HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-23, Page 5WEDNESDAY, ; AMY' •23rd, 1952: Lyceum Theatre w I,NGHAN1;_ Two ' Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 715 Thursday, Friday, Saturda y THREE DAYS—July 2,4, 25, 26 GENE AUTRY,, it ' VALLEY OF FIRE , MATINEE SATURDAY Monday; Tuesday Wednesdaye duly28, . 29, , 30 DEAN MARTIN • • CORINNE CALVERT, :JERRY . LEWIS: in SAILOR BEWARE , Thursday,' Friday,. Saturday. JULY 31, AUGUST, '2. "THE • HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS" AMR THE LtTCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO.W, ONYX= NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS'* The. Estate Of' Robert John Moore, Deceased,., A11 persons having '•.c, l a t m s againstthe estate of •Robert John Mtore, late of the Village ' of Lucknow, in the County, of Bruce, Retired. Furniture.' Dealer, deceas- ed, who' died onor about thb 26th 'day of Aprils: 1952, are hereby -'notified , to • ' send • . in to: the "undersigned,. on or 'before the 21st ,day. of August, ,.1952, full particulars of their ,clamis, after which 'date the assets of . the estate Will be. •distri'butted having• regard only to claims that ' have •:been received:. •' ' • • Dated fait' Lueknow, ,Ontario; this 21st day . of Ju1y7 1952.. . Andrew;.'Solicitor'for the dministratrix.. " .. WEDDING -BELLS • RAMAGE—WIEBE The marriage of Mary Wiebe of Saskatoon and Arthur Ran Cage of Asquith, S.ask;, •took place, on Saturday, July 12th :in . Alliance Tabernacle:of Saskatoon: • Arthur Ramage *who'll near St. •,Itelens, .but for ;the.past: four. teen years has lived in the 'West: He and his wife have attended Bible " School: in ,Saskatchewan and". now expect to • take : up a charge soon in ,B:C. - Co o -P. .UNIVERSA. COOLERIS -- FIS►:ST E R@ EASIER F T1 0 FASTER because a,constant flow•of icy water '• sprayed; at the cream line lowers milk tempera- ture t'ure off';a; 'ca'pacity load to a safe '.46 degrees in •, 60 minutes . . . keeps it: safe for a :12 hour , holding period. ' Exclusive air injection system • plus rapid water circulation assures' you of faster, 'safer cooling. , EASIER. because losv " front -open- • Ing eliminates heavy :lifting, , makes •your• boy.a fttllfledge'd dairy hand. Removable rack,'' add water distribution pan makes clean- ing easier; more thorough. • THRIFTIE'R on your ;electricmeter bf cause : it requires :only 1-:25 1 V1%: to cool lo-gallon can.' Air' space between ice .bank, and'ntcrior walls' lowers heat,. loss . less • chance cif ..doors freezing. . Rugged cabinet •gives years of ser(, ce. Drop-in .refrigeration . . unit "protected by -5 -year warranty.'Available • 4;1 4,,;6: and. 8 -can sizes...• • Also Immersion -Type COOLERS: 2,: 4, 6,.8'.and 10 -can. sizes ,ucknow District' Co-operative Inc REEVE: NONAB KILLED' - (Continued from. Page One). • Graduatingfrom, Lucknow Con- tinuation ...nation School, Jack 'obtrained his grass roots knowledge of the creamery business by driving .a truck for his father's • firm. Ie later: spent three.. years i. .the ,restaurant business, in• Wingham and" almost twehty .years ago, while 'in his' 23rd year',• wasap- pointed local manager of 'Sayer:. woods Creamery, succeeding` his father, „Mr. J. R, . McNab, • who went to the head office. in. Lon- don.. . Conscientously,. efficiently and. successfully J. C. had directed the affairs of the Lucknow .and Car 1.11'1gaio .a point where the was considered as one Of the , top,. ¢nen: in' the Silverwood organiza- tion., • School . Will .Be. A Memorial, Those attributes 'wh'ich Made ,for success in• his .administrative position, he carried' into'- his 'con- duct on-duct of the ' affairs of ; .the muni: cipality, and .during the 2Y2 Years that he presided as 'reeve, .he •spared neither.:time nor. effort to serve this ''home' town. faithfully and well Histerm in the ;reeweship has. been marked ' by various civic improvements, smite : of which 'were cherished, dreams.' which he has .not, been spared to• see •ful- filled. '. • The • :highlight . o`f 'Jack's muni cipal effort was noadou t his pro- •longed, but iinrel'eiiting battle to. obtain municipal, county and pro-.. :Vincral approval. for` a new Luck. now: 'District High School. He alone, more : than any : other, in dividual, •. was ',chiefly responsible' for.'obtaining this, approval., 'The' now .school now 'being; 'conatru,ct: ed, under the direction -of the District High :Sehgol Board, Will' •be'truly. a memorial to;: J.' C.. Mc-. Nab. '' Other civic. .projects ;which he vas •not" spared • to , see to ;: coin-. pietion' pare the new water' sup- ply system,• the hard -surfacing of village 'roads and 'the'. moderniz'- . ing of _the main 'street lighting .system, all' on this year's agenda., Pojeets which he Saw complet ed included' the rebuilding 'of. the hydro system, purchase of a fire. truck- •and ' fire fighting. „agree=. ments .entered .into with adjoin- ing Municipalities,: a new.