HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-24, Page 1$2.50 Yearly In Advance=$1,.0.0. • Extra To U.S.A. LUC] erform Heroic Rescue . In .Kinloss rom Muskeg Ooze OIHayes lake Since our , last issue we have learned of a reseue.drama 'that was enacted on the boggy shore of Hayes Lake 'en • Con. 12,; 'Kin- loss. Township,, 1Y4 Miles west of. Kinlough. ' Quick tthinking and, acting _lay Jimmy Boyie, and the .part that Kenneth ..Hodgins played in the rescue efforts saved A. Wiesner • •of 1� innLpe�f • m death in the muskeg at' the lake's' edge. • The incident happened two Weeks • ago Wednesday., Mr. ,blies ner, , an evangelist from 'Winni- peg, • was visiting Leonard Thursk, Pentecostal minister at Kinlough and Teeswater, and was conduct- ing a series of evangelistic meet- ings. ,On that particular day they were enjoying a leisure after- noon's. fisihing . from `:' a boat on Hayes Lake. With them were two ..youths, Doug Stanley and Ken- neth Tdgins:.In attempting. to land a ; pike which •they had catzght, the boat overturned, 'throwing:.all four. into a deep hole , the, lake: They had only • to paddle ; the overturned •; boat a .short distance' • to .shallow water, and there remained in the water for some time, 'hoping ,that help i7ght. come, before .. de_ �_.cidij ng to try to make shore. 1 hursk .and . young .Stanley couldn't swim, and stayed on the overturned boat. : , • • Kenneth Hodgins, 14 -year-old • son of Mr. and Mrs.Harvey Hod;;-' gins,- set. out. for flank. a 'mud bar on the south'• side of the lake, and plashed•- his ►ay • Nthrough • 6•: or 8 inches of water that covered the near exhaustion' ooze.. He 'was. e r when he got, 'to' :shore. Believing that •'therewas a graved bottom. under the muskeg, Mr. Wiesner started through the mud bar to ,the ,south batik of the treacher ous lake, and ,became hopelessly mired when about ..75 feet into it He was: in'the nuking quag mire for about • an hour and onl NEW CANADIANS NEAR TOP, IN CALF CLUB„CO,NTEST Three, members of a new Can-. adian family. placed .well up in the 'Dt:iingannon. 4-iH Calf Club contest at . the Dungannon Fair. They are Gerda, Derk and Reina Log'tenberg, members of a Dutch family, who came .out from Hol - to Ashfield Township where their • father is employed by. Cecil Johnston.. The three placed . sec- ond, third and fifth.' 'Tag honors went to Frank Alton. • 'Gerda and Derk had calves en- tered in the Lucknow Club last• year and: made •.a good showing then too. : PLAN MORE IMPROVEMENTS AT DUNGANNON. FAIR Encouraged by • the: success of last: week's fair, the Dungannon. Society has plans for further im provements. Secretary : Marvin Lurnin announces that the Board has .in mind 'for the future, re- biiildiiig of the judges' stand, ,re- pairing ' the . stabling and the building of race track bleachers, Thispast year the Board um proved their ..propertyby,. install='I ink -a, kitchen in the hall and building a .ticket . office. . • FORMER ` PASTOR ' RETURNS FOR `BLAKE ANNIVERSARY The' 60th anniversary of .Blake, United Church, .Ashfield, will be held on ..Sunday, when a former, pastor, Rev. C.H; Dickinson, D.D. • be' n, will return to b af. Toro to,., guest ' speaker . at' the, Morning service. The speaker' at the even- ing ” ven-ing'x service will be Rev: Grant, Meiklejohn. ' Services /;at 11 ;am., and 7.30 :m.,; will be on. standard time. fiis. M . 'could: be ' seen when 'rescuers ,arrived: Mr. Wiesner had lain still. for about 15 minutes before his irescuie, supported pre- cariotisly by ooarse'flowers Which, 'groat in the• Water 'at. this' time, of year. By remaining motion- less he slowed the sinking pro etas and is reported have re- mane3qurte cahnou Throughout the terrible :ordeal. Heard 'Shoats For Help • In the meantime Jit'nmy .Boyle, N.' .who was ertroute from Kinlough to his farm •which skirts the lake, heard cries for help. Ite knew what 'ib meant and without in-' vestigating raced back . to Kin=. laugh for• rope and an inner tube. ,Harold Haldenby returned with him, ' and: others frata the hamlet followed thein. .