HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-07-16, Page 2Y r, rg f1 ,,r • 6, d4, • 46, rA.GE TWO; • • TlHE' IAICKNOW , SENTINEL; LUCKNNOW, ONTARIO • , WIJD;TLSDAX, JDL 16: 19. 52 COUNCIL; .MINUTES 43.00; 157199' Drainage Co., vex t,; 576:06; C,I,I.. Co., weed ' S O•. spray 323,35; 'Cannan McQuillin,. SIN OSS TOWNSHIP ' gravel, 120.00; Montgomery Mot - Council met in the , Hall, July ors, bolts, 8.00;R. Forster, weld - 'nth, 1952 as per adjournment. Alf ing, 28.00;. GeorgeHiltz, ' fluid and memberspresent. labor, 60.75; Dominion R o ,a d The minutes of: the regular Machine Co,,' grader blades, meeting of June, 2nd .and ,special:•. 114.26. meeting of June 20th �a,s. read .. • . J., R. .LANE, perk. were approved. .and signed: The fallowing persons .were ap, painted 'ras• members of the Luc 'Tee -Win,. Conservation Club: Cur tie Colwell, Ted Collyer, George Fisher, Jiack, Ackert •, and Jim, .Boyle, jCheques were ..issued, to . the amount , of • $348,00. for an • $ per • • .cent' refund .on: all, .By-law:.assess' meats on the Gaunt• 1Vfunicoipal' Drain; • T'he . clerk . Was instructed ..40 write Dr. T..B.. Cleland: of Luck 4aw re ealfhood vaccination cer tidicates, and also. the Dominion Road Machinery Co; of Gode,rriiph. that a Council "deleigation, v ould. interview them 'at their plant some time this week. The: .employees'. compensation policy was' renewed with . the General Accident Insurance Co.. A drainage petition . from Har 'old Percy; for Lot 17, Con., 10,. and, the first part of an " . mterestipg the,Road' Supt: for the 9-1a Con- letter from Rev. Hugh MacMil-.• len describing thheir • trip ,home °from° Formosa. Mrs. Dan. Mac Kinnwn gave a reading and Mrs' A•i gus , Graham led in • prrayer Af- ter; ter; singing,• :hymn . 447, ` Mrs. P. kSte r gave a very good' swmrnary of :the chapter, in the ..study book. on. Baptist Missions in South Anil erica Mrs: Gilbert.,H,amilton had *Bible quiz :and Mrs. Ira Dickie a short.reading, Mrs: Lloyd Mac Dougall 'moved a vote of .thanks to the hostess 'and 'those taking. part in the meeting Hymn .'553.1 was sung' .and. the meeting closed with "the •niizpah ,benediction: A. delicious lunch :was . -served. by. the.. hostess and..directors,. Mrs. Loyd ---MacDougall :and' 'Mrs. -'Giles best Hamilton, 'South .Kinloss. There • was a .good attendaice at the Jury meeting of •South Kin- loss W M.5 ivwhch• was• held Wed- nesday. evening at the home •of Mrs, Fraser MacKinnon. The meeting .opened -with a hymn and the:.Lord's prayer ,was . repeated in unison.' .Miss Dean MacLeod gave a :splendid scripture study .showing how., the 'Bible ' can ;be proved true to all critics. During the business :period, 'the minutes ,and correspondence • were read: It was decided . to hold a special Home Helpers meeting 'Wednes-. •day, July 23rd at :the home Of Mrs; Allister • Hughes. 'A letter was read :by the treasurer, Mrs: Archie Maclntyre,. expressing thanks for .the donation sent to Miss Helen Malcolm to -help with;. her .work. Mrs. Evan Keith read • cession ;Road .was .,accepted. • • Council ►then adjourned to meet again on Monday, August 4th, 1952. Cheques issued: Robert :Fea!gan, *2.00; Allister ' Hughes, ' 1 fox bounty; 2.00; ;Win. Colwell, 1. fox, bounty, , .2;00.;, Luckriow ' Sentinel, Moffat -Thomson By. -laws, '24,00;• George Radford, balance contract McDougalland McFarlan drains, 237:00 Dr: J. A," , MacDonald,: school .dental .:work, 192.00; 'Grant Eckenswiller, ,,poultry claun 16.00; James McEwan, 4Jr , Map above claim, 8.50; Treas. Co;, of Bruce, halfhospital • unts, 216:50; Gaunt Drrain r fund' cheques,. 348:00 :Frank = Pler'-tele p hone- , �, W. F spray, 1.1 ' , J. •R.' Lane, 'un- ' employmen .` tamps 6:48; ;1 pen - ,sion •2:50,; '8.98; George . Colwell; KINGSBRIDGE work on Guest ,dram 327:0 ), work on Harris!' drain 19:10,,• 346.10, • E. Visitors with . Mr. and Mrs H. ;Agnew; ' renewal compensation . Walter Clare and:Mr. Clare over policy :65.00. ; ' the' :week -end. were Mr, and Mrs. Hi h, ay'.chs ues: Pa °•roll No. Phil R' an and :•farnil Mr ' aiI g.w y . q, y.,. , Y y� d '7,' $697:00 ' Dept o f Highways, Mrs W.: Ryan and: Mr: 'and. `Mrs:: gas .U34102.85; . Ira Dickie,bri,dge Edwin King and family. timber,: 25.00, C. A.. McTavish, 'Yue1 Mis..:Ursula �'Hebert and .Sons s oil and' grease, 126:91• JohnGeneand George .are holidaying W. Henderson 'Co., •lumber and ina cottage at Kin'tail. nails, 22.3..81; •Harry.Adramis, 'ex- Misses • Mary. Teresa and Fran cavating,..630.00; E. D. Waechter, ices • _Martin . spent; , the week -end construction, 135750;.Harry Park- with• Mr. and. Mrs: B.' Martin:', er, 30•-; ,percent' on_:_. wire_ fence;_ ___Mrs iPete 'Vogt is spending; a • DV The annual 'Colwanash Junior Farmers' Sunday evening church service: was held Ju1y 13th in the United Church Kenneth ' McAI- FAMIrLY REUNIONS 'ELM FAMILY G'rATHERING The Helm Family held its 15th annual picnic on Saturday,, June 28th at Lansdowne ;Park,, Kincar- lister � presided at the organ The 'dine. Around 50 members . were call .to 'worship was •given ;by John Clarke and the scripture reading by Ruby Finnigan, Ara-' old Alton, offered, prayer; , The choir sang, an anthem ; and the responsive reading was led, by Joan Clarke. Mrs, Ralph Foster sang "The . Lord's Prayer", 'ac-• companied by. her , sister, Mrs Ernest Pritchard. Rev. Geo, Watt spoke on "For we, are 1aqrers to gather ' with God,", A quartette was sung by Clayton Alton, Fre .Durst, 'Jim Hackett' and Donald, Murray,; The 'church, service com- mittee, Was ',Mary Durst, Leone. Lamb, Fred Durst, Donald Mur- ray, John Clarke,: Ruby Finnigan. The. ushers, ;were D. A. Hackett, Gordon Finnigan; Giiaham Bogie, J. D. Durnin,' Mr,. Durniri Phillips has: ' been, ill froth stomach 'flu and is in bed this week. Manyin this district. attended the :12th celebration at Windham About 11 aim. on • the streets of '.Dungannc3n fife 'and 'drum music was played by T. • .IL Culbert 'and son .:Torn.. , During morning worship at' the Dungannon ' United church Sun - ..the following• infants were offered ' for baptism; Douglas' Wayne; son' OfMr, and..Mrs. Ross. Henry; Arlene Heather, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' Cuibeit; Naney Jeanne,, daughter . of Mr: and Mrs. • ftobt., Stothers; and Charles . ,Cecil', son' of Mr, and: Mrs. ..•Cecil. •Culbert. At the con chision ,of •the ceremony, the con greg tion stood ;for a prayer. of d'edioation • Mrs. John Rivett sang: a solo during the' service. , We are .glad to know, that Ken Petrie, second son of Mr. Will, -Petrie,'.-is ziaaking-steady.. progress: to : recovery at Victoria • Hospital,: London; where :he' underwent a serious operation on his lung two weeks ago,., " ' . • Joh± Eedy had :his: tonsils ; and. adenoids ..removed at Goderich /Hospital on Monday The. Y P U._ will be in . charge :of :the..service Sunday morning at theusual time Mr. Warren Zinn will give theraddress . As a group they will. also give leadership .for. the services at Crewe and Port Albert that .:Sunday at .the Usual - • Moieey Sawing B SPECI° lar' e FAB Sweet-smelling Fab ' gives billowy ' 'suds,. '. instantly. Washes clothes cleaner, whiter,.. without bleaching, Rinses ,fast Can't -leave soapy scum on dishes;clothes, tub or wringer. WASHES YOUR CLOTHES CLEANER -CLEANER -CLEANER- WHITER -WHITER -WH/TER. We ' have secured .the Agency, for 'Exclusive • apery : Material in colors . than trend With an wallpaper VENETIAN ; BLINDS o harmonize 'with any room. We measure your windows and hang .them free of charge. ,„ 4 , SEE OUR PLASTIC COATED .WALLPAPERS 'various shades' and ,colors in stock F Lb W)8 HIGH•; STANDAI D PAINTS, ENAMELS, VARNISHES, 'WAX - An, attractive assortment of , • Gift;"Articles, Wall Brackets and Ornaments. .TEWsaw a►> . �„� DECORATING alid : GIFT 'STORK present for dinner at one o'clock,• The business. meeting ;was, held and the officers for•next.year are us , follows: pres., 'Lorne Woods; sec,-treas,, Mrs..John L. MacKin non; table 'committee, Mrs: Lloyd Hunter, Mrs, .Wilfred Hackett, Mrs ' Bert Helm, M'.' Chambers, Helm; program comrittee, Mrs. John Gardner, Mrs.'. Alex Hack- ett, Jean .MacKinnon, Joyce Helm; sports, Glenn Helm,.. John Helm, Lloyd Hunter, Wesley, Ritchie, A program with pres. Lorne Woods' as chairman Was' enjoyed as follows: double duet ' by Mari lyn, Kay, Eoin and Billy McKin-: non; reading, Marlene Hunter;: chorus; Tiverton school children;. trio by Marilyn, , Billy and .Eoin MacKinnon; chorus; five, Luck- now •girls;. duet, Roberta ,Helm and Donna Woods; duet; Marlene and • Joanne Hunter; chorus by Lucknow ladies Results of 'races', *eke , as fol- lows': . ol-lows:. boys' 6' and. .under; . Donnie. :MacKinnon;• girls ,12 and • under, Marlene Hunter;. boys 12. & .under, Billy Helm; single :ladies; Jean MacKinnon; girls' ,wheelbarrow, Joanne . Hunter, Donna, .Woods; boys Wheelbarrow, Eoin MacKin non, Arthur Helm girls' 34egged,. 'Jean, ,MacKinnon, Shirley Helm; boys' .3 -legged, Billy Helm, EOM' MacKinnon; coat .race, Douglas Helm, Jean' ' MacKinnon; girls' kick ,the shoe; Carolyn Vlathers soles' `kick the shoe,: Mrs: • Clif-' ford Hackett; married ladies, Mrs. Alex .Hackett; young men, Doug= las. Helen; :: grandmother's race, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie; eldest man Present, Mr,, ' 'George' • Hunter;. youngest member 'present, Wanda. Kanter.. When 5:30 came; all were ready to 6partiake of a- good slipper in-` eluding ,ice' cream: All ` went home feeling' 'it was :a day ':well spent McInnes -Falconer Reunion The:Mc_Innes-Falconer' reunion was held at the; ' home `of Mr.: and Mrs.:.Calvert Falconer .of Blyth With about 100 relatives present. The Toting folks . had a "`ballgine with Joe Falconer and Joe Tiffin ' captains:' After this races, and games were held With winners as follows:':from 1-4, Sandra, Fish- er; :5-6, Beyin • Tiffin; girls '-:7-9, .Mr.:and Mrs:• Grant Evans and :Mary Fisher, Joan Tiffin; boys three,little