HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-15, Page 8ot 1 • PAGE EIGHT THE LUCKNOW .SENNINE4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: iii■mUS■RRai1■RR■■SR■RUI■■RR■RRIRRRmin ■ PA elivery , • .n N.. w 1 . in ■ 1''o t, D.. a 952 ■.. , .. .. • t Chevrolets• • .■ Choice of Colors • • :: •• B1G VALUE. 'CARS. ■ •• ■ DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. ■ • 1952 CHEV, A • i 1952 CHEV. STYLEI.INE SEDAN. �: ■ ▪ 1952 CHEV.-DELIUXE-COACH•, t^ o tot e; folly. equipped. ■ ■ ,c •k, •Is IN • • Clearing S• • .• . • x ■ • •` Number • of .1,.951 Chevs.:at , $1850:'°•• i •° Nu:: nber f asp. Ghees. at 01495 :• .. ■ ■ (Sedans andWCoaches Variety of .Colors) ■ ■ :. i 1949; METEOR SEDAN: i ' 1949 • PLYMOUTH .' DELUXE IIII 1940 PONTIAC COACH. !' .:1939 ' CHEV. COACH;: a. SEDAN. ' ■ 1940 CHEV. COACH. 1938 CHEV. SEDAN.• •:. ■ III f a SPECIALS •: I' • • 1939 DODGE $3000 2 * .NI• ■ • :. 'TRUCKS, ■ : :•:1948 CHEV.''V-TON .PICK-UP. ■ moi II € Krussels Motors-I- "Tbe Home of Better Used 'Cars ■ Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 ■ ; ▪ Cities Service. Dealer 'Phone 73x, Brussels • ai mmomm,name : mmumm■llimmim ilummu■m mmo■aas. PURPLE ' GROVE- • 'Mr, and Mrs. • Don McCosh •left. "on: a motor 'trip, the first of the week. . Mr. Milton" .Stanley,; Ntrs Helen Sww and Rosyliri; Norval' :and E th returned' home. after liav, ing spent: the' past six weeks in the W.es't. • . Miss 'Marville Scott and Mrs. 'iS ier' hf' Oraitgevi=fk spent- the4 !week -end• visiting friends raroimd the Grove: ; Mrs.. Herb 'Farrel, 'Mrs: John.. Emerson,. Mrs-- 'Howard : Thomp- son .attended .the W. I. convention at •Kitchener Tuesday and Wed nesday of 'last week. Ethel` and„Helen Farrell .& Mr.' end Mrs. Beveriey Cliffe and Di- anne, marry and R'iel ey7af Lon- •don.were recent visitors. 'at the' home .of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Far- rell. :Mrs.- Milton Walsir'is 'spending a few. weeks •at thehome of ' Mr. and Mrs. Donald MoCosh. SPORT.. r TIMBER TIPS The Lucknow - Dungannon In- door Bowling got. underway .last week. Seems that it is bigger, and better than ever with two new_ .. of entries makinga total ten teams. Regulars are taking . this op-, portunity of extending a warm, welcome to McDonagh's Wolves ines and Bannister's Coons toge tY er .with a sprinkling , t'I ew=: cornerson the old teams.. 'We will •continue to place the einphasis on team spirit and teamp. dtial Scors ing featspOsed whichto wiU mot ass unnoticed, Bowlingnight is, and should•,be; a . popular social and !recreational. ,outing , land, Un- doubtedly, .all• bawlers will join .vvlhole heartedly in the fun and be "great" , in victory 'or in de- feat. This gone like any other, is deserving of nothing less than your lbest efforts. By concentrat? ing on fundamentals such as tak- ing a ,: stance and ` keeping your balance while .taking a free and easy awing (instead of .trying for speed) you can giive .gait handl -- cap' a' real' beating! • Meanwhile keep your eye on the pin for even better results! • • Johnstone's Chipmunks • set an unseasonal and dizzy pace. •after the kick-off, . to, . run ;Asp. a; total- of,`3082 'pins while •Bubton's Go •.pliers rolled . the. high ' individual game total• of 1150.' Individualhonors go to Chip- munk . Bud Hamilton who settled +for a -.sparkling: 716 'including. a high single, of.; 297' as ;Gopher' An-.. ,dersoncame- close with ,292. Team Standing Johnstone's Chiprnunks . 