HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-25, Page 2,N .h vu.MW✓+v,plp+^Yy`If%1.'?1�Ki1�LSr•ro.rP, 'a i4 ,•r • • pl ',.PAGE TWO 4-; LucKNOw SENTINEL, LTCKNQW, ONTARIO WEQNESD Y, JUNE, 25th, 1952 IINLOUGH, Mrs. Charlie'Hodgins, Ruth & Cathleen and Mrs. Javk • Tiffin 46,1 Wingliam: visited. Monday with air ends in the village, -the scene of a .. , e n pretty ceremony Mr. Wesley . Guest returned Friday afternoon when" Elizabeth hoane from a two +Week 'visit in Muriel. Watt became the ;bride of St. Thomas with Mr and Mrs: t 'e r e-Aaron� T m i "Fever O o g hA._. pso , Milton Guest,, WEDDING BELLS THQMPSON-WATT , The home <of the. bride's par- ents, the Rev. William .. T hn Watt =ice, Mrs. Watt; Whitechurch, was Recent. '+isitors with Mr.- and. 11[rs. Wesley Guest we Mr.* and . George Pitmen o Kamsack, Mrs rg .. _.._.. _, Sask. • :. Mrs, Wm. Haldenby; spent . a lew days with Mr. and. Mrs: Nor= uian Fry of Wingham, • Mr. and Mrs. Bert; Nicholson were guests at the. Lobb-Cuyler .'. wedding ::eat St,. John's' 'Church, l8ervie; on Saturday. • ',Friends from here. attended'; the funeral of the Bite 'IVirs, B. Sle�s sor• on Tuesday froth. 'the Link later funeral home; Kincardine.. The ' Girls' Auxiliary . net on Thursday evening at• the home.of Mrs., Howard Thompson with 15 ;present. Mitis:.. Ronald Thanker presided .and • the opening: hymn Was:, . "Zlie lave. of ' Christ .con ' traineth us". Mrs. ' H. Thomson tread the thought for the day. Mrs: Allan Coiling read the scripture Prayers followed,' The roll call was 'answered with a verse •containing • the word "Praise". Donna Nicholson ' conducted ' a Bible c�ontest..A reading. was giv- en by May Boyle, A . donation was made to the Sunday. School 'and .also our share to the' Youth • Stnpervisor a f the Diocese ,of Huron,' Mrs,, Bert .Nicholson. •read suitable,• address. and' Mrs Tom' Hodgins presented Miss Kay Gib - ion ; with a gift. Kay: replied fit- tiingiy ` The evening Was > spent. • in sewing and fancy work:The meeting closed' withprayer ,and. a .dainty. lunch •: was served by,. the hostess. A, number . from here :attended ded the Kingar�fgarden. party 'on Tuesday 'evening • ' The Anglican:garden party wall.. be' held ..this Thursday evienirig, June 26th. '. The .W:M3. met on .Wednesday at the home.of: Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm. ` . A'. •,n n1ber from here attended the-�ai ilial Scottr-eunion "ori Sat- • •urday . at the'.home of '`'Mr. and` Mrs, J. Wall, Teeswater. Mr. and yMrs.. Clayton Nichol- son, Judy °and Ronnie of'Huron, spent Sunday with Mr. Land Mrs. Bert Nicholson. . The July meeting •of . the ill: be heidon-Thursdaay-even= big, . July 3rd;' at ` the home :'of Mrs. P. A. Murray. This will be' 'the Grandmothers'. meeting. Roll call, Fill maiden naive and the: story .of, . yotir farm'`�writt ' conveners Mrs... •Tom Hodgins; • Mrs: Wm. ' Eadie, topic, .History per at the;September. meeting. of the Township -Hall---Con+testy Mts, Jack ---.N"-icholson -�ga re_.�the . geography. ' match; .motto, Titch Your hobby ' to' humor and you will have' a team' that will',haul: you a long way down 'the road of life. • ' Miss Edna. Boyle. 'visited for a. few days with Mrs. • Chas. Hod=• gins, Wingham. sham, sen of Mrs. Thompson, Rocklyn, and the late Joseph Aaron Thompson.' The ' bride's father officiated,, assiAted.l y . the Rev.. J. Robert Watt and the Rev, 'George .D. Watt, brothers of the bride,. Dr; - Arthur • 3. Watt,, . also a brother, played' the . Wedding it usie.. Archie • K. Watt gave. his sister' in marriage. The ibride Was J,oxe-. ly in a 'gownof white embossed nylon ',marquisette aver ,taffeta, Simply styled, '.with a fitted •. •bod- ice featuring a ;ST -neckline . 