The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-09-03, Page 8• THE; LUCKNOW sprrioxii, LUCKI40W, .ONTARIO' BOYS* : JEANS :Up., to 16 years $1.49 to: $2.98 f T -S tis for ages. 8 to 14 �. • . from .98c up. PAINTS for ages up to 18 in good quality gabardine, tweeds and cavalry twill. ` , . W1NDREAKBRS , and JACKETS in all sizes: GIRLS LATS in silk, nylonor cotton; . sizes• 8, to 14 and 12 to 20; a• TS 'arid' DRIES, new stock, for all ages. • ' ALL .WOOL CARDIGANS, sizes 8. to 14: ,Special: 't.. $2.59 ' •.100.% .Botany Wool. . CARDIGANSsizes .14' to 20, .. $298' up. TEENAGERS • a See the..New Cow P cher and Buckaroo Jeans for both ,boys and girls; Fresh' in this week. The newest '-jeans out. Sizes up to 18', years. ' • , LADIES'.' AND' MEN'S WEAR. 4 lj 1.4 1f; • BORN . ALLIN --. In ,Winghain . General hospital, on. Saturday, August 23rd, .1952, ' to Mr. and:. Mrs.: Wm.; ' ,Aplin, Wirigh'am,:'.a son. • MONTGOMERY=- in .-St: Joseph's ' pital, Landon, on Monday, September 1st,, to: Mr. and 1VIrs. Gordon Montgomery, 'a . eon: Le ' BEAU Mr and. • Mrs. Bohn LeBeau' (nee ,Marion. MacKenzie) are happy to announce' the birth; of their daughiter, Bonnie .Jeanne; • in. Royal pak, August . 21st, .• 1952. 1;REILKLF.S=in Wingham Hospi- tal, . on- Fridray, August 29th,; : to: Mr.. and Mrs.... 'Walter . Breekles, Lucknow, a son, Arthur :Russell. "CROPS., ARE.. WONDERFUL" Gordo• n Cameron of ,Blackie,' Alta, writes that,"crops are won- deiful" there but late.. The . great.; est danger of hail is" . past he, says,, with :frost: , the • big worry 1IEV • H :J. 'HARNWEfLL, ;retired • • den and family of Wingham `nonir. Elevators are ,practically United Church minister, suffered have taken up residence., in the plugged, now' with little - rent- a. Jeart• attack•:recently, •mat• ':11is -M. C � Orr house at• :the .corner chance of anyshipping cottage :at, Bruce 'Beach. • The aged . of. Outram and Willoughby'. P9 • So fanners m'e • goo g ito. be faced gentleman is rating at his Sts. Mr.: Burdeniteaches• school with a serious storage problem, homWia e at lkerton. at the Second,, Concession`. and• .5... E BY THE SENTINE,h. (Continued from page 1) THAT Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Leith, Jr.,' of iCoibourg were recent' callers in town. Jack is ,eo- owner of, the Coboe•g Times, having, entered into the part- nership at the first of the year, after taking a 3 -year course in. journalism in Ottawa.. THAT Wm. Fisher *as off work' for 'a ' few 'days as the' result• • of a leg ',injury he received • while Putting a stick of wok through the saw at Henderson's Planing Mall. • • THAT Melvin Hodgins, son of Mr.'. and Mrs. . Oscar .Hodgins, had ` his face severer 'cut re?,. cently when the' bicycle he was riding• was in collision with.:a Car driven by. Harold. 'Treleav= en. Several stitches : were re quired. • • . =o- THAT Mrs:. S..Chan'ibers,'R.' R:.6, Lucknow,' was' the winner of an all wool blanket • given 'away in connection .vit11, the opening of. RAYING MANTIS 'ARE Ashton's new • tot -to -teen de-• INCREASING IN NUMBERS • partment The draw .was • made • by .Audrey Ross. The --Praying Mantis,' a voraci- ' c► ous insect -killing: animal seems, "T►i AT 'the Happy Cousins con= to be. 'increasLng••hi 'numbers; in cert trou'pe!of Elmira willmark' the distr-igt..Two years` ago' The the r 25th anniversary and' Sentinel carried a story on their: their ,1100th program by pre - first reported; 'appearane -iia this setting..a variety program in community:. 4�.�y � g ' ' • L ` i lex M . , • z` ' the Elmira . community' arena ast .eek A a?Ken ie of• . c- on 'Friday night with proceeds I., ngside discovered oiie„ of • the for the` Canadian Legion. and: three-inch green.beetles �perehed:' y• ,•'•From,• ;Mike, minor Backe on his. shoulder 'rvvhile wbrking in EIina ostmaster the hay, mew,, amid had•Weichel of their,concperti• party, The ` m antis, w iioh • .gets its , comes' a maple of comniplimen-. name: f ibm the prayerful appear- Wry' tickets' for the event.. 'Sor-" ante of :its; anterior legs, is ,a'. • ry we caret make 'it: . beneficial beetle in that they sub-, • •_o, sist On a• diet oif.:harm ful insects: They '.are chiefly .native of trop- TH ioal climates abut in • recent. years IbAT Bill. H�abkirk` of town has een awarded' the honors as .have been ,bred and released. from- -,.i.top driver of'the''h arness horsos the eritornologist station at 'Belle-dring" the racing season just vine. in the .hypes ,they link uld closed at Th'ornchffe race' track' 'thrive and multiply in Ontario: •' •in_ 'Toronto THAT Mr. 'and. Mrs. Hedley Bur - • ■» • . 