HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-17, Page 7• •yVEDI413SDAY,,. ;SEa'''.1. 19th:.,. 1;152 h'yjj,jj�� TSE I,'UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUGKNOW,.:ONTARI4, • • GOODBYE TO PUMPING DISSOLVES TREE ROOTS ELIMINATES DIGGING DISSOLVES GREASE NO MORE ODORS IT'S MODERN •. REVOLUTIONARY' • No more expensive untieaitfiy pumping and digging` up of cesspoots,siptic tanksse.paga pools, grease 'traps:and clogged, lines. .. Here'i the most riliable and latest method to. • liquefy, dissolVe and saponify grease, slud9ei hair,. cloth and other organic solids; —1.64 moo ern cTiein co • guaran *es qu cktand effi. dent results in 12 to 16. hours. NO SHUTDOWN of pool or taok'necessory while chemical is working. 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, and' 1.00 t3. CONTAINERS 'Ree. Canadian .Pat. ON. INg, . U.S, Pol. ON. Pendine OQEASE'4TNA S 4 f' - SE R,AP SEEPAGE •ODR 0S' tRE OiS S IN OS 0 SEprIc •TALARS' . For full information, call. or !write • ROY .JAMES SALES LIMITED 609. William St, at C.P.R.,Jioiie .2-6776- LONDON, ONTARIO. • COUNCIL MINUTES;. w KINLOSS' .TOWNSHIP ' ' • Council met in the Hall, Sep- `tember 8th, 1952, as per, adjourn ment. All members present. The minutes of th'e August 1:lth meet- :ing as raad were ' approved and signed, :. The .assessor's Jie for the. re turn of 'the `assessment roll `for. 1953. was extended for :60 days. 'ZION . The' September Meeting. of the Zion .W M 5:•was held at - the home •:of Mrs. John Gardner. on Thursday, .September ;;1 ith ..with 15 ladies ',present. Before: the Meeting .opened'the:ladies .started quilting a crib , quilt and-. finished it 'as the meeting was being held. ,The president, Mrs. Gordon .Rit- chie, presided: The Lard's •prayer from the 30th of September, 1952.was.�repeated in ' upison. ; In :the 'The - clerk ''was %instructed to absenlce of • the secretary, Mrs. Raynarel; Mrs:: Jim ,Hunter took the 'Minutes. 'The devotional per �iod ,was taken by Mrs. Hunter assisted by . Mrs. Gordon Kirkland During the.. business :period , Mrs. ' Kirkland 'showed reply' to the letter. of Mrs. Coultes• of Whitechurch re dog tax, to Dr. Cleland of .:Lucknow re: calfhood certificates and to' .the clerk of Wigham re fire truck to. Mr.John Simpson's .of: Whitechurch Agreement was `made with Jos- Christmas cards . and ornaments boundary, to build wire fence or the Toronto buiLdzrlg.;In on' �tlie. northwest ' side of the vection. with the idea of raising roadway, supplying all material for the same. ' 4 A liability policy: '.coveri.ng the, "roads and buildings of the Town- ship .Was taken" 'with, Mr.' John A. Pace.of Paisley,' agent for the British American Ins. Co. petition was prepared ask-: ing the Dept: of : Hlighiways for` the interim•grant on. road expen- ditures from Jan.: 1st to Aug..31; eph Tiffin for, right of way.„for . which •she thought or ordering' to deviation .of Kinloss. and' . Culross •self. to raise•�money for the fund b hef con - The time for : payment of the assessments on the Ackert .Ex tension;Drain. arid'. the Nine.Mile . River • Drain was" extended. . to gctober 6th meeting' and any then unpaid to be collected • on the 1952. tax-rolh--- . The treasurer was °,authorized.' according to 'statute' to collect un- paid taxes. ` • Council:' • •ardjourned to meet. again, en Monday, October 6th, In reporting the, minutes of the.. August Meeting By -Law No. , 9, 1952, was 'overlooked,. This was the setting of the rates of • tax- ation for the year 1952:as': fol- lows; county rate 11.2 mills, :Twp,'. rate 20 Mills, general -school- rate - 4,1 mills, Fed:. 