HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-11-05, Page 6s,
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"AGE R'tax
V. ued from, Page 5 - •
Were 'hewn from, the • rock and,
these prdv44ed such facilities as
a. small chapel, first, .aid rooms
:and 'the commending officer's
;sleeps quarters and office.
'the lerge main • tunnels
dialler tunnels were ,dug fn a
line direcly under the ,.oertnan
trencher. These wells then shams;- ;
Withgni'te blockedrig
• end then blown 'up to .cause ' eavy
casualties in"the Bei emy'lines.. The.
front was stabilized at Vimy .and
ori ' both sides of Vimy for many
months and the inevitable cer
• eteries are gone Of the rets.
Near' Vimy, one of , the .caretakers.
'caused on a hillside , and - then
''pointing to, `..several other tree„
tided' plots .ort ground he said:
"Visit of 'those : are 'Canadian".
' `he . French who ha'v. a not ; for-
; ''gotten "Les Oanadiens'•° perhaps
revere. the motto ,"Lest We..For-
"get" • more, than some of our
aeountryunen and typical of their
..attitude is tie law of the . French'
.igovernlment which has ,bequeath-.
ped the cemeteries' land deeds to,
Canada, 'Forever'.. On this area
shells; fell for many :months and.
when . the' frost . breaks up the
ground in, the . springtime , the
local inhabitants •' still, ' make con-
sidera'ble profits, by •collecting.
lead and other metals from their
fields., The ' caretaker,' to prove,
little his'{pomt, wtl alked, a pit a
a ion st ' wine stubble before.
h an
red lead.
rt covered d' me a d �
ball ,that . had once been Part ,o
an antes personnel shell.
To Be 'Continued) • '
ua1 446
When a. bank manager was transferred
recently a group of citizens wrote the
bank in tribute to his sense of
public service:
• "During the time hewas here, :we found.,
him to be avery" valuable citizen. "He
always "took a deep interest ;in our
community, so we feel we have lost a
valuable asset. However,, we feel sure that
his replacement will be made with.
a man of similar calibre!
A bank man, by the very nature of his
Work, becomes part of the life around
him. During his . training in various
branches, and as he takes on growing .fr
responsibilities, he learns more and inoke
bout people and how his bank can help
• them. And he brings to his Community'
his' personal readiness to. serve , in
any way. he can.
This advertisement, bated
on en actual, letter, fa
:puscnted 42e:re by
,by ,
' Have you .ever . made a winter
,garden. 1t is a tvlery interesting
thing to . cio, and you will get xio,
endacomplimentary comments
on.' your handiwork.' John and I
each .made. one. ,We happened: '4o
have two boxes about the, riOht;.
size, 12 by 7 •inches_ or. 14 by 8,
You could use an .old cake . • tin
or make ' a box -the size and shape
you o want. Oblong', ones ' are eas-
iest towork with. Put in .a layer
df' sand or. gravel; .them a layer•
of . earth. .You might plant•grass
seed, •abut 1 use' moss for grass,
and water •• it often with m
clothes: sprinkler.
It involves • a trip to the woods
if, you use moss, !aid ,.you can
gather a great variety of things
you can use, varioussized.. cones,
tiny bitsof,, fungus... :growths ..
sometimes they are quite., color-,
ful. If .you ,look closely you• will•
find all sorts of.tiny. plants, as
tell as .the ones that are grow-
ing up through the moss. Don't
disturb .them end:they will con=
tinue..to..:grow. .. ...if they ,•should:
grow too big t you can weed some
of them -Out later. You'll. need
sanall, ;prettily !colored stones;
some of the smaller varieties : of.
,the "lien and chicken" type •of
plant , fit , in' very well C•ut the
top ;' ciff a carrot =and • put it in
water; and in ,a few days you will
,have a Miniature, feathery shrub.
