HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-24, Page 56 5 WEDNESDAY, SEM. 24th,1952. Lyceuni.Theatre WIN HAM Two Shows Each :Night -FIRST SHOWAT, 7.15 Wed.,urs;, Se ptember 24, 25 Th GARY COOPER, MARI ALDON — DISTANT DRUMS Farb., ..Sat;, September: 26,'. 27. SABU; .in — SAVAGE. DRUMS MATINEE SATURDAY A `BARON Mon.,'Tues., September 29, 30 RAY MILLAN.D; GENE TIERNEY Close To 'My Heart ;Viet ,The Real. Tullula:b ' What is the :reason for Tullula.h ,Tankhead's. unconventional, bei• • havior, Prima. donna temper, •' her •'tantrams and her.. lusty • conversa- tion? •M'aurice Zolotow alas a' aur- , prising .explanation :for ,her spec- ' • • tacular career.. Read "This is the 7teal•' Tallulah", starting in 'this Sunday's (Sept: '28) issue' of the THE Z UCKNOW SE, N x t,, WHITECIURCH T E.:N TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS, • The W M.S. of the ' United church :was held 'at the home of Mrs. Giibson . Gillespie last Wed- • nesday with a .good ,attendance Present. This, was their birthday' meeting. ' The , service • in the , United church which has been' held, at 10 a.m for the summnermonths will be at 2.00 next Sunday, Stan- dard time.. • . ' . l CKNQW, QN 4R.O. S. Mr, and Mrs. Groskorth, Sr. of Toronto are , visiting for .a few days with" -their son, Mr.— and Mrs. Groskorth and family. The W,MS, of. Chalmers 'church was held at thehome of Wr, Dawson last Thursday of- ;ternoon. 'Plans were discussed for getting . at ,speaker for . the Thank - offering 'next rnonth. The regu- lar meeting was carried . an .as, usual with all taking ,their parts. A Social half' •hour was spent at -the dose. Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Coulter and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Coulter have returned from the west af- ter spending some time visiting there. They had a very enjoyaible. trip:. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and. ',daughters ,. have ' moved •to the . home on Highway' 86 .forfn- erly . known at the Wilson home, across, from Mr. W. J. Coulter. Sealed tenders, marked Drain tender, will be received by the undersigned up to 2' p,m, on Oct- ober 6th, 1952, for the construc- tion: of the Moffat -Thomson Mun. icipal Drain, consisting of 4100 cubic yards.- of open drain ex,- cay.ation. To. be done this Fall if possible. Tenders • to be accom- panied by marked cheque ' for 10 percent of tender. The lowest. or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. ., J 'R. LANE, . Clerk, Kinloss. Township, R.R.' 2, '.Holyrood, Ont NOTI[CE TO CREDITORS All persons having , c la ms against the, estate •af, William Andrew . Wraith, late of ` the Township of Kinloss in' the .County o+f Bruce, Retired :Farm- er, who died on or about the fifth Aught, -A. 95 -arenotified' to , send to • signed' on, or before the fourth day of October, A,D. 1952, full particulars of ' their claims in writing. Immediately meter the said fourth' ` day el October, . the. .assets of the said testator ' will be distributed • amongst the parties entitled- thereto, having regard only to claims of which the exe- cutor. shall then .. have notice.' DATED .this •.el•e�enth. day of September,' A.D. 19x52..' •. Crawford & •Hetherington, Winghaan;• ,Ontario. , Solicitors" for the., executor.•. A• •number• of the Gaunt rela tives•"•,from ;'here Are -invited to the 'wedding next Saturday' of Harald Gaunt, grandson of .Mr, :Thos. • Gaunt; formerly of .White- church : The wedding will take • iplace at ' Kingston;. • • Mrs: Sarah '.McKay. of Toronto spent a day 'With Mrs. . Mac Ross, last week •. • We- are sorry to report Mr. James Wilson to be • in Wingharn. great • !C:olor Gravure American hospital. •Weekly;' exclusively with The .De iroit Sunday .Times •Advertising doesn't cost -it pays!, We will have' a car of ROSEDALE ALBERTA COAL .EARLY NEXT MONTH This coal is -a hard structure, deep seam coal It will not break down when it is stored. One of the finest coals that comes ' out ' of the Alberta field: PRICE OFF THE CAR O:Per ton •NOTICE; •TO.'CREDITORS II The Estate Of `.Temple Clark. All ., persons having cl ai,m s• against the estate of Temple' Clark, late pi' the Village of, Luck now, :in, the County of; 'Bruce,; Gentleman, deceased, ' who . died on : or ,,about the 13th day' of Aug- ust 1952, +are hereby notified'. to send in to the undersigned ..Exe- cutor on or before the 15th day .of October. 