HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-10-15, Page 1• •rir�lriSra $2.50 Yearly In. Advance --$1.00 Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCT: 15th,, 1952. 'TEN TAGES . ". ASHFIELD LADY HAS LEG. BROKEN - Mrs. Ewart Jamieson. o1 Ash- field is a 'patient ,in Goderich Hoses pital with a• double fractal* of the -left. • oa Monday morning of • last. week: Mrs. Jamiesonwent to the back yard •for an armful' of wood' and ,m • stepping backwards is believ- " ed to have stepped on, a grass.. covered ,stick which caused ' the fa11, breaking; the leg in two. places-213ove; the .ankle and be.. .low the •. knee. • . : Mrs. Janiieson was alone at the time- as her husband had just ---gone•-the--baelr•-enc%-of•-tlre :farm. to 'work. Mrs. Jamieson lay on the ground, for about an hour, un- able to attract the attention of anyone passing ,by on the 'road, or • to • make herself heard.. Finally she , ma ,aged ' to : drag herself :into the house, and onto a couch where' she. 'Jay suffer. inngg for another ttwo hours until Mr.. Jamieson came in at dinner time. • • • • INFANTS :BAPTIZED In the ,Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning Rev. C. A. Winn t' dJ C infant son of Mr. and Mrs Leonard ;Mac= Donald 1n Erskine Church, Dun- gannon, in the +afternoon, Rev. Winn. conducted another baptis-' mal:ceremony •tor ,Margaret inf ' daughter of :Mr': and Mrs• eth Hodges. ap ire• James ameron, r an COLWANASH JUNIORS TO STAGE PLOWING •MATCH Colwanash Junior Farmers have plans completed for a plowing, match at Howard Blake's :farm. in Ashfield Township next Wed- esday; October 22nc1:"Aiiiing. the six classes thin year is a'new�ly added event: for high Scheel ,stu- dents • over 14' years., Prizes '.of $10, $8, $6, $4 and $2 are awarded in each' ;class. • Prizes will be awarded that evening at Dungan- non in'conjunction. With the reg- .ular Junior Farmers meeting. 4 coaching class Will be held on 'Tuesday 'at the •Blake. foram, Secretary -treasurer Of the. tiles Hackett of Ashfield. The president is'John Clark of God eritih. LEGION • .. . TO HOLD .-DRAW AT`•NOVEMBER DANCE 'The Lucknow' Legion will hold their annual Remembrance dance on Monday,:NoveR•nlber 10th, at° which time a draw' will be made for five lovely; prizes as• follows; lst, . combination radio and re- cord player 2nd,' La-Z-Boy.chair pad. 'stool, 3rd, 'silver tea service; -4th and: 5fh, card tables: • Tickets are' now'•on' sale. from Legion .rneinbers. • , ..CHURCH -.'.BUILT AT ` ALL COST .:: The 89th anniversary of Kin 1o08h ' Presbyterian' Church was held on, ',Sunday .With morning; and ' evening services • 'conducted by Dr. Hugh• MacMillan,. home `on furlough from. Formosa.. •A' historical sketch '• of 'this con-' gregation, first ALEX , MacINTYRE SENDS LETTER 'FROMOVERSEAS In, this issue appears the', first instal '' e t of m n a letter ' '1 from Alex G. MacIntyre,. who has commen- ced • his second, year at Brasenose College, Oxford, England, after Spending •+the Ammer in France, and Germany.. When • Alex went. to the Old -:Country a year ago he promised to Write to The Sen- tinel, and we're certain our read- ers will find this letter, interest- ing. • The first instalment :instalment ' deals particularly with Dieppe and the • glorious part Canadian troops played in that abortive raid known . /AT.' THIRTY=F'OU R. North Kinloss congregatiasonthe, shows at what small'cost --1746 FAIRS .TH I•S' FALL' :. the present, church was • built by comparative . present day. building • values. • The first frame church was built in 1863 on the site of the present church. „the lot was pur . ' chased. from Rolbert Pinnell. The first minister .: was" Rev. A. G. Forbes', • and then 1tev. Wm. Gal lagher. He was .succeeded • by Rev - Robert: Gray. and it was during his • ministry,' that the 'present church was built and ' officia+lly, _:.opened --on -January 2rid,• .,1887. Succeeding ministers ;have. been Rev,' John' Maauwell, Rev. ' B.M Smith, • • Rev. 'Peter Mathieson, Rev. C. N. • Mackenzie, Rev. W. A. MacWilliams, Rev, J. A. James, Rev. . A. K. MacLaren, Rev. J. L. Burgess, Rev. G. M. Young, Rev. H.. A. Dann, Rev.