You will'get small plants by do-:
ing the same 'with. the eyes oaf
potatoes -'or sweet potatoes.. As-
semble all ' 3/our, material: on. n"
big;: Piet* of paper,'and :see what
you :can do. b
Let me tell you about ours; My
moss cow red :"land" slopes gent-
ly •down to a little pond (a anis
ror 'from !a . discarded .. 'purse);
.around'• the pond,small colorful
stones are. piled I had a house,
an -old iron .thank of mine, but
Joh. n "snitched"' it on `me ,
SO I'M going to build mea little
log -one. From the ' house, tiny
flat stoneswanade iv path : to the.,
pond. '1 planted some ivy; a car
rot :'torp . andvarious:' plants .that "
Were thready in the moss., A sliv-
er of drifttvood is a --log =near
the 0.601. One •cyan. "change - it and
add 'to it, whenevera new :idea
bits .you.
John planned 'a bit of natural
lake ' front, 'lout we couldn't •suc--
ceed In :getting' a natural looking
.lake, and so we will have that
to work -on ' yet.: Meanwhile;;,the
lake :became a .gravelled ' road,'
leading .to " the house' fie snitched
on me.' He has an old well Wirth
stone' curb, trees, •a, , flagstone
path. A' tiny plastic car 'adds a
materialistic touch:
Teday he carne to rife, very ex=
tedly: telling me to -come see
hat he had clone' to my garden.
I have On old napkin ring, silver,
a 'lady . with a watering pot • in
hand, ' .in the act of wftering
plants, She had become broken
off the ring, and there she was,
standing in' my garden, .watering
a pair 'of blue shell earrings,, and
a red plastic flower -shaped one..
A- neat tau h.; • Notlo'-be ou done,
I added: • e finishing touch to placed a tiny .skunk in..
the path of the, car! =1 f
I hope you are enj9ling lots
of cranberries theseddaays. They
contain "many essential• minerals,'
vitainiins A and B in small quant-
S and an
it vitamin ' C appreciable amount
ofThe sugar used in.
making sauce or .jelly , adds cal-'
oric value. Many authorities com
sider cranberries a ,valuable aid
to dirgestioii, '
'• Cranberry Pork Chops -Brown
chops. . Season. Trop with 2 cups
chopped cranberries' mixed with:
y, gr 'd:
i/z: 'cup .hone dash of �' otXn
cloves; Cover. Bake'•1 hour -at 350
degrees. '
cranberry Apple Salad -mold
uncooked cranberry -orange relish.
In plain gelatin.; Chill : in' ring,
mold. Serve ,Waldorf salad .in c, en-,
tre. ' '•
Party Touches . ‚•.
Serve sherbet"""or mixed . fruits
: in , stemmed glasses set on a
Memorial gates .and an Qrna-'
mental fencewere recently, com-
pleted atSouth Kinloss, Cemet
cry, to enhance with ,'beauty and.
dignity this near century' -old bur-
ial ground.
A service of'dedication;is-being
planned lay the Cemetery Board,,
but: due to the 1atepess. ,of the
season, it. las been decided to.
defer thisceremony until warmn
.er: weather next spring:'•
'The 'cemetery gates fund is still;
Short; its objective and .'donations
to this. worthy project are Wel-
,Donations have been re_ ceiv
as:. follows Angus _,McKay Estate
$500:00; :`Misses Jessie and Annie.
lylacK,ay •50.00;. 'Norval 'Stewart,
R. 6, .Luckriow,' 10:00, Jas, Earn -
`by, Ashfield, *1.00;' Miss > Min&
Graham, .Ohio, U.S.A.;„' 5.00; •Mrs.
S. E. MacKinnon, Toronto, 10.00;
Mrs M. Fink;. liamilton, . 25.04'
John. MacRae,. Luc. know, 10.00;
Miss . ' Margaret Hudson; Elora,
2.00; Mr. -and Mrs. Douglas Gra-
ham, . R. 5,' 10.00; 91V1r..and Mrs.
Robert Ross, Weston, : 10:00.; , An-
g'us ;MacKenzie,. B.C,. 5:00; Mr.
and Mrs. Robert .Ross, R: . 5, ' Luck -
now, 50.00; Mrs. Mary Kneytchel,
'5.00; ' Morgan,. Donald ;• and , Jinn..