'of Agr...4 mills, inistees' 'levy. as per each regis- tration, Lucknow' High School. rate 2;5 Mills, Ripley High school' rate 3.1' mills aid''Winghani High school 'rate. 5,3 mills.• • Cheques issued September 8th meeting: Gordon Wall; overpay- ment 1951 tax 'roll, $4.14.; J. R: Lane, hydro $4.05, unemployment 'stamps $6.43, ."10,53; .' Lucknow Agricultural Society, grant, 25.00;. Municipal World, supplies, 77.22; George Radford, clean-out Ack . ,,.. • &yet/ YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST. - CREAM SOIM money; Mrs, Jini. Hunter suggest- ed. having, a; supper . at .her. home with ladies each.. paying•50c :for their supper an : the ..money to: go • to the building. fund. Mrs. Kirkland' .'seconded' the ' motion and it: was left, .with these. two . ladies to plan the event and Mrs. Kirkland to' go ahead. and.'order some cards. Mrs. Charlie Wilkins and Mrs.. Nelson '. Baynard were •appointed 'as, delegates to. • the meeting at Goderich with Mrs. .Gordon ; Ritchie to accompany' them if possible. ' Mrs. Marshall Gibson .was: appointed:;to get ,the: program ,for the October. Meet- ing. Thank .you notes were ack- nowledged from .Mrs-John-Gard-- ner and Mrs.. Gordon Ritchie,. A piano.. solo by 'Marlene Hunter. was enjoyed and Mrs'. Robt. 1 1m read' the chapter from ,the study .book. This •was' followed by piano instrumental ,byY Carol' Gardner, 'Mrs. Ritchie'•closed with. prayer. Mrs.. George Hunter .took over for the W.A. meeting with NLrs. Jake . Hunter reading, the min - tines and Mrs. Marshall Gibson the scripture lesson.. Mrs . Jim. Hunter and _Mrs. Jack_Gardner were put in to'see about the place for'the bazafi,r.'The hostess served a lovely .1ungh and a social hour Was .spent. The Pessimist says: "ft .can't be done': • ' -The 'Optimi•st says:."It can be done„ • The Fepto'nist says: "I just.dicl it". " • est Drain, 190.00; Frank Thonmp- song postage, 3.0.0;_J. C. •Montietl , expense Guest Sec. "C. Ext., 6.25. .Highway cheques: Pray Toll No.' 9, $432.40, W. G. , Percy wire, 39.00;: Chester- Fea-ga.�r�.. ta.ples., 1;90; J. W..Henderson Co., 'spikes, 1:30; Armco Drainage 'Co . vert, • 269.23 ; Dominion; Roads CO,,, repairs' and. labor,. G33.G7;' Dept. of Hi�glways, gas "teak,, 23.10;• Wm MacInty"re, telephone, 3.25; Iran Dickie, . posts, 15:00; .11... Foister, welding, . 1'13,00, . Lorne l3eckirlg, bal. snowplowing,.' 25.94'; Lloyd MacDougall,, wire, 20,00; 3o11n Pace, prcunium !'pad ins'., 139..73. t R L Clerk t.his'n' th.a by ROSEMARY THYME 21211ENE aria house, He brought a friend from a, city in Southern Ontario who was visiting him at the time, not a prospective buyer at all .... he just came along for the ride, as it were. A. prosperous looking chap, whom:I',judged, and right- ly, ,to. be 'a bachelor. '1 showed around . t e ouse and laughed at my interior decor,at- ' •in. g, saying. that I shouldn't have gone quite so original if I hadn't. intended to' be living with it ,my- self.. The fri end was themh h I have cleared, a space on my ,drop-leaf cherry '.table for my typewriter pushing aside the bouquet of late yellow daisies, the hot •water battle, 'a. pot of 'African violets, the button box, a pile • of piiotures, •a table .lamp, a box of , screws, my" husband's freshly. laundered shirts, a couple. of books which we have • been reading a great deal lately, "Let Go : '' Let .God" by Dr'., Cliffe, -.and '.!I Believe 'in• 4ife a 'bask-' et of corn, same table 'stats and book ends. 'What may be under this I cannot say. In short,. We es es of moving, I'm 'surely going to write an article on the 'personalities .of houses. For • two years we have lived in . house with which I. simply could not' make friends. It was • the most frustrating sen sation I,',cou d not place our furniture to make it• 'ook like the Thymes lived there. a same furrilture ha�d—furr -isbe -'40;' i -oxne for us before, and 'here. 