HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-23, Page 3WEDNE_SDA'Y•, JULY 23rd, .1952`. f THE'LUCKNOW SENTINEL,ZUGKNQW,, ocal.. an e:nera! Mrs. • Amanda ;Standen "spent a •• feW day's with Mrs. W. J. Mae Kenzie.. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.MacDoug • all of Willowdale, spent the week end here with relatives.' , Mrs.' Harvey Treleaven is con- valescing favorably following her ,serious illness ;'and was permitted to return home from Gt derich • Hospital last Thursday. ASH:FI EL`D UNITED 'CHURCH U H U RCH Dickinson, Pastor :SUNDAY, JULY . 27th, 1952': ZION:.ii;a.m., W:M.S. Service. Guest :speaker, Mr... Cameron 1. McAuley of iRipley.: BLAKES: 11 a.m.. W';M.S. Ser.. vice. Lucknow Presb•teran Church Rev: C. A. Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY,, JULY, 27th 10.: a.m.:.. Sunday School' 11 a.m.: Rev. , G. A. Meikal'ejahn will have charge, /Evening 'Service Withdrawn I U.CKKNOW - UNITED CHURCH Minister: ' Rev .G. A.'Meiklejohn, i SUNDAY, 'JULY 27th • UNION -SERV -CE -IN -� PRESBYTERIAN` CHURCH E. DURING JULY : `••10 a.m..: Sunday► School • in 2linited C ,hurt .•. 11 am.: Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn,j ' in Presbyterian Church... ►n�lcan = �hurc NOTICES Rev. A. Mitchell he1I Th S. • IVtil c � L.Th., > Rector. Seventh Sunday after:•Trinity,: ' July 2 -7th, .1952 .. St. Paul's 4ihureh, ' Ripley 9Y15• a.m;.. Morning :Prayer. St; Peters Church, Lucknow 11 a m.: ,Morning Pi:ayer and Address. • St. Paul's Church, Dungannon. 2,15; pan,: Evening Prayer. Prior' Announcement, for Lucknow' (tin Sunday, ' ,. Augi st : 3rd, there will be •-rho service it 11 :a.m,, owing ' 'to , the • Ord' Home Service in:, Ripley Abe in he � ''hat g ld„ at that: ' tirrle. ' On t ,tinday on1y,. Lucknow 'people are asked oto Meet their newt Rector t a aertrice at {. 1.30 . 'Path • 1, garen Davidson of Hamilton • is a' Visitor with iVLrs. Russell Rob- ertson. Mrs:..Rabt. Bradley of Tiverton. visited Mrs, Hugh Ferguson :.a. few days last. week., • • Mrs: Annie Sanderson of Tor.. onto spent 'two; weeks with •iMg. and ' Mis. Wilson Irwin. RECTOR TO RETIRE, (Continuer from, Page One) Mitchell ,•._and his early life was under strict Baptist instruction., At eleven he 'won a County 'Of Surrey' scholarship and spent 41. years at Reigate Grammar school, passing entrance examinations. .for University and <taking Ihonors science and ' mathematics at South Kensington. Leaving school. .at sixteen he '.entered the field 'Of textile fabrics and •analysis,'spec- ializing ,in silks., He was then received, into' the. .Church of :England' and studied church music under Darrell Coll_ yer. 'In his younger days he was; blessed with a fine. bass voice and still' talks with pride of hls_mean-.� eip in t�heT Eai;ing Male. - Voice 'Choir in the year that -clip -h. de:': feated the then *famous Manches- ter Choir., securing . the ',srhie1d which the :latter held for many years. ' Mr. ' and' •Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Nancy land Kenneth 'spent the' week‘7end•'at Orillia with Mr. and Mfs.. Alfred Andrew. . Miss Marjory Thompson of. :Holyrood spent ' the. 'week with Ther. grandparents, Mr. ' and Mrs.. George: Saunders' of Ashfield. Mr, and Mrs. 'John • Thomson, Donalda'. and Keith,'. of Kirkland 'Lake spent e few'days last week:' with ;relatives in this community Mr.'' Geo:' ower 'is quite poor- ly 'at ..present and was taken to Wingham . Hospital a •. few days ago" Mr. .