HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-18, Page 7y 4171\TESDAY,,* JUNE 18th., 1052 Lyceum. Theatre WI.NGHAM hoyvs l ad -h Wight:.. FIRS. T SHOW AT 7;15 . TONIGHT. .THURSDAY •"Rq•IIJBARB" Friday, Saturday, `June 20, 21 TERRY MOORE,. FRANiIE LAI in . the Sunny Side. Of T'he. Street - 11IIATINEE SATURDAY.:`, Monday, Tuesday, June. 23,: 24 JAMES STEWART • M.ARJ,, NE DIFTRIC.H. :Highway In' The • Sky Wednesday, Thurs.,' June 25, 26 DOROTHY McGVIRE, FRED MadMURRAY (0:110**yr. •Tha,taw'ay' Drill Scant Camp 'Well An artesian • well '• has been drilled at the „Boy' `Septic Camp at :Inverhl ron with a .flow, of 7 gallons ;a minute Obtained at 78. •feet, which ;e.nsures .the ;camp's. ' water requirements. Lucknow, 'Scouts . will • go to : camp there • again this summer. THE LUCKNOW SENT;I,N;EL,.. WCKNOW, ONTAE,YO CARD OF, THANKS Mrs Harvey Kilpatrick wishes to ; extend sincerethanks to, friends ;.and .neighbors • for cards, gifts, flowers, etc: with special thanks tors. George Twarnley and "Dr..:, Johnston. • Nofble-and-Tennie Pierce wish to expresstheir • appreciation for lovely. -gifts given to them by their neighbors and friends and for many kindnesses • shown to them for Which they , are deeply grateful. Relatives of• the late Alexander McDonald wish to a cpress'sincere thanks • to friends and neighbors for, cards,, . flowers and , express- ions of • sympathy ^ and to those ,who loaned •cars during' their' re- cent :bereavement, We wish •to express our .ap- preciation. to: the members of the Lucknaw Fire Cornpany and to :the many people :who ,helped at 'the time of the fire, at our mill. Anderson • Flax I?roducts Lirxr- ited; ' PAGE, .SEVEN W.M.S. GIVE G.I FTSE: TO MRS. WOoLLEY • Mrs:Cul tes Gam'pbell was 'hos-. s for Hackett's W.M.S. June 11th; !with an attendance of 21 adults and 4 children, In the .ab-. Bence of the .president, Mrs, Dynes. Caxgpbel: ''.conducted • the meeting, The scripture lesson .was: •read. by Mrs, Spence Trwiri and the min• iites. and roll by the secretary, Mrs. A; , Ritchie; also the study !book Mrs.. ,Spence Irwin Contrrib.,- uted an instrumental, • At this point Mrs. Cyril.Carinpbe11 :and Mrs. Adam Johnston came for wand, Mrs. ,Campbell Leading the. following address: ' Dear Mrs. Woolley,, • . The .nieMber's :of Hackett's 'WR' wish to;,express our thanks to you for the ;interest. ' you fiave t ; taken in attending our meetings andhelping with the programs.. We . shallrniss you: , very much, but hope you Will enjoy your new field of labor. "Like a plank of driftwood, toss -- ed on the watery main, " Another plank encounters, meets; • touches and parts again • :• •. SON" OF .FORMER RESIDENT • So 'tis with us` forever.'; on life's; ;BREAKS HIGH JUMP MARK • restless seas We meet, greet and sever; drift"- • •ing eternally". • • We " would: like `'you to ..:accept this little. gift 'as a reinirider 'of the pleasant and prefitaib1e times .we have •spe fit together. ` lackett's W.M.S. Don .McNay, 14 -year-old. son of Mr:• and 'Mrs.. Graham .McNay of • Ottawa, •.was one of two student of" :their class to' Ibre.a.k . the old; :mark `°in` the high.. 'jumip at the 8th annual ;Dorn•inion and Proms vincral irrtersdliol.astc track: andMrs . J.ohnston presented t. �'rfts a: eiul s field, meet at Monti eal earlrer..this . g ' b p anr' month. • sand lovely 'autfeu purse containing . a substantial sum •'of money, .Mrs: Don and S. Zadyako of Toronto' Woolley'thanked, them sincerel both: broke. the' ' existingrecord d for'.• the" delightful surprise, and .of five feet, ,two and, three-eighths hoped they would ali visit her. • inches,in the • Class 2 : Midget at `Da1�Ibinton: All joined in "For event, with.' leaps.