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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-16, Page 8
• PAGE EIGH' THE LUCKNOW SENTINE‘ LUCHNOW,. ONTARIO .1. WEDNESDAY JU►LX IOth, ,1952 tidies'' ...., ' es... Sundresses 1' .,• FOR ALL OCCASIONS *...GROUP 1:Values to $3.49. Sizes 12 to 44.. . Special I?rice .•a, .,,.,..•ea, •Rx..ae, •, :. $2.79. GROUP' 2 --Values to. $1:95. Sizes 12 to 44,; . Special Price ' ,,,.,,,...,�, ..,,,.•., $3.95 . OTHER STYLES in Blister Cloth, Picolays, 'Sanforized' Plain and Striped Broadcloth; SShantungs, from $4.59 to $1195• SWIM WEAR for the Family 2 to 6 . years, . 7 to I0,' teenagers, ladies, men's. A smatly. ' styled selection •in all groups. MEN'S PANTS Men's Pants' 'in' good summer'' materials, sizes 30 ,to 46. Prices- 'range '$5.95- to- x:95:' ;ar { 0,4 tiR 1• • yr LADIES' AND• MEN'S WEAR NUPTIAL' EVENTS HELD FOR BRIDE. OF LAST WEEK ' • An 'event of interest took (place -:at the home oaf Mr. and Mrs. John T. Blake, ' Wingham, when Mrs. Blake entertained at to trosseau Tr.ansportation Service Between Dungannon and. Lucknow and. CHARTERED :BUS AND, TAXI ' TRIPS: ; To: all points. .Can also 'Arrange charter'. trips with Western'Ontario ,Motorways. SEES OH CALL: Alcan Reed 'Phone Dungannon' 46 Collect. tea in: honor of , her '' daughter, Bernice, whose marriage • took place ' bast. 'Wednesday., ' ' Friends ' attended from Goder. iohx Clinton, 'London, • ,_Lucknov, Ashfield, Wawanosh,' and the }town, of Wingham, mlinberting over three -hundred ;'rand ;were re- ceived by '. Mrs. Blake ' .and Mrs. Johnston. Displaying gifts and trousseau were; . Miss Myrtle • Johnstone,. 'Goderich, 'Miss .Hilda.'.Twamley London; Miss Marion. 'Simpson,, Miss Cora Gannett and Miss .Car- oline' Weilwood; ;Mrs. A. Alton, Luoknow; Mrs. Wm Field, 'Mrs', Geo. Cameron; Mrs. '.H. *Lachlan, Mrs A Coutts and Mrs W.* Al. ton, .,poured.' tea. Assisting with the tea ' were: Mrs• L. Balser,; Mrs.' E Blake, 'Mrs. G. Alton, •"Mrs, B. Alton, Kra.- L. Ritchie; Mrs... W: Wilson, Miss. Noma' Coutts, ..Miss Helen, Meehan,. Mrs. H. Webster, Mrs. C. Crozier, Abs..` L. Hasty,. Miss .Dorothy :,Blake .and Miss E. Alton.' Miss Blake"was,•pretviiously. hon 'ored .:by a group' of, friends .who: rresented •'her with an. auitomatic • toaster. h SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Cos tinued from page' 1) THAT Huron County hiss bought. • a huge• new highway transport asphalt!. earrier 'with.a ' gross weight of, 33 tons.—it" Will be used to , transport .'bitumen for county road purposes direct from Sarnia. The Sterling Con- struction Co° which, has the r highway contract• on the Dur- .barn. Road in the RaversclaIe district, has, 'similar equipment' operating daily from .Sarnia. THAT the; induction of Rev. ' C;, B. Woolley • to the three-point charge of .Doibbinton,. Centenary . and Mount` Hope, was . held at. Dobbinton United, • Church on •Thursday,. July 3rd, presided- over by, Rev. H. Lawson, chair- man of ` Br ce 'res • •. THAT: the hottest day, of the year to .date was on Sunday. when ;the 'nnercury. reached 93. This • cheat wave was broken by; wel- come rain Monday night, fol- lowed by showers on Tuesday: The downpour . through ':• the' nighit'. was quite brief locally, 'and, the officila3 reading record- eds'only. 1a. quarter' of• an inch. of 'rain. THAT district •lodges ' attending the 12th at' Wirigharcn included, Zion, Kinlough, 'Kinikoss' end Amberley . lodges.' The '. West Bruce ''eontit gent :Was . led by' (Claude. Dore, 'county ' master a and Frank- Colwell, county, znarshtall: The .parade was head- ed by 'the ,Lueknow Pie. Band. THAT the firm of (Carnegie and. Wyatt. have installed a new +; vis, liner•; in their' garage . at ' W erba%` t (,week's advtti in The `S en'tr ewe had the • phone number wrongs The corgi rest ring. is 623; ' THAT a. beverage room vote is. scheduled to 'he. held in. Tees;- Water ees=Water . en: September :- 4th and'. there are prospects that Ripley will take a vote en the estab-. lishment of a `retail ' store; • : +• THAT Don ald . MacDonald of Rip • ley, .. n of Mr. and .Mrs: Jack. Maol meld of town, has . pun= .saiismammasammatmitaissiissmmismasinnumammItimmommosalialaniallamallmallallonoll. 