HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-17, Page 1A $2,50 Yearly In . Mance—$1:00 Extra To . H, S, GRAADIJATES START CAREERS - Graduates. of Lucknow District 'Mei School are launching on • careers . this month. that take them to •higher .centres. of learn- ing at. London, ,Stratford and • Tor To Western ,Uni►viersity, 'Lon- don; Noreen Kilpatrick, first year ::general , course; Jack McKim, To Stratfo'rd !Normal: • Joyce • Baulch, K;athileen ,Lane, .Murray McNan and Jan . gg. Johnstone. Jane ••bad been in the Bank for past ast; year. Other district Norrna'lites- are Margaret KA:br, er, R.• R 2, Holyrood, and Wm. McAllister, ]Dungannon. : ' ' To Ryerson Institute, Toronto: Donald Thonp son,' printing and journalism. • . •Mary .Jo'.Anderson . will 'enter 'Toronto Western: Hospital as: .a • student• nurse in the spring class, Return To, University Previous years'. graduates from. Lucknow,Huglh who are returning to University, include; Gladys Milne, Mary .'arid ,Ruth 'Anderson and. Bruce Johnston to Western. University; Wilfred Black to Tor, onto University and Sam. and, Bill Chin', to Pharmacy.' • Ardonna Johnston, a graduate; of Victoria Hospital, Vias: entered Western University to take 'rpost. graduate' work In public health nursing. • • LUCKNOW, ONTAR•IO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT .17th, 1952 CALIFORNIA VISITOR SPENT BOYHOOD' AT KINLOUGH• Mr. arid Mrs H. 'IL Malcolm► `of .Burbank, California,, have been yvisiting ar7itinlOugh with their cousins, : Misses Margaret and Nellie . Malcolm. Mrs Malcolm- • is • 'a son of: the late Andrew Mar-. Coln .of, :Kangas, but due to the. death of his mother when he"Was quite young, H. ii. made his home with his uncles, Thomas. and Rob- ert Malcolxh of Kinlough; where •he. lived until . young 'manhood,. Mr. and Mfrs 'Malcolin plan to visit hes sister, Miss Helen Mal '•color of Toronto and, hisbrother, W E. ' Malcolio of 'Almeria, - Kan- sas,•before returning to .Burbank. Aj .. SURPRISE VISIT• • The. Misses. • Jessie and Annie, MacKay, Who' had .'just . returned from a two. 'Weeks' visit to Chi- cago.. and Oak Pari<c were pleas-:' antly surprised • to :,have; a• week-•' ;end tisiit from their Cousin,_ Dr. K. B K I of •Chiles City, Iowa. He was accompanied •'by his wife and two sons: Dr. Kerr •was en- route to New York" oto 'attend' • a convention:.He is a •son of the late Dry Norman Kerr. of Chicago, ' •who practised here ,atone time With the late ,Dr. ' Elliott.' • FINISH-. CEMETERY MEMORIAL GATES. Work has been completed at p South .Kinloss Cemetery Of con- structing. on-structing• memorial -gates 'arid an ornamental metal fence,raeross the. front of this century -old burial ground -Storie pillars flank the gates on either. side ,of the, church, and add rnuch to the appearance• of the • cemetery grounds. .• The project is being financed largely by public. • subscription i7,nd the fund is short the amount required to meet the, cost ,of the .work, If there are any plot owners; who. .. , - - �••--••.�-kaavenP,t�a been contacted, . or others who may wish to ,aide this worthwhile work, they are ask. ed ed to contact, any of the Cern- etery Board directors,•at an early date• Some, no doubt, have over- looked Making: their intended • donation, . ,• The Boa . sh Board plans' to publish• .a• list of:the.do. crines in 'The Sentinel at an early date. A • service of dedication of the ..'u 'gates will be held later. EIGHT PAGES ONIONS ,•OVER POUND EACH You can generally count. on Mr W. W. Hill coming up with something special each year from that 'vegetable and flower gar- den of his, in which he spends se much time and takes such 'great pride. This ,year it's' Spanish omens.• A half • a . cloien, ofthem pi, act-.• ically filled a six quart basket.' The three largest weighed. 33j4,,1►bs, for an average- of a pound, and, a quarter apiece. 