` of 5 -feet, 43/4 'She's. A .lolly Good Fellow,"• and inches. Zadyako went onto clear the. meeting. proceeded ;with its the bar another two inches higher; businesssession, plans being at '5 feet 63[4 inches.. completed for th'garden party, Don • McNay. represented Yep- and Mrs: A. Ritchie lappoixited can High School of Westboro in press. secretary: The Meeting dlos- suburban Ottawa, at •thelVlontreal ed, with a ;hymn and .prayer` by Mrs. Dynes Campbell, afterwhich meet. Fuel • Feeds Fertilizer- Eone 71 Groceries. Self Serve I. Staffed!:fo ~Service Phone '27 !. Stove . or .Nut.. Two ears to arrive approximately June 16th.•Off ear ,Prices - save •yyou m -o iey"Your- order- rro V wr1- <-keep: you,- • *Ann next winter,. - cox 1 For Ensilage Purposes EXCELSIOR' HYBRID SEED', is hard to beat: It; puts that top deck 'on, -The-Right Start-Means-.The,Right ._Finish . -' QU•ALITY CHICK. FEEDS .! Chick STARTER Chick, CRUMBLES — Chick PELLETS .�. :GEHL.•TRACTOR or ".BELL ELECTRIC HAMMER' MILLS • UNIVERSAL nupt RS PRESSURE 4' SYSTEMS 1' �perativj; .1:aibill llelemill>aalleletlli,Illi 11ielmeO 1,eltieeI/treeIIameIlilii11om/,msse11. • emt1!iii . - • 'Get Ready For. Springy: IS -(HAL ERS MACHINERY Immediate Delivery _ Save money .and Disappointment by Ordering Now. ''FLEURY -BISSELL PACKERS and.DISCS NEW TRACTORS IN ALL SIZ-ES Roto Balers, Kingvwise Elevators, ,A11 -Crop Harvesters FOR YOUR SOWS and'SMA•LL PIGS Use Sow and°•Pig bow "•Complete 'or your, own grain and 'gow,, and Pig Concentrate. See Us About A r ,' HOG FINANc E CONTRACT AT'NO. COST TO YOU, . ACKETT& :. LUCONTARIO a ':delici,oiis lunch :was'. served 'by the hostess; ' assisted by.•Mrs. Lane: and•"Mrs. 'A..Ritchie. ' Zion ' W.M.S 'Zion W.M.S.•held their grand- -Mother's -.meeting .at rand-mother''s-.meeting...at,Ithe, home-. of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter,. Thursday afL ternoon; June.1.2'th, witih.'the p'r'es- ident, .'Mrs. Gordon Rithhie, 'in the chair, and an attendance of 21 adults, .,nine being grandmothers, and nine children.After•the open- ing • exercises and th- roll: ;'call by'-;-the--seer-etary, • 111-rs - N•; • Ray- nard, •readings were given.;by Mrs: Gear. Hunter, . Mrs. 'Woolley, Mrs. O Hunter., Mrs. Jake .Hunter conducted the devotional .period. assiste• •.y ° rs. '' •'';i ms, ani with Mrs. Jim Hunter reading the scripture. During; 'the.. ' business session ,Mrs Jim Hunter -read -the financial report, Mrs,: Peter Cook was appointed to prepare the next program; the training school allocation was discussed,, alsoW. M. S. :literature: Mrs. Kirkland' 'thanked the ladies for fruit sent to her mother, :and •Mrs. F. Rit- chie gave a reading on Christian, stewardship Presents, Thursdaiy,, Fri"day, Saturday, June -19, 20, 21 You '•are ' cordially invited 'to treat yourself to laughter at The Playhouse and bring the family because we have "with us, BOB. HOPE, in one of his best yet "Lemon :Drop Kid" SATURDAY .MATINEE A.T. 2.157 P.M. .Monday, Tuesd• ;,, Wednesday, June: 23, 24 2 C;ATTLE' DRI A great motion 'picture with a.: great Stavand plenty of action. ;• '.1 ,x. • a very pretty cake plate and a beautiful bedspread. Mrs. Wool- -ley- was deeply•• touched;and thanked them all for their kindly thought as well as 'gifts, saying that .'.she had enjoyed • working with .them and had never found a' more friendly,. •helpful• group.. of women 'than on Ashfield cult and . she 'h'o'ped they'd all be able to :' visit' her in the 'near future. Shed think. :o'f them spec ially . every Second Thursday and bewith them in spirit The W A. meeting 'foil'owd, conducted by the. president, Mrs. Geri.. Hunter. The, scripture was read : by Mrs. Marshall:•, Gibson. The secretary, Mrs::. Jake' Hunter, read a report sof the redecoration of Zion church, which was, doni- 'pleted. foritheir anniversary,'.June lst, land they discussed ways and ',means: of 'financing it A;. special grandmothers' lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by' Mrs. Jim Hurter an:d*Mrs. Nelson Ray- tiard. At the close of the meeting a :sale Of mats :cut from•''discarded aisle . runners •'was held,' the iro 'deeds t� apply on the. redecora- tions. LOCAL LADY'S MOTHER 'PASSES IN. ENGLAND :Mrs:.. Albert Morton of Luck - :now received word •last Thurso •day: of .the ' death of her mother, Mrs. Margaret Entwistle,: which, •occurred in:.1Vranchester, En rand , g , on Monday,,, June 9th. 