HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-17, Page 4• • ,,PAGE M`Q►UR 771:#. 11,11r4101114,11M1Www7 ' CKNQW' mr cow ON'TAR QI • i _wamEspior. ow% .17th, 1952 'WOOD FOR SALE= --hard body or hrnb wood. -Apply to J. W. Joynt,. thone 15,. Lucknow. FOR SALE—kitchen range and a church organ Apply :to• T,, W. Smith or. T. J. Salkeld. • }CAR FOR SALE: : � 1934 Ohm., coupe. Apply to ,Mrs.. Donald MacDonald A�PAR` TMEN'T Faa.REN 770,1V i1- able Otto ler 1st, heated ,Apply Gammie Apartments. FOR SALE — Durham cowand ee:oid er Alton, R.. 7, .Lucknow, phoxie 97-0 Dun gannon.. FOR SALE ,1-- baby buggy with mattress and ' runner. , Apply to Mrs. Ernie. Crawford, phone 52; Luc know. :SILO : FILLING`+witha forage harvester and power •ulaader. . --Goldie.; Martini Pnramouritt phone= 68-6' Dungannon., . FOR STALE ' = 12 .good feeder - steers, ,7 Herefords and. 5' Dur hams; also' a quantity of oats, 80c a., bus. Richard, Baker, Lucknow., • ',. FOR ..SALE -=cement • septio tanks, tea approved by .the Health Unit. We is • deliver them.'. Forster's . Welding Shop,'` phone 206-r-11,` Lucknow. 1.4 s ;,. r1 it ° +i. 0y.2.2 ,.. . 4 It .FOR • SALE --75. `.Pullets and :75 roosters, ' New' ; Hiairyp,shire and Barred Rock cross. 'Jack McKen- zie, R.,. 8, Luck ow, phone, 65-1. Dungannon: WANTED English immigrant farmer `.seeks • a $1.000 loan at .5` percent to •help buy cattle. Con- fidential. ' : Aipp1y ' Box. ' S, . ,Luck - now Sentinel.- WORK entinel: WORKWANTED young Tari arriving' from Scotland' first of : October 'warts work ,Willing to do anything. Apply to .Jim Mac:: Naughton, Lucknow. • STOVE FOR 'SALE - : McClary wood and coal.. cook stove, white • enamel, • good condition. Chad - Wick's, 6th Con. sinloss, Phone Ripley ' 27-16. WANT TO' .RENT '—part of; 'Or a • small house in Lucknow,, Prefer- ably 3 or 4, rooms heated, : for . the winter months: Apply by letter to.: Box W, Lucknow. HOUSE FOR SALE=•good eight - room house, newly decorated out- side and inside, ' garage, barn, hen house, hydro, ' .3' -piece ' bath, -good • • garden, small ' fruits, low. taxes: _$3,50, �Apply at Lucknow Sen - 'tine'.. DEAD &' LIVE ANIMALS Prompt pick ' up ; of cattle, horses, pigs :& sheep.. Llire•horses fit for : animal -,food • picked up at your farm averaging, . $35.00. C. Brubacher, Wingham, ' phone '608- w-1. f'. FAIR DAY MEAL. S Plan on having:. a. tasty home-. cooked meal 'at Cowan's Lunch. .Special menu for the two days. Extra 'help to serve you promptly at ell hours. • FOR SALE --hydro' poles, 25 to 35 feet. Kevin McGlynn, Con. 19, Culross, 3 miles east of Lucknow Gravel. Phone, 35-r-22 Tees.,wzter. FOR SALE—well bred Durham. cow, rising 4 year with dark red heif er calf 9. days old: Reason. for selling,, have more than ; I can winter; also 2 young bulls of senvicedisie e,. -dark-Ted:- •-an . dark roan. 'For further particulars apply to . James'. Forster,' R. 1, Lucknow, phone ` 43-r-12. FARM FOR S.dLE ICenneth MacLeod and Mrs. Isabel . Good ;are offering' the fol- . lowing property tor sale. Lot •43, :Con: 2, .KinlossTwp:, 50 'acres more or ;:less, 'soave' hush; good. water, good house,' small Ibarn, 1 mile -from Village of, Lucknow, close ,to churcii arid school Hydro and telephone available. For ,fur- ther particulars., dapply' to Sandy MacLeod, • Box ' 156; , Lucknow, Oht.; phone .93-m. • . HOW WOULD YOU LIKE, to establish yourself • in' a 'business of • your own with a real future?: Sell ,our• 250..guaranteed products' to .friends and ..neighbors. You don't need .capital or previous exLogue perienceand. Wderiiailte s foto •r freeFarn .' cats- ' d ' ' ilex, .1600 : t Delorimier, Montreal. USED :TRACTORS FOR SALE Have, three ,good used tractors, priced to sell -=C Allis-Chalmers, W.C. Allis