HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-24, Page 8FOR YOUR livaCfl• FALL NEEDS UNDERWEAR ,PENMANS 71, 95,, and, fleece lined• in combinations,, separate shirts and drawers. • STANFIELDS all,' wool Blue Caber and Red Label combin ations, shirts and drawers.BOYS' AND: YOUTHS' in Penman's• 71, fleece -lined and • mason knit.; , • ' All Undgrtvear Atc The New Lower,, Prices.•, • MEN'S PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS: wring our sale in February every 'garment was sbld out. : Now our new stdcks'elle in, showing• new styles and ` patterns and 'at the new^ lower prices.: • In Stock-, A Good., Stock Of OVERALLS, ' SMOCIIS. AND PANTS. 104 THE, 0:picilowNgrrim, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • A' few: tAll Weather CoatsI ADTE5 to clear ate:. & ,,,,.,... $19.95 $22:95` .LADIES' •AND: M • d ft • yY , .1 • SHOWED SLIDES OF WORK IN FORMOSA An open meeting meeting of -the : Even:- , ing Auxiliary 'of the Presbyterian Church: was held in the basement of the church on September .16th with ' . Mrs.' ,.Morgan , I eriderson. presiding,: The scripture reading and Bile study, on "Hannah" was very ably taken+byc M'rs. James Little :and Ruth Johnston favored with a piano solo:,' Rev. Mr...Wmri offered prayer, The sectional: meeting is to. 'bbe held,' -in the Presbyterian church on Septexn ber 25th.'On October 8th the Fall Thankoffer' of the W.1VI:S.` and Evening Auxiliary will be held ' With Mrs. Bugle • MacMillan of Forxnosa 'as guest . speaker. Wilda Reid 'and • Anne Pedersen. sang., a pleasing' duet, 'after whicii whichMrs. Morgan Henderson introduced the ,,guest ;` speaker, Miss . Dorothy Douglas; ' ` Missionary: from Far- Mosa. Miss Douglas gave' a .very nterestingtalk.: ontheir work, and also of the • wonderful`, work: some of the Formosan.Christians' are • doing amongst their own. people. She also had a number, of slides of the country and its People. A , vote of thanks was tendered.to Miss Douglas by, Miss' Mary 'MacLeod;Mr: • Winn .. close the meeting' : , with prayer . after which the Evening Auxiliary lad- ies set -Ivied lunch. ' Langside 'W, M. S. The Langside ' W.M:S 'met • at . the home of Miss Einima Rich ,artisan, ' Mrs. Farrish Moffat : 'op- ened" the .meeting :with; the call to worship. Mrs. 'Neil MacDonald read the scripture.' . The Medita- tion , on ` this, "Tlte: .Harvest of Lf a i Life". was given •b yMrs: , Famish Moffat. Mrs,. Lloyd . Moffat . gave the:prayer, and read., the, minutes. of the • last Meeting and, the roll call; Business w'as::diicussed.- The offering • was received and ded, i=: cation 'by. Miss,, Einma Richardson. •The ladies read chapter 6 of -the study book. Mrs. Ehnen Scott • prepared the program' and . closed the meeting, with . prayer The hostess• seared a' dainty lunch 'and a . social` hour was` enjoyed,.- The next meeting will be held on,the. regular date; in ' the: church. I SEE Wg ;TSE, SENTINEL: l'.. I;.Vontinued, 'from, page 1), ,' THAT. Jing Hamilton has b'oughit• the John A. 'Murdoch farm 'at Paramount: • ..