• A. Smith and Rev. G. Baukhh.. . • The first Conixriunion • Service was held on . Sunday, February 16th, 1864, and the'first comun scants werm e -:i rand --'Mrs; -James- Waddell, :. Mr.. and '' Mrs.. D.' G. Aimistrong, Mr. and • Mrs, Wm.. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mac Millan, Johnston,Mrs. W W. Malcolm, :Mr. and Mrs.. M. Stevenson and.. Miss L. A. McMenemy. Jas. Waddell'and •Wm. Malcolm were the' first' Elders ''of the con= gregation, they having been or- dained in, 1864, InApril 1870, 'William Scott " and Nexanc19r Scott were ordained, Elders. From the beginning,' Kinlough congregationwas linked up with , Ri versdale. At times other.con- Motions • such `aa ' Enniskillen and Be rvie formed pparts„oaf the • PSStora] arge. •In 1925, the King lough congregatio and the South s congreg Kinloss .,.e. �_..... ation were loaned to forrn•'a pastoral charge. • ' • To the .Kinliugh congregation belongs• the honorable ariddia.:+tinctive record of 'having given five of its sans; to the' ministry. 'They are Dr. William Malcolm, Rev. T. O. Miller, • Rev: W. '.P. Lane, Itev. ,L14.. J. Lane and . Rev., Anrewd Lane. Elmo Pritchard wound' . up the fall show circuit' on Thanksgilvrng . Day at Erin,. after almost two months, in the show . ring at a total of thirty-four fairs: Ebno started the circuit at Woodstock on' 'August • 24th, and estimates, that he hasp travelled. some 4000 miles in the meantime. ,Elmo's show horses have won a . wide reptitation: This year he. had two teams --a . wagon class anti -Percherrorr- dos team that have carried off many prizes: As Elmo drove a six; horse hitch- out of; thering at Erin on' Monday, a buyer stepped up and t o *the he I without 'Elmo • came ' home . larger of his Percherons• The Other •Percheron which Elmo is keeping was bought at the Royal last year 'from Menzies' Dairy of McKeesport, Pennsylvania. This' three-year-old has been a con=. sistent winner in its class ' all ENGAGEMENTS -Mr; and'Glenwood Camp bell Lucknow; .wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Shirley Ida Amelia, to Robt.. William, .sort of Mr,' and Mrs.' Cal-, Mer Straughtan of Goderich The marriage : to takeplate the latter part of October. • TO CALL HERE FOR • LORD'S DAY. ALLIANCE Rev. 'W. J. Watt will: visit Luck- ., .- _ t . ex - few days within' the •n. t .nay.! , � ,��.: w and will call on-fiiend's"-of The Lord's Day Alliance. He will ap- predate 'a hearty welcome ;and, response when called. upon. Val, - liable work ,.is being performed. bythis organization in safeguard. ing the national weekly` day of' rest , for `Canadian workers gai . i e.. 'loitation,: against corr�riercial • , �` .. . and enabling the ind vadual tree- for worship, door' to use the day ' resat and culture. 1 SEE' BY SENTINEL THAT •ia 'receptionvas heli on 'Friday evening • in.. the Recrea- tional. Centre in. honor 'of Mr, Mrs. Grant, i wars APPLE DAY NETS: BOY SCOUTS NICE PROFIT Luckntw Boy Scouts held their annual apple day campaign '.on Ronald Forster' had his ' left Saturday. They disposed . of 13 ,arm broken and •,.his face sevr• bushels-of--MacIntosh--•Reds; with.-•erely-�Iburnedw--in-an explosion t� the, :profits from the sales .amount his welding:.shop• at: the eastern' • ing'to. about $80. .As well ras con-: ,outskirts, of , the • Village about centrating on sales in Lucknow, 10.30 on , Monday morning -- ,they , carried the . campaign to. Thranksgivin.g Da y . He was taken ' Dungannon and Ripley„ "and, on to Wingbarn Hbspitai and•.. • Saturday Will go. to .Winghain pests .to,' be able" to return horde Prizes • for : the beat decorated this. weekend' : basket' were as follows; Scouts Ronald _ was preparing. to dos —,Ian Marshall, first; Teddy. Coll- some welding on the' read -end of yer, second.. Cubs, Evan. Agnew, the .Kinloss Township grader, a first; Donald'Kirkland, second: ' job. with which he 'was. familiar The judges- e-Mr�s,,.