HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-22, Page 44 LU411ar:S FOR SALE—corn speller in good shape. Apply to Allan Reed, Dun- gannon. FOR SALE --,7' .good Pigs, wean- ed, disease. free, Wm. ,Bucking - COWS FOR SALE-- two cows due in °October and January. Ap- ply at Sentinel ' Office... • Wpuantity :o f good. sod land:, pply to Anderson Flax Products;; phone 21-w, Lucknow. CAR FOR SALE • -,- 1940 Chev.: A; coach, good. condition, good tires. • Barggain price.. ' Lloyd • Humphrey, A WANTED ,--• • child's: double bed with low sides; also small size tricycle.' Apply ,at Sentinel Of- Tice. . ' FOR :SA,LE frame �buil'd ng, 11x16 feet, 'double !hoarded, suit= able ;for „garage. Albert Gammiie, 1-41411.0%)',- • • LOST --drawer:= out . of ' a ljtfet,, between Lucknow and . Goderich:. . Finder •.please 'phone:, ' Goderich' 581 ,or Lucknow•• 212 -fir. FOR SALE --cement septic tanks,. approved 'by the Health .Unit. We. deliver them: Forster's 'Welding •,:- n m Shop, phohe 206-r-11, Lucknow. • • .:4 DEAD & .LIVE ANIMALS.'. Prompt pick up of , cattle, 'horses, pigs • & sheep. Live 'horses fit for animal. 'food ,.picked 'up • at • your ' farm averaging $35:00. `C: Bruhacher,. Wingham,:phone 608- • FOR ' RENT . ground, floor. of • building occupied` by Lucknow •Co-op, a ' block south •of ., arena. Available :about •'November 1st. Equipped with, furnace ,and of- , lice.. Apply to : Mrs. John Jamie- son, . WANTED—Flocks ''to supply . its with ' hatch.ing.eggs for the 1953 • hatching season. All birds culled: and bloodtested free of Charge. Guaranteed premiuin plus 'hatch- ability premiuxn'ppaid. Can easily, make '20c : a dozen over :the mar- ket ,price. with,; ' good hatching eggs.. Apply, Tw.eddle: 'Chick Hiat- cheries .Limited,..:Fergus; . Ont: • AUCTION SALE' ` . of CHOICE CATTLE at ;.the , Harris Stock Barn, Ripley Thursday, October 30th • • 'at 1.30 sharp . 50 choice spring, calves ; .. . 50 yearling steers & heifers 25 two-year-old. steers s''15 heifers in. calf • 5 cows in ant?, ,:springing • T:..,Harris Se'Son;.Prop.;•Donald B. Blue, Ana*, NOTICE Mr: and Mrs.: W. L. MacKenzie vein observe their 45th wedding anniversary on Thursday October 39th' and will be at , home to their friends afternoonand evening. •. OW, OSA PAID CASHAID for crippled and: dis- abled animals, also highest prices paid . for boars •• and horses for slaughter. Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect::.. IRSONAL "SKINNY" . IRLS! GET' LOVE- LY 'CURVES! Gain 5' to 10:lbs., new pep:°'I'ry �famous health, and veght - builder,. Ostrex ionic Tablets, Introdu o"r j, . "get - ,ac- quainted" size only 60c. All drug `10T!CE Once again: I am handling. the Government' •Sa`vings Loan' in Lucknow and: District and,'.would ask.:you 'to .iorward..your ;recpea for infgrmati•to• me. 1. will. be only too' ' pleased to look after your requirements. • Yours sincerely,. T. W. Smith, phone 98, ,Luck- now. FARM ,FOR. SALE 100 aces, Lot 33, Con. ' 8,•. Culross. Good buildings, brick ' house :with. fury trace, hydro; six , nacres' of hard 'wood bush, '2 ; acres. ,'• of pines; young orchard; drilled ' well at barn, .'water in .stables; also good well at shouse: Owner retired. Ap- ply to Robert P. Scott, 'Tees wlater. FARM. MACHINERY • • . Used. Equiiprert=Massey.-Har- riatractar; .102 • Jr. in • excellent shape; Model;, R. 'Universal M. S M. lessthan year' old. New man- Ore loaders .'