-? THAT potato Lloyd Collins brought in s p tatofrom, :his Dad's garden iwhieh• tipped the scale at •just two ounces 'short of two Ubs. THAI• Russell Aliin • entertained seven boy friends on Saturday, September 13th on the asion of his 5th birthday. THAT.applications are be g call - ' ed -for the dual, position of clerk and' solicitor of ;the County of ' . Bruce to succeed •vetern clerk David Forrester .who will. retire apt the •end of the year. • THAT Mr: and Mrs.. Alvin Ham ilton• (formerly Gladys Gibson)' had an unfortunate start. an, thetr-wedeling trip last Satur- 'day ;morning, rwhen•. their 'car Went 'into , the ditch near Dur- ' hain..N'eitlier were injured and- were and were. able : to resume their' journey later— but in. another car as- their's was extensively ,damaged when it. left' the road on a hilltop. curve'. 'and went. into a' tree.: ; BORN WHITE—In. Wingham Hospital ,on, Thursday, September • 18th, to Mr. and' Mrs. Wilfred White of Wing - ham, lam, :a: baby boy, a. brother for .. J phony, Mary and Barbara Ann. ELLIOTT—in Wingham : Hospital n; Morda y, : September ` 22nd' to . acid Mrs. 'Orville ,Elliott .of ,Holyrood� (nee . Grace• Maol�nr non), a .son..• JAItDINE- n 1 n gl am `Hospital on. Saturday, September. 20th, .to' Mr. and _Mrs. Kenneth Jardine (nee Ruth Dahmer), twins, a ,boy, and 'a girl. J0 M STONE -Win nghairi Hos- pital on Friday, September: 19th, to• Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Johnstone,: Lucknow,. (nee Beth •Bryges),,.a son, Kenneth. "William f■asa■a.uaraa■uI■■■eeaaaa.au■uau■aeaa■aiuir■ ea■ee■aao.i■■ -Silos haiii , r rDollars...1 , a i 1. CI Jr Ja in SPEAL ! 'Fancy Red a. SU:, CRISP Z: for: 29c SOCKEYE` SALMON,,Y2 tuna__ 39c �:'' ■ , GAR., • •: Regular 2 for 37c • GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48 oz, _- 28c is ■ • �B 4 ■ 8� oz: 31c i;. ■ York 'BLENDED JUICE ,"i • Fancy Cream`. CORN, 20 oz. 2 for 37c : ORANGE JUICE 48' •oz.. -1-2-----1- __ 35c 'I ' ROYAL GUEST COFFEE ib. ___'.93c '' � York ' � � COFFEE, FANCY PEAS, 15 oz. • Z. for 39c:. ■ •� New Pack ■ ■ OGILVIE. OATS •5: Ib bag • 45c' ; 'Campbell TOMATO SOUP,.2 for 25c I; f ' • "�KRAFT DINNER _.2 29 CLARK'S CLARKS sORK and BEANS ■ ■ 15 oz. 2•• for. 25c •a ■ f ■ 1. AMBER' .HONEY, '4, Ib pail _ -- 57c 20 2 f A 1111 ■ . oz. ''.` .., or 31c . _ ., . , ::. ■ / ■ • ■ ■ SEPTEMBER ISSUE AMERICAN FAMILY MAGAZINE 5c .10 • • Smith's Grocery111 • 'PHONE' ao ■ WE DELIVER • I, • WE ' NESDAY, SEPT. 24th, 1952 LADIES' AND MEN'S .WEAR TWO DAYS FRIDAY, SEPT.26 and, SATURDAY, SEPI". 27 Brings You . the lowest prices in years, , Many Items Not Adhertised -- No Exchanges;: or • Refunds DOOR :PRIZE Name Drawn- Saturday 'Midnight For A -TARTAN MOTOR: RUG DRESSES • 'Crepes,, ---cottons, --prinfteg, to. $25:00. All sizes. $8.00 . and $5.00 • BABY BLANKETS -aa 'td- bhre.. 30x36, reg. $.125 95c 1 36x50, reg. $1.98 ............ $1.59 BRIDGE . COVERs ' Plastic, • quilted, 'colors.. Reg. $2.98 '$1.69. COATS Fall and ' Winter ; Garments.1 Broken sizes in samples. - 1 Reg. to $55.09: Colors: 1 $16.99 SILK.. HEADSQUARES• All patterns and colors:, Reg. to $4:98 ,$1.25 Men's Broadcloth • SHIRTS Sanforized; white, blue,grey, sizes 15 to 161/2: All .1st quality $2:99 • HATS FOR MEN 'Clearance Jr" $3.49. ' $LOUSES -- Clearance' Reg. to- $5 95; All sizes. °' : $1.99 FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS. For misses' and,. women. Brok en • sizes and patterns.. S., M:; L. and O;S iteg 'ta $5,95: $3.00 APRONS--Cotten—Special 75e and.. $1.00: LINENS Pillow .Cases,. cotton, hem- stitched ,, $L1.9 lie. nnied ' $2:89 Sheets to match,' pr $6'95' 1 . HOSIERY -Special' 1 3/4 .wool for boys ansi,. girls, reg. $1.25.&.95c 59c/ Nylon: Sox, frog; boys 79c 1 Lisle hose, #9 .to 11 55c 1 Semi :service• rayon . • • 89c1 Nylons, 81/2' to 11 .. 99c Wool sox for men 79c1 Childs' nylon: sox:: 39c LINGERIE—Crepe` ..& Rayon Panties; reg; $100. ,f.... 69c, Slips, '34 to 44 $1.891 ° Gowns;• S. M L - $1.991 GLOVES -Fabric, 99c All' sizes and colors KNITTING WOOL-3-piy. All colors, Nylon included. .,1 TOWELS eavy terry cloth, plain and TEA TOWELS Irish pure linen 4 Dish cloths Face cloths ' 1 • 1. clearane factory maniples, Hackett's' AL' S. .. the report,,for the Blue %Cross and HaOtett's • September W. M. S. spoke on the Changes that are. meeting waS held at the hame of being Made., The booth" for • Pahl., MiS. Wilfred Hackett.. The'pres-' Day, was discussed and the ladies ident, Mrs. George' Alton, open-, decided ta have a booth outside,. ed 'the Meeting with hymn 249 The 'secretary was instructed to follawed by the Lord's prayer in send the district secretary the 35a unison: Mr& Alton , • wekomed a member to helP defray expen- Mrs. (Rev.) Dickison and *s. 'ses of the .World, Conference to . Donald, Hackett to the .c4nnunun, be held. Toronto'.. Mrs. ity. The scripture was read bY gave a talk ,on Health. Mrs. Mc, call was, .answered 14. mem- cent 'trip. to 'the, west coast Which ;bers. The. study .book was read was mtich enjoyed .by alt The • by Rev. Mr, :Dickison.: Mis: E. meeting. closed with. the singing..., Wilkins read a letter from Miss of The Queen' after • which a • Webb, a 'Missionary from Africa. dainty. hutch , was served by. the A. work meeting and 25 -cent tea 'committee. in charge. • to. be 'held Thursday ' evening at the horne of Mrs: Jim Nelson. Rev. Dick,ison dosed the meeting with wager, A dainty, lunch was Served 'by Mrs. Wilfred Hackett and Mrs.. Tom Hackett. Lucknow w. meeting for the 'Pall term of the Worneri's was held 'the Cauncil .Charn- answeying the. roll Call. The vice. abasso Sheets Special only $6i A , special purchase enables us to bring, you these *ARAMS() Sheets at a great 'saving. Although these sheets are second qua Ay, the. flaws , are minor and in no way affect the wearing qualitie& Note the gen- LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY PILLOW CASES TO MATCH THE SHEEirS Pricelpecia klylokKOttiotlarn. 100% PURE NYLON KNITTING"' VAItN—a„ thneli..puteho#:se brinks PRI this ;geed 'quality all-nYlori •yarlt ai half the regular priee. • Put Up by' a Well' litieWn Maker this ,yairti s,pecially packed TWO OZ. balls. c for IWO OL ball