HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-22, Page 1r
$2.50 Yearly. In Advance ---$1,00 Extra To U.S,A,
,' 71r* elaglieria
The Huron' - Perth Shorthorn
Club's first annual auction sale
of ScatateA orthorns will he,, held
": uiithe �Lcicnow' Arena; a 'weeks
.from Saturday, Novez ber lst,
commencing at 1.00 o'clock sharp.
Thirty head of 21 females' and
9 bulls have •fin .consigned ' to.
this `sale fiere 'leadingShorthorn
herds in }Luton ::and Perth: gun -
lies, and as the. fit* aitch sale
'.te be held in this,corrsiriunitf ;con-
siderable interest Centres around
the event. -
Th'e sales : manager ;is • Andinv
C. Gaunt of 'St.' Helehs.. Auction-
eers are W. O'Neil, Robert
Amos and: Lincoln White.
. •: Hereford' Sale Following Week
at The following week on Friday,
November 7th, the Huron. Here=.
ford : Association will hold their
7 first fall sale at the Clinton Fair
in Barns.
Thirty-one. head 'including 22
ad • females and:9 .bulls are being con
signed to this eide'by tteelve well
at• known breeders' of . Herefords in
ie • :Huron. Consignors.from this "dis-
;h trict include Heber' J. L. Eedy,
it George : Kennedy, Allan Petrie,
•Frank . Pentland,' Frank Thomp-
t son, Robert 'Mason.
.n. . ` President oaf the.- Huron Ag-
e sociation is Heber .Eedy of''Dun-
gannon and George Kennedy" ®is
ie .. • ' past president
:e Catalogues for both these sales,
• ere available .on request.
Frank -Alton -turd :Lc me Hack
e" ' ' ett of Ashfield, : representing the
Com. 5
;on Baby Beef '.Club,� • ftkd..; g 7 ms
inhe' inter -club com=:.
1e' petitions held atthe Ontario Ag-.
ricultural .College at Guelph on
Friday: '"•
Huron .clubs,were well up the
list in the beef calf ,club compe
tition, with 'Exeter placing third
among the 37, .while Seaforth: was.
7th and.: Luueitteew was llth,
Blyth-Belgrave 12th, and Brus-.
eels was. .tied for 17th.with.•the.
Puslinch slant.
A . freak cob of corn: ison. dis
play at 'The Sentinel Office that
might best ...be described ' as re-
• sembling the Empire State (build-
ing. surrounded by a group of
lesser "sky scrapers" of !varying
heights. ••
The .perfectly formed ' central
cob is surrounded by a cluster of
Garnet Henderson took over
the duties as, C.N.R. station agent
in Lucknow 'the middle of last
week. Elwood.irWin, w'ho was -re=-
'ming • here • pending . Garnet's
transfer, has gone. to Weston.
Garnet started with the rail-
road in 1941, .and comes here from
Port Colborne. The 'family Will
move; here .the latter . part of the
month and take up residence in,
the former Fairish" home on
"Standpipe Hill". ,
Mrs. Henderson Was :formerly
Evelyn Taylor of.Lucknow. They
have :three' children,' Paul 9, .Mar-.
ilyn. 6'' and Bruce 4.
_ r
• Mr. • and Mrs, Joseph Whitby
observed' their golden wedding_
anniversary on Saturday, October
18th, The event was marked by
a family, gathering held a few
weeks ago:
On, Saturday.. Mi. and Mrs.
Whitby were pleasantly, surpris-
ed to . receive a certificate .of
congratulations, from the • Pro-
vincial Government, signed by
Arthur Welsh; previncial secret-:
It read, "May I extend to you
on behalf of , the Government of
the Province of Ontario,, hearti-'
est congratulations on yoaur.'50th
wedding anniversary and the
wish thatyou may both enjoy
further. anniversaries :'in' good
health and happiness: •
Mr. and Mrs. Whitby plan' to
frarnae the..gr!eeting of Which they -
ate mostproud. u dThey1 alsore-
. u. y
ceived a ;:personal; expression` of
congratulations from John W.
ilanna, 1111P:P.
Mrs. David Haokett receiv _.
ed vtvord on Wednesday morn,
• ing that her grandson, J. C
a.•:•Hacketta-son- O€MMr and IV r, s. •
Caswell • Hackett, had • been
killed in action in' Korea on,
Tuesday. •
Mrs. Annie Doyle :has been a
'Patient in Winghaan Hospital for
the past two weeks.
suffer—ing :a fractured hip at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Harry • An-
derson of Lucknow. "
Mrs:' Doyle ,is in her 93rd year
but in spite.of her advanced ;age,
had been enjoying comparativery
good health until her misfortune
in • suffering the hip fracture
which 'will_ confine her to the
hespital,for at least three months
t, is. expected.