Chalmers and a 'DC3 Case, all olverhauled arid .repaint- ed. See. these 'at LUCKNOW MOTOR SERVICE Bob Armstrong, Prop. phone 1'31. NOTICE RE COURT OF REVISIOA}" Notice is hereby given that a Court, of Revision ,of ` the Town- ;ship of; Ashfield. to. hear'• appeals against the-1952ssessmet_:Rg11, will • be ' held in ' the: Township Tall on Thursday, September 25 at 10 a.m. Donald M. Simplon, Clerk- Treas., Kintail, Ontario: ' NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS properly :marked on the outside gas. to cyan- tents, ;will be received by the Municipal Clerk until. Wednesday, , ,;September 24th, 1952 for the con- struction. of a foundation for the Waterworks purnphouse: ': Speeifi- Cations and -plans' may 'be. exam: • fined . at ' the' Municipal :Office, Lucknow.,', • • Lowest or any tender' *not nec- essarily accepted. E. H. Agnew, clerk, .• of the Vill- age of Lucknow: - FOR ' IV"OREr EGGS' Switch To CO-OP LAY. MASH ° or . ,. Co-op Poultry Concentrate `with .Home -Grown Crain ASK THE MAN WHO FE . Phone ' 71 st Ott Co operative ' I..tclno'w ' tint: • COMING EVENTS TS. EN.., . I • ANNI'VIRSARY SERVICES Anniversary „ services will 10eheld ' in , Erskine Presbyterian Church, Dungannon ' on Sunday, Sepe ,:. er' '21st at 11. am and 7.30 p•m. Rev' A. J. Simpson of Tees *water . guest speaker. Special music., 0. ' S, ° COMMENCEMENT Lucknow 'District High School Commencement will, . ' held in the Town Hall, on Friday, Oct - Ober 3rd—one.' night, only. Pres- entation of certificates: a n d. awards, vocal' .and instruinental music and - an address ' by Dr. E. G. ' . Pleva, ' Western •. University professor, who is particularly in-; terested ,in community planning and ,conservation of 'natural re- sources. Watch' for fuller details. • at . CRAWFORD'S FEED STORE Transported.: Wednesdays and Saturdays. to 'Golden ,Glow' • of Ripley ALAN G. ALAN' WILLIAMS Optometrist; • Office on Patrick , Rt., just . off the Main St. WINGSAVI. Professional Eye Examination: Optical. Services Evenings by appointment., Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. HNSTON ' FUNERAL.HOME E. _ .. Q Phone". 76. . Day or Night Anf ruianee . Service WALLPAPERING ' Carelton S. Stingel, Dungan - .non, :is prepared to pa}per_:your rooms. First class .work at reason- able 'prices.. Wallpaper samples on- request. Phone '96; Dungan- non. BONDEX CEMENT PAINT Wet basement ibotlerin. 'you?' Bondex;. seals .moisture out, re- decorates, . protects all 'types of concrete, .. stone,. ,and masonry.... 8 lovely colors. 5 lb. package makes a ' gallon of paint for $1.50. For: sale by Spence. Irwin, Lucknow. AUCTION SALE • -Clearing auction sale of farm' stock and iipPlemerits, at. farm of Spence Irwin, 'Con.. 11, Ashfield Twp., (11: miles west of Belfast),. Thursday; September '25th at 1.00 o'clock. Horses, 35 head .of cattle, +poultry,,•pigs :and fttil,.line of: im plements • including M. -M; tractor year old.. No :reserve,farm: sold. See bills, for list andterms. -Spence 'Irwin, Prap.; Well. ' Henderson, Auc. TENDER! TOWNSHIP `OF" KINLOSS' "Sealed*. Menders, marked , Drain. tender, will be. • received' by .the' 'undersigned up to 2°.p.m. 'on Oct- ober 6th, 1952, for : the construc- tion of the Moffat.. -Thomson Muin- :icipal .Drain, 'consisting of 4100 cubic yards of, • open drain ex-' cavation. To be done . this Fall if' possible.' Tenders ;to. be accbm-. panied by a Marked 'Cheque for. 10, percent of. tender. The• lowest or 'any tender' not necessarily a.c- . cepted J. R. LANE, Clerk, Kinloss Township; R.R.. 2,; Holyr od,µOut. , o . CARD OF ,,THANKS Mrs. Essie.. Hewat wishes ' to thank friends and , neighbors for letters, cards ' and other . remem :}arances 'while ' she Was ill. hivin•-'and- Gordon Robb and the' sisters and ' brothers , of the late Charles Robb wish to sin-. .cerely thank: friends and neigh ''hors. for '.the many kind acts land -expr ions-of--ayxnipatY y extend= ed then in their bereavement. NOTICE .TO CREDITORS Ii. ••Tlie • Estate Of Temple Clark, All persons „having ' , claims against the estate of Temple Clark, late of the -Village of Luck- now, in the ' County' of. Bruce, Gentleman, deceased, who died on ',or :about the .13th day :of Aug List, 1952, are • hereby . nail fled to. Send . in to the undersigned Exe- tutor on. 