$195. See :or. call • GEORC,E WRAITH ;DE M.' 88 'M° < and Ferguson Farm Machinery and Purina Feeds .Phone Goderich 1285 or. 931-r-3 CARD ,.OF THANKS Robert McAllister would like to •express his sincere apprecia- tion..to Dr. ,Corrin and to Mrs. Morrey and: staff of Wingham Hospital fox' their care during his recent 'illness. He would,also, like to thank all she friends wwho.,call- ed and sent :rernemfbrancesat this•. time. • `CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING...OF . VOTERS' "LIST Voters' Lists,' 1952,, Municipality Of Ashfield,..County of Huron. Notice' is hereby given . that I have complied 'with Section 8 of The Voters' Lists ,Act and 'that. I have posted up ,, at my office; at Kintail,, Ont., . on the 17th •' day .of October, 1952, . the list of all per- sons entitled . tb vote in the said Municipality at. Municipal Elec- tions, and that such list remains there for, inspection.. . And I hereby call upon all vot-, era to take irnrnediate proceed- ings' to have .any. errors .or oniis- sioris corrected •according tolaw,, the: last day: for appeal being the 7th day of November, 1952. ' Dated. this 17th day .of ;October., 1952. DONALD SIMPSON, a Clerk. °The Huron -Perth' Shorthorn Club's First. RflUa1 Sale• y •\ Wi11 Be Heid In IN THE .ARENA, L•UCKNOW atutrday, November , Est • at 1.00 part. sharp . • THIRTY HEAD -21 females and 9 bulls -.--from leading herds .i .in Huron and Perth Counties will be auctioned off. ' CATALOGUES ON REQUEST ANDREW P.• GAUNT, Sales ;Manager. COMING P1011 9., " MASQUERADE DANCE ,Hlolyrood Women's Institute • will hold a Masquerade dance; in .Holyrood Hall ' on Wednesday, October 29th. Tififin's orchestra.. BAZAAR, &, TEA Zion W. A:. will holda bazaar and tea in • the Legion Rooms at 2.30 on Saturday,' October 25th.. Sale of •home-made baking, fancy work, .quilts and blankets. After, 'won' tea will be served. G. AU'w. WILLIAMS: • , Optometrist', Office on. Patrick St., Wit. iin.,, '.St. in of! the Ma WI.N.GHAM - Professional °E re Examination' Optical Services • Evenings by appointment. phone: Office, 770; Res. 5. RECEPTION AT LAi GrS.IDE'�' A reception and dance will be held at. •Langside.: Hall. on:. Friday, October 24th in honor, of Mr. and Mrs. Donald,„ -Donaldson. Every- body vesbody welcome. • Ladies please bring; lunch. • BAZAAR' & TEA • The Holyraod Women's Insti- tute will lhold. a bazaar, ;bake sale and tea in. the Legion Moms on Sattirday,N y truer- lst, from 2.39 to. 5.30 p.m. Tickets, will be .drawn on a cushion inc / a dress ,ed chicken: InDANCING Dungannon . Agricultural �. Hall on Friday, October 24th.. to Norm: Carnagie. and His Orches- tra, . Western' •Ontario's-naost--mod- ern ` and old.: time band. Dancing 10' to 1.00:.Lunch 'counter, special. prizes. Sponsored by Col*anash Junior Farmers. • • • LEGION DANCE. Lucknow Branch of the Can- adian Legion 'will, hold- their an, nual Remembrance time dance on Monday' evening, November 10th. in !the ` Recreational Centre. Car- ''uther's- orchestra.. The draw for five lovely prizes will bemade' at this . dance.• . -* WEST •WAWANOSH BANQUET The West ,;Wawanosh.. Federa- tion of Agriculture•.annualmeet- ing ing and turkey dinner will be held in the Recreational Centre, Lucknow, . Tuesday, ' November. 4th at 7.00p.m. Guest speaker, Roy'•'Jewel, director of farm ser- vices, of the London Free Press. Supper and. • dance $1;50; Tickets. .available for banquet from of- ficers •and directors: Pierce''s or= chestra. Admission to dance only 50c Everybody welcome:' Gordon. McTavish,. press; ' Wm. Caesar, sec..' JOH NSiON E:`,.S ERAL HOME UNERAL, Thome .76• .Day or Night, • Ambulance Servlce •USE..OF FUNERAL SOME ' At No Etra '•Cost. `Moderate., Prices: `GEORGE I. ` JOHNSTON has tak- en over the McKeernan grocery business , in Kincardine after, managing the Co-op store