THAT: Mrs. ' R J. Cameron '''suf-
'fered • a broken hip in a 'fall
at._her.,hoine: on.:Tuesday 'env -
When a parked car was dis-
covered on fire on Main • Street
about nine o'clock on Saturday
night, a fire alarm was turned
in, :bur before Firemen were at
the. scene, Nels .Winterstein ' and:
Jack Kilpatrick had extinguish-
ed : the blaze with a fire bomb.
The car was ,.'parked across
from Winterstein's. It was a 1937
Ford belonging to Ed Moore, and
was blazing merrily under the
hood when, discovered, but the.
damage didn't amount";tp enough
to prevent .'the car : from going
home on its own power later that
night. , In fact, there', appearsthe
possibility, " that' Ed didn't ` even
•know' that . his'' car had -been on
THAT the wild geese: were on the.
move over..• the • week -end, „but
few local.:ninirods ..bad' much
1, luck, as . the countryside.. was
dotted with 'hunters and,. the
geese were kept ,on, the wing
•• • and . for -the most: part.., flying
high: ,••• .
--o-- ..
THATmemberrs of,' Old • Light
Lodge .. joined :.with : Maitland:
: Lodge, 4. Gode rich, • on •Sunday
evening:' to 'attend service in.
new Knox . „Church in . the
Lakhside,• town. •
THAT Miss Louise Treleaven • ob-
served her 85th birthday the
first of last week,' at• the;; Baker.
Convalescent Home, where She
has been a 'patient • for some
time, "Aunt Lou" had .a `!'big
birthdayti: cake to, mark the .'oc.,
casion and: was extended 'con-
gratulations and best wishes by
many friends and callers.
n0 loess -'t an eight smaller, cobs • —'V-' •
.,. 'ROYAL
'RECEIVES ength5 This od�d� co. PO
various 1
was harvested by a corn picker • •
• on the farm of Elliott , Sandy in
•. ,
*WIN . F1 F• IX
E O .S
Ernie, Raynard and Sack Ack-
ert swept ;:five- of "the six prizes
in. the T. 'Eaton Company' bacon
'hog competition at the Lucknow
Pall Fair, according to an an-'
nouncement 'by R. L. 'MacDonald,
live stock . products grader, of the
Doininiena Department of Agri:"
ulturered IcQui1 in placed
There were 12 pens in the Ecom-
•petition, with competitors re.-
stricted t� not more than 2: pees
each. The entire showing of -hogs
Were 'sold by Auctioneer W ell-
ington Henderson and bought ;by
George Elliott. at $26.40.. '
They were judged on a ;carcass
basis at the:,packing plant by the
Government grader. •
The winners were as follows:•
•1st," Ernie Ackert, $12.00; 2nd,
.McQuill 4, h10.00; 3rd, E.
Ackert, $8.00; 4th, Jack Ackert,
5th, Raynard Ackert; $5.00;•8th,Jctbrt,
The champion carcass was "Won
by -E. Ackert, and the reserve
ehanipion by F. McQuilifn.
The .local Brandi of ''the. Can-
adian •Legion' has received'de-
livery; this week of a mounted
and: :framed pair of, portraits of
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and
the Duke of Edinburgh The por-
traits will be . ung in a egion
Rooms: These portraits, 17"x23",
.ore by Karsh and in full color,
The Legion • would be pleased • to
purchase, either a set or . individ-
ual ' ortraits for any organiza-
tions or persons interested.
Lucknow boy Scouts held . a
-successful apple day in •Wingham
on Saturday afternoon, when they
received a generous response and
a good reception in the neighbor-
ing 'town. The appearance of six-'
teen .local lads in' uniform, caused.;
some !Wingham residents to cora-
mein that they would like to see
Scoutin revived there:.
ofits• on the afternoon's sale'
amounted to $55 High salesman
Was Roddy Wraith who rceived
The boys were in charge of
Floyd °'Wilson, 'assisted • by Stuart
Collyer, Hedley Burden and .Ray
Stanley: •
THAT S. ' B. Stothere. was ,guest
e 'ion. ;week, speakerh
Holstein Breeders annual. ban-
. quet at ' Clinton last week.' He
spoke on • his trip 'this Fall to'
the Maritimes. "Steve" was the,
first, agricultural •representative
a'ppoin'ted•, to Huron County.,
THAT Itay Stanley, president of
t h e Lucknow Presbyterian
Guild, Was elected vice west-
ies-dent of the Huron -Maitland
Presbytery at the Fall Rally in
Goderich , on Wednesday.