• •- tr The inflated, 1- The tube was the only i5 means 'by which anyone (and, it had to be a light person) could get help to Mr. Weisner. Kenneth • Ilocigins,• who was recovering from the 'exertion of getting' to shore climbed on the tube arid, splashed his way back , through .the shallowir water which covered the muck. He took a rope with a noose on it, and got . within;' throwin • g -distance of Mr,- Wiesner; Who mustered sufficient strength to free one arm put ... t the rope over, his head,and � � Bad and under one ,arin pit. Crimson -faced by the.prey- sure,--of.-;,th,e-_,...., bog,,- he- wts 'at la'st°- drawn to safety but was Unable to walk. when brought ashore. It took five men to draw° him from. the quagmire that came so close to being his• • tomb,' The two on 'the mired boaty .were brought to safety the same way: -.,by being .drTa'ggedthroetigih thegmirua. ... t g e. Kenny' .Hodgins wiceri repeated his tri ' tp. ae' n the fire Making rope .a,• to • the strand .ta pair, ' Qty BIG! CAR, 'HAS. SOLD: IT ..Mrs..Evelyn.Barkwell•'of Luck - now was 'the. winner of the new 1952 Dodge regent sedan at the Goderich: Lions 'Club; .bingo on Friday' evening., • Mrs, Barkwell has never driven a car, 'but she w so • exK i e s • over • e win that :she . • ecided that evening to :'take the :car,' .rather than.' the cash. Ch 'lie. ' Steward, drove the car ho e ' for her, and after a few jaunts over the week -end in the:. new vehicle, Mrs, Barkwell sold it on Monday to George, .McGill-' ivray• of Kincardine.. Mrs. Barkwell moved to Luk now • several years ago after the death of her husband, and •when; two of her ' children- were still Oita young. Hefgooct fortune oh Friday Was a popular win. Mrs. Barkwell needed only one number for several calls before. the �Y . finally came up with the one she deeded -41, • • Reeve' Elmer Graham' of ,Ash- field won a $100,. prize that same evening: • x 'ONTARI'O, WEDNESDAY, .SEPT, 24th, 1952 TURN CLOCKS BACK : ON SATURDAY NIGHT. Daylight saving time willcome to an end, on Saturday night, when clocks wl l be turned back an hour. Remember, standard• time will again be in effect 'on Sunday. . :NAMED CHIEF` OPERATOR. ,Miss Jean. MacKinnon has been appointed Chief operator ''in charge of the loeal Bell Telephone Office, succeeding. Mrs. Harold • .Greer who has resi_neo t •. ikon' Jean as been member: of the staff .for over five years./ RECEPTION FRIDAY NIGHT A very- large .crowd attended the public ' reception in 'the ,' Ren creational, Centre on• Friday night' i..n honor of Mr-. and •-Mrs. Alvin Hamilton (Gladys Gibson). Jack Mclntosh madethe presentation address and Willard : Thompson•' presented a . ;generous purse of money, to • the young: newlyweds. .` SEE BY THE SENTINEL : .. 6 THAT last week we overlooked mentioning that George Chin had returned' to college at Ann. Arbor, Mph:. THAT the Bruce. County plowing match • and farm Machinery in 'action exhibition will be held at the farms of Foster and Per- ish Moffat in Kinloss . Township on Tuesday, October. 14th. :THAT .'Robert ' McNeil 'has par - chased the :•100 -acre'. farm: two Wiles, east of • Langside from Gordon. Elliott and`obtains ,pos-. ession this' Fall. Mr. McNall is offefmg, for sale .his house and prope y just north of the villa: age. THAT •Bill. Halbkirk is ' back • on '.'the sulky cant again' after be- ing. e-ing. ill for.' a' spell. Bill 'tot* quite 111 while. racitik at G'tie*ti sand. was hospitalized ' when x- rays revealed a kidney injury received iri a • spill at the Duf- ferin track last ,winter. • Bill rer 'sponded well to ..the treatment and since his discharge from the hospital early in the month ' has been in the sulky again. It is expected, hceeever, that sooner 'or later he will have to. undergo surgery for the ' rem moval of the inured kidney. .. ENGAGEMENTS , Mr: and Mrs. Peter Moffat wish/ Ito . announce