1 I ■ea■e11nl■■lsa.Nisaer11.aii/uaa10 • �■a•a�W■aN��■i■�■s���Maeas■rdi�ta • ;r— WEDNESDAY SES 3rd, '. r PLAY A DO YOU SING • . ,i~ , DANCE- A, MUSICAL INSTR 7MEN'Az? elm Enter' The I. aisley Rotary . Club, • r earth For Talent, (in, co-operation with CKNX, Whigham). PRELIMINARY COMPETITION Friday Evening, September 19th • .FINAL COMPETITION: • Friday' Evening, September 26th, • CASH AWARDS 1st,. $100:04; 2nd,. $50.00;••3rd, $25.00.. With $10.00 in cash to all: Other competitors qualifying for the finals: s •• For' details 'arid. entry forms apply ;at: onee` to'. • Paisley Rotary Club"Search for . Talent", CKNX, Wingham, Ontario. ' Last year ' commuted between Wingham and here. THAT the ' Publisher: •and Mrs., T; received, a card from yellow - ...stone,. National : Park from Mr. and Mrs. Dpriald 'Blue, who are on a tri West. THAT 'upon renewing her Sei- tinel 'subscription Miss Josie Macdonald. of Calgary .says she does not: know many. 'here now,' but there are still. a few in . they :old ,•home town ' whom 'shere-. members THAT . Mrs.., Lorne Johns -tory -was. hostess last Wednesday lora gathering of the' neighbors Who presented Mrs., ' Jim Carnegie with a remembrance upon' mov- hig to : Walkerton. • THAT Ray Stanley, who resum ed • teaching at the' 9t1i Con.- , :school in Ashfield this 'week; took a B.A.:degree course dux ing the ,suminier • in botany and zoology;, -Don Cameron ::and Joan. Caanpbell were two .other district' teachers to take 'sum= prier courses. • THAT .Magistrate :0.. E. McClevis :has stated :that in the future he will. double the customary fine of 50 for drunk' drivuig. And • tlfat's little enouih pen= ■ .,. •. , ■ . • ally' for 'those w1io,; add tov the ■ e - •when they're ,:• � in driv y' drink >♦ as m$' ���� Vin � r* �.nn� 1 lid. � . � n�• �'•��u�r� i�:a � .. Ile ing.. u �- highway' hazards by persisting r. ■ !•-+7: uc� . Red :..L... .. .� - 4 . ■' , „ :. Put An Or�;gt • In ■ • . • SOCKEYE :SALMON; , i/Z Min • 39c: bK t4 • FIS; iS I �Yy« ,`ti ii • • Sti • s . r • • • r,s•. York ME A. T SPREADS,: tin ,__ lSc. ■ Gold Medal • PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. 39c i. ■ Miracle Whip w , SANDWICH SPREAD, 16 oz. _. ,. 50c al Food Saver ■ WAX PAPER_ 35c • ■• : ,, 1 1WE,DELIVER# Every' Lunch Box Sunkist 'Oranges,;, 252's _ doz. 34c ■ Sunki$t.._Or ges288's Tdo.._Z1C 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ 42C ■ ■ • ■ .i. ONE 20 SPEeIAL!. `RED ROSE: TEA, 1/c ib. 's Grocer •PI Transportation Service Between -Dungannon and Lucknow • • d CHARTERED BUS. AND TAXI ' TRIPS To all paints., • '1." • Can also arrange charter. trips with .Western .Ontario • '' Motorways. SEE . •OR CALL Ulan' Reed 'Phone Dungannon' 46 Collect BEER -Juni • on .the trip ' accompany-, itg , `three; other •University friends. . . Tars Roibert R.ae .was o f wrork THAT 'a: two-1a.our 'hydro inter-, last . aweek ' as -a r-esultash- ruption early last- Wednesday _ -_ Eve working in thes, , counrushwtry th the doctor's office •wihere took same `time to attend the •. ifjury. THAT...faak 'Parrish sof Ashfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Far-. risk, h'as been working under handicap for the 'pest month • ,• since hosing the' •ends . of two • • fingers when .caught in a V - belt on; the combine. THAT an inquest has. been called, . for ten' o'clock' Friday: Morn- ing int6 the ,death of Velma How•ald. • . • • been caused by a Rip • • ley mot- • grist who ran into the ditch and a hydro .pole near Kum- lough. `THAT -Spence IrNwin-•-has.,ent_ed:... the residence on Havelock St; . • South -Iran E. J. Farrish. T T and Mr's. Bert ox- . ' w nth, •and ' children,, Marilynn .'. and Jin r y have moved' to Petrolia Mr. Coamirtirth was ' employed' at Mullin's . Bakery, Mrs. Ed Johnston and 'family will move. into the apartment sw �hich they, have 'vacated, in the Joyrit . Block: . t • THAT Miss Margaret Treleaven, •+ THAT `Mr, and,' Mrs. Joseph • daughter •of: Mr. and Mrs Har. (• Whitby' celebrated their..gold- old Treleaven, returned `''last en wedding anniversary at the week from, . a •.three inonthar Week -end, and on Tuesday Mr. trip to the British Isles and and Mrs., Thomas- Inglis. of West Europe. Margaret,who grad- Wawvanosh• observed . a similar uated .this year • from: Western :occasion •Reports • of these University with a , secretarial `events have • to be held science degree, l:eft early in over 'until our next'iss'ue. _. iiiiiiii iiiiiiiii,� iiiiiiiiiiiiii:�,iiii•,�ii-,�iiiii'• well made, roomy ,shirts of good quality plaid doeskin.. Sizes 14 'to 171/2. SPECIAL, • mCRINKLE BEDSPREADS J " 82" x 99 r Only $2.98. Each - INDIAN BLANKETS Bright reversxblc'patterns, ',tho u xo ghly washable. 459 Each ��.%•i�.��iiii. /4/.74 i.��i .,%/iiiiiii�rii• iii i iii i. -i • �.� ;;, . ,•" •