HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-16, Page 5WEDNESDAY,JULY 1p6th, 1952 Lyceum Theatre Two Shows'' :Each; Night; FIRST, SHOW AT ,7.15 TONIGHT THURSDAY "ANNE OF THE INDIES". Friday,. Saturday HUGO HAAS, BEVERLEY MICHAELS July' 18, 19 • Girl On The, Bridge MATINEE SATURDAY Monday,.. Tuesday, Wedniesday THREE .DAYS—July 21, 22,. 23' BOB . HOPE,; HEDY• LAMARR• in y: Favourite ' Spy Thursday, Friday, .Saturday , July. 24, "25;. 26 , GENE. AUTRY • :in "VALLEY OF FIRE" '. Frank' Sinatra's Confessions Published ; "The .Voice" holds .• no• punches a5' he reveals 'his :own, ,story' • of • • surprising divorce from . Nancy and his • exciting romance with va—Gardxier,_.in this Sunday's (JillyY20) ' issue' of•The: American 'Weelfly, • Begin Frank' Sinatra's .'dramatic two-part 'series, "Frank- ie is' Speaking" in • The American • • THE LUCK1VOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO HELENS . KINL UGr; • .Rev. W. J; Watt of Whitechurch will' preach in the.United church for the'' next two Sundays while Rev, S. E. Hayward is 'on hot-' :idays. Service is at 11.30 a.m, Dr,. George and Dr. Wm.` aMc Gregor of Ohioago and' Mr. Alex MacGregor ,or Granum,; .Alta., Were week -end visitors with Mr. sand :,Mrs. George Stuart. On 'Mon- day, they, with their sisters, Mrs: Stuart .and Miss Catherine, Mac, Gregor of Lucknow, left. on .a. two • weeks'. motor trip. to Nc a Scotia. Among other places they will: visit Capee Breton, their 'birthplace. • Master' Terry Wil er was a vis-. iter with. his cousin, Master Jim my.' Wilson at Whitechurch.;. Miss Margaret Miller 'is work- ing at the ' Win am m Hospital; during' the summer. 'a'cation, Mr; • • Winn: Rutherford returned home from the, Wingharn ,.Hospi-�' tal on Suridiay.: • Mr. Al Martin of Detroit is spending the . ,week. with . Mrs.. Martin and N.eddy and Mr.. and Mrs. E.' J. Thom. '• NEW .HEAVY DUTY J()HN' DEERE TRACTORS Two new heavy-duty John Deere 2- :and ' 3 -plow tractors, successors ' to • Models .."A, .and "B", :'will be announced Saturday, July ;l9th'by W. G. Simmons, .8& Sons, . Goderich. According to . thin' finrn; these new tractors feature.a' host of engineering •adyan.cements. and major' irn�provei ienfis.'' which make. there the -greatest' values ever Of- fered by John Deere: 'W G. Srm- :inons & Sons state that one , ,of the: new. models Willbe on•:dis- •cplay„ ''Saturday; July 1.9th,. and, they extend, a cordial•invitation to , eLveryone • to -stop by • and --see the new'tractor.' °.' M. • and Mrs. H. A Graham ac- companied Mr, and Mrs., M.. "John 1 stone of Listowel on ,a motor trip to. 11,xagara . Falls and other places. .of interest, Master Donnie Page of .Kan- 'sardine spent last week with Mr, and ,Mrs. Tarn .Hodgins.. The Sr. W. A. .met on, Thursday at the home .01 'Mrs. Howard Thompson with. Mrs. Torn. Hod- gins .in charge •The opening hymn was "Go labor on" • followed, by prayers. The word' for, the roll call was; , `,`Redeem".. `Mas. Wm. Wall read the scripture:,Plans. were made for •entert ''ining;.in August..' A quilt 'was.' quilted and' several blocks were made. Therneeting closed with •the litany and a dainty lunch. was served by the •'hostess. ' Master Tommy 'Pollock • of Huron spent a tfew days' with his cousin; Helen Needham. Little Rickey Fry' of Wingham was ''with his gr'andparen'ts, Mr. sand Mrs. Wm, Halden.by .