• assess- ment system adopted, an I'a' bud-: g'et system ,.established. • that eon' trilbuted' to 'areful financing 'arid a,' comparatively' low '`, tax rate, while going forw'ar.d..progressive- Presents' . . Tfiursday, Frida • Saturday, Jul 24, 25. 26 ,: ,Never beforehas the screen brought to 'you- such an_ Invigorating. love story—with Hollywood's two most youthful lovers. PIPER LAURIE, & TONY CURTIS, iu The PrinCe M.'h'as A` T,hie in glorious:technicolor. e.. Monday, :• Tuesday, Wednesday, July '28, .29, 30 Phis.. has been the year of jackpots: and you are in for a jackpot full: of laughs,. when you - see JAMES .STEWART 'lit ly• ;b , A highly regarded Member of Bruce CountyCouncil•,.. Jack Set-. ved :as ' a ';member of 'the .County finance continiittee .and as chair -man-of the „Oii1dren'sAid- coanmittee. He was 'a 'mem- ber of :the District Committee set 'up an effort to,; have the ,ENR continue its branch • line service ri�alimerston ''north. . 4 • ,He ' 'was, a director -of the On''- • .Itario Creamery . Association, a Member Of 'the Ofrficial poad, athe United -Church and �a'mem'ber of Old Light Lodge; .A.P, • & A.M. In 'spite . of the responsibilities' he shouldered' he '• always :had. time -for." . a 'cheery word with young .or old; or to Make...a call som•eone sick. • ' .Lucknow is the richer for-hav- ing or•hav-ing had Jack. McNab arnoriW 'us .for. a 'lifetime, short as it seemed, 'yet packed with so many worth.,. While activities .. ' . • Seventeen, years :sago this corn- ing September, Jack married Tena 1VIacDoriald of, Lucknow, and to. her deepest sympathy'is extended in her' : grievous be, Y•e'a'vement. This is 'the second time that Rena: has been so trag- ka'11y ,: bereaved. •.Sixteen years ago her brother Duncan was }illy ed -•itis -••a Lalbor ay, .. oto. de.nt., Sympathy also goes out .tt? his aging father, Mr.. J. R..Me- Nab, and to 'his only- sister, Mrs. Margaret .Ha.Milton. Sack's moth -i er pa' sed away In 1194.7' A private,funeral service, a.t- terided , by relatives; members' of .the '8ilvetWoddi organization, •atad Many .close friends' Was 'held at his late residence, on Tuesday a,ternoon conducted by Rev. 0. A. Meiklejdhn of 'Litcknow Un - Get Ready. For Spring With LLJ$- KAtMERS'$MHINE'R • Immediate Delivery. Save" Money. and • , Disappointment' by 'Ordering 'NoW FLEURY-BISSELL "PACKERS .and. DISCS NEW TRACTORS IN ALL'SIZES'''. SIZES'''. Ro.to Baleus, Kiingwise Elevators, •All' -Ci op Harvesters FOR YOUR .SOWS and SMALL ,PIGS Use • So'ty and Pig C,hoW; Complete or your pAvn. gra la.: ;and Sow' and Pig ,COncslntrate. See, its tAlidut .tt ' • HOGCONTRACT 'AST :NO, COST TO yet HA.(KETT. i�ijCI1�10W, ONTARIO ` Outof eighteen ailing birds examined; •twelvewere dis- covered to . be harboring either cecal, tapes or :round' worms. These pests ., cause a `, run-down condition in . flocks, which often leads to ' further troubles. .• HAVE YOUR'FLOCKS EXAMINED and purchase'only a cure which will: remove the type;, or types, of>`worms which your birds 'harbor., ' can . At Vie Are Willing . To . Open. And. Examine Your . Birds Free Of 'Charge: whether from • Crawford's: Hatchery' or otherwise, Whether New Life fed .or otherwise: WE HAVE A PRODUCT FOR EVERY CURABLE AILMENT Try its =` 1 e Guarantee Results.' We have on hand several.. breeds 'ol STARTED ; PULLETS PHONE' iqs, LUCKNOW,' ited Church;, whe referred to the good will • and- good • works of the deceased as a coinforting: and lovely ;;memory .: Sicores' of beau- tiful floraltributes •, spoke, of the public and personal ;esteem` Which Jack was held. A ipertion of ,these, floral -pieces=�upwarcls of fifty of them—were' borne •. to the. graveside, in •Grecxihill. Cern- etery by erniployees of the Luok,-• now and Cargill plants. ' Execs.- tive , officials of .the Silv'erwood organization•. and fellow. members of the •Village Council were hon- orary.''; pallbeearers.,Active .,'..pall- bearers • were ''Everett Finnigan and 1?: S: MacKenzie of. Walker- ton; ,Cecil McAlpine ' of Mildmay;,, W. B. And.ersori, Morgan }ender-.. son and Campbell Thoinpson. as .. . YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE ROOT' BEER • .. ���1�11�6�►'(/�iill��if�b���1�����11��1��ll�l�Or.�� :. ... ;.: assey'Harris Implemeflts; • H MACHINES ON HAND HARVEST. MACHI NEW COMBINES NEW'BINDERS • USED' :COMBINE . USED .BINDER 12 -Foot' Massey Self Propelled Colnbine ONE :7 -FOOT CUT MASSE' -HARRIS BINDER GOOD 'SUPPLY OF BINDER TWINE. r ONE:WAY 'DISCS CUET1i`VATOR4' ALL SIZES OF MASSEY-HARRIS JURE • SPREADERS RUBBER -TIRED 'TRACTORS '' WAGC►NS BEATTY' "BARN SUPPLIES Wr . LUCKNOW • 1. • , v