'and .now,,. in, the midst 'of all.the choas of 'unpacking and .getting settled, it ,already' looks ,snore like • us It Was also frustrating' to ..feel that ;the former owner's personality tperv,aded the place rnore.• strongly that I' could imprint mine on it. I'd tell myself it• was all be, cause Of where She .had, put the stairwayi. Finally this summer . "June I decided to do , sornnething drastic about' it Wepapered our bedroom..... la huge- room slop ng - down to eaves on bothsides,:•with a clothesroom and ' linen.. closet; Which we had built• this , winter; along the wall on one: side. It didn't look a bit crowded ' with. this much furniture in • it, la bed,. -dressing' 'table, chest; of drawers, an old washstand con - I averted' into a desk; . 'a :'couch, .. a cabinet radio, 'a " hassock, a'',good- sized cedar chest,' my; little. ,Old pine chest;-' several, chairs, and. oh. yes, over in the ' corner" be-,. hind. the . door ;a trunk. 'It was, :a stupendous job to. .paper.,.. : we did' it in pale yellow . . it had just one .north window and a small' west one, and for border I"'got a roll .of 'wallpaper with a'. decided stripe, ' and cut out the stripes. This left us with, wide bands of. a lovely medallion et - feet of the same. wine and gray as in the border.. Being Dutch; T li ad to• find. a u§e .for it; and so :we put 'it on the panels betWeen the linen . closet door ' and the clothes ,closet doors. The . effect was very ' unusual, ' and it did look like • the •'Thymes.. We , cov- ered the floor from' *alt to wall': with' linoleum.. in rag rug effect in .g`reen, a deep yellow bedspread' on the 'bed and 'deep .yellow cur tain tie +bac ks on the .clotted— swiss. curtains. That was that. The kitchen had' ibeen{ a head- ache . .• . • se I _ thought` •I'.d see how original one could be and get away .with .it. I. loathe paper ing or having it done, and. so I painted over ' the paper, wedge - wood blue, and painted the wbod- work , maple, a.' very nice com- bination. My work table and cab- inets Were, in aTittle ell' . this I papered.— .:- most ' effectively t With pictures cut from Maga: zings;' 'the Ladies' Home Journal,, Companion;, Good Housekeeping,' etch You• know those pages. of; .pictures ` of 'the most delectable looking n'ieals,; platters of salads and luscious looking' cakes, etc., meat plates that make your Mouth water.. Time .one' that hit yduJn _the• eyrie• assoon as. • you'. stepped ' in' the door said "Come to supper 'Saturday", . and caused my sophisticated American cods-' .in . a,put. hex; -.fasts .n..,hirit and say, "We : 1111 `Why didn't 1 .think of doing .that!" Whenever we had, any' specially nice -.look- ing dishes my ' family would' be searching the walls to see where r'd .got the idea, .whereupon I'd ,probably be insulted, • `.`as if 1 couldn't • think up , smart ideas myself! u • • • Again circumstances forced WA. 'o move,' and vie called •in'a• real estate agent about :selling the. lastuant • taking it • PAGE SEVEN all in . with an amused, but sort 'of appreciative, gleam in his eye. The next. day the agent was back 'to say that this friend was buy, ing the house, "kinda thought. he'd like to live • in it himself', , • So you' see, you can be as or- iginal as, you like. If it's •really. YOU, you lean get away with -it. And now I must away and see how original' I can be with some hot ginger bread and applesauce for diriher., Have you ever tried phot ginger bread and ice cream? • 11 o ao>:om=. 0m - Z�. z•�'z �Z m� rn..7mo.2.th�Ve I 11 0 • (O •' • • :` . • • . !1