'The three "little ones weighed only 2% lbs. The • 1 ''SEE: RY l F SENT! NEL. girth of the largest onion was a good fifteen' inches. • COMMENCES' DIETITIAN DUTIES IN TORONTO ' Miss XvIary.' Porteous'. has ce n menced her duties •as dietitian at Toronto Western Hospital, Iler friend" Miss Edith • Crawford of Sherbrook; 'Quebec, who .•holds'' 'a ,similiar• position and who •visited herefor a 'few days, accompanied Mr. and Mrs: Porteous and Mary to the. ;city' on ,Sunday; • • M • Mary attended Alma College 'at St Thomas for-, two :.years and then spent -three years at °Mac, , Donald College,; Quebec, where sh e received her degree' of Bach elor . of Science in Household Economics: • ENQAGEMENTS .. Mr. and .Mrs, Earle Hodgins. of Holyrood are happy' to announce the 'engagement of their daugh ter, ,Shirley . Eliza'bet'h, to Donald George, son:of Mr and Mrs. Rab ert 'Donaldson of.'Teeswater, The wedding to take place : September 20th in Teeswater United. church,. Mr., and • Mrs. Robert 'Lyons Wish to announce the engagement'. of their ,elder • daughter, . Doris; Eveline, to'..Howard/ A. Culbert, son of Mrand Mrs William A: Culbert, . R.R. 1, Dungannon, the marriage to take place the latter. part Of September: Mrs. Dorothy (odwin,. King- sten, ;Ontario, announces the en gag meet .Of her daughter, Sybil Vivian, .R.N.,:.to Harold Gordon Gaunt, grandson of Thos: G. Gaunt, Wingham, Ont. The Wed- ding to •take place on September 27th at 5 ,p .in. in @u e en St . Un- ited Church, . Kingston.' FALL FAIR PRIZES.. NOT. -LISTED IN 11001 E. 'At the Fall Fair next, week there will be sections for Rhode Island Red .cockerels and R.I.E.• pullets. These are not •listed .the prize • list, but will be in Class •21, •sections 11 and 12. " In Class" 24..for the best dress- ed chickens, there will be second and thirdprizes of $2:00 and. $2.00 in addition . to the first .prize.. of a lady's •'nylon, gown valued: at $10..09: A'TT'RACTIVE SIGN At Stewart's' Decorating 'Shop is' a_Catchy _sign painted'. by .their son Allan who is a . commercial, artist in London,: The -Sigh'', shows" a red. Indian 'clutching' a bat ancj, '.'; and read' �g'below "Cleve- land for sure in W52'•'• Giving, it • local touch. Philip Stewart ,pasted . the word Lucknow 'over- top -of Cley and. • WAWANOSH ,LADY PASSES The death of Martha- Ferguson est awanosh. Township oc- carr of Wed 'on Monday i Wingham, I•iyears • She' was2 of age. The ;funeral service will be. held on Thursday at 1,30 p.m. at the 1/1cLennan,M,ac'l .enzie Mery oriel Chapel where the •re riaiiis are •f resting rteV, George e Wa t t Will condact the service and in- terment will 'be "vin °D!�nga`nnon Ceinetery, • • THAT a recent. letter from Mr. ' • and. Mrs. W. B., Anderson, wire have .• been touring • the. British Isles, mentioned 'thatthey had been visiting •in ,Aberdeen' with Mr., and .Munro, the parents, Mrs. Harvey:Hall.", - • •— THAT Mrs. Wellington Hender: son and three daughters, Mrs. Mac Graham, Mrs. Doug Trench and Miss Lois Hender- son, recently spent a few days in: New York, making the trip iby:, air from Milton :to'the A.m- erican:.metropolis. , THAT • George Hassall,. •w+ho has ' been in Wingham Hospitll since ,stiffering'•a heart attack a few weeks ago, is ,convalescing!• at the home •of his brother Joe in London.:. George • will be off. work for . timet SHEPPARDTON DISTRICT BUYS FARM.' IN . Ernie Crawford of town has entered into anagreement to buy. Matt MacDonald's 75 -acre farm in the Sheppardton district south of Port Albert, which is . Ernie's. home 'community. Possession will not be' obtained until next spring.` It • is Ernie's iztenti`on- . td. 