• and•,Mrs: B.r'uce "McKenzie,• Marguerite and . Beverley are hone: again .after spending two week's in Montreal and Plage.: Laval; Quebec: • Miss Rebecca' MacQuaig re turned from hoi-i.day'ing in" 'Chit Mr. Mitchell came to.. Canada. in 1906 and started work at eight dollars,, a week , in ' a dry goods. store..Later he took up advertis- ing, betaine ° a . •merniber of . the :executive ' of • the Advertising' Clubs a,of America,, and he' tells some • interesting 'stories from the advertising field.. in the early, 1900's. In 1907, ° •tinder the strpervision� of the'late Archdeacon. G. .C. Mac- ,kenzie he held the: Lay Reader's license of the` Bishop Of Huron, and served in several' Brantford Churches : Later, moving . to Har - ilton he served in' a' sai"nil°ar' cap=. acity ..under the. late Canon . Suth- �erland, •'until "eri:tering• Huron. Col'- lege for ''study : leading 'towards the priesthood. At 'Huron he ,'held t+,he' Boomer` scholarship for -..four: years, and' on graduation was or dained to the'parish of Merlin and' Ouvey.' Shortly: after • .his ar rival. at. Merlin, the rchurch` was wrecked in, a terrific-.windstorm: sago, aaccompaniedby her sister and he : undertookthe great'.task: Mary' who is spending . her ho°li- ;of building the brick church. For day. There. that project 'he was ia:b e' to raise. wihat. was ` then a :'huge . •sum, $10,000, but that 'task resulted. in ageneral 'breakdown, and Mr. Mitchell 'was moved to Wilmot. Parish; where, :by• the'careful • treatment by the parishioners his health 'was restored:•dand• he was able to start by raising $1,000; the •scheme • for restoration, . and permanent upkeep.' of St. James churdh, which was •.' sa:. h•appily Completed' . recently. • Iii : 1925.. the, subject ;•of this. sketch was • sent to Mark.dale, which parish had been passing through - sorne . difficulties; and four very happy•.years were:s'pent" there, but•.,brotight to: a close by. an urgent call to undertake work lir the large Sanatorium 'at .Ste. Agathc des Monts. It- sse xis -that Mr: 1Vfitehel,l was: :fated to build, because it was ,nota long after his arrival in Quebec, that he 1 under= rectory took to build the splendid est y p for which he, raised every •cent,. and, being •free of all 'debt, it wads consecrated by .Bishop Farthing:. In order that his' sons might at- tend' high school, the family mov- ed t� '.St:' Osw.al'd's 'Parish, Mon- treal, where he became very act- ive • . in helping 'the scores of unemployed ,faanilies duringthe depression. Leaving. Montreal 14 busy, years were' Spent in •Tem- iskarni ig; .Quebec, where after building both church ancbrect ry, it rbecarne necessary forreasons of }iealth,'to leave the hilly country,. and so, about two years ago we find the Mitchells in Lucknow.. Among •hi's prized' treasures' ' Mi". Mitchellshows a framed' ad- dress presentedto him .by the people ' of Terniskaming. 'Some- times he can.be persuaded to tell; Some interesting: stories; :of -his • work ,w •rch might, take hirci 30 miles by canoe. During his 'stay lYe-Saw—T-e-e.-i•ska•arrn.ing gxo from' Mr.. and Mrs. ,Jack McCall: of Lisitowel are'' visiting with his parents,. Mr. :and .Mrs.:Peter . •Mc- call . after: spending a' week at Port'. Elgin; - Miss Florence „ DeGruchy:• of :Montreal is visiting in Lucknow with 'her parents,' Mr:' and Mrs.' J; R. 'DeGruch,y, Delhi St.,', .also her sisterand family MVlrs..Bruce McKenzie. iVIr.' and • Mrs. Jack Barger .-and daugh:ter:'Dorothy cif Weston and, Mrs.: Gordon . •Robb, and' dau titer at ;Margaret Jean of . G l visited ted Mr.and Mi last :week. withMrs: geo. Drennan in Ashfield. . Mrs: Andrew Stephenson and her 17 Y -ear -old -.-son,' •'Jimmy, of_ Glasgow, Scotland, are, summer visitors with her 'daughter, Mrs. Ralph.. Hodgins. and • Mr. Hodgins, ofL .d n oil. 0 Gail . MacMihan, student .nurse:.. at St,',Joseph's Hospital, London; i -holidaying at the home, of her parents, Mr.: and Mrs. J. L. Mae - Milian. Patsy M;acMillali is also' 'holidaying 'with her' mother, Mrs. John MacMillan.• • • • Mr's. Jim'Mc1 ain of'Amberiey, Mr.' and Mrs.