`for a few days. • Misses Karen arid Evelyn Nick: Olson visited, on Thursday' - with their cousin, Marion. ; Nicholson, Millarton., We are sorry, to report the ill- ness of Mrs. Wm. Cox who has been confined to bed for the past rtwq ' vi eeks. Her, many `friends.. wish . for. 'a speedy recovery: . Congratul'ations: to ,Miss Nancy. Needhaan' who was successful. in passing her 'Music examination..' Miss'Marlerie Stanley of. Luck now spent.'a. few,. days .of: Luck.. cousin, .Sandra ;Percy.. • . A nuniber from ' hereattended the reception oif M. ;and Mrs. D.' hoes on Friday evening:: There' Will be no service. in the' Anglican •, :church . for. ,the .next. :three Sundays but Sunday School ,i11:" bheld next Sunday at' -10Q a.rn. 1Virs° ' Arthur Haltlenby. , • :and Weekly exclusively with The De -: daughter . Shirley... and Mr. Tom troit Sunday Times. Collingham of Toronto spent the ' week -end with ;relatives here anal at 'Lucknow:. Mr. Ralph Haldenby of Toronto• • i�tt�t�t�ftiw�►n�gfo�i,�o�t�tr�tt�u�tt�tt.Titio�t�o�t>•tr�a�� a Fuel Feeds Fertilizer Fone 71. �: Groceries i ' •spent the week -end'.. at. his home j.' here. . Miss ''Be'tty: McLeod : of Huron visited ' •a few days with Mrd and Mrs: W. E., Haldenlby. ' The Rev. 'Benson Cox left on; Monday by Trans Canada ':Air Lines for . London, England. He. ,will visit :countries in Western •Europe including: ', Scandinavia. Archdeacon, Wrn A. and Mrs.;.. Self Serve • Staff' • for Service hone 2'7•• Order'' Now and Get tow .Summer .Price 1.1I9 . as •thei. expire soon STOVE OR;NUT As Usual—CO-OP HIGH • QU'ALITY Place Your Order EARLY( Drop' in And See' 'The . ' • • 'co -OP SIDE -OPENING MILK COOLER 'and CO-OP DEEP :•FREEZE' . Now On Display I .' Lucknow �� 'Distr c(o-Operative •r�tl�lf♦I�t111tltY/�p0+1�P��(If►nO�►U!t•���b��ii�o�tF�olu�t ►�� Get • R'eady For Spring; With &tti1-(HALMEI CAC•, 'I1 Immediate Delivery --= Save Money and , Disappointment• by Ordering Now. .`. . FLEURY -BISSELL .PACKERS and DISCS •, NEW TRACTORS IN ALL SIZES Y. • Roto Balers, Kingwise Elevators, All -Crop Harvesters • FOR YOUR. SOWS and' SM.M LAPIGS Lrse Sow and •o pig Chw. Complete' or your etre grain and. Sow and Pig Coneeiltrate: '" See Us About A FINANCE CONTRACT AT NO COST TO YOU 110 ' 111 (11 LUCK1110W osiTi :R O , ONTARIO a e_ PAGE' . FIVE Presents . Thursday, Friday; Saturday, July 11, 18, 19 From' the colorful history, of. Texas comes a remarkable motion picture_ e Eagie..an.HThe :a with. JOHN PAYNE. 0 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 21, 22, 2'3 DICK . POWELL, the' master of: mystery, • comes to our. screen,, in his latest thriller -- Out of eighteen ailing birds examined, twelve' were dis, 'covered to be. harboring, either 'cecal, tapes or: round .worms: These pests cause a run-down condition in flocks,. , which often. leads to further troubles. HAVE .YOUR FLOCKS EXAMINED and purchase only a 'cure which will, remove the type, or• types, of worms which.. your .`birds harbor.