for 31/2 years. Mr. Johnston, a native 'of Ripley,' "was .in. business 'here'. a number of,'years ago. TENDERS .TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS • Tenders for . snowplowing of roads to be allotted .by the Road Supt. will be received by the un- dersigned up to, 2. pan. November 10th, '1952. Tender • to state rate per hour. All work must be done tinder supervision' of 'the Road` Supt. and under 'his orders. • . • 3. R. LANE, Clerk,. R..2, Holy-' rood, Ont. 4., • ' FOR ARTIFICIAL . SERVICE from: this farmer .owned,licensed, nonprofit, growing, co-operative Association, • . from' top quality "bulls o.f ,alt breeds, 'the. rates are: $25.00 for .a life ' membership,, $5.00 per 'cow` far members, and $6:00 per cow: from .non-members: Waterloo Cattle Breeding Associ- ation, R. R. No. 1, Waterloo, On- tario. For Service, Contact:. Bur- ton Shewfelt, Kincardine' 101-r-7, Or Len Fischer, Mildmay 60-r11, Mad.E,NHAN :and; MacK'EHZIE ,'FUNERAL. SERVICE . . Services conducted : accord- ing to your wishes . at .your.. Home, Your., Church, or at. our .Memorial. Chapel at. no '• additional charge. -AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Phone ;181; Lucknow, Day, or Night. gnevrs'Agency Howard Agnew;- Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF ' Ontario :. Insurance Agents' Association • 'GENERAL? INSURANCE Established' Over 30 Years Ago Telephonesc Business 39., Residence 138 INSURANCE• Co -Operative. Life Insurance' Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile:. & Farm Fire, Insurance. Economical and, Reliable. See... T, lA. CAMERON ' LVCKNOW Phone .70-r-10 Dungannon' '9f IZTNIEsp,m i. OM Una, 1953 QR. T B. CL.E:_LAND VETERINARIAN. Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage LucK'NOW Telephone 175 BCI I S$' ani-.. TAX SERVICE , MQN IP4 AUDITS. • ,For The , Snnall'SJMerch.ant, PrPyj, ofessional man: and, the . Farmer. .' P.O.. •`Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick .Block 'Phone 23-w ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH -FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone ,1100 For •Appointmentor. Information; See Wm. A.• Schmid ' '''Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILE • AND LIFE .To Protect Your'•Jack, Insure .With. Jack Today,: J. A. 'McDONAGH.: .R. R. 3,: Lucknow -Ont. 'Phone :61-5, Dungannon. R' :ANDREW Barrister 'and : Sol'icitor LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO Officein the Joynt Block Telephone:.: Office, 135 Residence 31-J Kenneth J.MacKenzie R.O Optometrist • LISTOWEL, ONT.• • Will be at Wrona's •Jewellery store, Ripley, '10. a.m. to 9 p.m,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 and' every. Second Wednesday. Eyes 'examined: -.Glasses :fitted. For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley: ENJOYU'8d. COMFORT ifepfp .,04.47„ 'FREE S'URV'EYS. AND ESTIMATES O(L BURNERS • OIL FURNA'cES i' .OIL,. BOILERS M WATER_ 11EATE13S I-IISELPR and sox, Phone 426, Winghann. P.' Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and : Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO. ° IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK • R S. Hetherington, . Barrister, -Etc. Wingham and Liicknow •. • IN LUCKNOW Each ' Monday and Wednesday • Located en the; ground floor in the front of John Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone Winghain • :Office 48. , Resde:1sce 97 Culross Mutual ETRE INSURANct. CO, • for • Reasonable ?ate's, , sound pro- tectien & prompt,, satisfactory settlementof clain't. . PARISH MOFFAT Your' Local Agent R. • 3, BToeswater. 'Phone Teeswater 51#.41