HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-30, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th,, 1952 44111111111111.11111111111.11111 Lyceum. Theatre W I NGHAM Two Shows Each Night, FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 Thursday, Friday, Saturday ' JULY 31, . AUGUST . 1, .:2. OM'AS GOMEZ, The ,Harlem Globetrotters The. rleiti H'`a trotters: MATINEE, SATURDAY • .THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, CATIAR,IO - • M: PAGE FIVE• ST; HELENS', NOTICE TO CREDITQRS' Miss 114... LE; Salkeld and Mrs. In The Estate' Qi Robert+" John Irving Hunter of °Goderrch, Mr. Moore, Deceased. - and Mrs, Ralph ,Salkeld and Jan ice of' Isharn, ,Sask, were visitors recently with Mrs, Gordon and. other relatives, Mi. Bill MacPherson' who is 'sailing on the Royalton, was hofrie for., the week -end. Aboutsixty enjoyed the wein-. er roast under the auspices of the United Church Sunday School at :Lorne Woods' on Tuesday _ev- ening.. Rev. W. J. Watt of White church'• ,preached ° in the United. e Church "last Sunday; ,There gilt be no services for the not two Sundays. .: Monday; Tuesday.," August 4, 5 VAN JOHNSTON, • DOROTHY McGULR'.E. • • INVITATION; Wednesday, .Thugs., ..Aug. 6, 7 PETER''LAWFORD; '. JANET JEIGH — 'in Just This. Once OI1'IING, August 11, 12,' 13,.14: "QUO: .VADIS Jitney Winners ; Mixed jitney winners.. on Tues-- day night of •last week *ere, Miss. G ,rti:ude Treleaven, Fred 'Jack- son; Harvey - Webster and Bili Pappas ac - erson,. Reg.N. and Mrs. MacFalrane . of. Lucknow left ' by bus on Thurs- day for' •a visit with their aunt at Roundup, Montana. Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd and children of Stratford and Mr.. 8i Mrs. • D. J. ' McIntosh. of . St. Oath.: arines were ivisitors With 1Mrs. D. Todd. They,. with Mrs. Todd;, left. on Monday for ,a• visit withrela-. •: tives at Pigeon, Michigan. 1Virs `John Webster of' Toronto qis a visitor with ---Mrs.- Cranston and Mt. Mid Humphrey. • Mr.. Lloyd Humphrey is'' a pat- ient in 'Wingharn Hospital follow- ing . an operation last Wednesday; „ KINGSBR.IDGE ' Mr. and, •Mrs.' Ai •r:brose 'Cassin, 'Betty Marie: and . John. called .on; some of their friends last 'week. • •Mrd. and Mrs. Ray Dalton, Mrs. Reynolds and P. j. -'Sullivan were in Midland, for::a :few. days. Mr.• and Mrs.: =Jack MacCarthy were in . the burg on • Wednesday. (Miss Mary Joanne `Law spelt' a 'few'days visiting her cousin, Pat- .. icia Anne Martin. Wedding :bells are ringing (Server Grocery SPECIAL! FANCY COHOE SALMON. ROSE BRAND MARGENE ._ '1 For ;QUALITY SERV•ICE'. SATISFACTION. PHONE 3 for 9,7c. 3 for 94c... 'DEW KIST PEAS- • 2:forA 47c' GINGER ALE, '' 30 oz.' . 2 for';..° • 35e plus deposit WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE 32 oz. ,......... 43c MARSHMALLOWS. 2 pkgs. for • 47c • JELLO .POWDERS' 3: for • •29c AYLMER CATSUP . Bottle 23c - ) CORN • 'FLAKES • 2 for 29c ` • 1 L Cun. District Co-operativeknow FREE "DELIVERY - Get ' Ready For Spring With - I°inmediate Delivery - Save Money and Disappointment by Ordering Now.'", .FLEURY -BIS s ELL.pAGKERS i nch Dr$Cs. NEW TRACTORS I.N."ALL SIZES • °' Roto BalersKin wise Elevators, •At1-Crop I'.larvestefs s g ' F'ORYOUR SOWS and SMALL FIG Ilse SoW and .pig ,Chow Complete ' sir yottr 'own grain ' and Sow ',and ;,.rigConcentrattw.