1952,• :full particulars of their clainis 'I•mrnediately. after the. 15th sday of October:1952, the assets .of the estate will be' distributed amongst the 'parties entitled thereto hav- 2 ing regaiid.'only to the . claims .of; which the .:Executor shill then have notice Dated, at "Lucknow,. , Ontario, this 15th. day of September 1952. T ' Dougl as Clark; Sprague, Manitoba, Executor. ' ' R W. Andrew, his -Solicitor. herein i Leave Your :Orders With Mui'die II Son LUCKNOW : COAL COMPANY And,. they will advise when' the car .arrives. iIMERSMA(Hi:ERY 'NEW TRACTORS 'IN ALL SIZES, FLEURY -BISSELL: PACKERS and DISCS • a • SECOND HAND : TRACTOR McCormick -Deering Second Hand -Tractor? W,4, in .'good, shape. FOR YOUR' SOWS and SMALL PIGS tine So anti Pig. Chow Complete or your otv n grain ' '°d l*i Concentt�at •` .arid Sow'�an., g . • C 'See Us About A HOG Fi$AN'CE CONTRACT AT•N•O COST TO YOU S HA(KETT &SdNS LUCKNOW; ONTARIO D U .N' G A N NO N 1 r, and Mrs Bill ,McClure Jr., .and • thre.e boys of Elmira were week -end _visitors at the parental honrre of 4.1r.: and Mrs: W. H. Mc- Clure. ' ' •Dr. I4 !A. .S. Vokes. •and Mrs. V kes-ireturnect.._tto.....T.oronto ..on Sunday •after spending a week • in, the •village.. • The, niuinps have hit the vial-, age for sure this. week. The at- tendance in the Junior room on Monday was only nine, •with'. all• the rest . down With the epideinic. Rev. Jas. ' and .Mrs, Bright of Fonthill have ••, been warmly welcomed.' by. former .friends this past week -end, as thy.have been guests of Mr. and 14rs. Robert' Irvin, near -neighbors; while they werein the Dungannon United Church. Parsonage and retired last 'year While here. They atteiz- sled anniversary services at 'Port •Albert and'h.ave also, paid a visit to several homes: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur. - Brown, Wayne and Ken, left Sunday by motor On': a trip to Ottawa and on their return • will leave ' Ken off ,to . start • his• second ' year at Queen's University, Kingston: The••D.ungannon 'United Church observed successful: anniversary services on Sunday, September 14t'h • in the morning at 11 a.m. n` in the evening ,at, 8 p.m. The church, was tastefuly decorated with early, autumn flowers and on . the altar table was a lovely centre bouquet. ofiladoli and zinnias 'of red shades in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert 'Alton, placed ,by their grand daughter 8ttabelle (Mrs. William Bradley). Near the 'flowers Was the 'beautiful anorocca bound Bible which has '• recently ' been. . �.r. iw� w-•,�'i{x�;°Ai'ro'"�"...�':�`�+�`�'i�"'�' 1C���a:�,�i�llrtir..� Presents .' . Thursday, Friday, Saturday, el3tember 25, 26, See the hordes. of Genghis Khan over -.running ' Europe and see' how'the English Stopped the scourge' of Asia— action as never filmed before with. ANN BLYTH & DAVID'FARRAR'in Golden SATURDAY MATINEE AT 2.15 p.m.—Doors : open at 2 . p.m. �n.,, Tues., Wed., September `29;. 30, October Curvaeious and ever resfreshing:ESTHER WILLIAMS plus funnyma RED SKELTON, in -'a picture that's'. full Qf l<um.and. gaxetY— "Texas .Carnivals" ro :. Massey -Harris iinp1efleflts To, Coast Massey -H. Offers Most: Coast arris FORAGE HARVESTERS and .BLOWERS Plows, Cultivators,,one-Way Discs All Sizes Of MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS Manure Spreaders : .Rubber -Tired Wagons' BEATTY BARN SUPPLIES RESIDENCE 219 dedicated 'to theW.M.S. by mem- bers •of the family ., of thelate Mrs. B. J. Crawford a ,charter member. of the Society. Rev. H. A. Dickinson; .of North''St. • United church,: Goderich, gave thea -ad- dress, Guest soloist.: was IRalph. •Henderson, Goderich, who sang in a,' lovely deep voice, "Beside Still, 'Waters" and -+a:beautiful 'ar- •rangernent of "Rock of: Ages". The choir sang an' anthem.' at'both' ser'vices' accompanied by Mrs. L. Stinger,organist, who was ac= ' companied !by Miss Norma ; Sher- wood at the piano for the hymns: In the evening. the church . was 7ionoredT`,y the. 'presence of the family : of Rev. Geo. Watt, pastor of the church His father, Rev. W. J. Watt, Whitechurch, led' in prayer and the guest speaker was a brother, Rev: J. Robt. Watt, of Mitchell,, who gave the congrega- tion a fine message. ' Thetlhoir: was ' assisted •by a mixed. quar- • A ' • tette, Mrs 'J. W. Joynt, . Miss Bell. Robertson . Mr. EldonH • enderso rt and Mr. Raynard •Ackert, Luck- now,' who sang -"Jesus.. is Softly.' and Tenderly Calling" and "Hove'.` Long Wilt Thou •'Forget Me, 0 Lord".. :Mr. Elmer Usnb!a:ch . ac- c.orripanied at • the ., organ. ' Mrs. Durnin •Phillips ' assisted the or- ganist in ,the,evening, accompany=• ing for the hymns at the piano.: Both services were well attended Eby . members and visitors •and the• pastorexpressed appreciation for, all who had contributed in any - way. ,Mr.. and Mrs EdgarReed, Lon- don, were week -end Ivifi ors .with • Mr.. •and Mrs. ' Mason 'McAllister. Mrs. Abner . Morris has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. .Rus set Drennan, Brights Grove: Tam Pollock back again . after an. . • operation at : Victoria Hospital, ' ' • London. ..:a a • . Ckawford's Fled Stogie: Transported. Wednesdays and Saturdays, .to;. Golden Glow of Ripley. :., : .., ._ ,. • SAVE TIMI AND LABOR BY •ORDERING A' FESS OIL '• BU Thermostatically controlled at 1a • cosh.: PHONE 165 •, i.0 INOW,,'ONT •