THAT ;hundreds made their 'wav
to St. Joseph's Church, Kings-
bridge on. Tuesday evening for,
' the annual fowl Supper and sat
''down to tables groaning with
.food not the least ''of which
was heaping" platters of delis-
ious turkey A concert, :dance
and prize draw rounded 'out 'a
full evening's, entertainmen '.
'THAT in the y'h School ..mag
azine sales contest 'the 'gills
were well ahead of the boys
at the first of the week. The
sales of $393.40,
with",;the boys trailing with.
' $215.80.' The 'contest concludes
Friday. A liberal commis
sion is also .allowed :students,
obtaining new subscriptions to
The Sentinel, -
w, w ww..;
Allan Reed took a • bus load of
North Huron, • teachers from the
vicinity _to _the_ '.egional confer.-
ence at the Beal Technical 'School
in London on. Friday. •
Those .making .:the trip *ere:
Mrs. Roy McKenzie, Mrs, James
McTavish, Mrs. James. Little, Mrs.
•Lloyd •Cline;; Mrsa•Marvin Durnin,
Mrs. Wm.. Stewart, Mrs. ' Jack
Caesar, 'Mrs Kitchener Finnegan;
Mrs. Lorne Johnson, Miss Beat-
rice McQuillin, < Miss'..)Margaret
Jefferson, Miss. Ruth Pentland,
Miss Lois Feagan, Miss Violet
Paine, , Miss Ada Webster, Miss
Kenny, Mr. Ross Errington, Mr.
Don, Cameron,' Mr. • Ray Stanley,
Mr. Duncan McKay; : 11�r.: Erie
Moore, Mr. Spivey. •
Deepite a premature taste. of
winter weather, large congrega-
tions attended • the anniversary
services in the United Church on
Sind, . conducted by the pastor,
Rev. Grant Meiklej'ohn. •
History 'of : 'the • co ngregation
dates back 90.years to ' the. estab-,
lishment. of' the Wesleyan.` Meth-.
odist congregation in 1862. Three
years Pater the :.New Connexion
1Vlei odis't congregation was or.:
ganized, • with the union • of, the
two branches taking place in.'
1874, It Was 67 years ago during
the ministry of the late Rev. Geo.
Turk that'the_ present church was
Re. Meiklejohn intd : out
that: at anniversary time we look-
back in a'. historic .snood :but .must'
also see the . occasion. ` in its true
sensethat. the •Eternal ,Kingdom
"was • then, is now and ever . shall
be",' ` T1itheme' of tin"' eriting
:,sermon was this permance':of the
Kingdom of ; God in ''cen-
,trastN to the .weakness' /and de
cadence of worldly kingdoms..'In
• our loyalty to that Eternal: King-
;dom lies the . solution : to all .Our,
problerns,:he said. In the: eveing
Rev. Meikle john' stressecLthe fact
• that• "Jesus is alive and that we
;,shoulit be attentive :and • tespon
sive "to'` The Master's Voice ''
The evening service was 'uvith• •:
'drawn i':n t h e. Presbyterian
Church,, mild Rev. C. A:. 'Winn'
:joined': Rev., uMeiklejohn in the
pulpit to read : the scripture les-
Special music was rende4ed by
the choir *under .the direction of.
Mrs. J. W. Joyntwitn . Elmer Um
bash presiding at 'the organ. An-
them soloists morning and even-
ing Were Miss Margaret Rae; Mae
Keith, Raynard, Ackert and Eldon:
Henderson. an .addition .to. the
two 'evening, :anthems a• • men's:
chorus sang "Dwelling iii:•Beulah.
Sunday night brought the first
real - snowfall: -:of= --the season--• and-
,accompanied' by freezing Weath-
er, highways were qi ite slippery
for a time on ' Monday: and: the `
cause of a; number of traffic; :mis-
haps, •
A light: ,truck Qwned by Glen
short distnce• north of Kinlough
'Calrpbelleoaf Belfast, was exten-
sively' daed when •' it . turned
over en its side in the ditch . a
His daughter, Miss Marie Camp-
bell,; was . enroute to her .school.
at Eugenie Falls, .when she lost
control of the truck as it clewed
on the icy pavement.