` , See t1s Abotitl A ' IIOCI ',FINANCE. 'CONTRACT Ar1V`f C'C157' To "OV ' ,THOMAS HA.(KETT 7 voc Now, O ARIO •Sti All perlons having c 1' a i m s against the estate of Robert John Moore, late of'the Village of Lueknow, in the County of Bruce, Retired who ti urniture Dealer, deceas died .Qn,• or about the 26th day of. April, 1952, are hereby notified .to send in to the undersigned,, on or before the '210t. day of August, 1952, full. particulars 'of thein ciairns, . after. which • date . the, assets of the estate r%!/011 ibe distrited 'having regard only to claut that have • ee. received: Dated' at .Lucknow, Ontario; .this 2lst day ot:July,;1952. . R -T - rao r or Admninistratrix. . • NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons' having •c 1 fa i m s against the . estate of Adam Mc Queen? late of Jthe ,Village ofI:ucknow in. the County of Bruce, Retired Farmer, who died on or about, the :fourteenth day of -June, A.D. ;1952, are notified 'to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty4hird lay . of August, A.D.-1952, full:particulars of their claims; in writing. Immediately after' the. saidtwenty-third day of August the 'assets 'of the'. said. testator. will'. be . distributed ';amongst', the •'parties entitled thereto, havingregard only' 'to claims of which the executors shall then have notice. ' DATED this twenty-sr*th' day of July, `A.D 1952. Crawford & IIetherington W ingharn; On bario, , Solicitors for .executors. INJURIES MINOR WHEN SCAR ROLLS OVER• . Murray Cooper of' Listowel escaped with ,cuts and:' bruises that 'were, not .serious when his.. oar' rolled. over on :a• sideroad • in• West • Wawan•osh': near:- F r -e •d: Webb's • .farnn. 'oriSaturday' night of last 'week. The car; 'a. Model A Ford; was : brought •to..Lu.ck now by Montgomery's wrecker; butthe owner 'later . 'drove it off under its own. power.. • We understand that because the 'accident° ,happened. in Huron County Police Say 'that no charge,. can be laid: : No, other car was in-. Volved.:, _ , •A local. 'doctor was 'sent :to the scerie•;to attend to .'Cooper's Juries but he could: •not be found. • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 31. ,'August l 2. Fighters, have come .and :fighters have gone—but the great still live on and that's the story. on our .screen of M1 Monday, Tiiesda W.ednesday.: August 4 ' 5.6 THE-•-VIVAClo l •BETTY --HUTTON in a thrillingsto ip pioneer .actress.. Hear her sin and see. her' do unbel�eveabl ' ry n depicting t lite of a ion Sing � e stunts , • . • as only Betty ' coli.' do it- ie Perilsof Pauline • with John 'Lund ' Out of eighteen, ailing, bird.; examined, : twelve- were Ms- , covered to be harboring either cecai, tapes : ;or round worms. These pests, cause .a run-down condition in flocks, which often leads to further troubles. ' . HAVE YOUR FLOCKS :-EXAMINED' and purchase ' only a cure which will remove the type, or types, of worms which your birds . harbor.; Call At .F� We. Are Vl%illin' To. Open Atil. Examine Your Birds. Free Of 'Charge whether from Craw/ord's Hatchery or otherwise, whether New Lifefed or otherwise. WE- HAV}E•' A PRODUCT FOR EVERY CURABLE • AILMENT. Try, us We Guarantee Results. We have. ons hand , several • breeds of STARTED PULLETS - LUCKN;OW;. ONT. PHONE 165.. It was later that ,night (that 'Coop-' er returned to the scene of the mishap, making '' no, one much the wiser. as to his whereabouts .in the meantime. .. ,IC:INLO.UGH Mr:' and 1Vllrs. Alex Percy, Mar- ion and Eric visited' recently .With London relatives. Mrs... - Art 'Graham : and. Mrs: Dorothy Thompson -returned a 7: ter, a' trip: to the West. Mr.. and.