'or before• the 15th day of October 1952,' full particulars of their claims, • Immediately after the 15th day of October 1952, 'the assets of the, estate wi• e c`lils°`fr er ainlon the: parties ' entitled, thereto, hair; l•ing; -regard -only to the , claims; of which the Executor 'shall then 'hav:e notice. Dated at Lucknow, • Ontario, `this, 15th day of September 1952. T. Douglas Clark, ' Sprague, Manitoba, Executor.' R. W° Andrew, his Solicitor herein, 9 USE; OF FUNERAL HOME. At• No Extrt Cost Moderate . Prices -MacL-ENNAN MacKENZIE . FUNERAL . SERVICE , Services conducted, accord.... ing• to ° your wishes at your.• Home, Your Church; or -at our Memorial Chapel atno • additional .charge: AMBULANCE SERVICE 'Phone 181, ' Lucknow;. Day or; ,.Night :Agnevvs'Agem ' Howard' Agnew Jos. Agnew • MEMBER .OF. Ontario .:Insurance Agents' .Association, �L• GENERAL” INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago, Telephones: Business 39 . : Residence 138 INSURANCE Co -Operative 'Life Insurance Co -Operative' Automobile Insurance Mercantile. & 'Farm Fire Insurance Economical 'and .;Reliable. See T: A. -'CAMERON ° ;. LUCKNOW • Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon • .Kenneth J MacKenzie R.O. Optometrist ' LISTOWEL ONT., Will be___atZVA•ona's4 Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 am.. to 9: p.in. and, every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined Glasses fitted, For appointment' 'phone .:Roy ,MacKenzie; • 96-r-24 Ripley. :CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can. Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS "B -COMMERCIAL TRUCKS" °"• . as well as the farm .business. . For information consult •. T. A. CAMERON, 'LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon '70-r=10 JOHN MCMURCHIE, RIPLEY 'Phone 20-r-23 r Tp : CLELAND VETERINARIAN 1,,: ,, elock St., south of Supertest . Garage LIJCKNOW • , Te1e►0pe 175 : BUSINESS. and TAX SERVICE .MlfNTHL"TA1DITS For The Small; Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S J PYMM P.O. Boat 74 Lucknow, Ont; Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-w1►. F. T.: A'R'MSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST. GOD. ERIC; F(�R APPOINTMENT 'Phone 1100 • For r• Appointment or Information '. See Wm. A.y. Schmid, 'Phone. 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect Your .Tack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGI-I Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone'•81-5, ,Dungannon W. ANDREW ;Barrister. and Solicitor LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J P Stuart MacKenzie Barrister.' and Solicitor 7WALKERTON;'-ONTARIO- IN LUCKNOW Each • Wednesday OFFICE IN • i ENDERSON BLOCK R.S 'Hetherington, K,C Barrister, -Etc. Wingham and':Lucknow . • !N LUCKNOW Each Monday . and Wednesday' Located ori the ground floor in the front •of '. John Kilpatrick's Building' 'Phone Wingham Office 48'' • • ' Residence 97 Insure With The tutros,s,Autua l FIRE%NSURANCE CO., for Reasonable rates, sound 'pro= tection & prompt, satisfactory, •settlement of `cla.im.s. • FAItISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R. 3, ' Teeswater. 'Phone Teeswatel 57.r°4t