'move his, hatchery and (brooding equip- ment • to the 'farm,, where .he will have •'range .,accomodation for his poultry: The. rawford. , family will° move ,to the farm and their 'harm here will be for sale. • Ernie plans to continue his feed businesshere• under the .manage- ment of Clair Johnston, 'ADAPTS: HIMSELF: TO' LOSS OF HAND I .It is just about ayear ago that g• Jim. Wilson .of • West' Wawanosh' lost his right hand in a corn for- ager, n-iachine but: the accident hasn't. dampened :Jim's • cheery outlook nor stopped: him' 'from 'carrying on moat 'of his farm�.dut- ies. •One thing he can't do (unless with; one hand): :is milk caws but he, tooak• his place in*the flay, and harvest faela, .;•this- summer '•. and; there's not' much around the•'farzn. - that '• stunnps ' him, even though'.it. } may0slow him'. up. Jim had • the hand. taken off, some yet. below the wrist point;, losing the. —o thumb and all.,. fours fingers. THAT, the annual field.' day of the Lucknow District High School will be heldin the. C'al-•'GETS::WE LLAND; edonian Park on Friday after noon, . September 26th. 'AIRPORT. . POST THAT George ,Kennedy sittended` .the Hereford ' Regional Show at Mount :Forest on • Monday, • in ! his official capacity as president of the Ontario Hereford As sociation. Georgewill also at tend 'regional shows this week. at Orangeville and Seaforth and was previously at Dres- den. • , —0=7, THAT, the Kinloss Township.' school bus, .driven by Harvey Webster, has' a near capacity load of .fifty 'students:' Seven late starters .have increased his High School student to forty, plus •,teen:<puublic school children from the Sixth Concession sec tion. Harvey's trip takes him' ' ar • to Ka.ng f, a s well as east and • west on the Durham Road a 'short distance. • =-o-•- • THAT ...Alvin Hamilton, Con, 2, In -4a on yTownship; has bought the, freme shed at the north- west corner .of the .'Caledonian 'Park • fronn, the,. Agricultural 'Society. ' , moo---= • . THAT . we . had a subscription order, last week from FO. J.. H. Barger, son of Mr: ,and Mrs: 'Howard .'Barger- of Ashfield. Aim, who ;presently ,is "way down here in the bush". at the R.C.A 1 . station at 'Chatham, NeW7Brunsik, wants to keep in touch with wh,ait's' happen- ing appen5Wingin the. old home town; ; . THAT'. Rev; Grant .Meiklejohn will' conduct anniversary ser-, vanes ._at.•.Port....Albert United: 'Church on Sunday.,.Rev. Geo.' 'Watt of Dungannon will",have° charge -of. the services here, —a THAT in renewing his Sentinel subscription:. ► A. (Tornrny) Thompson of Tweed says 'they • didn't make it to Lucknow dur ing, the holidays; but hope to before •.d.another year • • rolls of I kinsn rt THAT .Ken. o� o ...:� so Mr. and Mrs. Wib Hodgkinson of ' Wingbam, suffered a frac- tured collarboYie in, a rugby' ,Scrimmage, THAT the old, wooden , platforrn at the C.N,R, depot has been repraced ;iby a modern asphalt •strip. , • { �j Fruit Market': • Melvin R. Stewart, son of Rev. J. W. Stewart, forinerly of Luck - 'now, has been ,appointed manager of the. airport at Welland. He had been • assistant .mlt.nager ° for. ' the past Year of the ,Waterloo=Well ington airport' ;at. Breslau.: ' Mel was othe first' Student : to obtain instruotorship rating. at the Waterloo. field He is 26 years of f,age and enlisted: in the. R:C.A.F.,i during.`., World. '.War . II, as ;soon , as • he ' was of age.' He started :his - post-war ' flying career 'at the Waterloo rairport, and was the tain : his commercial license as "a member of the Waterloo -Welling ton Flying Club. During the, .past sui caner Mel took a course for instructors : a/: . Brantford and•assisted .with the instruction of air cadets who were - studying under 'scholarships.' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart.' ,(form- erly Lorraine -•-Dennie') and---two- daughters Dawn and Judith Ann, are taking up residence at Well- and this week. The whole fa7ri. is air travel minded and they. frequently. fly up to visit ,at her: parental home. here. • ' MARRIED AT ;MIMIVO • STEWART - STEWART ---" On. Monday, September &th, 1952, at 6.30 :o'clock, in •the ,parsonage of Wesley United Church,• • Mimrco, by,, Rev. Harold :Stainton, Violet Stewart, daughter of Mr. George Foreman, to Rev. Joseph .: 'Stew- 'art:. • T ,NAL 'VVOINT>RNA IO CHINESE , TENNIS TUUR' NEY' • Fran Chin • of Lucknow and Henr Lowe Toronto • won the Y� , men's double trophy at the Chin- ese Eastern 'International Open Inivitation Tennis . Tournament which was held' at the C.MR tennis club on Labor Day "week- endxm«mw!