'out lined iby a pointed collar, and long pointed' sleeves. The floor - length ,skirt was very . ;full. A pearl -encrusted headdress held. her fingertil •veil of illusion. The .bride: carried an "arm bouquet of pink Delight roses. and sweet peas . .,y • `,., As inatr'bn . of . honor for her sister,. Mrs. D. J. Milan • Moore wore a floor length • gown, of shell pink , nylon • marquisette, /arid -embossed with orchids of .a deeper 'shade, ov.•er pink: 4affeta. The dress was 'Styled simiilarly to the ibride's, with short sleeves, Short nylon ;gloves and al floral headdress completed • her ° cos- turne.: She Carried' . an 'arm bou- quet of pink carnations and`'sweet pew Roy .Thoanpson was groomsman; for his :brother Receiving at Whiteehurch Un- ited Church, the bride's mother Wore 'a.', rose' crepe dress: with Contrasting accessories and . a +blending- ;corsage. ' . The • groom's mother chose. • a frock :of, mauve silk' in floral design, with blend- ing accessories and corsage Leaving: with the ' ,groom on 'a. wedding trip in... :the United States, ;.the bride donned .'a navy 'snit, with white 'hat 'and awes= series. The couple will reside near Feversham.. The bride' is a 1951 graduate ' of the Victoria Hospital !School of Nursing, Lon - Lon- don. United, Church Evg. Auxiliary In the absence of . the president, the vice president,' Mrs. George Joynt, was in the, chair : for .the, Junemeeting'', of the Evening 'Auxiliary ' held -at the home -of Mrs.. Gerald Rathwell. Hymn. 252 opened the meeting after. which Mrs. Munford led in prayer. Mrs. LloyeAshton read the scripture. e"pi wa;-diseussedan was •decided to have a picnic sup - HELD. TAG DAY71 A successful . Navy' League tag day was held here 'on Saturday under ithe •direetiori ofMr..J. W. ' . Joynt, ' Six . young lads did : a pretty thorough' job of . canvass ' ing. the villageandbusiness sec- tion, and were entertained that evening at the home of •. , and and Mrs: Joynt in..recogn' It ^ of their.. efforts. The boys ' were. Jimmy Pedersen, 'Jimmy' Wilson, Robin Treleaven, li,er. Ashton, ' Alan Chin and Evan Agnew: They collected .• over $50.00.. ' BORN • W'OOLI 11T--'at'•Chesley, on 'June 1$th, ,195.2, ,to C. Eric and Mrs. : • r 'd . •Woolley, .a son, Thomas Eric, a brother for their' three little .girls and •.another grandson,, for Rev; id Mrs. C. B, Woolley:.. is easy on our purse I Y • temperance' report. Mrs. , . Alex 1VlcNay took the chair for the `•re- mainder of the meeting: Hymn 376 was sung. A reading ` by Mrs. Kenneth . Miirdie on "Service": was enjoyed' 'A chapter of the study :I book ' was very . capably taken by Mrs. .Harvey . Webster, A reading -en '"What, Faitlier Knows" wag given by Mrs. L. C: 1� Thomonn. • Mrs. 'Vernon Hunter -gave- a poem on• "Today is Your Life" ;A couple of contests were enjoyed ` atter which thecom- mittee served • , dainty ' refresh- ments.. Group 3 Women's .Association The June meeting of Group was held at , thehome ' of 'Mrs. O. 'Jon`es, Wednesday., evening; June .18th. Mrs. George Andrew •p resided, for the meeting. After a hymn and the Lord's .prayer. in unison, Mrs. ,Scott, read, the scripture and gave meditation on it. It was decided to have a bak- ing sale July 5th, Arrangernents" were 'Made for refreshrrients ;at. the Induction. Otherbusiness. items were discussed. Mrs. , J. AI - lin contributed a pleasing piano solo after Which Mrs. B. Roach gave an interesting travelogue of her rlOrida trip: Mrs" Mumford Was presented with agift arid an;address, She thanked the' Group for the gift, and thought, fulness. Mrs, Mumford then los ed • the meeting with prayer after which a, social 'half hour was en 1,jbyed, . ' • 1 ..wN * KAIRSHEA ENTERTAINED BY MacKAY SISTERS . Misses. Jessie and Annie Mac- Kay entertained the Kairshea W. I. in i lyrood . Hall for its June meeting, 'Mei-6 `was a I rge at- tendance and each one present answered the roll ,call with "Why I ' like - tom be --an =Institute-niem.