HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-23, Page 7•
• WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, ;1952,
•M'r,, and Mrs, Arthur Bartlett.
1-1ave been visiting with Mr: Jos-
eph Hanna and Mr.. and: Mrs.
Ernie Hanna, also with Mr. and.
Mrs. J. R. Lane and; Mr, 'and Mrs.
Frank Maulden'n,...
Rev, and Mrs. David' Lane of.
Clinton; Rev. and Mrs. Andrew
Lane of Brussels visited recently
with relatives in. the coimmunity.'
The W;M S met ohWednesday
at the .Borne of Mrs: Eldon Eck..-•
Mr, arid Mrs. Lloyd Percy of
St;'; Catharines (visited with rela-
ela-tives. here last Monday,,;
Mr, and Mrs. Perry. Bushell re-
• twined to. Toronto rafter holiday-
ing withrelatives here:
Mrs . ,
companied by Mrs. John Piiryes,
.2nd.Con., motored to: •Petrolia 'on
Sunday . to visit. with: Mr. and.
M.rs: W. J. Walker and also: visit-
ed at Sarnia with Mr. and* Mrs..
• Harry Jewitt. '
Miss Kathileen. Lane has been:
• Liolidaying at Br,pee Beach.,
Billy Percy, son •of. "Mr • 'and
Mrs, :Harold Percy suffered a
severe injury'. on Thursdiay.
Miss '•D.• . Orr„ ' isited ;recently
with her 'sister, Mrs... Harold
• Mr. and •Mrs. Norman 'Fry and
sonRicky . .of. Wingham ' visited.
during the 'week 'with her par-
ents, ts, Mr.. and Mrs. W. E. Hald'en
11/Liss Shirley. Haldenhy. return-
eturn-ed' .to Toronto':after spending a
'weekwith. relatives here 'land at
. '.Grand Bend" '
Mr: and Mrs. Wm Lloyd . of
I:ondon spent the' week-enrnd With
Misses Edna and May Boyle. and
other relatives
We extend 'sympathy' to Mrs,
Donald MacFarlane in. . the ;death
of her . father,' • 'the ' lateJames
Jones ;of Wingham.
Mrs. Cliff: Borthwick of St:.
Catharines . spent , tie ..week' -end
with her ' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James :Hodgins. •
Mrs James B. Sirnpson of Men-
sall is spending a; while with
Misses Edna 'and May Boyle.
. Mr: and .Mrs. Wan. Weaver and
Ronnie of Finsw'ick, :`Ont., spent,'
the week -end with Mr. - and Mrs:
James Hodge. . `,Mrs. '',%lodge is, a
There 'will be `no service. in'
the Anglican church on :'Sunday
next but Sundiay . Sc'i'iool: will be
field "ata 1.0 •a.mc: '
"The sympathy •of the commun-
ity is, extended to' ' Mrs. Benson
Shackleton, 'Benson and family'
in the loss Ur -1 er `tither; 'r•.
Jones •'af Wirrghain.: ' • ' •
Mr. and ,Mrs. Clifford •Crazier
and Billie spent a week -end re-
cently in: BlenhieM with .Mr. and
Mrs. Colin.; Crozier and ' „Joanne
returned . hornie after spending 2.'
weeks.. there
• Mr. arid. .Mrs,:1VI'ark. Berger .re -
'turned :home last' Thursday after
a. five-day trip in Northern 'On -
r tario as far gas- North.. ;Bay sand
Huntsville. 1 '
and Mrs. J, Curran .and
family visited at V.' J. Hunter's
in Lueknow on Sunday evening:
• Mr. and Mrs..Duffie of Ham
• Ilton 'spent a fe'w. days with her
Parents, ' Mr...and Mrs 'T. H. Cul-
bert 'and' Tam..
There will' : be' no services' in
Crewe church 'for" the next three
Sundays, the minister being'away
on viacaiidn:Services last Sunday
were taken by, the Young Peoples
Union of the three charges. They
,had the services at the three ap-
iintrnents.. The choir -vas. all
'dung ' People, 'Jean Free told'
the thildren story:--J,C;:--Main'
Wad the"responsive4reiading,, Nor-
ma Sherwood sang . a solo: Wa'r-,
'ren Zinn delivered an inspiring
'message on the word peace: Edna
Rivett announced *"the hymns. r
Congratulation's to Mkt .& Mrs.