•uxxmax..x„wmnn.vr aw.•aww--, ' emwm.ns wwmvm It was the' first tournament•of its kind ;to 'be "held' in. Toronto to.Which'playera canine from Mon- treal, Ottawa, Peterborough; Lon- don,. Hamilton; Detroit, Fort Erie. and Fort THAT a frame , building was .moved into town. Thursday as - an addition at the• rear 'of the mir 4.arms Yc"-ilitiiMiiellt NiF141U0iiiiiiirwc. yAist 41104Il^.��..A4M/Irivi' FALL' FAIR NEXT WEDNESDAY Next Tuesday and Wednesday, September - 23rd and 24th are ` show days in Lucknow, andtihe Society is ,doubling its efforts this year to 'make ' • the 87th annual fall:fair far an . outstanding success; Amore attractive looking prize' •list should steep. up • 'both indo'or" and ' outdoor exhiibits, with . the school ,children's' competitions probably being more keenly con- tested .than ':ever 'before. The h show 'gets 'underway with • a •monster S1C3hool cl`iiIdl en, s pair. ade and twobands^the. Lucknow School Ba A glance atthe •grandstand list •of entertainment - ind'icates there won't be- a dull :moment all 4day; ; Highlights should be the : tractor rodeo ;'which is . attracting many 'prospective -competitors and the square dance contest. ',Ralph Smith's: hurdle jumping. horse and his trick horse "Silver Bell", . will.provide . something of the unusual sand he and lis ,wife Will ' give an exhibition with tihe ` lariatand roping,; ` ,With this • troupe . is. Jinn•• Stedman?,the. yodelling :cowwboy. ' `' The evening entertainment *ill be an amusing '.play : "Aunt M in.- nie from Minnesota", which. will be rbe presented both Tuesday and Wednesday night. Those Who, can are requested to attend the first night ‘as'.the,.Fair "Night crowd. frequently overtaxes the,. capacity of. the -hall, A •:dance 'will follow Wednesdiay 'night's coricert with music, by Jack' ' Henderson's,• ' or_, ,chestra Secretary A. T. MacNay re quests that exhibitors have :their. entries in On Monday '°to•':relieve the, ;congestion' on: Fair days.. ESTABLISH :WELFARE OFFICE The Honourable W A: Good- fellow has :announced'. the ap- pointment of Walter Chalmers to head the District • Welfare Office located at Wmgham.ii eMr: Chalmers' w.be respon- Bible for provincial welfare act- .ivities m the Counties' of Bruce, Huron 'and Perth. In addition to . the, Wingham office, local offices ill e mainin t _ seriak. ` and aitfordtatoed aWve:lerton these areas b.SStr The staff in the District Wel- fare' elfare' Office ':are mainly'acoiicerned with • the . administration of pro- vincial welfaren:Amonmes, chiding . Disability ,, Allowances, •Old, Age Assistance, •Blind Per sons' Allowances. : and Mothers' Allowances, together with 'the *x= amination . of ° direct relief ac- counts.' 14. PORT ALBERT • 1.0 LOCAL. PARISH .. Effective this • Sunday, .Sentoni- b-er7-21st the . congregation. • of Christ Church,' Tort Albert, wjll' rejoin• • the local ,parish of Luck- now, Dungannon and Ripley, caro.- der,. the rectorship of Rev. H. 'L. Jennings,. who' Came to St. Peter's: • this 'summer succeecin,g Rev. 'A: 5.., Mitchell: • The Port Albert parish was: as- sociated with ,Goderi0 , the ;past few years during the- pastorates of Rev. Tavener and Rev. :Mitch=..' ell. . • • ••Since', joining with Goderich. the Port Albert congregation has; :been under •theministry of Rev.;: •' B. H. Farr, who, .after seiven' years in Goderich Reaves this week, t.p R. .:wy.v.xx=.x...w•n Ory. �.www.-mea,..xp....rw ..... -n .w....-. . assume `hes new duties at 'St.' John's'Church; .Sarnia, • • . First service at •Port Albert, 'un- der Rev.' Jenning's ` incumbency ' thisSunday 'afternoon will be . 'Other services on the at . ,. 3,30 p.ln, 'O circuit that dray will be at Ripley in, the' morning, •]Dungannon at 2.00 pan. . and at St Peter's oat 7 30 'p:nv;: 'wher''the first of series' .of Harvest Thanksgiving' Services in the- pariah will, be ,held, •' y , !pS��l�'.�'%'•�'kY';v: Wil; ° • • w Y, • • Y • , r