to job; Today the CompanyhaS four pile driving units, the • . 40 -foot` tug. Curley, u and , other 'heavy equip- 'Ment;. Wharf and dock jobs take personnel of the firm 'all over lower B.C. Dave is. marriedto the .former, Mary.' Gladys Hill, of • Langley Prairie, . and, their home is now located at .475 Head Street. They 'have .two daught rs and: one' son;. , all ° rnarried and living in, : this city: Mrs. Irene' Haies, Mrs.' Lil- lian 'Herriett, and David Robert Kennedy. David Jr is associated, with his ; father's business. In his: younger : years, Dave was active: in• a number of sports;` and. admits that. he : used to take a 'greate'r .interest in ,gardening., than he, does 'now.:He 'has'' been -a-neniber=o the-Fr-ater-na-l=Qr-der• of Eagles for 'many years.. Since, , Dave first reached this., coast he. has had a ' first-hand ' glance; ; .at .ithe tremendous.:industrial growth which has occurred along. 'the lower`B.C. coast.. He is proud, of • the fact that his -firm', in its own way, played an'.impprtant role in`.' that .Manch' :of ,progress. • • It's the scenic route across Canada . serving Toronto, Minaki, Winnipeg, Saska-. toon, Edmonton, Jasper . and Vancouver. You'll see more of Canada's natural. scenic wonders you'll travel in comfort and style "The Jasper Way" on Canadian ' National'sfamedContinentalLimited.Eastwardandwestward every day, the Continental Limited .provides travellers with pleasant, relaxing'accomtriodations inmodern bedrooms►' sleepers,: coaches and bright dining cars: Any C.N.R. Agent will be.pleased fo•assist you in planning yOor. Trip. CANAD1AN NATIONAL THE. ONLY RAILWAY SERVING' ALL TEN PROVINCES