Henderson, . 75.00;. Miss'Isalbel
Macintosh,, 'Hamilton, 10;00; ' air..
and .Mrs..Robert 'fisher; Hamilton,
5.00, R. D MacLean, Winnipeg,
50:00; Dr. and Mrs, . W. MacKen-
zie, Detroit, .15.00;;•Mrs. Sam Niche
Olson, 'Sask. 25.00; Rod .'MOON:nig
all, Lucknow, 10.00; Mr. & Mrs.
::Frank „MacKenzie; R. 5, 10.00;
Donald Nicholson, " Kincardine,
50.00; . Mrs:. Algeo, : New York,
200; 1Vlr: 'and' Mrs. • Kenneth Hen-
derson, Sask., .'25.00; .Mrs: Char-
lene MacKenzie, Sask., 7:00;' Mr.:
and Mrs.., Archie. Maclrityre, R. ''6,
20.00; •Mr : and Mrs Wm. Mac-
Kenzie, R 5, 10.00; Mr .�nc 1VIrs
Ted Collyer, ,R:.5, 10:00; Mr. an'
:Mrs. Duncan MacConnelI, . R. .5,
,5.00; ,Alex MacKenzie,, Con: '4,
Kinloss, 20.00; Ed MacKenzie, R.
.5, Lucknovii,10.00;. Robert Purves,
R. 1, Lucknow, 10.00; ' Mr. = and
Mrs. George Kennedy,.,. R:.1, •10.00;
Mr.' and Mrs. Harry Levis, R, 5;
5.00;1111r, and``Mrs. W: MacKenzie,
:R. 5, 10.00; .Mrs.. . Alex Gillies, 'R.
5, 10:00 Mr. and Mrs. 'Geri. Look -
hart, R. '5, 10.00; .'Mr: and Mrs..
Angus Grafi ` � •R:. 5;. 10:00;`-iVir.:
and ,Mrs. L.: C. N acliver.,
'5.00; Ur. and. Mrs; Ira'Dickie, .E:.
5, 5.00; , Wm .Henry, R. 5, :5:00;
Mr:.. and Mrs. , Harold: Campbell,'
R. 6, 5.00; Mrs. John Doug
all, R. 6, 1,00; Miss• Pearl 'Carter,
Luoknow, 2.00; Miss Mary. Mac-
Kenzie, ;Lucknow, 2.00; Mr. ,and.
Mrs. Joseph'Anderson, R. ;1, 5.00;
Mr. and Mrs. H::Torrance; North'.
bright autumn Ieaf on' a crystal
plate, Polish ^leaf. with ,salad oil.
On Pumpkin Pies .. 'dabs ' of
whipped cream: with finely crush-
ed. lemon: drops folded in. • •
For Gingerbread Tapping beat
until •smooth• and thick .1 pared
apple; sliced thin, or grated; I
scant cup of sugar, :1 ' egg
white, juice ' of • %, lemon,
W .NESP(AaY; I�TAV. 5th, "1952:
Get et. LOvely_Curves
'Cain'5 to 10 Ibs.'Nete Pep'
Thouearidawho neva, eoWd Qatn weight before, now
have sh11pY� atgraettve .1lguree. No more loopy
•Itmbe,'ug y hollowa..'They thank ostt'ex, it putt
rhos ,on podtee atopy because blood •lecke trop
Pepe You up, too- Impprsooves appetite; digestion eo
food: nourlehes you potter. D'on t tear getting too -tat.