•.Mrs.'T Bell and 'fam- ay.'of Toronto visited. during, the week with. 'Mr, and Mrs. • Bert Nicholson. ° Miss, Greta Ball of London - is holidaying with 'her cousin, Mar= ion „Percy. • ' ` the Anglican Sunday School will have . a feel:Lilyrally at 11' o'clock. • Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Weston ' and Mr. and "Mrs. Robt, Weston of Toronto ` have': a been .visiting with. Mrs. -.Colwell and other rela tives. : •' T 1VIr. and •Mrs. • Bert: Nicholson ia,nd f aimily visited Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. George Cuyler, Mil-- larton.•. ' - • •Mr. Harry Bell was a Sunday visitor with Mr:and.Mrs:' John Robb, Cort. 10: ' Mr. and ,Mrs. M. Johnstone of Listowel visited Sunday with her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gra- ham.• • Mr,,an'd Mrs, Maurice Hodgins and E1Tw'ood • and Miss Jeannette •Brunthn spent last week -end ,with Mr. and,Mrs: R.• Sieloff and with his mother, Mrs.-' Al.. 1-lodgins at • Detroit. .Mr, and, ,Mrs.: •Jim Boyle were. .guests' at the Boyle-l+arrel •wed- ding at Kincardine 'On, Saturday last Miss Jeannette Brunton return - 'rd to Toronto after :holidaying .11 ore. - M ,ancl Mufi. Franke Bateman •afrd family' of • Toronto visited: du{ week wit19 thc' loan.- c is rngthr.r; Mrs. Charles Bonnet grid Mr. 'Ponrfet. ' lvi'rn. and. 'Mrs; . G.• 14, Sliirr1ing, •, fir. and Mrs Clay r„ Spa r , lin' g of •Walkerton visited Sunray. with. Mr.''and Mr.s.'Georgc klal'denby. Mr, at '1Vr:r. non MtCosh, Mary, c+ntl iDick, Mr. land Mrs,' 'Arden Mason Arid their grandson, Wayne. C e'bster,. ,visited' Sunday; with ,-"Mrs: J� Colwell. ,• On Sunday' neat., August 3rdt • • Mrs. Alert Percy .vvi11 ;entertain; : • the • -Women's;:. Institute at hers home 'On Thursday, • August 7th: 'Conveners, 'Mrs. , Perry - Hodgins,• :and Mrs. Jim. • Boyle; current; evients, Mrs: Wesley Guest; .con-,' testi _;potato_:salad;- .irivite--a., New' Canadian; lunch, (s) ' Neuss May '.' Boyle • and Mrs.: James' Hodgins, (c) Mrs..Doli. McE,wan.:and' Mrs:, .:Baynard Ackert;• topic, a .guest.•' speaker; roll call,. a Canadian: ,•• •who made ' good; • motto; Praises .' loudly, , blame softly, • Mr. and • Mrs. Wm. ',Bushell, Mr. .and Mrs. Nelson Bushell of. Luck- -. now called' on friends here Sun- day evening:; .. • . .. . ' srtiomooOmmwoalkoolomooNliwol'aP. • arras lements • • • ,HAR VEST MACHINES ON HAND NEW COMBINES '"-- NEW BINDERS 1-1'.E1): COMBINE" . • USED BINDER . 1240ot Massey Self Propelled Combine• . ONE '1 -FOOT CUT MASSE HARRIS BINDER GOOD SU4PPLY . ONE-WAY DISCS, - ' CULTIVATORS ALL SIZES OF MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTORS MANURE SPREADERS „ • RUBBER -TIRED' 'WAGONS BEATTY BARN `SU?PLIES TLSO !EH>r ecitrvOvv • 4 ` M ,�l�at�ihif�o�Y`►ii.Hiw�iiwa�id.�ri.�Srbwi..�.«.++ • r,r 0? •� ... I