• •Alfred; ,King 'and. _.daughter Barbara. •of Pontiac:, NN1iss- Jessie Sprung of Owen: Sound: .'and. Mfg. Toin McGarvey, of Kincardine; "were recent visitor With 'AO, . and Mrs, Charles Lorer . • • 'Mr. Qrin Mgflat• and, Marylin of Toronto and M i . Keith ,Nichol of . Wooelstock spent thc�vee•1:: end 'with Mr S. C. ilatiiweli and were'aecoripa'nied Mitre by Mri, Moffat and .Jtidy who •had spent. the past two wool:4 �vitli Mr. li,athwell; . ' 4 BE ; TY. COUNS1ti,LOR UUs MVCETICS, W91., enhance y •a u inienttary tik,'in .ar al- , 'beauty. C'ornpl • �. oy is and correct snake up service. Phon:o Mrs., 'Ken Mo'vbray, Litck now.:' t N .• . , Tel•i the avefnage, person therb are 860,588,402 stat'#' bT the uni- verse and he' will Believe :you. But',Obit up a sign .'Wet Paint" and he witl 'Ira/v#'to '.conduct a personal ..investigatrbt •.' an isolated settlement to 'the pr esefst thriving town which has. become .internationally • famous fcn the production. of, rayon, pulp. In 1920. Miss'•C1ara ,Mabel Clif 'fora became the bride of 'Mr: Mitchell, an'd ,,they have four sons, three of whom secured cone ,= 'missions in the' war, The eldest,' 'William James Clifford, :is with a large'building concern in Harr Ilion; the second,' Albert Gibb, NTARIO. anderson 's LADIES' AND MEN'S WEAR TELEPHONE SALE • OF SUIVIM.ER:.LINGERIE;- Manufacturers: Samples and ;Stock ,Clearaijces. SLIPS , • • Nylon in tricot. Si'• taffeta,. • `, white;• 14 '.t�o '42, ., : $3:59 • Outsize crepe°. and Jersey, 14;t�o 0,• ,-also-a--few=eetton. -- - and, nylon.. • , PANTIES • Nylon, .regular' $2.95 • $1;89 1 1 ''1 , B. LOUSBS. -Full size assortment : in 'samples,. •12 to' 20, in cot 4 GOWNS • - • ton, 'crepe, etc. •1iea1 "bar t Batiste, Jersey, Crepe, glans. Ideal fpr school it L and ' ®S. girls. ls. Good 'assortment • ...,.... $1.99 ALL A 1 . T /2 PRICE. ,secured •the degree of Master in Chemistry and has.a position with the McColl• Frontenac Company, and the third, 'Robert Glyne;; is: teaching science and mathematics in Barrie ,Collegiate. The fourth; Arthur Guest, will :remain here` in Lucknow, •wihere he is employ-, ed by the Shelton Specialty Coon- pang. ' In September of last ' year • fire played havoc with St: Peter's' Rectory; so this "building clergy- man" was called 'upon to :super- .vise .the restpration ,,and remod- elling ,of the 'rectory, sandall;, who. have seen • it declare that the fire was but 'the 'fore—runner of one of : the. most • up -to date :rectories' in the Deanery of Bruce: • Farewell gifts to 'Mrs" Mitchell included :a boudoir • damp .from; =Dxingannony Ladies-:Guild-,;—silver- butter uild; silverbutter dish .. from Luc'know' ' Wo- men's Auxiliary,: and a beautiful silver 'tray from'. L'u, cknow Ladies' Guild.. -To the Rector: and his - wife, the Riiple* congregation, at a spec aally arranged:, picnic, 'presented a ' large -plate glass consoleMir- KINGSBRIDGE ldays with ,her sister; Mars.. ,Blaise Maxtin' f 1VIr. .and ' Mrs. Fred Courtney are visiting their friends. We -are sorry to hea•'Mr,, Blase.` Martin, is not •$o well: • Miss Delina: Lannau washome for•the weekend. Mrs. King and Mr. arid 'Mrs. , Bert King spent a day in the, PHONE STONE'S FOR :PROMPT REMOVAL OF. . DEAD OR DISABLED ' COWS = HORSES WM STONE. SONS LTD. "PHONE COLLECT INGERS'OLL • 21 WINGIIAM 561J and Mrs:.. Charlie. Dalton-& family :and Mrs. Chisholm •. and Catharine: have :been' visiting Mr' and Mrs., Jerry Dalton Miss ..Agnes: King spent a' few YOUR'. FAVOURITE BEVERAGE OOT BEER '. si...:,..Nr�o.�o�u�n�,i�.o...o�o�o.`„o.�,�,.�n��:�P�o.sua. wm,.....1ga • �• • SANDING and :FINISHING We are'.now .prepared to 'sand and finish your floors new and .' old. PRICES REAS E�• ONABL :• • Estimates Given. Without :Obligation EMBERLIN and MacINNES PM6e 194-m, Lucknow .. • • .4. 4. RI MADE TO WITHSTANM H:AR.D•.WEAR!' 'PITTSBURGH RUBBERIZE ,UBBER1ZE_ ' as aw AT�N�� F • ...� FINISH For homes with Iivey youngster's. New VW/allhide Satitx Z;in sli resists scuffing ana i' ii'g:Stutibifiit. stains,• grease, crayon' ink spots and'ingt smears•can be washed, -Off in a jiffy. , Cdm0 in for PRFE "Pdb Right with Color"Dyna»# ics ' booklet. � o 19ENDEROON 'MB R , LI MITED: