HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-15, Page 4GE FOU1 THE r.�I a I"�",; „1. glt!‘:.iw .. sur �. tTCKNOW` SENTINEL, LU0KNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, OCT;, `15t11,. 1952 330 41. • y 11 Y. fc ,r 1 • 4,3 r.' • Ff 114 • Y*' 1 r V•' 34, ; • ro 3. .x. • 1.7 • f: .►. L LOST - -- wire stretcher between the home fawn land. the Campbell Tarim, Bruce MacMillan. ° PIANO bargains at the>Mildmay. Furniture Store 14 used pianos $89.00, . $149.00, etc. -6` ew ' pkonas. WANTED Ram lamb. James Keane, ' R. 1, Dungannon, phone 1241 ,Dunganruon. FOR RENT --r Small house" in Lucknow, *session imnnedielbe. ly. 'Apply' at Sentinel Office. PAISLEY APPLE BUTTER MILL. grin.. operate . Tuesday ,and, Wed - n - ays starting September -30th- and closing, Novemlber 5th. 18 LOVELY:' .CHESTERFIELD suites. Trade-ins . accepted.' Save at ..Schuett's Mild/par Furniture Store. Free delivery. FOR SALE—cement 'septic taniks, • approved 'by the Health Unit. We deliver them, Forster's Welding Shop, phone 1206-r-11, •Lucknow.. SPY APPLES FOR SALE --will be sold on :tree at $5:00. ,a tree, well loaded Ira Dickie, R. R. 5, Lucknow, phone 26-28 Ripley. HOUSE FOR,•SALE . room •two;- Storey' frame .' insul brick sided .House: ,'Centrally located. Priced 'forquick sale. Apply at • Sentinel. Office. • FOR SALE—Spy ;and Russett ap- Pres. Bring , your ' own containers and pick them yourself; : also : a 'Johnston iron -horse . gasoline en-• . gine, Y4 H.P. , Gordon' Wall, Con. ' 6, ' Kinloss, "hone Lueknow • 208- • r-31. • DEAD--&- 'LIVE ANIMALS Prompt pick' up ,of cattle, horses, pigs & sheep. Live .horses fit ; for an mal kod:•piokesd up Mat your farm 'averaging $35.00. •:c.' Brubacher, Winghanz, phone. 608 w1 FOR. T — ground f look of ;building occupied by : Lucknow Corop, a block south of arena. Available . , about November 1st: Equippedwith furnace ,and of- fice. Apply, to.,Mrs. John Jamie- son, : hucknow. 'WANTED—Flocks to . supply us • with hatching eggs for . the' :1953 hatching season. 'All, birdsculled and' . bloodtested free of charge. Guaranteed ,'premium plus hatch- ability •premium paid. Carl 'easily make 20c. a dozen over the mar- ket price 'th good hatching eggs. Ap eddle 'Chick Hat chert.d,.. Fergus, Ont: • MEN, R : have ' lucky days . oom- ing.` Buy- razor blades,/ shaving creams, lotions, . tooth ' pastes; tooth. brushes, pocket ' combs,. writing pa*, leather billfolds ,& more' than 250 other bargains,' at le each when you . buy one More of the, same item at ' .a regular .price - ; - Wednesday, Thursday, Friday .and Saturday, October 15, 16, 17, 18 at • McKim's, the Rex- : . —all -Drug Store, Store:. • • • "A• Iiavaau�.,aV.. acs R 4 Stratford . Normal school. The' young folks reported, a grand e ening and at the 'close his tnothe and sister-in-law served a delic- ious lunch. • '• The United Church 'Y.PU. met Monday night for the; bi-weekly vwhich as led bY Jean Free. ,Sy1 - Stingel read t'he scripture Jean Free led in prayer: Rev. G. Watt showed.a film strip. on Boy ' Meets Girl. A discussion rfohow- • ed. Rev. Watt closed. the 'meeting with prayer. Wilmer Errington# •the president, conducted a short business . period •before closing, Death of MrS.' Barbara Tate -,u.• •. Mrs. Barbara Tate,, formerly of Dungannon and who was,born .• at Bothwell; Ont., passedaay at REFRESH ! DRINK 46754/ WANTED TO RENT - Gerage. Phone 122-J Lucknow, ; ' BULL FOR SALE—red purebred, Shorthornbull calf , 10 'months cid. Thompson Bros., R. R. 2, A�xburn, 1?hone. Dungannon- 79-4-- 2. F WANTD CASH PAID. for crippled and 4i$. a'bled, animal$; also highest 'prices: paid for boar* •'and ' horses 'for slaughter:. Phone Atwood. 37-r-12 collect... PERSONAL `SKI N' '-'•--Ci+1 !--C'rE'F . ,t3YEk LY CURVES!' Gain 5 to 10 lbs,,. new pep. Try famous . health. and weight' thunder, Ostrex , Tonic Tablets: Introductory, "get. - ac quainted" size only 60c. ' A11 drug- gists.. • SHEEP SE The'.Grey-Bruce Sheep Breed- ers ers are holding their 10th • annual sale of Pure Bred rams ,and ewes, O44ord,. .Suffolk, ;Shropshire, Hampshire, Leicester and •Dorset Horned, at :Keady Sales Arena,, Near; Tara, On Friday, OctaGer: 24th. Approved rains eligible for 20' percent premium .up, to $25.00 at consignment sales.Catalogues on request to T. Stewart Cooper; secretary, Merkdale . CARD 'OF THANKS George ' Hassall' wishes to sin- cerely, !thank all those who so. thoughtfully reteanibered him' with cards, flowers and in 'other ways whilein the hoapital. These kind rernembrar ces . were indeed apprceiated. NOTICE; Once again L . am handling the Government Savings : Loan in Lucknow •and District and • wouyl ask you . bb. forward your request for.. information •to me;' I : will be only too pleased . • to • look. ' .after your requirements. ` Yours sincerely, T. W. Smith, phone 98; Luck- now. • ., SALE .BY TENDER In the Estate of Joseph Wil- liam• Relic. ' The "undersigned Will call for tenders for •the sale. • of the real estate :.of the ' above, in the ' fol- lowing manner .• 1.' Good (rain* house and.. barn: on part f the Soiuth Half of Lot number;. Thirteen in the Four- teenth Concession of the Town- ship of West: Wawanposh,` in. the County of Huron. • , • Tenders`, must be ' in the mail to the .undersigned Iby Wednes- day, the 22nd day of October 1952 •and 'should be marked "Tender".. Upon acceptance of 'the 'tender, ten percent of the' purchase price will 'be immediately due in cash, ;balance in •thirty 'days. Highest' or any tender not necessarily ac-• cepted.' /. Dated ' • at Lucknow, ' Ontario, this 'lith October; 1952. ft, W. Andre w; 4So1i icor for the Executdrs, Lucknow, Ontario. IN MEMORIAM GARDNER- 4n memory of a dear wife and • mother, Mrs • Ernest Gardner, Who passed away three years ago, Octolber 18th.. . �. :Three .years, have passed; our st heart it slsore '•. • 'As time •goes' on 'we miss ,you • more,. ' Your memory isas dear. today As' on •the 'hour you passed away, :. . • - Sadly missed by ,Husband nd. Family: Contest -"Wet" Vote` - • ,Conteriding that some 1 • vor't cc's; who were all .challenged on voting day, were not eligible to cast a ballot, .the "dry" . forces have been. granted, an order for ahearing to be held' in 'Walker-' ton on October 21st The . "wet" 60 percent majority was' so. slim; that if these voters are c nsid-' ered ineligible, Teeswater'Will re- Main, eMai i a ."dry" town. r COMING EVEN rS MASQUERADE DANCE 'Holyrood Women's Institute will hold a masquerade dance. in Holyrood Ha1L on Wednesday, October 29th,. Tiffin's, orchestra.. SHOOT CLUB MONDAY Th Monday Night .Shoot. Club will resume their weekly part- ies in the Recreational'' Centre,, Lucknow, on Monday, October 20 at 8.00 p.m. Everyone welcome.: G: ALAS, WI•L•LIAMS. Optometrl. $t. Office on, Patrick 104 Alst. off 'the ...414* professional, Eye' Examination Optical Services ' Evenings. by .appointment.: Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. INSTITUTE BAZAAR The Kintail W.,.1. is holding a bazaar and saleof baking, dew- ing and • afternoon W tea on Sat- urday, : October lath at . 2.30 p.m. Sample: • of ,work is displayed 'in Russ . Johnstone, s •:.window.. BAZAAR & TEA Zion W. A.' will hold, .a. bazaar and tea in ' the Legion: ,Rooms -1.38- -en- Saturday,_October ' 25th. Sale of home made b al king,hig;Tafc Y, work, quilts and ,blankets After-' noon tea will be served. RECEPTION AT ST. HELENS reception and dance .will he. held m St. ' Helens 1Ia11 on Fri- day; • October 17th in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Baribour. Everyone �we1coine. Pierce's or- chestra: 1' TURKEY SUPPER' . A, turkey, supper will be • held.: • at S't... Joseph'.s Church, .Kings- bridge,, on Tuesday, Octolber 21st;. Supper from 6.00 .to 8:00. Binge at 7.00; concert at 9..00 by a Lon- don •concert corypany-followed by 'dancing' to Carruther'.'s orchestra.. • LEGION DANCE Lucknow ,Branch 'of the,•Can- adianLegion will hold . their 'an, n'ual'Remembrance time dance on? Monday •evening, Nov-'ember'lOth' in the RecreationalCentre. Car ruther's orchestra: The • draw for five lovely .prizes nn'will be ; made° at this: dance:' MASQUERADE DANCE The Ladies Auuxiliary. to the' Legion • are.'holding their `annual Hallowe'en Masquerade dance on Friday evening, October .3lst••'in .the. Town Hall., Prizes for fancy, comic, and' original costumes: Everybody start working , on .a prizewinning costume. More de= tails later. • PUBLIC SCHOOL'' PRINCIPAL, IN LONDON HOSPITAL. Mr. Harry W. ' Alton, principal of. the Walkerton , Public School is at present a patient in Victoria ,Hospital, . London. Mr. Alton re- cently. suffered an attack of pneumonia . atehis home hereand on• recovering'. went .to th'e•.L.on- °don . hospital .for a check-up. He is -reported- to -'be--well on -the - Way nthe-waly.'to recovery and althou:gh.he expects to 'return ;to Walkerton this . week; will, not resume: his teaching 'duties until November.. Walkerton Herald -Timms': • CO -CSP' AUTO 1NSURANCE:, Can Now' Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMMERCIAL.•TRUCKS as. Well as the farm. business. For information consult T. A. 'CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone' Dungannon 70-r-10 • JOHN McM VRCHIE, RIPLEy,', • 'Phone • 20-r-23 JOHN$TONE'S FUN:ERA,1'. HOME °Phone 70 • .Day or Night. Ambulance • WACO O HME V3E' OF''Ir`%iPIERAL . At ,No Extra Cost Moderate Prices MacLENNAN an MacKENZIE FUNERAL . SERVICE, Services conducted accord -• • ing to your . 'wishes: at your. • Home, Your ' Church, . or' at our Memorial Chapel at no • additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE` 'Phone 181, Lucknow,. Day. or Night ' gnews'Agency oward Agnew--4os.- Agnew-. BER OF. Ontario •Insurance Agents' Association, GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 3Q;,Years:Ago; Telephones: Business 39' •Residence 138 INSURANCE: Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative 'Automobile. Insurance, Mercantile & ' Farm, Fire Insurance , Economical 0 and Reliable. See' . T A CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone , 70=r:=10 Dungannon I�enneth'J., MacKenzie R.O. Optometrist. - L'ISTOWEL';NT. ' Will' be at Wrona's' Jewellery store, .Ripley, 1•Q a.m. to 9 p.m., WEDNESDAY, 'OCTOBER 1' and 'every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For •.appointment 'phone 'toy 'MacKenzie, • 96-r44. Ripley. ENJ�Y COMFORT • 1 rS7NW v; S A rre.r,�► � . . FREE SURVEYS AHD' ESTIMATES. OIL 'BURNERS '•OIL EURNACES . • • OIL BOILERS • • WATER HEATERS • ilt HISELER and SON, ?hone 426', Wingham D:R. TU �. CLE1A'ND VETERINARIAN ' H4ive1ock St, south of • Supertest Garage. LUOKNO'W Telephone 175 • BUSINESS and: TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AU DITS. For The ; Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow,, Ont,' Office' iii Kilpatrick Block ' • 'Phone 23- ` w _ F. T ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST" GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 For. Appointment or. Information See Win. A. Schmid, 'Phone ' 167-w Lucknow' i NSU"RANGE • .FIRE, CASUALTY,. AUTOMOBILE • ' 'AND LIFE. To Proteet,7Your Jack, •Insure' With Jack Today. J. A. 1VIcOONAG}I R, R. ` 3, Lucknow, Ont: 'Phone 61-5, Dunganon R. W.:ANDREW; Barribter and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office In the Joynt : Block, Telephone:.' '• .Office 135. . Residence '91-3 o• Stuart MacKenzie 'Barrister and _Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN j LucKl4ow Each :Wednesday ' OFFICE HENDERSON .BLOCK R. S. Hetherington,, Barrister, Etc. ' Wipgham ' and Lucknow' IN' LUCKNOW Each Mondayy and' Wednesday' le •. orated: on the: groand floor front o f ink the e 'fro • John Kilpatrick's• Building' '.Phone Wingharn Office 48 Residence 97 Insure ' With The (UI.lross; utra. FIRE 1NSURANCE CO, Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISHMOF'AT " • .Your LO al Agent. R: 3, •Toes tater. 'Phoney Teeswater'574-41