the engagement of their datxgiater, Mary Evelyn, .to Roy Allan Gibson, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .Gibson of Luck- how, the marriage to take; place _early in . October .in the Presby CI-l(ILDREws EKHIBITS:'-A ' i;erian °Church, "Teeswater, FEATURE OF INDOOR SHOW, • Indoor exhibits for the Luck - now Fall Fair. were pouring into the hall on ' Tuesday, giv`ing', sec- McNa and rotary. Alex MeNay , Mrs, Mc Na= .a-Lousy'Wt'iiiae`af"It. Indicatrans- Y kpointed` to an exceptionally good shawl -11g in the hall, with school children's exhibits being la . big feature, _ ' ,Tuesday was dull and drizzly, following' a succession of wet days,' and directors of the Fair were keeping their finger's cross- ed hoping for a break from, the •e�atheivri.......n on Wednesday, The �ta Sentinel is off the press before' the • fair gets 'underway. " , x Mr, • and Mrs. Chester. Taylor:,' Lucknow, 'announce .•the engage- ment of their daughter, Doris Lillian, to 'Ernest Wendell; son • of Mr. and Mrs'. George Walker,. Wingg ham;• T•-Im hearriage•-to•-take- place October 11th in the United Church,: St. Helens. • Mr: and Mrs. John C: • MCBurn ey, ,Belgrave, announce the en - ;agement of their. daughter, • Laura Margaret, to Kenneth. E. Barbour, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour, Lucknow, Ontario., The wedding in St. Anda, i etati's Presbyterian church, Wing - ham, on October 4th. " • • • Witte ALEXa MacINTYRE SPENT SUMMER; ON CONTINENT • ,Alex Maclntyre, wlio is' study, ing medieine at Brasenose Col lege, Oxford, in England, has commenced his second year there. During Me summer : Alex spent. two months studying in Paris and then spent "one montri. at an in- ternational conference in' Ger- many. : The• • Sentinel 'is • anticipating an article from A1eie dealing espec- ially with a visit to Dieppe and to many of the, first war battle-: fields. • SHMOO S• HONOR MEMBER ON DESERTING BACHELORHOOD • On Tuesday night of last -week the Lucknow ' Shinoos held a bridge party at.•the home of Wil- fred Black to honor Alvin H'am ilton, who 'marched to the altar on Friday. Alvin, 'incidentally,' is the first member of the group to desert the ranks of bachelor-. hood since theClub was organ• ized. exactly five years ,•ago.., Alvin .was 'presented 'with 'a. trilight lamp'. by Larry Salkeld after. Willard Thompson had read' an address in poetry form. which summarized the Shmoo activities during the •past few years, and attributed` ,the lvin-Gladys ' ro- mance to ' a ,calf club competition some four •yearsago. in • which they ,both' took part, f. RECEIVED SCOTTISH HOSPITALITY AT •MUNRO'S In; a letter which The Thonip- sons •received from Mr; and ;Mrs. W. B. Anderson, they refer to their visit with Mr and . Mrs.-. Munro at Aberdeen, and • who 3 wish" to be refine nhered to their Lucknow' friends. They happily recall the time they spent here, ,' and keep up to date on the news of Lucknoww through the Sen- tinels sent them' by their daugh- ter, Shiella. Mr. and Mrs. Munro invite any, one visiting the Old • Countryto call. on . them,: to ' give them a chance to to extend the Highland hospitality which Mr. and Mads. Anderson, have exiPerieneed. EIGHT 'PAGES; DR. PLEVA .TO SPEAK HERE Guest speaker at the Lucknow District High School Commence- ment on Friday, October 3rd, will be Dr. • E. G. Nerve of the Uni- versity. of Western ,Ontario.. Dr.. Plevra is professor `ef..geo_ graphy at Western and partic -° ularly interested , in .'regional planning, community • planning and 'conservation • of natural • re- ,eources. ' Dr. Pleva is an• authoritative deasmrg ;weaker, ' ' and this - community, is Privileged 'to have the • opportunity to hear him. Dr. Pleva is of Czech ancestry. Re was born in ,Minneapolis, edu- Bated at the : University of Min- nesota And held 'a: professorship • there and . et Syracuse University 'before'coraing to: Western in 1938. He is a busy man with diversi- fied -interests and iversi-fiinterests'and activities apart, from his University duties:: His writings include a repent book on the natural resources of Car a& .