HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-30, Page 11 1 1 1 1 1 $2.50:Yearly In Advance ---$1,00 Extra To U.S.A. MAIL COURIER DIED SUDDENLY Donald MacDonald, rural mail courier on R. R. 6, Lucknow • for any years, died suddenly from' a heart attack on Tuesday morn- ing while .completing his cleliv cry. He was accompanied . '� by itis:, wife, formerly Annie MacDonald of Lochalsh. aDonald's _m ,ail route takes him • down the ' :Second oil Kinloss. and Huron Townships; across the 150" •. nd.__back • the Foiarth_ '.: Concession. He had co±npleted the Henderson re . route to a� point. at thee son gravel pit . on the Lueknow.-Holy-'• rood road when ' he had ' a flat tire.. As he went to change the lire Donald collapsed and . died almost • instantly.:' ' A native of SC.:Aland, he loved things ' of Scottish • tradition and was at one'. tire' drum „ major of the LucknOw Pipe Band; 'and his tall and erect poise made ,him' well 'suited for .this . position at. the•head'of;the band. ' The. funeral `service is' being held privately ;on; Thursday at his late residence ,at the 'Second Con- cession conducted by Rev. 'C. A. Winn. Interment: will be in South Kinlos ;Cemetery with • the pall- bearers being Finlay • MacDonald; David •MacDonald, Lloyd' Mac- Donald,' 'Alex Andrew,: Richard West and; Orland. Richards: MARRIED AT TOROIITTO HALL-AGNEW—On. Saturday, July 26th, 1952.. at 2p.m: in St. Andrew's . Presibyterian, Church, Toronto, by Rev3. E. MacMillan, Katherine' Christine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Agnew, Luck-. •now, to W.O.Ira MacKenzie Hall, R.C.A M.C., son of the late Mr. and. Mid %-Thomas° Gorge'•Hall of Schomberg, Ont: • LADIES ,AUXILIARY 'HELD ANNUAL SUM1%IER PICNIC The annual.: July paum c . of the Ladies Auxiliary to the - Canadian n Legion was ..held at '.the home of Mrs. Philip .MacMillan with an • attendance; of ; fifty -:four :: mean- bers and visitors. A. pleasant day was . enjoyed and a lovely lunch served. The sports events were Con- ducted by Mrs. :Joe Wasney, as- sisted , by Mrs. •Ronald Forster. Winners , were as follows: girls, undier . 6, 'Trudy Tho ripsdn; •boys 5.to 9, Bobby ,Hunter; kick the • •slipper; __M ; . J. C. Johnstone; =3- legged race, Joyce Little and Iso- bel MacPherson; ' , walking race, 'Mrs.: Jack England; throwing the Paper plate, ladies, Isabel - Mac,. Pherson; (big agirls, R,eyta Collins; wee girls, Cheryl Whitby;.;boys, Bobby Hunter; calling, hubby to • 'breakfast, Mrs. Orville Jones; • pinning the • patioh, Joyce Little and .Isobel MacPherson;: rnarried ladies dash, Mrs;: Bob Armstrong; .Candy race, Mrs. Forsyth and Marilyn;' wheelbarrow race, Tom- MY' Wasney and 'Bobby' Hunter. Richard Baker of 'town attend, ed the funeral of •his brother in- JAW, Fred Fiske at Niagara Fall's last• week. ' GUIDE CAMP SCENE 'OW.* SUMMER; ACTIVITIES 1 l eewaydin Girl • Guide Camp, located on. • Lake Huron's shore at the foot of the '12th Cones side' of ' Ashfield, is a busy spo'. this 'summer as' a series of .fou ten-day camps -are -•held -- fro JAY 2nd.. to August 22nd. Atten- darrce approaches the 100 'mark tr Camp Keewaydin, Which i" translated, a Scut. Wind", w h Wi , • °pened in 1949 under• the super- vision of Mrs. Bruce Connell Galt, area carnp advisor. Mrs:• A. ° E..