3ita-suaniner Golden Net f OHOE SALMON :1.. r3 for $ 00 Miracle WLip a , SALAD_: DRESSING, 16 oz. 52c... Miracle . Whip SANDWICH SPREAD, 16 oz. __ 52c. Clark's !—PORKand-BEANS,-20 oz.„2-for-33c:— 1 SHREDDED WHEAT __:: 2 for 31c • • . '�, FOR ' DELICIOUS, ©OGLING ICE :TEA _ ' ■ i ■ ■ ■ g• Headquarters For your BABY FOOD HEINZ, And GERB Ens _. Strained Food -3 for ' 29c 11IEINZ, GERBERS, ,PABLUM CEREALS23c r • ■ • FLOWERDALE 'TEA, %.1b. .b MacLaren's` Imperial SharpCHEESE Iib. �: ` �,, . _ 84c 5.5c' "GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz .26c BLENDED ,JUICE; 48 oz 29c' 1 FRESH FRUIT and VEGETABLES •- ' .. -•.'.. • t.. V. ■ LEM' ONS 6 for 27c i. ORANGES, 252's, dozen 38c, SUNKIST GRAPEFRUIT, 100's'' 6 for 45c. Bath Size . . LUX TOILET SOAP . 3 for. 34c'' ■ Canada;' Packers.. BYE, pkg. 30c ' t■i't •. JULY ISSUE 'OF THE AIVIERICAN' FAIVIIL' ' __• __________�___: ■ WE DELIVER �. __ �■an■nienit■nisonauon■■■n.a■■oNsia■ui■ mu■ansaa■uaa. masa ■r,anir000sim ■ m wished to add The 'Sentinel to roce 5c" :. • 'PHONE 20 CONFEDERATION LIFE ANNOUNCES The Jun Qi Partnership Policy • First plan in the field of children's insurance to fin all theimportant needs in a single policy„ • This Unique Plan Provides $10,000 if you die before your child,reaches age 21, or '110,000 if . your 'Child' dies after he reaches. age 21, or $10,000reaches, age 60. when• your child'' X • 'Additional Features Available • `l. Family Protection Benefit. , ' - 2. •'Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit. 3. Tota D sabiltty-Benef 4. Rouble ' Indemnity Benefit. Nowa you Can take, your child into partnership ,with you, For Life and All Other . Lines of. Insurance WITHOUT. OBLIGATION TO ,BIM SEE leas B. Mcl ague PHONE 96-w, TEESWATER Made 1,7 the J.: Cooke -Concrete -Block . Co. CONCRETE, CINDER or SLAG. BLOCKS Weeper Tile; and ' ' Sewcr:P�pe. Weep T , T s, . • Bricks, Chimney Blocks. 114.4 SPRUCE, '�.14PVII OCK • Dressed or Rough • • • . R. 6,. 'Luckno*" chase the farm gasoline' agency, raan Scott Bros. of Rip-.' ley, and who' hay.e:: sold their. gairage and'service`: st�aation to Hodge Bros TtiAT_ Steve Mothers, passed this one on .that had 'leen told him °' y Rev. A. W. Brown; and, was an actual experience of the. former Ashfield pastor on . his visit to his. homeland in ' Eng- land a year 'or so. ago. Sole 'folk in the Old ' Country were expressing their sincere ap- preciation of the;‘,kindness of friends in 'Canada, with partic-' ular emphasis on, the foo& pare` cels sent them. However, it • seems they weren't' familial- . amiliar. with the tea bag, so popular in .Canada, and had experienced' a • little difficulty in opening the little bags and shaking there- from every last speck . bf the precious tea. THAT we had a. request last* ,week, from R. F, 5/fatten of • Toronto for a copy,. of Ther Sen- tinel. A stranger to us/his 'ex- planation was that he collected •' newswapera ,as: a hobby. and his. collection...ti THAT from Robert Fairies ' of, Cary we"' have`. reechoed ,a .. copy..ef, the issue'•of' Jilin .11th,, iw1'urh' we: `asked .''for: recently.. Thanks':for the paper and. the trouble you.'went to in sending- It . • • • THAT, the 50 ., years ago column • in the London Free Press cop- ies an: I ii from the uly: ith -- 1902, issue, reporting .the, death • of. Juin H. Ross, assessor: and • tax:. collector in: Lucknow for nearly a quarter ;of . a century, Who passed away in his 73.rd, year. ii/��iiiii/iiiiiii ioiiiiiii�i•% ilii/iiiiii.=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii/ii,vii�iiiii/•,! • .i•.- -... ,. .,a.7 a. ..• ../.,:, .�.i•�.i - A,— -., '.i... �•% .i. i �.";a. LACE TABLECLOTHS Twig -tone lace tablecloths:' Size 49"49" ,,at $3.75 Ea •e • y Size $g"g0" at $8.95 . Ea . .••, :�.•iiiii,: /ilii•%iii•,-.��-•iiii•ii/•i// i!! st Li fe