Stop when, you. gain figure you wish. Introductory
or' getraegealnted"• 'deem*, cot. Try ostrex tonic
rablete for new pounds. lovely 'curves, new pep,
today. At alldruggista•
Bay .5,00,,. Mr: and: Mrs. 'William
Porteous, Lucknow, 20.00; Teo
.nant & Donald Henderson,. Wing.,
sham, ' 10.00; Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Fisher, Lucknow,, 10.00; Mrs. J,
W. Henderson, 4ucknow; 10.00;.
Donald MacLean; Lucknow, 16.00;
.arid Mrs. Rod_ Campbell,,'
Lucknow, `,5.00;. Flo and J. A.1VIc-•
Donald,` 7,.ucknatw' 6:00; Mr. and.:
Mrs. 'Thos. Burns; ':Luckriow, 2.00;
Miss E. MeiClu;key., • Lucknow,
5.00;. Mr. arid : Mrs. W. J. Mac,
Donald, Luck/um, 5.00.; ,Mxs.. c,
Chin, Luoknow,'2.00 Wm. Hous,
ton, , I ucknow, ,10:00; Rev.
Henderson, ' Walkerton,. 5.00; P. S,
MacKenzie, :Walkerton,, •• 10.00; ,
Mr. ant '. Mrs. 'Allister', Hughes, ;
Cion :6, 25,04 Mr. and:.Mrs. ,Alex
Sutherland, Lucknow, ;15.00;,
and :Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray, .
Con. 6,. 1.00; . Mrs. ; T. • •Robinson,
Lucknow, 5,00, 1Vlurdoch . Morri.. •
sin, Luckriow; 5.0k . Mr. arid Mrs.'
Lloyd `MacDougall,; R. 6; 10.00;
John :MacKinnon, R. 6, 5,00, '1VIr, '.
and Mrs. Walter MacKenzie, R,
6, 10.00: John A. MacDonald; R,
6, .10,00; Mr.. and M'xs: W, F:
Donald, • R. 6; • 5.00; • Mr. and Mrs;
D• H. • - Carruthers, Con. '6, 10.00;
-Peter Carter, Con. 6, 10.00; Janies;,
-1VIacGi'liivray, 'Con.. 6, - 5.00; Jaines•
MacLeod, Con: 6, 5.00; John
D. MacLeod, Con. 6, '10:00;. Hugh
Sutherland, Con.' 6,, 10.00; Mr.' &
• Mrs.., Ross MacMillan; - Con. 6,,
.10:00; James. 'and Charles Baird,
TLucknow, .20:00; . Richard ' Baker,
Lucknow, 25:00; Charles Robin-
son, Lucknow, 5.00; Mr. and Mrs,-
rs, `Irwin . IC'arruthers, Con, 6, 5.00;
Mrs.. Wm. `MacKenzie, Torolith,
'5.00; Miss. Annie MadCenzie Con,
10; ,KanIoss'2:00; Archie Mac
'arlan, Con. 10,1.00; Mrs. David
MacFarlan, Con. 10, ..'3.00;' John• .
.Ross, Holyrood;` 5.06; 'Hlerbert A.
Graham, Kinlough,• 2:00; J.' F,;
Henderson, . Lucknow, .5.00, Mrs;
:John. MacLeod, Lucknow, 5.00;
.Mr. and Mrs. Wm; MacIntosh,
LucknoW, `5.00; Mr. 'and.Mrs..` W; •
•L. MacKenzie, Lucknow, 10.00;
Mr. and Ws.: Dan . Thompson,'
Lucknow, 5.00; Mrs; Mary Ross,
,Lucknow, 25.00;` Mr. and Mrs;
Win. McGill, .Lucknow, 5.00; Mrs,
'Neil Gillies, Lucknow, • 10.00;. '
Mrs:. Henry Mathers, ' L'ucknow,
10:00; Mr.' and' Mrs.. Wi'n. xtuek
inghaxn, Lucki'igvv,. 10.00` Miss E.
Carnochan Ottawa, .10.60; Mr. &
Mrs: Pharis mathers, . R. 1, 5.00;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter, R. 5,
Luckriow, 5.00.
If yo uhad a business problem facing you which could.involve a gietf
lose, would you ask the advice of a friend`or abt sines counsellor.
Naturally, you would' ask the expert. Then, what bout yob'
will? Improperly administered, it couldmean a greet. loss to
.your family. We are glad, to act at sole Executor: or in con
junction" with, one or more other Executors you might appoint.
372 Boy St., Toronto` •
.1 0 1:
Dunlop ab,Sauk