'She' was 78 years of age, .and althoughin failing. health 'had :written to: her: oere, just 'a few_ clays earlier.'•Her husband •predeceased her ra nurniber ,of years., ago, ,Sur v4iving are four sons and one. *lighter .in Eneina and her dau- ghter • Doris ., in Lucknow: There are nine grandchildren including. •Bob and Ian, Morton and, four ,great grandchildren. • The Mortons came to Lucknow • four. years ago, although Albert had been in Canada before. the war and ,worked . in .the Amberley $district efore the final' � bym•n was TE N•D:ERS • Township- of Ashfield • • Htiron, County, Tenders for Municipal Drain SEALED TENDERS,.raddressed iv`' the undersigned, will be received until •6 p.m.' . :SATURDAY; • :JLIL.Y 5; 1952. ,f,or the. supply 'of material and 'construction of the Ritchie Muni, 'cipal Drain, in the; ,Township Ashfield ,consisting' of: 12956 lin- eal feet of open drain; 86.00 "cd. yds. of excavation ,12554 lineal feet,. of •tile drain (of diameters• '1'4 in., 12. in., 1'0 in., 8 in ; 6 in.,. .5: in., 4''in) together with. catch- ; 'basins•protections, and clearing., Bids shall be lunip• sura accord-,,. ing to .the (tender form proviclek for :the whole "work or .aitern-• atively, for ,specified sections: ' lens and 'specification's may be seen and'rform of tender obtained'. at the• office ..of the Clerk -, Kin - tail, . Ont., or at : !the office ,of S, W. Archibald, Consulting Engin• eer,, Kipps Lane, London,. Ont. (P.O. Box 812). Marked Cheque '•paya(ble 'to the Treasurer • of the Township of Ashfield for••. 10 ,:-percent of the , amount Of the '•bidmust •accom- pany each tender. Lowest. or "any tender not .. necessarily :accepted: ' Donald M.:Simpigon; • Clerk -Treasurer Ashfield_,. Twp., Kintail, Ont. Dick Baker returned home .af- ter spending a: week. with ; his sister at Niagara • .Falls, 'Ont. • 6tieY YOUR FAVOURITE BEVERAGE KIST !IN'All FLAVOURS .Yy e.tir r,'�, .•,} sung Mrs. Woolley was •lead to a central. position ',While .Mrs. Bill' Hunter . read the, following ad- dress: . . ,asset' Dear Mrs.' Woolley: We are 'reminded of the many• pleasant meetings • on Grandrnoth • I er's day, as 'Well'. as our, usual monthly . meetings which. you have 'attended with. us . On• these occasions we ,have found yoti such a willing helper and•'iri your kindly way 'you, 'have so often hel'ped'out•:with your ability .to recite and .entertain. ' We• will greatly miss your obi briding cheerfulness. in . our midst. when , you leave our• 'coin inanity. We,, your .friends .and rnennber:s of :Zion W.M.S. lope. that these (gifts may bear in a small way our appreciation of knowing such a .grand per on .`gas ;you, Mrs.Woolley., May ..00d bless you in 2ybui+ new' home, ..Signed on' behalf' of bion 44),-, • _.. pointment, Mrs. W.. G. Hunter; - i• ' p ILSON s, W. Mrs G.• Ritchie anti., r' • � , . i O11IE' 70-m, LUCKNOW Hunter:. • �>ClfO 1Vtrs. Gordon Ritchie and Mrs. Q'. Hunter presented the gilts, I ;,�rlsaa�►/w,i,w�►i�.e.I�i,, i !: Harris Implements 'ONE-WAY DISCS• • - • -CULTIVATORS ALL SIZES OF MA5•SE3i"-IiAR RIS TRACTORS MANURE SPREADER RUBBER -TIRED WAGONS' SEMI -MOUNTED MOWERS SIDE' RAKES, HAYLOAPER,S Come In And See The NEW NO..1 AUTOMATLC- • TWINE TIE BAI:- R r I, '4 9 BEATTY BARN' 'SUPPLIES •4,. • IL , •.9 *4 a. .44 iv 1}