•11ICKi , provineial'camp' coin. missioner' at that i •dime) played 1' leading' role 'in the ' eStablishmen of this permanent' calinp site. LUCKNQW, ONTARIQ, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th, 1952 EIGHT PAGES. the 'lay,. loan was Ashfield, .• J. POS ed. 's>xrried' John :had new: • w.or,k for •iyicQuaig hi appointment - t zn s s s � a. t ' DIED. IN THE WEST , '• be s. Word' hasbeen received here ofAugust death •of Mrs; J. Anson Fin- who .i�asseci away'.in, Sack on eionaay,1 July. 28th. She: formerly Janie A erson •of . ' HOLIDAY MONDAY With Monday, 9th, be- ing obsenved as Civic•Holiday; it is important .that news and •ac - u ., vertisin cop be sent in early,, • • Y and• where possilble 'by Saturday of this week, NEPHEW KILLED • _R 1 N AIR Asi"1 ' : . q .. ' C �' �-- ' •. : _ .. 1. SEE BY T E..: : ' .: ,. • SEN'TI NEL . ' .. : . ' Flying Officer Robert A. Gray; . D.F;C., 'who was killed in an air e rash near' Basgotville, Quetbe , ast 'Week, xs. a nephew ' of ..John. Henryof Lu know. , y f nut • e A ull '. ' it fun cal willbe (held, on Thursday, .afternoon at e home of ` th his ..,parents . at 82'T ,Elias Sit., London. Mr. land Mrs.. . Henry plan• to attend. ,the :service. FO.. Gray was one :of the six :mancrew' :of a•Lancaster'borri�ber .;which was in • A. mid-air" collision with .a V . ire e aanp' ] t' fiighter dur- ing ' Exercise' ::Signpost, • a • joint Canadian -United: States air. man- . '; an ,which some 800 planes - . were taking.. part.. The .Vampire had` just made a apass at tan "•at> tacking"• bomber and was pulling away when 'the accident occur - red. A ing .vias .Sheared .from they am ir'e and the pilot Of -this plane also. died in ',the crash." • Flying Offcer•t�ray a'29=year- veteran of the airways 'Was .at .: the controls of : the.''bontiber which crashed and burned• in: the - hill 'bush country .in northeast- 'crit.. Quebec,'• Idemtificatibn� of•;the bodies .was:only possilb1e b'y their osition ' in: the . plane:. •. . . P plane.. : rescue ': party` '• achuted' to 'the scene; .and reiaorted.. finding five.: cxf : ,the • :six. ' bodies of the bomber. 'crew:, A helicop'te'r was . used :to ' bring, the ; bodies out , . Won D.F.C... • ' Ft.),..Gray-is a veteran .of World . War II, and. -,'Won the • D.F.C. for the `.bombin•: of Gerroan targets. . He, is• a son of . Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert' .Gray of 'London. His :lather *as 'raised; at Aniberley and, has : been 'railroading for 'many, years. Has: mother was forrnerly Mabel . Henry,Ysis+ter or Mr. John Henry of+:town..and•Wats born on the 2nd Concession of Huron Township. The. The young: pilot's widow who at, .Gr nwoad, .N. S. • . ,Where .'• was 'station- d, reaturned to London following a `Hedy, where .t.he funeral service ,will be 'conducted by •Rev. P. Gillies of Centennial' Uri- ated Church .and Flt. Lieut. P.. D. Ross; 'chaplain .at' Crumlin ' R,CA,F S • Besides his widow acid parents, four . sisters also s•ulwiye. { • D MER APPOINTED , .:OFFICE. CARETAKER. ,.. NOMINATION MEETING. TI.. O BE HEirD %'RIDAY John Dahmer has been appoint- ,Post C)ffice-car eta der and as- ,his new. duties. last week. succeeds Dick g_axhe • . •A nomination meeting ' to fill the re'eveship vacancy .caused .bY the'gid '.death. J.