'Gordon Maize, newlywed o4this
• community, ,,
MIs Jirn ShervVoocl land Noirtrla
spentlf'•riday in, London with, Jim
at Vittoria. Hospital,' ,
Mr.. and Mrs. Fred .Gilchrist,
Bob andShirley enjoyed a motor
trip to Eugenia Falls and, other
points on Thursday.
Sympathy is extended to rela-
tives and friends of the, late Mr.
Sam MacDiiarrnid Miss Marian
MacDiarmid of Londen,, Miss.
Margaret MacDiarmid of .Wind-
sor and Mrs. Florence Golden: of.
Detroit are home with their sis-
ter, Mrs, W, G. MacKenzie for
the funereal,.
'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mac-
•Dougall have spent several:• days
visiting his brother, Mr;. 'Lloyd
MacDougall, his father Mrs Rod
MacDougall and other • relatives
and friends, •
:Mr, anis Mrs. Melvin.'.Mitchell
I. 3 r_
move •
into the residence. formerly oc-
cupied by Mr. 'and 'Mrs. L. C.
Week -end guests with Mr. arid
Mrs: W. F,,.,MacDonald were Mr.
and. Mr§.: ,Wade,•, Sr. and, Mr, •and'
Mrs. Kenneth Wade of Wallace
'burg, Mr.' Graham MacDonald of
Eorndon and ;1iis fiance, Miss•
Wade and M'i'ss 'Margaret Mac-•
Donald .of . Toronto,,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton
tertained friends •from Toronto.:
;last. -week.,
Mr;. and Mrs.:Ed Miller.of Alma'
were visitors on' Friday with Mr.
•and ' Mrs. J. D. ,Anderson and
.other relatives.
Miss Margaret MaePh"erson,9
Reg.N., .of , the staff • of.' St. Jos-
eph's Hospital; London,is boine
for a; three weeks'. vacation :
Mrs. Allan' Cranston, N;axncy . 8i.
Patsy have returned from visit:
with her parents in Sask. .
Rev, W. J. Watt of Whitechurch
will occupy the pulpit in the Un-
ited Church. again next Sunday.;
Service is' at' .1.1.30 .a:m :
Mr.. and Ibbs. Mel' Brawn of
Waterloo'.and, Mr. and Mrs, Har-'
ry Hinton of. Windsor who have;
just returned froma nater .trip'.
to the ,1Vlaritim,es, Mr. and Mrs.
Moser and Mimi of Maplewood,
N.Y. and Mrs: Burn of New Ham-
burg were visitors last week with
Mr. ''arid Mrs.» R. Woods and Mrs:
Murdie.. Mrs, Murdie and Bob re-
tuned to. Waterloo with :Mr. 'and
•Mrs... Brown.'. •
*Kenneth 'Gaunt of Londesboro
visited 'for ',a few. days ' with , his
cousins, Murray ',Gaunt and 'Bob
Aitchison.',He returned • home on.
Sunday with, Mr .'and+Mrs. Earl
Gaunt 'land Faye, who were vis'
tors with .Mr, , a% d Mrs. Andrew
.Mr. Walter, 'Collins underwent
`app operon -air ii-7Victorra-=Hospita-l;;
London, last : week. His many
friends wish!'for.a speedy
ery. : ,
Messrs. Ralph Hill and Russell
.Collins were •''n London:. on Sun-,
day. •
Mrs: Donald„McFarlane reeeiv
ed'• the news of the death . of •her
father, Mr. Jarnes Jones who died
•iii ' Winghain Hospital : on ^Satur=.
Mr. and Mrs Currie Col -well,
Bruce •and Betty, Mr; and Mrs:'
George Colvi>ell, Jack 'and' Gwen,.