Another mishap occurred just
north of the Second :Concession;
D. . A. MacDonald of Lochalsh
•vu^ho is driving the• mail on R. R.
6, Lucknow, for his . sister, . Mrs.
_Donald MacDonald, had thereat
of his car. .clipped• ,by a truck.
driven by. Mike Pinkert of .Mid-
land* Mr. MacDonald was leaving '
the mall 'box at Joe ' Weiler's resi-'
deice . at,. :the, -time. The :''truck
veered of.•into the :ditch,'-receiv-
ditch• receav:ding damage '' est£mated at $650 A
daniaged.'lef't ` • rear 'fender was•.,
the principal damage to the.;Mac=
Donaid'.'car. ,No one was inured •
in either mishaps. which wereald•
Mac.Dorial:' ;by .Provincial Con-
stable Hugh, Rutherford.
That' same' 'Morning Gordon.
Cupskey • of "Belfast: touched•the
brakes on; a Sandy Constriction
.Compiany :,truck" he was 'driving .
and it rolled over' on.the high -
Way. ,.The accident happened on.
the . brov.' of a` hill •siir miles' east
_Hurhan a Gordon was.�uninjur_
ed and the truck was not; seri-
o•usly: damed t
E t a• S:..
I�AR�I. 'Weft'
,. •
At ..the Bruce., County plowing
match ' held: last week at Langside,
Ear Harris of • HoTyrood carried-
arried'off the prizes in the utility class •
for tractors defeating Jack Grant ,'
of . Paisley and Kenneth 'McKague:
of Teeswwater. In theutility- class •
there can' be no handling:and' a
two-hour *hit is allowed top low
the half acre Vaith a' 10 Or 12-.
inch furrow.
Plowing, a 10 incl' fureoW, Earl
dad' the half acre an an hour. and...
20 minutes, and 'placed first' for
crown, first for plowing, and first •
for finish. The prize money' tot-
alled $19, plus a special prize
,awarded; by a Teeswater imple.
%ment 'shop:
In the plain or jointer plow
class under 20 years, Ronald Mc- • •
Gillivray of Kinloas was: second.
, In the Juniors class under 17,
Ivan arid%Barry McQuillin• placed .
5th and' 6th:
Land'.': '• In the . hydraulic lift class; 'Bill
Colwell was 5th.
THAT there were nine tables at.
the Shoot Club party on Mori
day night, the winners being
',Mrs. N, H. 'Hedley and -Arai-
strongl • Wilsons Next week's
party • Will be, in the Auxiliary
- Rooms Lunch Will be •served:..
THAT.' Mrs. 'Thorna5 Anderson:,
Sr., found two wallets •.within
an, hour while down street on
-Saturday. One • contained a
large sum, of money and the
: ` other belonged; to young Neddy'
Martin .of Detroit and contain=
ed his border crossing card
which . Would' have been a: 'se-'
ions loss., •
THAT Mrs, Ken ' , Movribray ' at-
tended a meeting of Beauty
Counselor representatives held
in Hotel Landon on Tuesday of
last" Week.
THAT Rev. J. L. Burgess, min
ister at Elinvale in the Midland
district, has been elected mod-
erator of Toronto and Kingston
synod of the Presbyterian
Church in • Canada. Rev. .Bur-
gess formerly Ministered, at
'South Kinloss and 'Kinlough..
../Wes Tiffin. won the special
prize for the plow team.
AT KIN . 011eCHH
Walter • Breckles of Lucknow
has purchased Juin'' Boyle's gar-
age business ane. property at
Kinlou'ghT and wall obtain 'poss
ession in mid-Novexn er.: By the
transaction Jini •becomes • owner
of the Breckles- home in Luck-.
nova`.• •
Wally has ;been employed at
the. Johnston and MacDon'a1d
'garage in Lucknow for the past
font years and we understand' he
will be succeeded by Roy Gib-
son. Mr. and • .Mrs. Gibson,. who
were married recently,' are resid•-
ing in the Anderson Apartments.
Upon returning from overseas`
Wally was employed in the Luck-
now Industries plant and later"'liy.
Hobrough Metal Products, before •
taking a mechanic's position at
Johnston's Garage.'
Wally's friends wish• him ire11 :
as he launches out.for hirriself '
at Kinieugh. •