5; An- derson's• Tigers 5;.' Button's 'Go- phers j5;: Park's Cubs `5;' Banni-. .ster's' Coons 5; •McKinnon's . Bea vers .2; .Crawford's'. Pole Cats .2; Taylor_'s Zebras Z Eedy's Lions 2; McDonagh'sr Wolverines 2. * * WalkertonjCopes' Title ' Walkerton Dodgers, .after being eliminated' from ''.:the°'W.00A A, Major' fa,stball series, went on in- to the 'Ontario' Association "A" a New Semi -Cut ' Utility Roll; .Blanket Cutyour ,fuel bills 'every winter from now on, by insulating your 'home , . with ' high efficiency Fiberglas' Building Insulation, See the'new Semi -Cut.' Utility Roll Blanket that saves time in the overall . insulating job. WON'T BURN. WON'T ROT. *t.M8 Reo'd. WON'T SETTLE WON'T SUSTAIN VERMIN. JOHN W. HEN:DERSON LUMBER LIMIT; 1 PHONE 150 LUCKNOW, ONT. 1 rel; a mow; ,IRS.tet Millwalia rw • p: WEDNES,D; Y,, ,OCT. 15th, 1952 Canadian Tire has everything you need for and the CTC Label means fop quality at worthwhile savings. movio� R SVC‘511 �� • I/ DON'T GET •' AUGHT / "COLD. r F rill ••your 'radiator; NOW / with: koro. � .E MASTER %' and know you're SAFE: fora» Winter driving ' r M®3'o-MASTER' �. "gives positive . protection because It 'is specially processed to inhibit mit, corro- sion. and to retard evaporation. It's the surest safeguard 'for Your money, SUp - m11 -F4 QUART 64C „ • MOTO MASTER PERMA FILL Permanent Full -Strength Approved "Ethylene Glycol” QUART $1:28. GALLON .$'4.98 GALLON $2;48 ( rx DI4k TIRE CORP N BERVKI1 ASiOCIAT Phone 184 TORE WINGHAK 'ONT. Robin E. Campbell ' softball playoffs and .wound up the'season: on Monday by coping the all -Ontario title from .North Bay.' North • Bay won ?tihe opener on Saturday night in Walkerton` 1=0 On. Monday afternoon—Walk= erton evened the series in 'thee countytown by .a 2-0 tenth inn=' ing• victory and, •under the lights tat same night .clinched the sil- verware :with a 4-2 win. George Zuk: hurled all three gainer for the champions. • -Hugh Cuming ,handled.... both gafnes 'Ibehind• the plate .on Mon - proving :his on- proving.:his popularity., as• a• caller. Neither team' "'Was satis- fied with ' Saturday night's ump- iring and Hugh, was' Balled in on Monday .afternoon ' and 'got the nod , ag.ain ' for the night, game. • OBITUARY MRS: JEREMIAH CASEMORE The ; death occurred . at the home of. her daughter, Mrs Ed-. Ward Marsh, Wingham, on Th urs-. morning, October 9th, 1952, of Mrs,` 'Jeremiah 'Casemore. She' had been in poor health for some tin'ie „but on' Friday, ' October 3rd she suffered a severe strbke ,from which she 'never gained con ,sciousness. Mrs; •Casemore. was a kind and loving mother, a good neighbor; a .frien4 to 'Young ail.d.,...eld ' She ,was in her' 83rd year and ' was formerly Margaret M. Hunter,. -youngest daughter.. .of _,the.-.J!ate_ Alex, and. Jane Hunter, Morris Township. Iri. 1892. `. She Married Jerry Casemate whom predeceas- ed here on January' 17th, 19146, The funeral .service was . held at Currie's Funeral' , Herne on Saturday afternoon conducted 'by tier pastor, Rev. H. A, Parker .of. St: Pa.11's Anglican ,church. In- terment was •in Wingham Cem- etery. The pallbearers were Bett' Hohrles, Alex 'and John Sproule, Elgin•.Johri'ston, Alex McBurney and Clark, Johnston. '' N Mr's'. Casemate leaves to mourn her loss five sons, 'Oscar of Strat ford,` rrnest-of Carl" of Petrolia, ' V'ictor of Brantford, Chester, of Turnberry two.,•.dau- ghters (Marion) Mrs. Peter Wat- son, formerly of ,Lucknow; (Vera). Mrs Ed Marsh, Wine am One son Roy, was killed in World • War' I;: Alex was' killed at Maidstone Crossing:, February 12, 1929 in a motor. accident, She is also s urvived by 6grandchildren and 5 •,grea+t grandchildren. R .. FOR ' 1iomPT REMOVAL Q0i; DEAD OR DISABLED COWS — HORSES,:i‘ ,WMo STONE. SONS ;P:". PHONE COLLECT. 'GERS:OI.L 21 WLNGHAM 561J KI.NGSBRIDCE Holiday visitors with' Mr. and Mrs.. Jim Wallace . Were Mr.- and Mrs.. Joe. Reid: and Mr. and Mrs. Vic Finnie and two :children of • Toronto, , With `'1VIr: 'and Mrs, W. Lannan :were Mrs: Gerry Hill and three children and Mr. and : Mrs:: Dan Bass and Miss Delina; Lannon. With Mr. and, •Mrs. .P. Miirp'hy,• Mr, rand' Mrs. Jack .Fitzgeraid. •; With Mr. apd' Mrs, Jerry, Dal: • ton, M. and Mrs Charlie Dal - ton ,and.'tvvo children.' • Mr; • Braise Martin artd ` Nace Martin were in. Hamilton on Sun- day. ; Misses. Frances and Mary, Ter- esa • Martin • spent the week -ends. .with their parents.. FAVOURITE 13EVERAG,I• ® dl� ROOT BSER • P'aintitig • Papering Sunworthy Wall Papers ; ,Interior .,and, -Exterior_ Spray or.'Brueh STEEL' nOOF PAINTING 1 :n. Sanding Estimates' Without Obligation Erbern Maclnns Lucknow 8194-m ' ,Wingbarn 654:1Z,