HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-06-18, Page 2. , 1.'H,E LUC NOW SENTINEL, 1 UGKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE.. GE• TWO" � _ ._ ....._. ..: EARLY MORNING FIRE COMPLETELY DESTRO YS FLAX14ILL yg.;r�vyvq` j t a lt. ithe: early morning hours of 'Friday the Thirteenth, 'fire • roar- ed through, the plant of Anderson Mix Products . Limited, which ZION' • was completely.destroyed. Re- placement of, this important vill- age industry, employing some, 14 men regularly, is contingentcn • WEDNESDAY', ,TUNE 1$th, 1952: SOUTH BRUCE INSTITUTES ,MIT AT KINCARDINE ` sQpitt Bruce District Women's Institutes, met at Kincardine last week with . 200 . in attendance from Al branchesin the district7.- which .raised $9,170 during . the . '. year, Officers elected :were: pres., 1VIrs. J. 114 McKellar, Kincardine; v"ice presidents, Mrs Donald W, •NteCosh, Purple Grove° and Mrs,, •J. E, Rowe, Kincardine; sec,;. treas,, : Mrs. • Vi,cter Emersonl Whitechurch; '. federated repre sentativte, Mrs. Melvin Rothe, Teeswater; •alternate, Mrs: How and Thompson; Purple 'Grove;. convention , delegate, Mrs,. Win,;. ,Eskrick, Arrnow;• aiterrate, •Mz's, Jack Eliphick, Luc'know;,'auditors, Mrs. Albert Coultes,. Mrs. .Fred ,ea a;an.,:.3&bitechurch. • • Standing committee obivel-kei:sr•. •home economies and 'health, Mi,s: Howard- ollands liReid's ers; agriculture and' Canadian dustries, Mrs: Orland Rictards, LuCknow; loi'tizenship' ar d educa- tion, Mrs.'. W • IIIlcKee, .'Armow; historical research and commun_ ity activities, Mrs. Neil :Grunder, • Tiverton; .resolutions; • . Mrs. Geo,: Fisher, Whitechurch. • whether. or,' not fire ' insurance of steel roofing hanging like an ';overage can be obtained on the old rag f roan the corner of the new plant This vie v is from the wall. rear otl.the building with a sheet Mr. • and. Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Mr. .• and Mrs. Sart' Gibson ,spent. the week -end in .'Huntsville with dr: Edgar Ritchie and. Jean Rit- chie. . M. and .Mrs n" ,AllaRitchie and. • Mr.b::artd;,Nlrs Lorne Ritchie had their d'aughter's Brenda ..and An-, Isabelle 'christened on Sundo ey:- caning: The : graridpaxents> ' were .resent, Mr and ' Mrs: 'Gordon Kukland rw,ere ill and were • not Viable *to ;have Nancy Susan. bap- tized. at this time, . Miss Anne .Ritchie is, spending' her 'holidays with Mr. and . Mrs. Bill Ross. ^ . Mr,. and Mrs.'..Ne1 n. Raynard and . • Mr. and• , Mrs. Will Ritchie. attended the christening of Jerry, son of Mr. , and Mrs Russel:' Irvin: Mr. and Mrs: Fred Anderson and Mn and Mrs. Jack MCDonag h visited ' Sunday with. Mr. Herb Eilber:.and'' Mr. and Mrs. Ward • Fritz and: called at .Clinton and visited with Mrs. ROA. Webster: • Mr: and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie anti Donna visited Sunday with. Mr. ' •and" Mrs. ':Jack McLean Of Rochester. :DoNNY.BRO'OK The annual Robinson picnic •will. be' 'held on Saturday, June. 28th at Turnbtill's.: Grove', near Grand Benda NN�ext, Sunday. will be flower • un& in. Donnybrook. , church.: S y There, will be special music ' by a' children's, choir. • Miss Olive Jefferson, R.N.,, of Stratford spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. . and' Mrs. Stuart .Chamney and Diane and Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. were Goderich; visitors •on Sunday. • . rJ • X44 .,. r Io 6 , . W A MUM CANADIANS 1I) ' 0 1: • tr r Y • 1 OFI'ONTREA? • cam d 7e e Lucknow Branch: 1 C► t&:5MI3'Ii, Manager WORKING VV1�' • • ' .' H. CAN'XC'1'IAN�iS' tN EVERY -WALK Or `LIF.. .SIt Ct' i$17 1317' ••, 11 I w �,i W �rGr;.. ti:.•i '�I t •YV:taxi:x.d 414y411�• � DUNGANNON Dr. Hector McKenzie and 'Mrs. McKenzie, who are . visitilag .:his Sisters, Misses Mary . and ' Grace McKenzie, • Port A1bet, visited with their old school. chum, Mrs. Mathew. Shackleton, . one evening last : week. . Mrs. Leroi . Stingel, Carleton, . Sylvia and : Angus spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell and` little son': Douglas John Of. Bradford: ' Sylvia remained . to visit a Swek with her,. sister be- fore taking. a ` position •for . rthe,. summer last a . cottage. at Lake Siencoe. Miss _ Rutty. Blaick_left on Fri: - day to riday'to' work for the summer at;•a Ramp at •.Beamsville, •iin the Nia- gara district. On" Friday,.:. Mr, Allan Reed, .with his ' bus, conveyed . a load 'of schoolipupiis headed iby theSi tea-. chers Mrs. Wm. Stewart and.: Mrs. to Niagara 'Falls and- historic..places of interest. Allan also had, a .booking for the same trip with' two 'schools in West oth O iuescie a -grip -t - Toronto was : on • schedule with. Benmiller school pupils. The children fmdit a grand 'way to celebrate the , •-enci' of -the ;salwol year. AL•TON,: ANDERSON A. 