HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-25, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25th; 1952 L.yceum Theatre . -_- I NGHAM. Two Shows,. Each.: Night FIRST SHAW AT 7.15 TONIGHT -THURSDAY • '' "CALLAWAYWENT THATAWAY" Friday, 'Saturday,, June . 2T, 2.8• WALTER P'IDGEON; , MARGARET I,Ei'HTON: • in . CALLING : BULLDOG' 'DRUMMOND' MATINEE SATURDAY • Mon., Tues•, . June .30, 'July 1. CLARK. GABLE, :$RODERICK CEl~AWFORD 111 E LONE :STAR, Wednesday, Thurs., July . 2,' 3 AVA :GARDNER, , ' JAMES: MASON And � Pandora . .The Flying Dutchman ' ,,MARKED '96TH '•BIRTHDAY • Alex. AnderOon of Toronto and a native ;of the—Donnybrook '' dis- ' :: trit ,,in West Wawanosh, , Cele- .ibrated his 96th.•birthday ori.: Sun- • day, June 15th.. He resides with ' his .sister; M•rs. •Robert Barbour and. continues •.•toenjoy;,: fairly good health. • THE T.0 KNOW .SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW ONTARIO• PURPLE GROVE; Mr, and Mrs Perry • Anthony of Detroit visited with Mr. and 'fe6"r-ge ` S Emerson • last week. ;04 }VIr. and Mrs. Isaac Nixon and family of .Belfast 'visited. with. Mr; anal Mrs:.;John -Emerson on Sunday, ' Mrs. Edbert -Bushell visited her • aunt, Mrs. Daly •Of Galt, last week. .Quite a number' of .Orangemen. from Allis district attended the. Kinloss Orange 'church 'service at. Bervie where Rev:. .G. • •°Meijcle john''preached to .brethren from. Kinlough, Zion, Amberley land Kiric'ardirre, The theme of :.his ad dress was "Leading • people to' Christ" . • • Visitors' with Mr. Donald Cosh were Mr. and Mrs. • W m. Cox, 1Vtr. and Mrs. ' Forater and family,' Mrs. Gertie Walsh and Jack, Mrs. Robert Strathdee.., Mr and Mrs. Kenneth -Ro=e ertso-i, .Marlene, Linda and: Gor- don visited with Mr•...Calvin Rob-. ertson recently., . The Kinlougs. 'W.1VI.S. was en tertai'ned at the home of Misses. Nellie and Margaret Malcolm to .41 my dear friends and neigh,: with a good attendance. Miss bors • who rememberedme with Margaret Malcolm. opened . the money, fruit,: ,flowers, cards and meeting with 'ia hymn.. Mrs:`Per-: letters while in • Victoria .H,o SPi- ry Hodigins ,presided:' The secret-:' til,. London; also to: any dear Miss Margaret;, Robertson; friends in London who were. so read' the•: minutes and the rollcall good,: to' visit me; and special _was: answered with ' a Bible verse.*thanks to Dr:' Corrin, Mrs:, 'Jane's with the word "ask".: Mrs., Frank and Dr:" Mumford. • • Maulden read the scripture. Miss : ' Mrs..:Etta •Roberts Helen Malcolm led in praYer A • • Solo' by Miss Agnes Hall was en- ••I wish to thank all those' who oyed It' was decided t� present • so thoughtfully remerabered me Mrs. •John . Lane with a life mein; when I was in..the ;_hospital and. ibership.' Readings were given by afterwards' with cards,'`b'oxes and 1V]irs. -, John Barr;. Mrs. . Harold other gifts, and • also Percy, Mrs:.' John: Emerson and bow Legion" the Ladies Auxiliary ,Mrs... Clark Needham. A letter''to, the:Legion ..and 'the. :Lucknow from Columlbia' was read by'1VI'rs..' Fire 'Company. : I. wish to especially thank all the remibers of the hockey. team as well as>'the• fans for the hockey. game::.arid draw. they held•. for, My 