+andtheir conservation:' , The :Cornrri:encement •program in 'addition to .Dr. Playa's, address will include .'Selections by the Glee Club and Band, vocal and instrumental numbers, . and the ,presentation of awards " ..and di- plomas. The Commencement will be ;held onenightonly this :year--- a week .from Friday: TO LEARN 1F. : DEER SEASON. .FA'VORED _..The_.reeaves—Of the—Northern- Townships of Bruce have signed, a petition' asking the. Department of Lands •and, Forests to proclaim a deer season in the Townships north of Wiarton, and have ex- pressed, their willingness to ac- ,sept certain quotas of non-resi- dent hunters within. their boun- dories. ' . Many in the southern town- ships below ' Wiarton favor an open season: J. P. Johnstone, M.L.A is. working onabefia1t of, the .more • southerly Townships" in. .Bruce County; if It 's the Wish to .have as open sea • n• this' fall. There Willbe. a me 'ting in the Walkerton. Town' Hall, Thursday evening, September 25th, at 8.00' p.m. to diseusa this -vital issue., Those Who .attend are asked to be 'ready to ' answer the following questions: ' ' (1) Are ' you 'in favor of an open deer season• in your Towri- ship this 'fall? • (2) How .man' -non - resident hunters are you prepared to ad= mit into .your. Township? • • Chances of having an •. open -season are; �of aeourrseaanuch -mote- .favorable if a; certain quota, of outside hunters • is allowed • into our a va,.' Conditions are also inoreiaiNorable for hunting when more unters are roaming around through the woods' and disturb- ing. isturbing, the deer, chasing thein to wards • other waiting hunters,. However, only' a limited amount 'of nota resident hunters should: be allowed, and' conjestion should of course be avoided. • TAKES : OVER' AGENT •DUTIES AT WINGHAM' •Mr. Alex W. Hamilton of 'Luck ;now has this- ;week<•assumed his new duties as C.N.R.agent at. Winghan-i 'Alex had been at Han over for the past five Months, and had driven' back and' forth =-''' �be�tween,1 isv'home.l ere and ,'Haan Over. His`transfer, : to Winghaili, will be much more convenient for him. • His 'successor at Hanover will be Guy.Sernple of Port •Elgin and who :previously had. been: 'at i 1 ild'- may...• Had Car Accident. W�liile returning :from Hanover - last' Wednesday eventing,, Mr. Hamilton had his car damaged in a collision at Greenock with a' Car ' driven by , Julius Schlosser., Mr. ' Schlosser name' out of .the Janeway at his farm striking t1ie right front side of the HaftiiIton car, in spite of the fact that 'Mr. Hamilton had swung . sharply :to. the left and ' over the centreline line _o _tlie_p v ent-in---an effort avoid . the • crash. The Hamilton: car-wentinto the,left hand ditch • but did not turn over.. Mr.' Ham- ilton was accompanied by Miss Helen Thompson. Neither • suffer ed Injuries apart from bruises 'and a shaking up. Damage was estimated at about $400 to each car. . WIN HONORS " Members of the Lucknow 4-H Baby Beef Clue won top honors • at Seaforth on Friday ' in the two -county junior beef calf club; ' competitions. There were 67 en- . tries' in this"class and the show- manship judging brought 50 animals into the ring a't. one time .First place for showmanship went to Murray Gaunt; son of Mr. and Mrs:; Andrew Gaunt He. was awarded a trophy presented , by Senator W.- II. • Golding "4f Sea - forth, Calves from the Lucknow Baby Beef Club finished in first, sec- aon-.�n'nda'feti t- zl r h� '�"moons• •arid:" Asa . the + the three of them swept thclass .for ,the best three steers from any one clu_b. Dungannon Club' was , thi rd Individuals placing of the calves was as follows:' ist, Crawaord Neil 2nd, Murray Gaunt; .4th, Ann Todd, All .three winners are. fro& the St, Helens 'district. The McNeil calf was grand champ ori of the Show and the Gaui'it le 'lf, reserve champion. • • • •r: • J r. , •