'quiet but pretty . Marriage took place on Saturday, June 7th at 1.30..p.m. at Dungannon United church Parsonage,, solemnized by Rev. Gee. Watt. The ;bride, Mad- eline Laura,' the 'elder • daughter of 1Vrr. Gordon Anderson, Nile and the late Mrs. Anderson, , looked very •attractive Wearing a street length dress of -powder„ bide ny- lon, . cap sleeves and VV -neckline and , carried . a bouquet of red roses i and stephaxiotis. ' She •Was" attended ;byher sister,, Margaret,' wearing a white and red figured dress of , rayon and ;carried 'pink carnations: •T1e groorn • is' the younger• son of Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Alton of Ashfield. *Mr. Don. Hoak; ett acted as groomsman. .Ater ithe ceremony the bridal party returned ' to the horPie of the bride's parents at Nile, where •inunediate relatives were served a dainty luncheon" by Misses Donahne 'Caesar. and Joan Tay- lor. For their, wedding trip to Muskoka t o bride -Wore "a. dress •turqubise taffeta .with •b1ack velvet trim, navy hat and snatch- ing accessories. On their return they will make ttheir home on the gr'oom's darm in the' Belfast district; Prior to ' their marriage the . bride was feted with a mis- cellaneous shower by 35 ,friends at the hoane' of Miss Doanne' Caesar. . .t i • • BRITISH MARKET IS IN. RANDS . OF CANADIANS Speaking: plainly to a farm aud: Once at, Blytlh. on' Wednesday., af- ternoon, Sir Andrew Jones, head,' oaf, the B}7�1 1sh. Food *fission to; Canada, tY ld them , .that 'there. is little .hope for increasing • Can- adian food an-adian'foodexports to Britain, un.. til Canada inlcreases her buying., froth • Britain. Sir Andrew spoke at the 10th annual :field, dray of,.:the: Huron -Federation of Agriculture, attend- ed Eby:an estimated 2,000 people in the agricultural park at Blyth., A program Of .track and '• field' events, softball games, ..quare dancing and: fiddling competitions was held in the afternoon, : and: a' 'dance was held in . the . even- ing at BlythComanunity .Hall: England needs Canadian food stuffs badly but 'cannot: afford :to pay #or_ the i he_said. "We can buy from :you• in Can, oda'',- .:Sir • . •Andrew_. continued,.. "only to the extent that you make,' dollars available, to us, by buying • from us. The solution 'to the prob- lean is in' your hands --it is not. in aura : We are most. anxious to get -back in .to the full 'flood Of • mutual trade with Canada, , -but we•'can not- do- it .unless You,' will first •buy ; our goods, and , make '';thedollars, :available to' us to buy, from- you''. pritite.minister, Winston' Churchill, has declared that at • whatever. sazt in "short rations, • we' are • going. . to become solvent. We-arenotasking ,anyone:to keep.. _._. the British lion as 'a pen' � "Inside Story" Of. Jackson Prison Riot ' Read the amazing, inside story aiboupt how" a prisoner, to satisfy his craving for abtention, . instigat ed .the prison, rebellion . at Jack- son; Mich: Read "The Boss , of Tock 15"; • Iby Parole Authority ,David Dressler, in this Sunday"s" (June 22) issue of •' The New Color Gravure .Arlrierican Week •fry, exclusively with The Detroit 'Sunday Times. . SUNDAY .REVERIES" God must ha d. loved us • when, he•gave To us,. a day of rest, ' A day .in which to' reverence Hire: • In. His house as His guest,' God must •Have. -loved us whoa fie gave To' us, the gentle -rain, . The glorious miracle of ,spring• And, seed -time once again. . :01:11.1.114:171.1thigalvs:ohga.itirt,,loved tzs when` •'•'of sight, ' The flowers • glistening wet with dew, I. .. The milkyway by night. •.. God nasi have loved us Wh • He ,gave " 1 � � ;:io3r68:eri ' antveere7'hegreatetoHisninny. ift 1 'A • little: child at prayer. , . --Wm. M. Bucking 1