'benefit. ,PAGE; SEVEN' CARD OF THANKS Mrs, Walter Horne wishes to sincerely thank 'friends a n d neighbor's for .:cards letters . and other thoughtful remembrances while she was yin the hospital, $ ' t% 'and' Mrs.io.rtori--and• sons sincerely thank ia11 the friends and neighbors for their kindness. ',during their sad .be- reavement. The resents: .. • Thursday,_ Friday, Saiturday,,_,June 26-47T-- '. . The . man and boy who: en ,. tei�tained you in "Stars. ins 1VIy Crown's . come- back again, in another, great picture`- The Family of the late •Albert. Helm wish to acknowledge with' sincere thanks and 'appreci'ation the: many kind •apts..and expres- sions of'sympath, y extended them in their .''bereavement. "CATTLE DRIVE". in technicolor, • with JOEL McCREA 'and' DEAN STOCK,WELL. SATURDA3 ,MATINEE AT 21,5. P.M. Mrs. R. T. Douglas wishes to' gratefully acknowledge. the kind' nes's shown,her since her accident Monday, Tuesday, , Wednesday. , June. •30. July 1, 2 ands :to thank w•h ,all those d sent. her cards, flowers, fruit and Laughs.' and more. laughs, --as only Irma can make you laugh , M "Friend y IWest" other rerner ilbrances • • Mr. ' and1VIrs. • Wilson Irwin wish to most. heartily thpnk neighbors and friends for so kindly and: generously.reinember- ing them on the occasion .of their departure from the old, hoome'.. ` I wish to extend._sia�esre;.ahariks Baulch and •a Bible ,contest ' n ducted, . by' Miss Nellie Maieoam. The meeting closed 'cwi,th the ben ediction. ' The hostess served a dainty lunch.. .0,41M#rl4•4444 I.#N 0.#111 14111MNrr,41iO4#1M1411#110IH 1.ln 1i#M#1.4110Mi...0•.00..4•4 N1 .� Groceries Self: Serve ! . Staffed for Service.' . �. ,Pbo,ne 27 '. Fuel" Feeds, Fertilizer Fone ` 71 Stove or Nut Vim -cars -to -arrive ipPiroximately June 16th: Off car prices. save you money. Your ,order iaow will keep you warm.. next winter. .. 1 RpY' HAVENS TENDERS Township . of Ashfield Huron County Tenders- 'for Municipal Drain SEALED TENDERS;'addressed to the undersigned, will ,be received. until/6 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY ',5, 1952 .' for the supply :of 'materialand construction of the' Ritchie` Muni - i ='._•-'-e Psl' Drain in -7 -the Torwrrshig• csf Ashfield Consisting Of: 12950.. lin- eal. feet ,'of operi. ,drain, 8600 cu. yd's. of . excavation.; 12554 lineal feet ,of tile drain (of. diameters 14 in., 12. in., 10 in„8 5 in.; 4 • in.) together with..cabch• • basins, protections,' and clearing..: Bids-S-halide-lurri --su7irr-a-ccord ing'':to :the 'tender: form provided, .for the'. whole work: ', or, aitern- atively, ,for specified sections. ,Plansand specifica,tions'may be 'seen and ford'', Of tender 'obtained at . the ,office . of the Clerk, Kin tail, Ont., or at the .Office of S. W. Archibald, Consulting ' Engin eer, Kipps •Lane, London, 1\ Ont. (P:0, `Boit 812). • .•. Marked ' cheque• payable to the . For Ensilage Purposes EXCELSIOR . HYBRID SEED is i hard to. beat. It pits that top deck on. /. The. Right; Start Means The Right Finish QUALITY CHICK FEEDS Chick STARTER — Chick CRUMBLES. - Chick PELLETS i GEHL TRACTOR 'or BELL ELECTRIC HAMMER MILLS .' UNIVERSAL MILKERS' PRESSURE SYSTEMS ' I Luicknow District Co,Op�rative.