-L oy:d Ha s -hid d � a it -amore- than- and h and' Mrs. Roy Havens. one occasion'before. ' Salesmanship prizes were won .: The grease had been removed • by, ` Cubs—Bobby. Hunter, first;- from the rear • end, and Ron was. Garry MacDonald, second. Scouts' burning •off the outer a�ccumuta -Ted' Collyer,.first;;Ian Marsh tion of grease. and. dirt'• from the all, second. • • housing .in. order: to Start the 'welding operation. The ;grader was backed to the BIG NIGHT•, TUESDAY front door of . the welding .shop AT, KINGSBRIDGE and Ron . was crouched ' down un-: •' ,derneath ' when an explosion oc- A full night's -entertainment is curved; : that burned . him about slated. at St. Joseph's Church, • the ,face' and' ears and singed .at g ie, next Tuesday, night.' Kin s�bradig,• a •.good deal of -'has lta;� �A piece ' 4 It. lets underway :with a` turkey , : of .metal was b' lawn' out' •of they • supper, at 6:00 o clock: There :c7111 h rear end'and this struck him with ibe bbingot at 7.00, a • variety . con-' such force . as • to :.break his left cert by a ' London concert cam- anti below the.' elbow. He "was pany +at 9.00 followed by ''danc- ing. During the evening a • draw ,blast,: ' which' blew' shut an'' ope will be ''made > for three cashn • prizes. First .prize' is .a doll :dress . door in the kitchen of• their home • ad"oinin; �he shop. The • corncus. g o'P ed in `$1.00 bills and second and sign. 'was felt at 'Porter's shop third prizes are . $10 00 'each.. across -.the Highway:• FACE; BURNED_ ARM BROKEN.,BY BLAST° an TILT .Mrs. R. W, Andrew was guest soloist at the morning •service in the United Church: on ,Thanksgiving Sunday.' THAT after spending rather :a ' • nomadic summer,.;:John: •Crispin-. is settled. in' 'Winniteg where he is: taking his third •• year= • in medicine.: -- 0 THAT Lucknow . District ' High. School students are this 'Week conducting their magazine sales campaign.' A generous commis-.: sion will be allowed onevery new ' Sentinel subscription •• •ob-, tained, lythe students. THAT Bob :MacAllister of West Wawanosh was suddenly Strick- en with an attack of appendi- citis fast week and was rushed ta-Wingbaatr Hospital -where an- • emergency operation was per-• formed' late that .night :THAT Mrs. Gordon -MacPherson and Mrs. Jim Curran, of St., Helens attended the two-day ' leadership training'School held • at :Winghain for ,North Huron • Club leader's- and assistants. • 'THHAT this .week=end'Ttie Play- house will. present that.recent' action -packed world champion- ship bout between Rocky Mar- ciano and Jersey Joe Walcott THAT a lady's station wagon coat advertised in last week's Sen- tinel was' quickly disposed of. . The prospective , customer en-. ,`.quired first st thing Thursday • anorning and ' before. noon . hour the coat was 'brought to town and the e cempleted.-: THAT seven .tables attended ' the Legion •Auxiliary opening shoot • party • on Friday 'night. Prize winners_ were_AL.:-.I.rwin..-and ,1Vfrs: Essie Purves. The parties .are being held weekly:” • POTATO . HARVEST. .YIELDS: SPUD.OVER :.THREE POUNDS Ronny was' dazed _by : the fin,: pact but might have been more; seriously if : not fatally .injured. Hewas taken, to Wingham Hos- pital -for—treatment=am4_: at first - 'Jack Cook and Kenneth Cam- it was not certain. just how deep- • eron held a potato harvesting, bee 1 he t be' burned, last week which netted , them 80. Y mid • bags of '.spuds: from a patch less than an acrein size 'at the farm of Jack Gillies:. • RELATES 'MISSION The daddy of 'the crop was .a • monster murphy that tipped the .WORK .1N • FORMOSA scale at three pounds, six ounces' to .set a "new ' record so far as, The • Fall Thankaffering meet - Sentinel reports are . 