Mrs. Col -well, Mr.ari'd Mrs, Mason
and fami•ly,.' 1Vlr" 'and . Mrs. Win.:
Bushell, :Mr. and Mrs Mopre'
'Jean, Mr. and ' Mts. Sidney ,Wes-.
tori ;of .Toronto, Mr.,.•'Delbert Heel -
ley, •Mr. and:•• Mrs. Carrick ' of
Godericli were 'recent visitors
with 1VIr, and Mrs, Donald Mc -
Cash., I r
Miss' 'Rosyln Swan . returned,
'ho.ine having spent the past week
at ' Orillia. ° a '
,� Mr. and Mrs' Vidor DawleYy
attended. the ,wedding of I their'
: coipin` Miss Gassel of. Ripley on',
. ;
` : Toa
s d' of Purple C<rove
W. L enjoyed, a trip •to` Guelph -
last Tuesday... ' '1, • •
A nunifbr from here attended'
the shoWer for Miss' Irene Fare
re1ll last •week. , „i
and Mrs. ; Johns Binersarn
returned .from. Haripitoti last
Tuesday Where they . attended'
the funeral of their ti pheiv.I '
very hour of every day
the telephone in your home
stands' ready to serve you
for .a. fraction: o a cent
an hour. What else in
r daily living means
so much yet costs so Litt
• The • Dickson -Armstrong Clare
held..their ' 19th 'annual. reunion.
at Queen's Park, Stratford, early
ini July, With the•. attendance`. cut.
'by the busy' flarm 'season. George
•Richardson :presided. ':Officers el-
ected:-G were: pres., Wilfred Far-
risli_; lst vice, Mel:.DieTksori; :2nd-
vice, Cormack , Armstrong; -'sec.
!treas+, . !Hugh Armstrong; ,lunch
comniittee, ,Mrs: John Allan Dick
son; Mrs.• :Elliott Sandy, Mrs . .Mel
Dickson; .Mrs. Joos. ?Richardson,
"Mrs. C. '' Armstrong; Mrs. J.;
Smyth; sports, .Mrs, Allan ' Halli-•
day, Bob Douglas, Mrs. Norman
McKee, Hugh . Armstrong,. Mrs.
Jack Westlake, Mrs. . Roy , Gor-
don. The next 'reunion will' be
held at •Inverhuron. .
Journey Into Danger
Being one of .Uncle .Sam's .ndip-
lomatic' couriers is a ,dangerous
job: Lowell" Thomas, noted com-
mentator and ,'traveller; 'describes
thrilling experiences' of a courier
who •had.hair-raising scrapes. with
Nazis- ; and Communists, - Read
-"Journey Into Danger" in July
27 issue,: of New ;Color. Gravura
American Weekly, exclusively
with Detroit; Sunday. Times'
Word has 'been received here
of tine• death'. of Thomas A. Helm,
Saskatoon.: Born " in A:sh- • •
field ,Township,. 'he moved at the •
age 'of'.;one'"year 'oto: Kincardine.
Township: As a young' man he
went to `WesternCanada.
Surviving are his ,widow, 'it4ie"
former . Martha: ,Emily Stroud,
Bruce Township; two.: daughters, •
Mrs ; H. Be'ckm'an and Mrs.. E:
'Davis and two sons; Harald and
John, Rosetawn;.; Sask., .and five.,
brothers 'William, : .Chambers and : •
Bert Keehn; •Kincardine'.Tewnship
Edgar, '•To'ronto . and • Jack, ; 'Port
Perry. , . ....: "
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'bu'r+e always ready for harvest time
with a:N1assey-HarrsCombine
Conditionsat'harvest time for taking: off the crop may be: good or
bad according to`.the action of the weather. But when you are mech.:
anizedwith" up-to-date combine equipment you're ready to go when
p .
the cropis ri • ht 'in good ,weather and you can make the most of any•
P g
favorable conditions during the difficult seasons. Combine harvest
t ,modern Way harvest under 'normal
.• An� is the easy, low cd"' s y to •
conditions' and . in 'many tough • years the combine • method las,
saved' the da for farr '
. day; niers. • . ..
A modern •
•' c+ornbine,-too; simplfie$ the harvest' labor problem---'
many fanners handle NI 'crop: with little . or , no extra •help of
' harvest time..
7 e • • ' '� • Qr years M �i as ssey air s coni Ines' have been ;nofee%rr-their .:` • . .
outstanding abil]t'y=.your .Masey-Harris local dealer will .be glad
to give you full details about the latest, models.
Makers of high-quality form. Implements` sine 1847
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