• Call : At• We Are Willing To Open. And :Examine: Your Birds Free Of Change. whether from Crawford's Hatchery or otherwise, whether New Life fedor otherwise. • WEHAVE A PRODUCT, FOR.EVFRY CURABLE AILMENT • Try us We : Guarantee Results. We have on 'hand several .breeds of . STARTED:.PULLETS, ..., • PHONE .165 1..t'7GKNOW -'ONT. (Townshend-and-Nancyr of_ London.'. 'Mrs. Anne Gardner• and .boys .spent, a few days at, the Rectory, with Mr. and Mrs: John Quaid. visited in ,Sarnia: :On Saturday Bervie.Mr. Townshend conduct- ed all services in the parish Sun- 'day and also visited with friends here before returning to London 'on Monday. • Mr. ``sand :tors. V rriie Barr of nntt'visito'rs• with re'c� h Mrs. John' Barr' ,and ,family, ,.Miss Winnie Percy, , R.N., of ?Woodstock, spent' a few days with her motther• • Mrs.. Wm. Percy,and other mernbers of her family. Mrs.'. John ,Emmerson has,; gone: to Hamilton to attend the funeral of . her: nephew, who .Wasfatally injured'in a motor accident there. ZION 'rhe' July meeting of the 'Zion W M S, .was held at Mrs. Gordon Kirkland's it being the young' ladies: meeting,, • The ; president, Mrs: Gordon Ritchie, opener the meeting, After the opening, „ex ' ei cises, the secretary, Mrs, Ray nand, read the minutes and called the roll We had' a. duet' by' Carol, 'and Eunice Helm: Shirley 'Gib:: son read the' scripture and •con- ducted a contest. Instrumentals were played by. Marlene 4tunter and Roberta Helm and a reading, by Beatrice Gibson Mrs. Allan Ritchie is to get the program for the nett': Meeting,' Mrs; Frank Rit- chie rid" Mrs. Charlie .Wilkins are t6 secure a, -speaker dor a week from Sunday Mrs, Mill Ritchie, & Mrs: vey Ritchie land Donna 'visited ari 'evening with Mrs.'` Tom• Blake,; who has the shingles, tie were sorry to hear of Mrs. Bob Afidre*'s death, Muo'h sym- pathy isiextencled. ' I' • • • • AS'H-IFIEID NOTES The Mission Band of the : Pres byterian church met on Monday • of this. week at the home of :Mrs. George• Moncrief.. ; .. • •Mrs. Rector MacLean has iri-': vited ,the W.M.S. to meet at ,her 'home on Thursday .,of . this week'. Mr. Wan: Ross and Mrs. Gordon Rabb knave been elected -as eld- ers • in: the Presbyterian church, and • their, 'ordination will , be on • 1 Jury 27th. Rev. 'Brydon . of Ripley 'was in;: 'charge :of 'the service.in the Pres,. byterian church: on .Sunday: Rev:,: J. R. ; MacDonald was conducting anniversary services . • i.r) • •Oliv'etb church.. The boys, from . KintaiL camp (With' their leaders were ick attendance. The Girl Guide Camp 'at the .• erid a'f' .the 12th Con. is in full swing. • .' • , 'Mrs.. Martha' ' Martin and' her: 'daughter Mrs. Knapp of Detroit spent a few 'days with friends. here. Mrs. Martinalso visited at Brussels. .ua°'' sse�r-Harris Implements. A.R'EST'MACHINES ON' HAND NEW ' 'COMBINES 1.— TWO, NEW BIIIYDERS ' •, USvED COMBINES • . i MOW .. r' Shat -Foot Massey Clipper Com.brne. with. Mb o 12 -Foot Massey Self ,Propelled Combine ONE-WA`Y . ...'(SCS CULT ,iV.f�TORS 'ALL SIZES: OF MASSE .H'ARRIS TRACTORS ' , 'RUBBER -TIRED, . 8 SEMI- MOUNTED MOWERS SIDE RA WAGONS' MANURE SPREADERS , • RAKES <'', • ' HAY, LOADERS USED SIDE RAKE .• 11EATT'ii)' • BARN SUPPLIES,' j .'PONE 70-ni,•L JCKN.OW •1. • • r- p.r• p .• cy+