'concerned.. ' ing ' .of the W;M:S. w,as . held in Kenny says that the plow splits the Presbyterian church on Wed- .: a • spud that' was bigger again nesd'ay evening, October 8th +A- than • this one. • • ter • the openings' prayer -*by Rev; Winn and scripture • •reading, Mrs. • LANGSIDE SCENE' OF COUNTY MATCH. A ' crowd of . approaching two thousand. people attended. the. Bruce County plowing match on Tuesday on the farms of Foster .and Farish Moffat at Langside: --Tuesday's-snatch: drew -15 en- tries in both the tractor. and horse classes. ',Highlights . of the meet were Harm :machinery in action, THAT when we recently report- building of 'a farm '•pond, spray ed the big crop of potatoes har- demonstrations, thorn. .bush• re - vested by N. E. Bushell; that moval.and' tree planting. didn't end the story. The potato Keencompetition featured all I c peso stalks were thrown' in. a 'heap classes, the youngest contender • and a few days ago when Mr _" .Bushell'' went to move them,. he found .that some stalks.. in the pile were bearing another crop of spuds. At most every node .on these. stalks. Miniature but perfectly '.formed potatoes' was prowin , These differed' entirely' from the pdtato seed. pod with which many are fam- iliar. VANDALS ; FLATTEN SERIES OF • RURAL 'MAIL BOXES • • Provincial Police: from. •Goderich ,have been investi- gating the nocturnal vandal- ism ,that took place in the. St. Helens district last Friday night 'when, some twenty-, rural Mail box, :posts were knocked -over... --- The damage took place on' a portionof the' 10th 'Conces- sion, at points on the St. Hel- ens' Road between the .10th and 12th Concession and in one or two eases .on the 12th ., ,Concession. • Tire ' marks indicated. that a motor vehicle 'was used m pushing over .the posts .with the bumper.. being Barry McQuillan, of Luck - .now. . Contestants were present from all sections of Bruce Coun'- ty.• At ••a -.ban uet-in�-Hol rood --Hall q yr that evening cash' awards and. ether .prizes were awarded • to' winning plowmen by Agricultural Representative G. 'R. Gear,- Herb, Arkell and assistant' representa. tive, Al Wall. Guest speaker at the 'banquet was. Professor' Norval Richards, • head of the 0.A.C. soils 'depart - meat, who said that great strides had been made in agriculture in the past 15 years. Statistics show- ed in 1941 there were '1,074 tract- ors in Bruce, .with '8,249 in 1951. In 1941 there Were 5,567 :farms. in Bruce against 4,682 last year. • ; Farms power had made a .: - - . ri ution "to :,ou. year-, -worthy-contribution cont b t. �` �' - ly output, he said. World popu latipn. 'had increased • tour per cent while world food production had decreased ,,four percent, Chairman was President Walter .Chisho1rn, Walkerton. Other speakers inelurded roster Moffat,. Donald Blue, M.P.; J. W. Hanna, M.L.A.; Joseph .McInnes, Bill Os - Wald, -Dr. M. H.• Gillies; Richard Elliott, Reeve David Carruthers, , 44014 J. W. Joynt and Miss' Bell Rob- ertson, acconnpanied by Mrs. Hall favored . With a duet:.. Miss Mary MacLeod introduced the guest speaker, Mrs.' H.' MacMillan, .re turned r'nissionar yf.. from Formosa, who oat 'of •a, rich experience gave • a vi+vad' word picture -of the work of the church in • +that place. It is, 29 years since Mr, and Mrs. Mac- -Millan -left ---their -Millan-left-their-home ci ninon- ity'here for the "Island Beauti- ful", and' great changes have taken ;place in that 'time. Since returning ►to Formosa oaf- ter their ° last' furlough, Mrs,. Ma+c-. Millan .has been intimately con- nected with the MacKay:Memor- sal:Hospital which suffered' ' froni bombing during" the _War: . By • sheer determination. . and courage, coupled with much work, it had been reorgani2ed till •sow ;it :rates•-a»--the-°third-:irn,LL the island arid has a 100. bed cap- acity. Patients there receive the best of Medical treatment and care and' besides are ' brought in contact with the Gospe,l..Becom- • ing Christians, ,rnany return to evangelise their home eoanmun-• sties: Similar .work is Carried on:: in' the Leprosy Colony which is a branch of the church's task.' ^� . Mrs. 1VIacMillan stressed. the great need : for young people' this favored: land to give their educated, .consecrated . leadership to Formosa, where the door of. opportunity is still open and where ,.the church is really in its adolescent -period,' facing many of the problems of Paul's day. Words of appr.•.eciation for:.•.her fine' address 'Were tendered to the speaker•by Mrs. Morgan Hender- 'son and by Rev: C: Winn, after . which Mrs. Wasney and Mrs. Jamieson sang 'accompanied by Mrs. Winn. The collection, was earmarked for Life Membership • •and refreshments were served .• by the ladies Of: the• church. .# • .4