- ber". • 'Mrs, Houston presided and Mrs. in ute the s d lothat $2.00 . 'had been' re- portedbeen. re- ceived; ,as second prize for our program, which had been enter-. ed ink tkie •• district program con- test. • ' It was decidedto apply for the extension .„service "Choosing and• Using 'Fabrics", an afternoon ses- sion to be ..held' in Halyrood Rall next spring. Arrangements were made to join,. with South Kinloss - congre- gational picnic to be held at Pop- lar Beach on Saturday, Jiine 29; The Junior .project "Meat in. the: Menu" is to (begin under the lead- ership of Mrs. Collyer and Mrs.. Wm. 'Scott. • stitute work in Quebec. Weaving' and rug snaking are the most poular crafts there, • New ,programs were given out and 1VIrs. Houston dealt with pro- gram planning. -Co-operation was asked f +have un nrgs-begin•-en time and..end n time,, and to have shorter programs in the fut- -ure-The Sunshine CoMmitteo_was authorized . to remember the ill with cards. Closing remarks were give n by Mrs. Orville ,Elliott and after • the National Anthem, a dainty 'lunch was served and a social hour en joyed. • The July meeting is to be held 'at the home of Mrs. Harry . Levis, with Mrs Farish Moffat, Mrs. W. F. "MaaDonaid, Miss Annie. Mac- Leod and • Mrs. Archie Maclntyre as directors. WEDDING BELLS STEWART—MATHESON The marriage of Mary Isabel. daughter of the Rev. Wrn, Math- eson and• Mrs.. Matheson,. Che"s.,. ley, to..Finlay Kenneth.Bain S.te, wart, of Toronto, son of the late Mr.,:. and Mrs: David ,Stewart of Lochalsh, ,was solemnized quietly. . Qn �Sattxrdsy; June-2lst- at-=tk�- --- bride's home in- Chesley. . • 'The bride's father was assisted in the marriage ceremony by the Rev. Robert Macconnell of ,Luck.., now. Given in. marriage ,by her bro.' ther, William Ross Matheson; the bride was attended. by Miss Helen Brown of Galt. Thegrooxn was attended by John: Drennan,• Of• .. Streetsville. ' Mr. and/Mrs. ' Stewart willlive Toronto. Int was voted that each member pay 35 cents towards the : enter- tainment ofthe biennial Conven- tion. of Federated 'Women of the World, which is to meet in Tor- onto in August 1953 Money is to be forwarded promptly.. e Community singing was joined in .and Mrs: ;Allister Hughes gave an interesting report of ,the Dis- trict Annual held in Kincardine. A "number of Kairshea officers and members ' iaIttended the ' ses cions: Mrs. Rotilston read an :item I. from the .Federated :News on In • Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club in aid of Artificial CLINTON LIONS ARENA, T JULY d 1 � r • THUI�STlA � 3 4-, SPECIAL GAMES 4 $300, $200,, $100, $100 15 Regular Games of $20 Each These Bingos Run Eery Other Thursday All Prizes Must Go Admission; $1 ;for .15 regular games; .25cfor extra cards; 25c for ' each special. : Doors open at 8 o'clock: Gaines start at 9 p.m.'•sharp .:(DST) `. REFRESHMENT BOOTH KEEP'' VACATION TIME ifgEE.. OF•. ACCIDENTS: I • ON THE HIGHWAYS AND. AT THE SEASHORE Observe The Ruffles Of .Safety So That Tragedy May A - Not Mai The_.11appylioliday Season:.. — • Protec • Our : Life' . . There's No Spare, For That • • SAFETY DEPENDS ON 'THE INDIVIDUAL And Safety Demands CARE, ,COURTESY AND :COMMON SENSE. e r• , • Space Cointri ituted in • • • BREWERS SINCE 1832 to seri, ice of the comrnunit by John Labatt Li . i'ted I •