•..C. • M :NNasb, of wall -al kion sin held the 'position since the post office 'was . uilt: •.•: ` b Dick.*as forced to give up• the- ,because 'of •iT l health, and:. the past seven • months, Mars. ' • had 'been parrying. on duties •for im .him,.. pending the ,' ;of. a successor. i. raga Alex Sutherlar ds name•• ,was "omitted • from the list of all }S bearers at the .funeral, of S. J• M!acDiarmid.. :. _ TI AT' • Jack Campbell-. suffered three broken • ' • . ribs when.: he sli P Ped and fell from the ,roof .of a' Cottage .. g on: which he was working..• at .Point Clark last •' wee _ • ..Mrs aretHamilton •.... erg , .. Iaxna , •underwent a major operation in. Wi ham; Hospital on Saturda. morning; THAT•, Mr. and •.Mrs. Tom Haller .. ... ,..�, . , . (nee Alma Solomnon) •are; mov- .'. ing • into a ,; new.' ranch : style home' ,<. ... at .Burlington. They •have (been at Kitchener •for the. ' , past•busy, few Years., .'-,:-.. y •"•� .H°-- -. TBAT, maybe,' there' 'something .: in the tradition: that. if it rains. on St. Swithin's Day,. ..1:10y15, it wily::rain . fora ,forty : days., While `it - hasn't rained: • every day, since•:; then,• precipitation. .• and, humidity ` has. been e>ccess-' .' 'lye.' and is, ,;playing.hob with harvest.. operations. ,'7 ' _;:o _ " . THAT iaccount•s are beingsent out, g .:..' . .- _ , to suibs�cribers v hose Seopha is m arrears `and it requested; • that 'this matter • .be •,given. early attest on. Individuall , thesewas : • . .seven ' ` rather. Y• "al ' , p .; 'h Y amounts but ' eollecytivel the •:. • : . y ' represent. a .considerable suzxi.; --o— be field•,in-ttie:Town Han of Fri; day evening at 7.3A' o'clock for one • hour. following, Thursday.:9„.4' In event of an election, for •th..e, office, vot nig will take place the : Shctuld.:one or nlore members• - of the a resent Council ual' for` P q the reeveship ;At will require an- oth• er nomination meeting• ,at• as , later ' dile in order: to• ' fill the cy. council vacan • • ' ''' • concluded •;three-point • Dun' well ,•retiring•from and Monday Will censor, Brantford, duties CON 'L C UDES (MINISTRY • D. . •TH�4'T ..: • • • is of` • ,. ;:...: ,.».<,•:«::«::::;:..•>;< <:<;<.«:�::>;»:: } <y ,.>.....:::.:;•: � .,<..... {>' . .>: y. y F, DUNGANNON `LADY MARKS' 95TH ;BIRTHDAY' 'old'. • Mrs: Jesse' Gray celebrated: her 95th birthday last Week at .the Of her �d.aughter, Mrs..Mat. � home_ thew. Shackleton of. Dungannon Mrs:. Gray still.: enjoys 'corrin :a:-. Y � t vel .. • ood • health; • :. " keepsA Y•'ice' g , at . various. light •household' •. tasks which •she enjays.:doing,• as she• hates to be• idle. ,. : ' ,'Prior to. :her ' husband's death they observed their 64th; 'wedding anniversary. ... .. 'She 'has...three daughters and three- sons, • Mrs. • Mathew'. Shack- 'letorr, • Dungannon; Mrs : Clifford `Webb; Goderich; Mrs. :Howard. Durnin; : Vancouver; •:. Lawrence, ' ' B'elf eville; .Asher; Vancouver and Willard, San Frianscisca. . ' •• '. ' . • • NEV.'ARTHUR S. ••MITCHELL. his rectorship on, the .parish of Lucknow, annon sand R" le' with. flare=_ .g Lp Y services. on • Sunday: :He , • the .active :ministry •':with.. Mrs. left on, for Naini ,icon • where 'they ..Make' .their home: His sue-' • Revd. H.: L.. Jennings +ill• assume his .neaw here onrSunday: ' : 4 • • . .; WDA$ •C► unwr spki KEi� : T. ',, HACKETT• W 1Vt.S..SERVICE •; " : • ' . Hackett WAILS' d' charge . oi• / . the evening, service. in that' churcah•�. Yon Sunday evening .,?when• Miss: Dean. MacLeod vias guests er p ani gave ;an 1>Lteresting address. r Mrs. Geor..ge Alton`presided.. Mrs., Bert Alatan; gave ;a °•re'vie�w of . fife• • W.M.Sr. work. s.. •. Blake. Afton: aviolintation. , played : solo ''and.. Jirn:: Hackett an organ solo.. Mrs..Adam: A. Johnston' Offered: prayer.' .. •', . :•' .. , • THAT Mr. C. J. MacGregorr of Waterloo: it `visiting with xela- tives . in .the minium ..•Mr Coln ty . MacGregor has held: the public . school principalship for -Many years' in Waterloo where ..new •school • is . now. being °built'. which : •wilt • •'!be , named . rafter' him. Mr. ,MacGregor will con- as• principal of Elizabeth ;time . , , . , ' . Zeigler School and. supervrsrng principal of the three Waterloo _Public arhools Y _.._;�__ _ ...,..L.,._ , Mr. and Nirs.•Howard:Rob-: "i sson and' Bill havegone to. y :' CiAcYjfe 40: take �up-trailer res- idence there• .where, «(toward • .,of will be:employed for 'some;tirne :by .. the Warren • Paving.Com-onto' . pany, Russell Stanley has also a job :there with this:: .taken: e , • Company which completed the dismantling of their • asphalt lent rn:'Lucknaw • last • week- . end. —' •: • THAT 'A1ivon Hamlton 'last the ti of, the. third' finger' on his' p,torrential ' right hand' last. week when he l crushedwhile o got it. badl y P.. erating the land packer, It was • a o he.• nail :� �f st.y joint:. Several P� years, ago Alvin lost the to of. •his thuanb . and the first joints of two fingers on the:right hand • •and one' on the left.•hand in ,. . d; ' ' mite. , cap explosion. The , • latest accident leaves the little: finger as the,only one `mtaict • .. y • a on the right hand. m+;; MacDONAI piital, Ur Donald son,, `GARNISS--at nesda Bert .las),-a—sen,: PARRISH—at- tat: .to. R. Lannon engagement..;of Rose of .Thaddeus • B. on 'o'clock olio olio TO; • .: ]lave ' and will establishment •from �': been hairdressing' .. ises They but before th two=mo'ths', Bailey HORN D -in Wingham Hos-• ,on, Wednesday;' .July. ' 30th, Mr. ' and'. Mrs. :Leonard . Mac-. (nee 'Fern Carnachan), Jaenes , C ameron: . ' s - . , Brussels on Wed- Y' July'23rd to Mr• and•Mrs. Garniss (nee Isobel. Doug- , ilkam. Jahn. r en • Tuesday, July 15th, 1952, Mr. and . Mrs. Robert 'Farrish, 3', Lucknaw, a, daughter. : '' • . •a :THAT : ' 10: -' • ,'• y, , g t'' `IS LAID' : CHARG , 'WItECK•ER HOISTS"STEER: , FROM CISTERN SAFELY " , . •. . • :• The Walkerton Herald -Tunes . reports '•that';as a result of the investigation of Provincial Of- ficers-Jack Craig l .Ruth- eMg •a .cued eio'rd into•th.:fatal accident. t. claimed• thelife' of'•J. C McNaab , �. driving , a charge of careless .driving has .. been . l'aid ,against Wtri:• Stoddart Burlington; driver of rhe• other'. ;car. :. Charles MacDonald:of. Sit,.: Het- ens ' had• , an 800 -pound steer res - ,. safely Fromm a JciStern. Back of his home :recently,• When the steer was • discovered .t .broken' through in.•the neck leve • . - .. • , ep water, nto actmery s .. truck . elded 'cal ed into action ;and succeeded in :'derrieking. the .groggy: animal dry land. . NT• FNG.AGEMES . • ' Mr. arid: Mrs,, William Patrick af.Luckno w announce the their., daughter,. Mary, td Daniel James Bass oranto son • of Mr.•,and Mrs, TP Bass 'of• • Saint John, `.N. •The marriage', w111, take. Place Saturday, August 16th. at in ;St. Basil's Roman Cath- . .. : Church, Toronto: -•- FIREWORKS. AS' �.. • • L I G H.T N.I N • . HITS .. . . D oNuto DIIVNIes PICTURE . KEPT CHILDREN A•WAKE • " :... There was•. a reworks •display • the home Of W.: B„ Anderson at _ • during .Satur � mornin select :. .r%cal storm whi h..accompan ed a delixge of roan:. • 'one sizzling. crack was so` sharp •..:a to startle. Most' .everyone in town it seems:: , At the Anderson home it put the telephone 'out of commission', damaged the, e1- ectric stove anti discolored a •poi- celair hydro;• future:.. � •: • Ur. Anderson was in the'•base. a: went �tinie':aand •a re 'ular fireworks display. shot out of tihe• P furnace. Philip Stewart, who Was: in :the :Shelter of a,, verandah hick he was , paaintng. at Miss Arel er's -home-saw •- . • . . A' picture of that. faired Scot, Danald D'innie, , vV.hich adorned,, a bedroom wall in Steve Stother's +g cottage 'at- Kintail Beach; Met an unexpected. fate " recently, : 'and Steve really enjoyed the. incident. • A ' riumlber of _Brownies were camping . at ' Kintail • under the supervon of Mrs. A: E.. McKim, and. had.the'. -the use of the ,Stobhes cottage when' required.• 'one group' of the 9 -year-olds "couldn't go�to sleep•witit•a man ,. like that loaf ng At them",... so they , did•, something : about. it-= they 'removed . the. brawny Scot's likness, a big 2 by 3 -foot picture: OPEN' PAR:LOUR .. ' • Mr.' .and Mrs., rented the' artment• ap, Wilding on � shortly ol3er• here. Sutton, 'where' as reviously business, Bailey obtained �' t:he latter plan •to 'mov_e it will ,b.e they, . are ,bust .. g� .. Hess.; Mr..and Mrs. old' ,is ,;a broth' ' BEAUTY . . . HERE . : , .. • b . Gordon Bailey business, premises in' Art 13reckles Mom ;Street, and Y a .hair dressn7a' They come' .they ' have engaged . Yxi • the T,hei-r-supervisor was- perturb= ed over the incident,, ; but Steve had a good laugh, acid on learn= ing of •his loss, The' Sentinel dtig Up' �a:nother one for-•5teve's •bed- room decorations; and, one to the good • which � he sent � to Hugh , , Templin at •Fergus' for the in- ' � _ • : . • . sp ration of the.thousands, of Scots vrho ' will, 'shortly be attendin- �T'lie Games at , I'ergus. ' } .the .prem. Part af' the wee here at. once, �.- r „ possibly a month ready,Y, to '.open � . `; . .. • • � .e•have a� Baldy .. son, l : ent r° er of .Mrs. Fred :Laura- gtYer • startling display " on! the roof• of the Anderson home: . « Balts• of fire'.danced,�aaround the'. , chimney top and. rolled dawn• the roof to the ,ground like, glowing. coals: .. � • • •,... Fuses' ..were re{poSrfed �° ,to..�be ;hlawn out at the Chester home across ' - the''' street • and at •. the oss.g school. , ,w' NO' PAPER AUGUST 43TI ,, • • ; • rte.. .. . There will be' no Seftinel pub- , da A. , St �lashecl. °11' Wednes . . 13th,' which will be holiday week. -... .: , After the issuing of next weeks . ' "nel' Off cecwill. lie' Ipapex The . Sento i closed ;for. tin days• 4'