sons, Garth, David & 7-•9, . Johnny' Petteplace, Joe Fal-, ,Brian . of Deer Lake, Sask, and toner; girls ' 10-1'2, Kathleen Fish-: their another, ; Mrs.. Abe. Evans of � er, Janice McKee; boys .13-16 Siliviertori, Man., have been Visit- ing Mrs. W. R Andrews, the lat. per's • sister and ,their ' relatives. Miss Lois Mole, will return with them for la 'visit and wi11 .spend a week in •Kansas. City.. ,Mrs. ' '1Vfargaret .:Halfyard and sister,` Miss Gertrude Diamond: of St Johns, Newfoundland, visited Mrs. J. G. Montgomery of the village, and Mr; Gordon .T. Mont Igomery wrh ile oh ' a visit to the forrner's daughter,, Mrs. G. Mont- :goniery, London. ' Visitors .recently with; Mrs. '''M: Shackleton ,were Mr. and'': Mrs. Lewis .rStonnhouse, Belgrave; , illtr; and Mrs..Aythiir Edgar, Wingham and Mi. Hugh MacDonald of the Western States Saturday visitors - were Mr. and;' Mrs. Orville Chain hers and Mrs Lee Briggs of Spaldinig,. Salk. Sunday. .'visitors:' were Mrs.. Marguerite. Black, and. Fred,. Mrs. Reid of Goderich, Mr. and 14rs. 'Frank Bishop, Stratford.' Visitors with Mr: Than';"°McCann are his • sister, Mrs. Carrie Mc- Cans, Simcoe and niece ,Miss Car- rie O'Neil, Ooderich, CARD OF THANKS • '.Thefamily'' of .the late David ,Smith Errington .wish to thank .friends and ,neighbors, for .floral tributes, loan •of cars, acts of kindness and expressions' of sym., pathy shown, them at thetime of their'•bereavernent, Special thanks to Rev., George Watt. Jack, Cronin; married 'woirien's, yayoe,• Mrs. John McInnes, Mar- ried men's •race,` Joe .Tiffin; 3= legged` race, .Joe . Tiffin and Jack Cronin; paper plate. race, • Mrs.. Galla her a id—Arnol-d-Fa'leoner;- paper 'brag 'race, Jack 'Cronin and Wally ' Alexander: (tied).. Lead. penal,' and orange ' relays .caused And the job is. easy when Y . ou• do away; with lours of polishing. Use B-H "'PERM&-LASTIC 1 varnish •to -put a bright, lustrous 'finish on floors and wood- worrk. JQ•HN W HBHDER$ON� LUMBER ' LIIMiTED much' 1un -as did -the : riiarecl'- couples contest: Pri2es were giv en to the oldest ;person • at :'.the , picnic, Mrs: 'Hester .',Falconer, of Caledon; the youngest, Richard Norman' Falconer; Pah ierston; the largest . ainily present,:. Mr, and "Mrs.:Joe Falconer,• Palmer ston; the .one comingthe' .:farth est, Mrs. (Rev). Gallagher: and son Johnny of Texas;• the one whose 'birthday was closest ;. to July; '1st was 'Carl. ,Falconer orx: June 30th. After•'this• •lunch':was served • by ' 'the committee, in' charge and then, the bus'inesspart Of the. afternoon was „held.. The new officers " for 1953 are; pres:, Cecil- Falconer vice , pros., • Wm. McInnes; sea.:-ireaa,, Mrs: Fred Martin; lunch • comm 'ttee, Wan. McInnes and Mrs. John 'Mc- : Innes; sports committee, • ' Miss Marilyn, Butler. 'Of Goderich and Carl-`lconer; Blyth;—The-:=next reunion Will be held at Teeswater with Mr. .and 'Mrs. Wrri. McInnes as hosts:: i while with her ,brothers, .Joh,► and. Frank Sullivan, Visitors with Mir. , and Mrs: P. J. MurphyM were r, and' 'Mrs. Jack Fitzgerald and Mary Mir- ;ph.y, • SOrething New : F The Port El in Junior. Chamber of Commerce .'.presents°. III (FORMERLY "AQUA DAY" .: at h LAKEVIE Y PARK* For* A Bigger And'.Better CIVIC' 'hIOLIDAY .SHOW' A Iajy Of Sparkling Exhibitions Watch For It' r Dant ` Miss, It . t�•s;. •