• ���r�r, U��o�GiIN1�l.... , ►(f b��b�u��li�naY�o�uiri�u�u�tiiao��►i! .• Get Ready For Spring With ALLIS=CHAtMERS MACHINERY Iminediate Delivery • Save Money and ` DisaIipbintmeneby Ordering Noy' FLEfURYiBISSELL PACKERS and DISCS NEW TRACTORS. IN. ALL SIZES ,' g • rs Roto Baa lers Kiri wise Elevators,. All -Crop i Harvesticrs� F.I iOR � YOUR• OWS And. SMALL PIGS • Use Sow 'and • Pig ChoW Complete !or your ' own' grain' 4 . • and. sow and.: Pig• Concentra • � e J 10G FINANCE CONTRACTb AT NO COST TO YOU ' { LUCKNOW/ONTARIO •f Made by'.the '.J. Cooke Concrete Block 'Co.. '. CONCRETE, CINDER or SLAG BLOCKS Sewer,`Pipe Weeper'.' Tile, Y's and T's, Bricks, 'Chimney Blocks. ' PINE,. SP'R•UCE; + HEM.LOCK Dressed or Rough • ,. 6, +Lucknow amilton Phone Ripley 1 I-r- I�'ir�o�r�a��e�o,�i�q�i�>�ir�r�ir�r�cr�ie>_rr,crro� at ,Brantford, •visited' With Mrs. day: . Minford's 'cousin;Mrs. Ira Dickie over. the -'week=end. '' Little Ross Hamilton met with: a painful accident When: : he ran' 'into a ;barlbed • Wire, fence. The gash in his•, cheek took seventeen c stitch's to s . • :Mr. and. Mrs. Angus: Graham and ,. their > seven children.' end• families gathered • at the hornie, of tf ' rs. Snowe of Belwood,• for a family picnic On 'Saturday: • —Frig ciSLOn-tlioFourth-will be glad' to hear tfat Jack and Don- ald. Maciver Were able .tocarie home. from Wngham -Hospital where. `they :.have been ill with Pneumonia. • : Misses :Betty and Joan; Hami1: ton > commenced work in Wing-=' hard"Hospital. on Monday. Mrs.. W.. F. MacDonald attend ed ..an executive meeting ' of our Presbyterial at. Lanigside on Fri - N. Treasurer of the Towns'hi'p • of Ashfield . for 10 percent. 'of . the amountof the bid must accom- , pany each 'tender. _ Lowest ors any tender` not -• t' necessarily. accepted, • Donald M. Simpson, Clerk -Treasurer Ashfield Twp. i intail, Ont. �.., South Kinloss ' Chureh groups. and the Kairshea W: I,: plan to hold their annual picnic at Poplar Beach this Saturday. Master Denver i'iickie had his.. tonsils removed in Wipghann.Hos- Vital' on Friday.- Mr.. and Mrs. Lloyd 112a Doug-. a11- attended the anniversary ser vices . in Ashfield Presbyterian, c urc . on'un: ay. it 4 _ 1 11i •x. • YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE Married At Mitchel': In 'a lovely ceremony at Grace _Lutheran' 'Church, Mitchell, on Wednesday, June 18th, Wanda' Marie Glom.; daughter of mil and Mrs. Arnold Gloor, was united iii marriage to' Milton ' John Dietz',, son of Mr. and- Mrs..John Dietz, R. 2, Walton:; Pr R. R ' ior' to her ;marriage Miss G1oor was a Mein - 'bet of the , Bank of Commerce staff at Mitchell: i.. FOURTH; CONCESSI0r4 ('Intended for `Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Ben Minford aid two daughters, Marilyn and 1Vr-. ,'tha •off Lapeer, Mich,,who had been attending ,the archery shoot. 1 *s�yairi Impiements ONE-WAY DISCS • CULTIVA'TORS ALL. SIZES OF MASSEY-HARRIS 'TRACTORS . MANURE SPREADERS' • RUBBERTIRED WAGONS SEMI -MOUNTED 'MOWERS . SIDE RAKES H'AYLOADE;RS , •r ..Come In .And ke Th NEW NO.,1:AUTOMATIC: TWINE TIE BALER; ti•r F • BEATTY BARN 'SUPPLIES ,J 'PHONE • 70-ni, LU'CKNOW 49-4.4.•.44100' a